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December 2008 Babies
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2009, 9:40 am
bh moshe'le is 13 says old and doing great. no winter bug or anything like that. he super alert and loves listening to music. sometimes he just doesnt want to burp though. it takes a good 5 min of pounding to get it out of him. if he doesnt burp he gets super fussy. he already has a bit of a sleep pattern which is nice. dh and I divide the night into 3 shifts. and it works out nicely.

**funny story- the mohel came to see him now that the bandage fell off and mosh was not too happy about it so he squirted the mohel all over his suit! dh thinks he should join the Israeli army cause he has such good aim!!
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Post Fri, Jan 02 2009, 12:45 pm
Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven't been posting here yet...
Zev got a cold and then gave it to me :-(

Other than that, we're doing well, B"H.

I took a picture this morning that I am going to post here (3.5 weeks old)


Last edited by Boys"R"Us on Thu, Mar 05 2009, 7:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Mon, Jan 05 2009, 10:01 am
Great picture. He's holding his head so nicely!
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 10:46 am
My double stroller came today!! I can't wait to get out!! YAY!!! I've been going totally nuts staying indoors!!
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Post Thu, Jan 08 2009, 6:54 pm
wow seems like we are all pretty busy. hows everyones munchkins? we are dealing with lots of gas.... frustrating sometimes. boruch hashem DH really is helpful at night with taking his turn and with keeping the house tidy or I would go so totally nuts. does anyone just feel completely exhausted even after spending the day not doing anything??
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Post Sat, Jan 10 2009, 8:12 pm
well, AG is growing nicely - he has gained almost a full 2 lbs since birth (closer to 2.5 if you include what they lose in the beg.) grew about 1.5" and is doing well -

he is still a big spitter and the doctor said that if he still seems in pain before spitting/burping and lots still comes out in about a month, then she may have him tested for GERD - but since he is gaining wt nicely, she is hopeful that his body will kick in soon and we can avoid that route -

Bli Ayin Hara - no apparent allergies yet (my others already had allergies) - I am going to lay off the dairy, but I don't suspect an allergy, it just makes him more irritable and gassy -
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Post Sun, Jan 11 2009, 6:54 pm
Little Chana isn't so little, width-wise that is. She has gained 3+ lbs,BH, yet somehow managed to grow only 1/4 inch in 4 weeks. I've never heard of a baby not growing in length...I pointed it out to the pediatrician that she is only in the 10th percentile in length but she said not to worry. But then again, I don't think she realized my babe has not grown at all in length since her birth. I'm starting to have to roll up all her sleeves and pant legs.
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Post Sun, Jan 11 2009, 7:09 pm
About an hour ago my husband gave Yosef his first bottle--I'm going back to school/work in about 3 weeks.
It went really well--he drank 2 ounces in about 3 minutes, burped 3 times, and then nursed for a few minutes.
I'm taking him back to the doctor next week--but I'm sure he's gained quite a bit of weight--none of his newborn clothes fit him and he already has a triple chin--it's quite cute!!
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Post Sun, Jan 11 2009, 7:39 pm
Zev will be going for his 1 month checkup, on Tuesday. As far as I can tell (by holding him while I stand on my scale), he is almost 10lb! He was 6'14 at birth, and went down to 6'4, so he is doing really well :-)

He is starting to sleep for two 2-hour stretches in the co-sleeper next to my bed. The rest of the night he is in my bed with me.

I wish we could go out for more walks, but most of the time it is either too cold, or too snowy. We've been out for only 3 walks since he was born.

I am back to doing carpool now and most of my usual errands. Haven't done groceries yet - dh still doing that for me! Went back to my weekly choir practice this week - Zev behaved quite well Very Happy

How's everyone else managing with things?

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Post Sun, Jan 11 2009, 7:52 pm
Nights here are b"ah great. Yosef's been sleeping in a bassinet in our bedroom--I'm still not used to it (my first was in his own room in a full-size crib right away!) He's doing 4 hour stretches at night and whenever he gets up he eats and falls asleep within 10 minutes. We're hoping he keeps it up--and would certainly not mind if he copied his big brother and started sleeping 9-hour nights at 7 weeks old without any type of training.
As far as errands--I'm still taking advantage of my family calling every day to see what I need. I always have all my groceries delivered. I'm trying to get out every day for my own sanity--today I didn't have much to do--I went across the street to Rite Aid for 10 minutes...
Tomorrow, I'm taking my 18-month-old for a checkup. I realized though that I could do only ONE thing a day. So that's going to be my day tomorrow!
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rainbow baby


Post Sun, Feb 01 2009, 12:10 pm
Just received this e mail from Boys R Us:

Maybe you could let e/o know that Zev is sick in hospital :-(
He has pneumonia and/or another virus. They are culturing tests for
RSV and some other things. We came to the hospital on Friday and will
be here till at least monday. Zev is not nursing so well because he is
all congested and also the effort tires him out. I have been
nursing,pumping and them giving him the expressed milk. It.s so hard
to see him so sick. Getting the iv in was horrible too.
no internet here ,just email on my cell phone.

Please could we say Tehillim for little Zev.
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Post Mon, Feb 02 2009, 1:16 am
shabri wrote:

Can I join the club even if she was born in Nov? I was in the Dec due date club, she just wanted out early.


Refuah Sh'leima Zev, poor thing. Its so pitiful to see these tiny helpless infants when they are sick. yea, the iv line in those tiny tiny veins is horrible! My ds was hospitalized at 12 days - he stopped breathing, was so scary! Bh he is doing ok now, he has severe gerd (reflux) which caused the attack.

I hope he feels better real quick - whats the full name so that we can have him in mind in our tefillos?
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Post Tue, Feb 03 2009, 9:16 pm
hi everyone didnt relize there is a infant section b'h had my little tzaddik on shabbos 12/13(see there are mostly boys!)everything went really well and baby is yummy and adorable no complaints!miss being pregnant ready for the next!
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Post Wed, Feb 04 2009, 8:29 am
I didn't realize there was a baby group either.
My baby is doing great b"h as well. He is almost 9 weeks already! Can't believe it. Getting out is still hard since I have a 21 month old still home.
Zevi has colic hours. b"h its starting to dwindle, but those two hours are a killer. I kicked him out of my room at 6 weeks so his bed time is getting onto a semi routine. I can't handle the craziness and I miss my nights. b"h I am able to keep my house under more control now.
Can anyone tell me how to insert an image?
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rainbow baby


Post Fri, Feb 27 2009, 2:24 am
Hi how's it going everyone? How's those babies doing? Yehuda nickname is pudding!!!! Don't know how he got it guess he's chubby. Well he's 11 weeks old KA"H. He laughs, talks, tries to sit up when he is on his back he pulls his head up and legs up. He just does not want to be a baby he wants to be doing with his brothers, LOL. He turned over two weeks twice from stomach to back but has not done it since. He eats and poos non stop. Today I took out his 3 to 6 months clothes he is growing up so quick. He weighs 12lbs 7oz now. He's sleeping B"H better, whick is a relief. What else not sure he is just really cute and adorable love him to bits.

I'am doing great he seems to have just slipped into the family. I've found that I've become major organised when he sleeps I make supper, tidy the house, laundry, etc.... So usually by 11am everything is done in the house. Is everyone else managing to loss those extra lbs or in my case stones. I'am huge I so desperately need to loss weight but it's just not happening. Any tips.

Well Good Shabbos and enjoy those little babies!!!!
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rainbow baby


Post Wed, Jul 15 2009, 3:00 pm
Hi everyone now that our babies are 7 months YES 7 months old how are they all doing? Have any of your babies got teeth? Are any of the babies crawling? Do your babies eat solid foods? Clap hands? Sleeping through the night? Write and let us now how they are doing!!!!

I'll start, Yehuda is trying to crawl he is at that stage were he goes on all fours and rocks backwards and forwards. He can push himself backwards though. He loves his babywalker and zooms around the room chasing after me. He hates it when I leave the room. He feeds from me 6 to 7 times a day plus has 3 huge meals a day. He's just gone into his own room the verdict is out if this will help him sleep through the night, he has been a nightmare lately. Waking up at 2:30 and refusing to go back to sleep untill 2 hours later. What else of yes if you say bang bang he bangs his hand, he loves pulling hair. He loves his brothers and everyone he meets.

Basically K"AH he is a huge bundle of joy and laughter love him to bits!!!!! Ok everyone elses turn now!!!!
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Post Sun, Jul 19 2009, 11:46 am
glad to see we are still keeping up!
my little sunny boy is just k'nh adorable we cant get enough of him, he is b'h a great baby so he basically likes to sit in the carriage all day [were in the country] I try to get him to be on his stomache but he doesnt really like it, but he can sit alone already! and is starting to make bye bye its just adorable! and every nigth is another story! when we get home a'h he will be going into his own room! oh and he loves food!
how about your baby??!!
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Post Sun, Jul 26 2009, 6:27 pm
What fun! Aron Gavriel is sitting up to play and rolling everywhere. He likes to spin around. He loves his brother and sister and bli ayin hara, they are fabulous with him. Nights are still uncertain - some are great, others, well let's just say, not. Unfortunately, he has GERD which has been causing him (and us) some distress, we are still trying to find a medecine and dosage which will give him all day and night relief. He nurses 2-3x/day, takes a bottle (formula) and eats solids, although aside from applesauce and oatmeal, he isn't too sure of anything else!
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Post Sun, Jul 26 2009, 8:41 pm
Zev is a very happy baby! He loves his big brothers and is soooo happy when any of them come home :-)
He can wave goodbye, roll over both ways, but still not sitting.
He still nurses about 8 times a day/night. He doesn't sleep much by himself, but will happily sleep with me!
In the evening, he gets a bit of cereal, vegetables and fruit. Doesn't really seem to like it so much, so we have not moved on from there yet.

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Post Sun, Jul 26 2009, 9:47 pm
My babe is not sitting yet.. but he's crawling and standing up.. He's so tiny and I get really nervous that he'll hurt his little head.. (why sit, when you can crawl?)
He's eating some oatmeal and some jars... he's not loving it.. We tried a drop of potato kugel.. he loved it. Smile so I guess he likes REAL food . Smile
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