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Chestnut Ridge-I'm Chassidish
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Post Sat, Jan 09 2016, 11:37 pm
amother wrote:
I never knew chassidishe people looking to buy affordable housing are impeding litvish growth.

Ahavas yisroel at its best.


Right. I just hate chassidish people, obviously. (I really dont appreciate that comment about ahavas yisroel, for the record. Not very ahava-dik. Wink )

Why make it personal and about ahavas yisroel? It was really more of a general comment about the way monsey has changed in the past decade or two and the challenges that even the established litvish communities are facing. Most of us are comfortable living amongst like minded people, right? Its not a vendetta against chassidish people. Not at all. Would u be happy living in a litvish community? Well...why not? Hmmm... Ahavas yisroel at its best. Wink

I'm not going to argue with you about it any further. But I will mention that I don't appreciate how u turned it personal, when it was really a rather innocuous observation about the very real challenges facing the litvish communities in the area (whether or not u care to acknowledge them), and I have nothing against chassidism, nor do I live in monsey.
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Post Sat, Jan 09 2016, 11:50 pm
Lots of litvish in Chestnut Ridge - some parts are a real mixture of Chassidish and Litvish very healthy for both - Bates Glenhill doing great. Chassidish are buying up the hill Concord even Grandview - very many litvish young ones go to lakewood and Israel
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Post Sun, Jan 10 2016, 1:06 am
I know quite a few chassidish ppl that just bought houses in chestnut ridge
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Post Sun, Jan 10 2016, 1:32 pm
amother wrote:
You might want to check out the Hillcrest area. it's between hempstead and the 45 past eckerson. Someone chassidish I know is seriously looking into buying in that area because of its close proximity to Monsey and beautiful big houses. There is already a more modern community there so her dh plans to daven there sometimes when he isn't up to the longer walk to the closest chassidish shul. I can find out more info if you're interested.

Misty rose amother can you get me the details?
And honeydew amother how bout we get in touch? Can u pm me?
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Post Sun, Jan 10 2016, 1:34 pm
amother wrote:
Misty rose amother can you get me the details?
And honeydew amother how bout we get in touch? Can u pm me?

She cant pm u if you're both amother
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Post Sun, Jan 10 2016, 1:58 pm
Pm me now
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Post Sun, Jan 10 2016, 2:45 pm
amother wrote:
Misty rose amother can you get me the details?
And honeydew amother how bout we get in touch? Can u pm me?

What kind of details are you looking for? Ask me questions and I'll try to find out for you.
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Post Sun, Jan 10 2016, 3:06 pm
Will you drive. Will the people you hope will follow you drive? That is a big thing to consider as Chestnut Ridge is far from shopping.

I'm Satmar too, and started driving once I moved to Monsey. I am also looking in Chestnut Ridge now.
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Post Sun, Jan 10 2016, 3:16 pm
No, I'm not planning to drive. I'm not even sure myself what I'm looking for anymore.
Im scared about the neighbors. Its my biggest concern. Will my kids have who to play with, and will their hashkafic values match those of ours?

And then there's the house. Am I actually looking to seclude myself on a private single family place?

I need something that's within my budget. Can't go more than 4k if I wont have a tenant.

I know I sound like a confused mess but thats what I am...
I need to move but I dont know where the right place would be for me.
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Post Sun, Jan 10 2016, 4:39 pm
sandwitched wrote:
No, I'm not planning to drive. I'm not even sure myself what I'm looking for anymore.
Im scared about the neighbors. Its my biggest concern. Will my kids have who to play with, and will their hashkafic values match those of ours?

And then there's the house. Am I actually looking to seclude myself on a private single family place?

I need something that's within my budget. Can't go more than 4k if I wont have a tenant.

I know I sound like a confused mess but thats what I am...
I need to move but I dont know where the right place would be for me.

If you don't drive, you will need to budget a lot for taxis.

You need to know yourself if you like the lifestyle of privacy versus many neighbors. There are neighborhoods where you can buy a condo without or with a tenant (or two). Ma'alos: Plenty neighbors, cheap taxes. Chisronos: Lack of privacy, noise from upstairs or downstairs neighbors.

For 430k, you can get a condo in Elm. On Oak Glen they cost more but you get a tenant.
You can get a private house for high 300k-low 400k either deep deep into Chestnut like near the NJ border or in Hillcrest.
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Post Sun, Jan 10 2016, 4:49 pm
amother wrote:
If you don't drive, you will need to budget a lot for taxis.

You need to know yourself if you like the lifestyle of privacy versus many neighbors. There are neighborhoods where you can buy a condo without or with a tenant (or two). Ma'alos: Plenty neighbors, cheap taxes. Chisronos: Lack of privacy, noise from upstairs or downstairs neighbors.

For 430k, you can get a condo in Elm. On Oak Glen they cost more but you get a tenant.
You can get a private house for high 300k-low 400k either deep deep into Chestnut like near the NJ border or in Hillcrest.

Where can I find out more?
You kniw if its listed anywhere or a contact number?
Thanks alot
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 10:30 am
sandwitched wrote:
Where can I find out more?
You kniw if its listed anywhere or a contact number?
Thanks alot

Find out more about what? You could check zillow.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 10:47 am
Good luck in your house search. Lots of chasidishe families live in chestnut ridge, and many non driving. I am chassidish(non driving) and live in chestnut ridge for a couple of years. If you are looking at the chassidish community here, there is at least one new family moving to this area each month. Lots of fine frum heimishe families that send to heimishe mosdos, mostly satmar, but you can find all types. Each street is different, depending how many houses were sold already. The ackertown, lancaster, pinebrook area is booming, and its a bit cheaper than streets closer to rt 59.
You will need to rely on Taxis anywhere you live in Monsey, unless you live right off main st, so you will definitely have to put that into your budget regardless.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 11:30 am
Misty Rose amother, were actually looking to buy a condo on elm street, I thought its all sold out. Do you have a phone number where I can find out more info?
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 12:16 pm
amother wrote:
Misty Rose amother, were actually looking to buy a condo on elm street, I thought its all sold out. Do you have a phone number where I can find out more info?

No. You'll need a real estate broker.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 1:29 pm
I live on Elm St. You might want to call Mr. Michael Tauber on 646 208 0066, to ask whether any apartments are for sale. He's the developer, and will likely know...
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Mama Bear


Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 2:48 pm
A (chasidish-as-you-can-get) close relative of mine just bought a gorgeous house on Amber Ridge Road. Dont know anything about the area.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 2:56 pm
amber ridge is in chestnut ridge, off chestnut ridge road. beautiful neighborhood.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 3:40 pm
Dear OP, I want you to read this and not get insulted...I actually live in Chestnut Ridge. I moved out of Monsey recently. I was living in the very chassidish part of Monsey. I am what litvish people call chassidish and chassidish people call me litvish...I have kids in both types of schools. I am very ehrlich and frum. But when I lived in the ultra chassidish area , I always felt like the women stared me up and down like I had my nose on the back of my head or something.
I moved to a quiet dead end street. So far we are the only Jewish people and I LOVE it. I am open to having a jewish neighbor but I'm afraid of people with your attitude. You seem to have this attitude that unless your neighbors are "chassidish" or Satmar you would not be happy. That is very sad. I always found Monsey to be so divided and now I understand why...what would be so terrible if a nice frum yeshivish person lived on your block? Do you really think that because she wears a snood and you wear a turban that she is any less frum? You want to move to Chestnut Ridge where the people who live there are people that DAVKA want a MIX and dont want separate chassidish and yeshivish neighborhoods...we want to all appreciate each others minhagim and hashkafos and learn to love each other because we are all YIDDEN! I want to be more open too...and not get hysterical when I see a very chassidish person looking around my neighborhood for houses...but the only way I can welcome you is if you wouldnt look down at me so much and make me feel like I'm not frum. It is hurtful to other frum people when you have this attitude. I hope I didnt hurt your feelings. And if you do end up being my neighbor...you will see that we can get along no matter our affiliation. Thanks for your understanding
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:10 pm
Chas V'shalom, and I'm sorry if I sounded standoffish. I really didn't mean it that way. Allow me to explain: it's not that I have an issue with you or any other affiliation. Just the opposite I would like to have a mixed crowd. But, just like you felt out of place in that chassidish part of Monsey, so would I feel uncomfortable being the only Chassidish family amongst Litvish/Yeshivish families. And don't forget, there are lots of other types of communities, and frankly, I would not want my kids to associate/mix with some of them.

I fully respect everyone, and everyone's hashkafos, but I do not necessarily want to expose my young kids to them. they are young and impressionable, and would not always understand why they do things differently, when the neighbors is just as much a Yid.

Now if I move and you are my neighbor, and suppose I do not like your hashkafos (theoretically of course, I don't mean you per se), would you rather I warn my child not to play with yours? Or I won't put myself in the situation in the first place, and move to a place that's chassidish. Of course we cannot be careful enough who our kids play with, but I know I did my hishtadlus, placed my kids in an environment that suits my hashkafos.

Aderabah, correct me if I'm wrong, I might change my view. As you can see I'm having a hard enough time finding a house, maybe this'll help Wink
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