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Weight loss 10 week challenge
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Post Sun, Oct 14 2018, 11:04 pm
I would like to lose 30 pounds. This forum is really giving me a push! Today I had 10 small crackers with cream cheese for breakfast, lunch was a big tuna salad and supper was 3 little shnitzels, string beans and a big salad. I drank 2 small bottles of water
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Chana Miriam S


Post Sun, Oct 14 2018, 11:43 pm
amother wrote:
I’m the op of the keto thread.
What did you find depressing?
I know the meal may have sounded boring for some, but I really enjoy the food I picked.

The plan was a quick easy go to food plan that I don’t need to measure and calculate since I know what the macros are.

Also, I’ve been in ketosis for 2 months already, so I’m not that hungry, since I’m keto adapted.

Think back to before you were adapted. It is scary. People don't want to give up their carbs. They want to eat what they want, lose weight and still enjoy whatever is making it difficult. I know, I did that for 44 years. I tried everything. It's only because of specific circumstances that I started a low carb food plan. I didn't even know what ketosis was or what it did for you. I was too busy trying to not go blind and running the restaurant in NF at the time.

That said, all the things that happen in ketosis, happened to me, even though I had no idea that these were effects of ketosis. My appetite changed, my hunger levels dropped and my blood sugar lowered. Also, my tastes changed.

But the thing is that I didn't start because of dieting, I started because I had retinopathy. I felt that I had no choice but to stay on plan so I tried valiantly to do so. With my history of failure, I thought I was doomed. Even the threat of dropping dead had never worked for me. It only took me a couple of days to get into ketosis. The first time I noticed the effect was Shabbat lunch, 48 hours after my diagnosis. I literally ate a half a plate of food and could not eat another bite. I was satiated for the first time in forty odd years.

I didn't know what to call it, or even that it had a name, but I did realize that it seemed to be related to how I was eating. I did six months without particularly learning about ketosis and it's effects. Finally after things had calmed down after the chagim and the final niagara closing, I started researching. By that point I was fifty pounds down and really hadn't thought much about the whole thing. It got harder to lose weight as I got smaller but what I didn't realize would happen is that I just felt so incredibly GOOD! In the past, I'd always thought that everything would be perfect just as soon as I got to my goal weight. This time, the effects of a diet in ketosis make it worth being on even if I never lost another pound, which I doubt will be the case.


Serious loss of cravings. You know how they say never go shopping hungry? Well if you go shopping in ketosis, you don't want to buy anything, so take a list.

Body aches and pains of all kinds have either improved or disappeared.
85 pound loss. from 315 to 235. Still lots to go but feel awesome.

Even when I don't lose weight, my body gets smaller. I can't explain it but its true.

I don't need keto tests to tell when I am heavy in ketosis. I can taste it in my mouth. Its very reassuring.

insulin resistance lowering
Blood sugar normal again and more importantly, stable. important because retinopathy.

HEAPS of energy. Like when I do an event and go from 7 am to 4 am the next day and while I am tired and my feet hurt, my body is raring to go. My husband asked me a few weeks ago if I felt superhuman. The answer is yes,in so many ways!

No brain fog.

Heck, I don't even get gas any more unless going to the bathroom is imminent

little to no acid reflux. off regular nexium 40 mg. I take it on occasion as needed.

Off other drugs too. Just dont need 'em anymore
Blood pressure pristine.
triglycerides perfect

Anxiety lower, like way lower
I like the way I look. And yet I am still 100+overweight.
I'm not scared anymore of being fat forever. if I keep doing this, it will come off. It may take time, but it will.

one think I am sure of is if I cheat, I will flip out and revert to what I was doing before. So, NO to that.
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 12:12 am
Let's keep this thread on topic please.

I had:
breakfast: plain yogurt, banana, 2 ww crackers

lunch: vegetable salad, 1 hard boiled egg, some tuna

snack: cookies and milk (healthy-ish homemade cookies, but still not the best choice)

dinner: 1 bowl of vegetarian chili and rice, some shabbos leftovers (chicken soup, green beans)

water: 2 liters

and the biggie for me-----went to sleep at 11!!! I always nosh late at night and it's so important for me to go to sleep on time.
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 5:09 am
My first day was not the best - I only decided to join mid morning and didn't have the right food with me at work.

For breakfats I ate two small frozen pizzas, a rogale and coffee
For lunch I had a roll with cheese, cucumbers and tomatoes
For supper I had chicken soup w/vegies and some potatoes
During the day I also had two apples, a bell pepper, a cucumber a slice of apple cake, another coffee and 2 liters of water.
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 6:25 am
cinnamon wrote:
My first day was not the best - I only decided to join mid morning and didn't have the right food with me at work.

For breakfats I ate two small frozen pizzas, a rogale and coffee
For lunch I had a roll with cheese, cucumbers and tomatoes
For supper I had chicken soup w/vegies and some potatoes
During the day I also had two apples, a bell pepper, a cucumber a slice of apple cake, another coffee and 2 liters of water.

That's amazing how u stayed on track ( tracking your food and sticking to meals) with not being stocked up. Well done for drinking 2 litres.

I have ADD and planning meals is torture for me☺ right now I'm busy doing thousand of things, but I went into kitchen now to cook supper and make Salad for dinner, that's a big victory for me. I'd love to hear any one else's victories and struggles. We're in it together and will stay strong holding hands !!! We will be slim happy healthy woman very soon Very Happy . 10 weeks to go....lets go...
Bounce Wave
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 7:28 am
amother wrote:
That's amazing how u stayed on track ( tracking your food and sticking to meals) with not being stocked up. Well done for drinking 2 litres.

I have ADD and planning meals is torture for me☺ right now I'm busy doing thousand of things, but I went into kitchen now to cook supper and make Salad for dinner, that's a big victory for me. I'd love to hear any one else's victories and struggles. We're in it together and will stay strong holding hands !!! We will be slim happy healthy woman very soon Very Happy . 10 weeks to go....lets go...
Bounce Wave

Taking time to prep meals for me is one of my hardest struggles.
Good for you for making the effort!
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Chana Miriam S


Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 7:56 am
sirel wrote:
Let's keep this thread on topic please.

I had:
breakfast: plain yogurt, banana, 2 ww crackers

lunch: vegetable salad, 1 hard boiled egg, some tuna

snack: cookies and milk (healthy-ish homemade cookies, but still not the best choice)

dinner: 1 bowl of vegetarian chili and rice, some shabbos leftovers (chicken soup, green beans)

water: 2 liters

and the biggie for me-----went to sleep at 11!!! I always nosh late at night and it's so important for me to go to sleep on time.

I’m sorry. Are you referring to one experienced dieter answering another dieter’s question? Sharing what worked for them? Really? I’ve lost 85 pounds and kept it off for a year. You sure you don’t want me sharing my experiences? I don’t suffer, I’m not hungry and I feel amazing. Every single day. But sure, you don’t want to hear it? Go suffer then. That’s what I did until I completely accidentally figured this out.
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 11:51 am
Curious, how much sleep does everyone get? I keep reading how important getting good sleep is to losing weight. I think at this point it's a bigger impediment to my weight loss than my diet. I wish I could figure out how to sleep better/ longer.

Anyhow... so far so good today. Had black coffee, my protein bread with umeboshi, avocado and sprouts. Ate breakfast late so might just skip lunch today and have a bigger, earlier dinner.
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 12:07 pm
andrea levy wrote:
I’m sorry. Are you referring to one experienced dieter answering another dieter’s question? Sharing what worked for them? Really? I’ve lost 85 pounds and kept it off for a year. You sure you don’t want me sharing my experiences? I don’t suffer, I’m not hungry and I feel amazing. Every single day. But sure, you don’t want to hear it? Go suffer then. That’s what I did until I completely accidentally figured this out.

I'm sorry if I offended you. I read your threads about your weight loss journey and I found it fascinating.
We have currently 2 threads talking about keto and low carb diets.
This thread is specifically about the 10 week weight loss challenge- menus, tips, tricks, and challenges.
, and I'd like to keep it on topic.
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 12:09 pm
Chocolate here.

Yest, I was good during day but botched up at night event.

Pre-breakfast 1 oatmeal/ Choco chip cookie ( cheat) with sm coffee w splenda.

1 slice ww bread. 2 scrambled eggs with cheese. Red radishes.

Snack 1/2 red apple.

Mini franks mixed with stirfry veggies.

Supper ate what was served by event. Some dishes I didnt eat entirely.
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 12:12 pm
Chocolate posting again.

Late at night after event I goofed on kokosh
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 12:36 pm
I stayed on plan today again. The whole 30
I ate eggs and broccoli and an orange
I had a big salad for lunch
an apple
and I have chicken and mushrooms for dinner
I also did a power yoga this AM
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 3:36 pm
Hi! OP here!
Day 2
Breakfast: Branflakes with milk
Dinner: big tuna salad
Supper: veg soup
Grilled chicken, cucumber salad
Lots of water

Where are all the 30 people that were in?
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 5:25 pm
cinnamon wrote:
My first day was not the best - I only decided to join mid morning and didn't have the right food with me at work.

For breakfats I ate two small frozen pizzas, a rogale and coffee
For lunch I had a roll with cheese, cucumbers and tomatoes
For supper I had chicken soup w/vegies and some potatoes
During the day I also had two apples, a bell pepper, a cucumber a slice of apple cake, another coffee and 2 liters of water.

It’s so important to go shopping all the time and have good foods at hand. Also you must drink lots of water, everyone!
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 5:26 pm
amother wrote:
Chocolate posting again.

Late at night after event I goofed on kokosh

Try very low carbs, and it will kill your cravings for sweets!
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 5:36 pm
To the poster that said give it 2 days and the midnight urge to binge will disappear...I'm hoping you're right! Yesterday late at night I had a 60-calorie snack (potato flutes) and a cup of water instead of raiding the closet!!

Yay me, today I drank 1/2 water bottle already!! *sigh*

Breakfast: Large coffee with splenda and 3/4 cup fiber one (plain)
Snack: Fresh snap peas
Lunch: Turkey salad with tiny amt of dressing
Snack: 1/2 green apple and handful of salted almonds
Early Supper: 2 cups chicken salad w/ honey mustard dressing
Later tonight: Chicken leg w/ a pineapple ring and raw lettuce

If I stay out of the kitchen cabinets tonight I'll consider today a success. I'm thinking of doing 10 mins of exercise later tonight but just the thought of it is wearing me out.
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 5:41 pm
groisamomma wrote:
To the poster that said give it 2 days and the midnight urge to binge will disappear...I'm hoping you're right! Yesterday late at night I had a 60-calorie snack (potato flutes) and a cup of water instead of raiding the closet!!

Yay me, today I drank 1/2 water bottle already!! *sigh*

Breakfast: Large coffee with splenda and 3/4 cup fiber one (plain)
Snack: Fresh snap peas
Lunch: Turkey salad with tiny amt of dressing
Snack: 1/2 green apple and handful of salted almonds
Early Supper: 2 cups chicken salad w/ honey mustard dressing
Later tonight: Chicken leg w/ a pineapple ring and raw lettuce

If I stay out of the kitchen cabinets tonight I'll consider today a success. I'm thinking of doing 10 mins of exercise later tonight but just the thought of it is wearing me out.

Late night raiding Is the hardest. I literally jumped into the baths to keep myself away from food. It's day 2. I feel great that I survived 2 days, it's big for Me!!!!!
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 6:27 pm
Pretty good day again.
Breakfast: coffee with skim milk, no sugar, apple
Lunch: eggs and cheese, whole wheat matza
Supper: tuna, whole wheat pita, cut up vegies, and two huge bowls 0 pt vegetable soup. Very filling and yum.
Snack: grapes, slim yogurt, celery with 2 TBS chummus.
Drank so far 7 c water. Keep on trying.
On weight watchers.
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 8:29 pm
I did skip lunch and had a nice dinner of mushroom/jerusalem artichoke soup with a bit more of my protein bread with olive oil.
My workout was a bit on the short side today though. Tomorrow will be better on that front.
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Post Mon, Oct 15 2018, 8:30 pm
I like t o drink a huge tea (with a teaspoon of honey - 20 calories) to keep me feeling full at night and not not noshing around. And then I actually get into bed to escape food.
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