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Makeup for 15 year old
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 7:25 am
amother wrote:
In which community is it acceptable for 9th grade Bais Yakov girls to wear makeup??

Do you live in Tosh ??

In Lakewood I see almost all the girls over 14 wear something, especially those with very pale complexions

They would look too ghostly if they went totally natural
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 7:33 am
No, I don't live in Tosh. Is it so accepted and common that I have to live in Tosh because I asked in which community its accetable?? I live in Monsey Bais Yaakov area and the 9th graders absolutely dont wear makeup. Even in Boro Park you typically dont see 9th graders wearing makeup.
I don't think it's so common in Lakewood either for typical Bais Yakov 9th graders to wear makeup.
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 7:52 am
naturalmom5 wrote:
Do you live in Tosh ??

In Lakewood I see almost all the girls over 14 wear something, especially those with very pale complexions

They would look too ghostly if they went totally natural

I disagree. Most girls that young really do not need foundation on their beautiful skin. They are doing their young skin no favors covering it up. I am sad that their natural beauty is already criticised as “too ghostly” at this age.
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 8:18 am
Ok, gang. For the record - I live in Manhattan (not exactly Tosh) and my Dds went to MHS, a school that, to the good and the bad, is pretty sophisticated. It is pretty much universally accepted in my neighborhood that the girls start wearing some makeup in 11th or the summer after. Would a 10th grader wear a bit of subtle makeup to a wedding? Sure. A 9th grader might if it's her sister''s wedding. And a girl with bad acne would start wearing concealer when needed. But by and large makeup isn't worn until.at least 11th grade.

Young girls have a lovely glow. Why cover it up? I wish I had my younger dd''s skin. Why rush?
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 8:20 am
amother wrote:
I disagree. Most girls that young really do not need foundation on their beautiful skin. They are doing their young skin no favors covering it up. I am sad that their natural beauty is already criticised as “too ghostly” at this age.

Yes!!! This!!!!
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 9:28 am
I don't live in Tosh, wherever that is, but no, I don't see 15 year old in make up
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 11:58 am
amother wrote:
And I find that most frum makeup artists use WAY more, and heavier makeup than others. I still cringe at what was done to my beautiful teenaged nieces for their sister''s wedding.

Makeup for weddings - pictures, needs to last all day - is different from day to day. Ideally, there shouldn't be such a big gap, of course.

Edited to fix snipping mistake.

Last edited by PinkFridge on Wed, Jan 23 2019, 12:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 12:35 pm
Is there something magic about BY girls, that they never have acne?

I would get a concealer, and some loose setting powder in a matte finish. The great thing about loose powder makeup, is that you can do a touch up on Shabbos.

Bare Minerals is very good, but my personal favorite is Pink Quartz on Etsy. 100% vegan and cruelty free, my friend Doree makes each batch in a certified facility. She's very generous with samples, and if you send her a picture she can help you come up with a natural palette. I especially love her custom made lip glosses.
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 12:37 pm
Frantic frummie, makeup generally makes acne worse at that age. But besides the point, there's a big difference between covering acne and wearing mascara, eye shadow, blush, lipstick....
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 12:39 pm
BY girls have acné
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 12:39 pm
amother wrote:
Frantic frummie, makeup generally makes acne worse at that age. But besides the point, there's a big difference between covering acne and wearing mascara, eye shadow, blush, lipstick....

I agree that covering acne long term often makes it worse. Skin needs to breathe. And these young girls don’t need to be taught at an early age that they are not pretty enough as they are.
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 12:58 pm
To answer your question OP, my teens love Ulta. You can start out with some basics. Depending on her complexion, you can get her cover-up, mascara, blush, and lip gloss. Maybe some fun shadow.

In Ulta, they often have color palettes that include a few of the above in the clearance section. My high school senior has become pretty proficient at playing around with these subtly, and at their recent yearbook picture session, everyone was asking her who did her makeup (she did it herself!) So experimenting a bit might save you $$$ in the long run....
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 1:09 pm
[quote="amother"]I agree that covering acne long term often makes it worse. Skin needs to breathe. And these young girls don’t need to be taught at an early age that they are not pretty enough as they are.[/quote?

There are medicated coverups. And here I come out the other way. Older dd had horrible acne and I got her medicated cover up pretty much as soon as it got bad. The dermatologist recommended Neutrogena. But I think there are others as well.
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 1:37 pm
Re Mascara: There is a pretty scary whatsup going around about the damages of mascara to the eye when not removed properly at night before going to sleep. The damage accumulates over the years and can lead to vision loss. If your daughter is going to start wearing mascara (personally, I would not have my daughter wear it until at least 11th grade, but to each their own), I would educate her about the importance of self-care and properly removing it gently at the end of the day. On shabbos and yum tov, it may certainly be an issue.
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 2:03 pm
penikay wrote:
My 9th grader has really worked hard this term. I would like to get her a makeup set as a gift. What makeup is appropriate at this age for a Bies Yaakov girl (on specieal occasions like shabbos and simchas)?

Overdoing makeup on a 14 year old is really unnecessary and looks rediculous. I'd keep it down to tinted lip balm, tinted eyebrow gel, and mascara.

This is an expensive kit (you can also just buy one or two singles to save on cost) of tinted lip balms that I love. Drugstore mascara is just as good as high end. Love this eyebrow gel https://www.sephora.com/produc.....oduct
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 3:05 pm
naturalmom5 wrote:
Do you live in Tosh ??

In Lakewood I see almost all the girls over 14 wear something, especially those with very pale complexions

They would look too ghostly if they went totally natural

I live in Brooklyn, and my 10th grade daughter does NOT wear makeup on any occasion. Neither do any of her friends at several Yeshivish/Chassidish/mainstream Bais Yaakov schools in Brooklyn. Nor do my nieces in Lakewood.
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 6:17 pm
amother wrote:
My guess is that its probably an out of town Bais Yakov. Because in Monsey & BP they have pretty strict no makeup rules.

Please dont make blanket statements like this. My DD is in a Monsey HAS and wears make up on shabbos and to school shabbos.

I went to BY HAS I'm boro park and definitely wore makeup in 11th grade on shabbos.

All schools don't allow make-up in school
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Post Wed, Jan 23 2019, 6:58 pm
amother wrote:
Please dont make blanket statements like this. My DD is in a Monsey HAS and wears make up on shabbos and to school shabbos.

I went to BY HAS I'm boro park and definitely wore makeup in 11th grade on shabbos.

All schools don't allow make-up in school

I went to BYHS and wore makeup at our 10th grade lag ba'omer school shabbos upstate. I had just turned 16 and gotten my long awaited makeover. There were no official rules for weekends, just rules about no makeup in school itself. I knew enough to use a light hand and nobody said a word.
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Post Thu, Jan 24 2019, 2:03 am
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Post Sun, Jan 27 2019, 7:30 pm
I think I followed the (OOT) school rules of no makeup until the end of 11th grade. At that point I told my mother I wanted some makeup. She rooted around in her makeup bag and came up with an eyeliner pencil and blush. I took it and was happy.
I think I added to the collection over the next couple years--mascara, lipstick. Older sisters and cousins gave me advice.
When I started dating, my mother took me to a Clinique and we got everything I needed.

Sure, I might have wanted to wear makeup when I was younger, but I didn't, because I was a rule-following goody-goody Smile

OP, I'd probably get her a curling iron/straightener or something like that, or even a nice shampoo set--that would make her happy and feeling pretty without dealing with the makeup issue.
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