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How many nights a week do you eat fleishig?
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How many nights a week do you eat fleishig?
 2%  [ 7 ]
 4%  [ 10 ]
 13%  [ 32 ]
 24%  [ 60 ]
 28%  [ 69 ]
 26%  [ 64 ]
Total Votes : 242



Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 10:00 pm
I voted 2. We do fleishig on Mondays and Wednesdays, at least one of which is Shabbos leftovers. Tuesdays and Thursdays are either pareve or milchig. Sundays vary a lot and could be milchig, pareve, or fleishig.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 10:05 pm
I voted none but I read the title and the poll and thought you mean me, not my family. My family eats 4-5x a week. I prefer dairy/pareve.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 10:57 pm
2-3 (I voted 3)

Sunday is always Shabbos leftovers, so that's one
Thursday I need easy supper so I slam chicken bottoms with rice or quinoa or potatoes into a pan and into the oven

The rest of the week, one day is fish, another day is eggs, and the third is a toss-up between vegetarian (lentils, beans, etc.) and fleishigs.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 11:02 pm
Sunday-leftovers from Shabbos/fleishig
Thursday-fish or fleishig

I find the days I serve fish or dairy the kids are hungrier after.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 11:08 pm
amother Wallflower wrote:
3-4. We have 2 dairy free, 3 who can't/ won't eat fish, and an airborne egg allergy. I'm proud of myself that we have 1 good pareve night (falafel) and sometimes manage a second of fish/ dairy/ mom is a short order cook. No we can't really afford it, but we also can't just not feed everyone, and I can't manage more than 2 dinners a night (ones also garlic free so everything comes normal and garlic free)

(And I'm happy to take reccomendations for good dinners that are egg free/gluten free/ fish free/ dairy free / without beans, peas or nuts. )

Another allergy mom here and I voted ,5. Super impressed that you do only3-4.

You didn't write soy though. Is that an option for you?
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 11:39 pm
Sunday: hot dogs or deli sandwiches with leftover deli from shabbos.
Monday: ground meat
Tuesday: Pasta in some kind of sauce/lasgna/ziti. Or pancakes
Wednesday: chicken
Thursday: No dinner-dinner, I.e. scrambled eggs/french toast etc.

That's what I serve. What my kids actually end up eating is a different story altogether.
Meat is very expensive but I don't eat fish and I dislike milchigs always have.
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 12:08 am
2 times plus leftovers though recently my kids have a fear of becoming fleishig as my older boys like their late night cereal or milk chocolate ( that my husband allows) and I don’t know what to do about it!
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 12:22 am
amother Bergamot wrote:
Another allergy mom here and I voted ,5. Super impressed that you do only3-4.

You didn't write soy though. Is that an option for you?

One night every week is falafel bar- yes one kid just eats french fries dipped in home made chumus, but I consider that dinner, and everyone finds something

One kid loves salmon so I like to work around that sometimes and make occasional fish night.

In theory soy is fine, but most processed soy products are out because of one of the other allergies (generally garlic) , and most of my kids won't touch tofu. I use it as a lunch fill in.
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 12:25 am
It varies widely week to week. Some weeks Shabbos only. Some weeks every single day.
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 12:31 am
amother DarkViolet wrote:
I only serve fleishig
Unless it's salmon
Part diet (mine), part nutrition (gluten and dairy free), I was raised like this... never grew up with pasta or fish sticks for supper. To me it's not a real meal.


I don't feel full unless I have chicken or meat (usu. hamburgers or chopped meat) for supper. Sometimes a big piece of salmon works but if I cook salmon, it's never with dairy sides.

Dairy for me is special occasion.

Also...dairy meals are so fattening. Lasagna, baked ziti, mac n' cheese... I'd need so much to feel full vs. 1 chicken bottom and salad.
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 12:44 am
2-3 times. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

When I don't do meat, I often do vegetarian as opposed to dairy- think hearty soups, veggie stir-fry, curries etc. This is a mixture of health consciousness and personal preferences.

Occasionally homemade pizza or dairy pasta but not often.

Sometimes breakfast for dinner- omelets, bagels etc.
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 1:05 am
There are many non-meat options other than fish sticks and pasta.

Hearty soups + salads. Incorporate a protein such as cheese, eggs, lentils, beans

Omlettes and salad or roasted vegetables

Tofu veggie stir fry and rice

Pita pizza + salad

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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 1:46 am
Meat/chicken every night except for salmon which is probably 1 e/o week (and DH eats it begrudgingly).
I need a solid protein.
Eggs are breakfast
Lasagna/baked ziti I don’t like and one of my kids doesn’t eat tomato sauce.
Pizza doesn’t cut it for dinner. We would all still be starving. Maybe with lentils soup and salad I could get away with it, but nobody would be happy and I could not do it ever again.
Tuna -my DD is allergic to and we don’t have it in the house when she is here.
I once made tofu. It was a disaster. DH is scarred and will never try again. (Unless it is cooked at a restaurant like Sushiana A”H)

I’ve did a Beyond Beef burger once. DH wasn’t impressed and it is not much healthier or cheaper than meat.
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 3:50 am
I voted two (on average). Not out of financial considerations. I used to be a vegetarian and still don't like to eat meat too much. For a long time, we only ate fleishig on shabbos. But my kids like meat and chicken, so I added a few days into the routine.
Where I live, chicken is actually cheaper than CY dairy and fish (doesn't help that my kids only like salmon).
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 3:19 pm
Every night due to an allergy child. I also dont really know what to serve on pareve nights, my kids are used to proper meals.
Occasionally ill do pizza and for that child I make it with non dairy cheese and sometimes a fish meal but for the most part its fleishig. Its not easy, I sometimes feel I need a break from it but bh I have the time to cook.
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 5:37 pm
My family does not do milchigs. It’s either fleishigs or pareve.
Fish is a fortune, dairy isn’t cheap either
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 6:04 pm
amother Wallflower wrote:
One night every week is falafel bar- yes one kid just eats french fries dipped in home made chumus, but I consider that dinner, and everyone finds something

One kid loves salmon so I like to work around that sometimes and make occasional fish night.

In theory soy is fine, but most processed soy products are out because of one of the other allergies (generally garlic) , and most of my kids won't touch tofu. I use it as a lunch fill in.

The one thing that might work for you is to make pasta sauce with crumbled tofu. You can serve it with regular, gluten free, or the pasta of your choice.
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 6:07 pm
I make a meat dinner every-night for DH. He doesnt like dairy or fish.
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 6:14 pm
We have one meal leftovers from Shabbos, usually with something added to fill it out.

We may have one other fleishig meal, something like spaghetti and meatsauce.

The rest are milchigs or pareve. I have one who can't eat dairy and one who doesn't like fish. I make sure there's something they can eat at every meal, but I can't afford meat and chicken every night, and I'm surprised so many people can! Yes, I have teenage boys (only one gets dinner in yeshiva). Still...

So many options that aren't just dairy. Shakshuka, breakfast burritos, pareve chili, tofu pad thai, tuna casserole (okay, there's some cheese in it, but not much)...
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Post Thu, Dec 28 2023, 6:37 pm
amother Bergamot wrote:
The one thing that might work for you is to make pasta sauce with crumbled tofu. You can serve it with regular, gluten free, or the pasta of your choice.

So I would need to make 2 seperate sauces (one without garlic or onion) and 2 seperate pastas (regular and GF). It's just not worth it at that point...
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