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S/O for those of you that don’t eat fleishig during the week
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 12:09 am
First of all it’s not your business to judge. Some people do receive boxes but it’s not enough for a whole month.
Second I don’t think people get less full from eating pareve. There are plenty of filling meals that aren’t fleishig.
Beans and rice
sandwiches/ wrap
Veggie soup
Veggie cholentl
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 12:10 am
amother Daisy wrote:
I can't understand why salmon is inferior to chicken when it comes to feeling full?

salmon is way more expensive.
I don't either get how kids above age 10 are not gaining tons of weight filling up on pasta every night
My daughter is so mad at me for serving chicken. She claims her friends all get pasta most of the week...I'm assuming and hoping it's not really so
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 12:20 am
amother Glitter wrote:
Is this a thing in non-Jewish circles or is this because we want to have fish before meat for halachic reasons?

Apparently yes.

This was the first article that showed up in my random search: https://www.webstaurantstore.c......html

It separates fish, white meats (like chicken), and red meats. It also refers to fish as a light protein so no, it’s not just in our heads that fish is lighter and generally less filling.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 12:23 am
amother Hyacinth wrote:
salmon is way more expensive.
I don't either get how kids above age 10 are not gaining tons of weight filling up on pasta every night
My daughter is so mad at me for serving chicken. She claims her friends all get pasta most of the week...I'm assuming and hoping it's not really so

also growing up we knew families had milchig once max a week. Is dairy most nights a newish thing or a certain crowd?
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 12:35 am
I'm nursing and a vegetarian.

You get used to what you eat for a while. You also get used to whatever times you're used to eating. I have always eaten dinner early and for me that is normal and I never have cravings at night. Other people call what I naturally do "intermittent fasting" (I "fast" for about 12 hours). I get hungry before lunch and dinner, but not at night.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 12:45 am
How do you make shabbos special if you eat meat every day?
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 12:47 am
Comptroller wrote:
How do you make shabbos special if you eat meat every day?

dessert Smile
Challah and dips.... Salmon and so much more
Not having meat every day, just chicken or ground beef
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 12:48 am
I was a vegetarian for 10 years before I got married. Dh was a prolific meat eater. Now we eat chicken/meat on Shabbat and maybe one week night. Dh also eats the Shabbat leftovers during the week. We've been married for about 15 years. In our early years he used to remark how amazing it is that a meat-free meal can be satisfying, too. Sometimes he still says that. If you have enough protein from milk products, cheese, eggs and beans and the like plus enough fats and carbs, it fills. Most of our kids don't even like chicken or meat much. They prefer milchigs. I eat dinner around 7 p.m. and then basically don't eat until the morning. Dh might nosh, but he does that after meat meals as well, so no connection.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 12:49 am
amother Hyacinth wrote:
also growing up we knew families had milchig once max a week. Is dairy most nights a newish thing or a certain crowd?

Who is "we"? In my house growing up we rarely had fleishiks during the week, except for shabbos leftovers. I never thought much about whether that was typical.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 1:30 am
I grew up that lunch is milchig and supper is fleishings.

I know for a fact there were times that my parents skimped on other things in order to afford a basic fleishig supper every night.

Because I was raised that supper=fleishigs, it is SO HARD for me to feel full and satisfied after a milchig meal. I’m jealous of my friends that do.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 1:54 am
DH is a vegetarian and has been since he was a small child. I’m fleishigphobic, so it works out great. We don’t even make chicken for Shabbos unless we’re having guests!!

As others have mentioned it’s about having healthy fats and good amount of veggie protein. We eat a lot of lentils, chickpeas, eggs, and dairy. And use olive oil to cook and to dress salads.

My husband doesn’t snack, almost at all, and if he does it’s normally because the Yeshiva served fish for lunch so he only had carbs and cucumbers…
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 2:00 am
Carbs make people hungry. We don't serve a lot of carbs. Just a bit on the side, or fruits.

We do serve a lot of vegetables.

Protein sources during the week:
Whole tehina
Some members of the family eat dairy, others don't.

Our food is fatty - we cook with coconut oil or butter, we use olive oil for things that don't need to be cooked.

And by the end of the day, who has energy to wake up at night?? XD

ETA - our hot, big meal in the day is a late lunch (2 o clock). Supper is usually our most carby/fatty meal, because that makes you sleepy.

I do not have teenage sons. DH tends to snack at night when he has meat, versus vegetables.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 2:09 am
amother OP wrote:
How are you not noshing the whole night? How are your husbands full from what? Eggs? Beans? Chummus? Falafel? How are your teenage boys not fressing all night??? I’m genuinely curious because days I serve milchig a or fish I find my family joshes the rest of the night. We are thin ppl but we just don’t get full from bowl of pasta. Sure, we’re full for an hr or two but it’s not filling for the rest of the night. I get that meat and chicken are not cheap but how much is it costing you when they around g the bread, pretzels, crackers.. and are they resentful they aren’t having fleish? Do you honestly think deep down in your heart what your doing is ok? Instead of receiving some cheeses food boxes - if you’re able to get them. Again, I don’t want to be harsh. I genuinely want to hear your thought process and maybe I’ll pick up a thing or two from you that I haven’t thought of.

I'm the amother from the other thread Smile Hi!

We don't have food boxes here. If we did, I'd take them gratefully and be happy that our grocery bill was lower. If there was chicken in there, I might serve some during the week. Or I might just save it for Shabbos.

(This happened a grand total of once, when DH was OOT. There was a food distribution that day and he was told to take a box for his family. I made chicken and rice for dinner. It wasn't even that popular...)

I cook the healthiest I can based on what I can access. But I grew up having scrambled eggs or tacos and beans for dinner some nights (even though admittedly most meals were fleishig), so I'm not stuck in the mindset of fleishigs or bust.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 7:20 am
I serve mostly meatless meals during the week and not because of finances. Some of my family members just don't enjoy fleishigs every night, including me. Everyone is full, and not because we're filling up on carbs. High fiber foods + fats are very filling. And we get protein.

Also, canned salmon is much cheaper than fresh salmon or chicken, for thosemwho are question the cost of salmon.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 7:38 am
amother Blonde wrote:
People who don’t eat chicken during the week to save money aren’t serving salmon instead! Salmon is much more expensive than chicken

Op commented that when she makes a fish dinner everyone is hungry later. So I was commenting on that.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 8:43 am
Diff carbs with cheese
Ziti, lasagna, tacos, fish sticks, Pizza, bourekas, potato dishes, soups, and salads cut veggies
Lots of milchigs and parve
Schnitzel, duck sauce chicken and cholent meat for shabbos we have leftovers until Tuesday night.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 9:37 am
We eat a lot of vegetarian during the week and we feel full. I don’t get the question
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 9:39 am
I'm a long time vegetarian but it's so interesting to me that people do this for financial reasons. I often look at how cheap chicken is and briefly think how much time I'd save if I would eat it! Veg food can be very, very cheap, but it all takes more prep. it seems so easy to take a farm-subsidized 2.99/lb chicken and just pop it in the oven.

I guess I feel that way about non kosher cheese too. Kosher dairy is soooo expensive!

Also I think the contemporary West in general is like weirdly obsessed with protein and we don't need *that* much and very few people in America are like suffering from a protein deficiency. If you get a balanced diet, barring any medical concerns, you're eating enough protein.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 9:55 am
amother Yolk wrote:
Also I just can't resist commenting about this "men and teen boys need meat" narrative.

I don't buy it. I think it's a completely social thing that's reinforced within families/among friends and posts like this thread.

And this is why the fleishig takeout stores near me are packed with young and older men every night. I always wondered.

And thank you for the hugs, but I'm just stating the truth.
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Post Fri, Apr 05 2024, 10:11 am
amother Yolk wrote:
Also I just can't resist commenting about this "men and teen boys need meat" narrative.

I don't buy it. I think it's a completely social thing that's reinforced within families/among friends and posts like this thread.

I agree. In the USA salads have been assigned as womanly, and milk products as neutral.

In Israel, salads are neutral and it is not surprising or unusual to see a man eating a salad, but milk is considered feminine. My Israeli friend's brother ate canned tuna for protein before/after workouts to build muscle, because whey was too feminine (meat too expensive) 😂 NO he was not lactose intolerant!
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