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Big babies
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Post Sun, Jan 23 2005, 7:40 pm
some grocery stores ahve shopping carts with an infant seat attatched, it's great for when your baby is too young to sit up.
my baby is now a big chunk ka"h shes's 13 months and 27lbs and not too tall, she has a big boich Smile , I can't stand it when ppl comment about it in a degrading way...
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Post Sun, Jan 23 2005, 8:19 pm
my 19+ pound 6 1/2 month old started sitting (pretty steadily) several weeks ago. when can he start sitting in the shopping carts?
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Post Sun, Jan 23 2005, 9:00 pm
Bluma G - she sounds adorable! Maybe it's just me, but chubby babies always seem happy and good natured to me. And I also hate those comments. We live in such a weight concious society that it even impacts how some people look at babies. Rolling Eyes Enjoy her!

Brachad - If your baby sits by himself there's no reason he can't sit in a shopping cart. If he still slumps over sometimes maybe you can get one of those harness things that attach to the cart and offer greater support.
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Post Sun, Jan 23 2005, 10:07 pm
brachad u can try put ur baby sitting in a shopping cart now, at this age with my daughter she didnt like it so much so I wud try to get the infant kind, beware they try to eat the bars, my baby at 13 months still does, maybe put a cloth or blanket infront of him.

rivk thanx, I think shes adorable too n bh shes a v good natured baby n everyone think its cute, I have one firend who luvs seeing her bc shes so cuddly but tohers say its cute but r kind of condescending, or maybe I feel that way bc I always have been watching my weight since a young teen Wink
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Post Thu, Jan 27 2005, 3:24 pm
Well, we just got back from the doctor and my four month old weighs 21 lbs!
He is also 25 inches long! The doctor was joking that I must have chocolate breast milk. Like I've never heard that one before! He is almost triple his birth weight of 7 lbs 15 oz. Another problem is finding clothes that actually fit him... B"H for such problems!
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Post Thu, Jan 27 2005, 7:57 pm
If my baby is in the 95th percentile, being 19 pounds at 6 months, I guess your baby is in about the 99th??

Someone said -- some mothers make skim milk, some make whole milk...and some make cream!!!
I guess we (if you're nursing) make cream!

It was so weird...the other day I was pumping and one side (which I had pumped earlier) was the thick usual milk and the other side (which had been very full) looked watery! I wonder if it has to do with the hind/foremilk, etc.
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Post Thu, Jan 27 2005, 8:12 pm
And my babies are on the 35 percent isle...... oh well can't have my cake and eat it too with feeding them formula!
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Post Thu, Jan 27 2005, 11:16 pm
Actually he's not in any percentile - he's off the charts in both weight and hight!
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2005, 8:33 pm
Here's an update - my son is now six months old and twenty four pounds bli ayin harah! Thankfully he started sitting up a while ago so shopping is no longer an issue. The doctor said she would like to have a sample of my breastmilk to analyze. Truthfully, I also wonder how the components of breastmilk vary from person to person. Hmmmm
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2005, 9:33 pm
I'd be interested to hear the results!
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2005, 9:41 pm
I also wonder how the components of breastmilk vary from person to person

well breast milk depends on the mothers diet so what are u eating???
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2005, 9:58 pm
does it really? so if I eat fattening food, my baby can get fat??
when my baby was 12 pounds at 6 weeks (he's almost 9 months and 20 now...it does slow down!)...someone told me --
some mothers produce whole milk and some produce skim...
and some produce cream!!!!!!!!
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2005, 9:59 pm
one more thing -- just something interesting...
once when I was pumping, the 2 sides seemed to have a different consistency...1 side looked much more watery!!
my mother, who babysits, was nervous to give the milk to the baby and mixed the 2 bottles. LOL! I don't really think it would have made much of a difference!! (and we're B"H not worried about him not gaining!)
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2005, 10:08 pm
does it really? so if I eat fattening food, my baby can get fat??

"Because quality depends on the mother's diet, breast milk is not always superior to a well-planned formula. For ex., studies show that when nursing mothers are on an extremely low proiein diet, the growth of their infants is stunted and their brains damaged.
The higher the mother's intake of protein, unsaturated fats, and vitamins, the more of these nutrients found in breast milk."
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2005, 10:13 pm
once when I was pumping, the 2 sides seemed to have a different consistency...1 side looked much more watery!!

"...girls say they stopped nursing because their milk was so thin and blue that their babies did not gain readily; and that their pediatricians declared their milk to be of poor quality. Except for colostrum, good breast milk is always thin. The amount of vitamin B2 it contains gives it the blue color."
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2005, 10:23 pm
But what if two mothers had exactly the same diets. Would their breastmilk be exactly the same? Or is there something in a person's body (genetics?) that controls the quality of the milk?
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2005, 10:31 pm
I dont think they would be exactally the same. everybodys body functions diffrently.
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2005, 10:33 pm
do u think a baby, thats been nursing for a while, could tell, out of 2 bottles, which one was its mothers milk?
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Post Thu, Mar 31 2005, 3:52 am
some do; a friend's baby refuses to take formula milk. some don't care.
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Pickle Lady


Post Thu, Mar 31 2005, 9:08 am
do u think a baby, thats been nursing for a while, could tell, out of 2 bottles, which one was its mothers milk?

my son defintly knew the difference. he would not take formula. its took me about a month of lots of trying to get him to start to take the formula.
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