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Chestnut Ridge-I'm Chassidish
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:16 pm
You're wrong in your whole attitude about not wanting your kids exposed to anything that's not entirely Chassidish. I'm sorry to say, but this reflects your lack of parenting skills in this particular area.

Needing to shelter your kids to such an extent so you don't have to deal with their questions is always more harmful in the long run, not helpful and not recommended. You're better off asking a parenting expert on how to correctly explain different minhagim to your children without the "fear" of them becoming "confused."
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:22 pm
Maya why dont you go live in hutzenplutz wisconsin? You'll have a beautiful home, affordable, wonderful neighbors of all kinds, christian, catholic protestand, muslim, hindu... let them be exposed, ask so that you can answer...

Personally, I'd feel better living next to a non-jew than a jew thats sets a bad example.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:25 pm
sandwitched wrote:
Maya why dont you go live in hutzenplutz wisconsin? You'll have a beautiful home, affordable, wonderful neighbors of all kinds, christian, catholic protestand, muslim, hindu... let them be exposed, ask so that you can answer...

Personally, I'd feel better living next to a non-jew than a jew thats sets a bad example.

Calling Yeshivish people "bad examples" is the ultimate in offensiveness.

You're beyond saving. I won't even debate this with you. Go ahead and enclose your kids in a tiny little bubble and see how that works out for you in twenty years.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:31 pm
I don't know ...I just don't know. I would bet a months wages that there is a higher percentage of kids growing up in willy/kj that end up OTD than children of chabad shluchim growing up in the most remote places
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:31 pm
See my original post. I said I don't have a problem with litvish yeshivish or other. But yes, I do have a problem with certain communities. There's a difference between being open minded and being exposed. And no I am not going to expose my kids to some things that are ok for others. There are different levels in yiddishkeit. And I want to do my utmost so that my kids stay on that level. The torah is full of pesakim and whatever (im not good with terminology and pesakim, sorry) all over that you should watch who your friends and neighbors are..

ps. You might do better if you're not that prickly... wouldnt want my kids exposed to that.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:32 pm
sandwitched wrote:
Maya why dont you go live in hutzenplutz wisconsin? You'll have a beautiful home, affordable, wonderful neighbors of all kinds, christian, catholic protestand, muslim, hindu letthem be exposed, ask so that you can answer...

Personally, I'd feel better living next to a non-jew than a jew thats sets a bad example.

Are you implying that anyone that is not Williamsburg satmar style chassidish is a Jew that sets a bad example?
Because that's exactly how it came across.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:34 pm
As if prickly is a religious attribute. LOL. You're getting more ridiculous by the minute.

Anyways, NEWSFLASH! You have absolutely no control over whom you expose your kids to. You must be really young or really naive to think you can do that. Unless you buy all the houses on your block and don't allow your kids out anywhere beyond that, you're essentially powerless.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:35 pm
cnc wrote:
Are you implying that anyone that is not Williamsburg satmar style chassidish is a Jew that sets a bad example?
Because that's exactly how it came across.

Sorry I should've quoted my original post. I said certain communities
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:43 pm
Maya wrote:
As if prickly is a religious attribute. LOL.

I meant that as a joke.
Look I dint wanna get personal on you, but from what I understand, you left the satmar community. I don't want that to happen to my kids, therefore I don't want them living next to you. Will I be able to prevent it? Of course not! But at least I can say that I tried!
I dont mean anything personal, but no, my hashkafos are not the same as yours! What's so ridiculous if I dont want my kids to have daily interactions with yours?? And why is it different from daily interaction with non jewish neighbors?
We need to be beachdus, fine, but we can be so from a distance, it doesnt havta be in my backyard!

And again, im not deluding myself into thinking ill be able to protect them, but the minimum hishtadlus??yes Id rather have them in a vacuum than being exposed to junk. And NO I DONT MEAN THE LITVISH/YESHIVISH FOR HEAVENS SAKE!

Too riled up to focus on sp/gr. Pls excuse.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:44 pm
sandwitched wrote:
Chas V'shalom, and I'm sorry if I sounded standoffish. I really didn't mean it that way. Allow me to explain: it's not that I have an issue with you or any other affiliation. Just the opposite I would like to have a mixed crowd. But, just like you felt out of place in that chassidish part of Monsey, so would I feel uncomfortable being the only Chassidish family amongst Litvish/Yeshivish families. And don't forget, there are lots of other types of communities, and frankly, I would not want my kids to associate/mix with some of them.

I fully respect everyone, and everyone's hashkafos, but I do not necessarily want to expose my young kids to them. they are young and impressionable, and would not always understand why they do things differently, when the neighbors is just as much a Yid.

Now if I move and you are my neighbor, and suppose I do not like your hashkafos (theoretically of course, I don't mean you per se), would you rather I warn my child not to play with yours? Or I won't put myself in the situation in the first place, and move to a place that's chassidish. Of course we cannot be careful enough who our kids play with, but I know I did my hishtadlus, placed my kids in an environment that suits my hashkafos.

Aderabah, correct me if I'm wrong, I might change my view. As you can see I'm having a hard enough time finding a house, maybe this'll help Wink

Listen, I hear ya.

It just really BUGS me, like big time, that its not, chas veshoelaces, okay for me to say "when chassidish families move into chestnut ridge, it will be cutting off one of the only still-thriving young litvish communities in the monsey area" but its okay for you to say "I would prefer not to have my kids associate with families that I consider to be less frum than mine". Hmmm....

#AhavasYisroelAtItsBest Wink
Right, Pumpkin Amother?

Monsey has become very chassidish over the past 10-20 years. Which communities are getting stifled? Litvish communities. So, bear that in mind. You may wish to turn the whole neighborhood chassidish to suit your hashkafic agenda, but there are litvish families living in those communities who are hoping against hope that u dont succeed in that regard- to suit their hashkafic agenda. And thats the way it is.

Last edited by gold21 on Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:51 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:47 pm
sandwitched wrote:
I meant that as a joke.
Look I dint wanna get personal on you, but from what I understand, you left the satmar community. I don't want that to happen to my kids, therefore I don't want them living next to you. Will I be able to prevent it? Of course not! But at least I can say that I tried!
I dont mean anything personal, but no, my hashkafos are not the same as yours! What's so ridiculous if I dont want my kids to have daily interactions with yours?? And why is it different from daily interaction with non jewish neighbors?
We need to be beachdus, fine, but we can be so from a distance, it doesnt havta be in my backyard!

And again, im not deluding myself into thinking ill be able to protect them, but the minimum hishtadlus??yes Id rather have them in a vacuum than being exposed to junk. And NO I DONT MEAN THE LITVISH/YESHIVISH FOR HEAVENS SAKE!

Too riled up to focus on sp/gr. Pls excuse.

I don't think it's "catchy" so to say...
It's a package of circumstances that cause people to make choices in life.
And I really don't think that keeping your kids in a bubble will necessarily help.
In any case, I'm totally off topic here....
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:49 pm
sandwitched wrote:
I meant that as a joke.
Look I dint wanna get personal on you, but from what I understand, you left the satmar community. I don't want that to happen to my kids, therefore I don't want them living next to you. Will I be able to prevent it? Of course not! But at least I can say that I tried!
I dont mean anything personal, but no, my hashkafos are not the same as yours! What's so ridiculous if I dont want my kids to have daily interactions with yours?? And why is it different from daily interaction with non jewish neighbors?
We need to be beachdus, fine, but we can be so from a distance, it doesnt havta be in my backyard!

And again, im not deluding myself into thinking ill be able to protect them, but the minimum hishtadlus??yes Id rather have them in a vacuum than being exposed to junk. And NO I DONT MEAN THE LITVISH/YESHIVISH FOR HEAVENS SAKE!

Too riled up to focus on sp/gr. Pls excuse.

Oh, you don't have a problem with Yeshivish, you have a problem with MY kind. I see.

Well, thankfully it goes both ways. You don't want your kids playing with my innocent little tzaddikim, and I don't want mine playing with your stuck-up intolerant kids who call my kids bums and make them cry. We have enough of YOUR kind of neighbors, and they haven't been great influences on my kids, either.

So yes, let's be b'achdus from the distances of our back yards, whatever the h*ll that means.

Anyway, with your attitude, I'd be surprised if your kids don't run away from your kind of people as fast as they could.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:55 pm
Maya wrote:
Oh, you don't have a problem with Yeshivish, you have a problem with MY kind. I see.

Well, thankfully it goes both ways. You don't want your kids playing with my innocent little tzaddikim, and I don't want mine playing with your stuck-up intolerant kids who call my kids bums and make them cry. We have enough of YOUR kind of neighbors, and they haven't been great influences on my kids, either.

So yes, let's be b'achdus from the distances of our back yards, whatever the h*ll that means.

Anyway, with your attitude, I'd be surprised if your kids don't run away from your kind of people as fast as they could.

So you also dont want to let your kids play mine. Cause they're stuck up.
You have your reasons and I have mine.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:57 pm
sandwitched wrote:
So you also dont want to let your kids play mine. Cause they're stuck up.
You have your reasons and I have mine.

שלום על ישראל
Please stay in Williamsburg.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 4:58 pm
gold21 wrote:
Listen, I hear ya.

It just really BUGS me, like big time, that its not, chas veshoelaces, okay for me to say "when chassidish families move into chestnut ridge, it will be cutting off one of the only still-thriving young litvish communities in the monsey area" but its okay for you to say "I would prefer not to have my kids associate with families that I consider to be less frum than mine". Hmmm....

#AhavasYisroelAtItsBest Wink
Right, Pumpkin Amother?

Monsey has become very chassidish over the past 10-20 years. Which communities are getting stifled? Litvish communities. So, bear that in mind. You may wish to turn the whole neighborhood chassidish to suit your hashkafic agenda, but there are litvish families living in those communities who are hoping against hope that u dont succeed in that regard- to suit their hashkafic agenda. And thats the way it is.

No ones looking to stifle anyone. All I said was that I would want one or two chassidish ppl on the same block as me. THATS ALL.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 5:00 pm
My personal opinion is that when kids grow up in a more diverse community they end up with a stronger value system than those who have never been exposed to those outside their own group. It may be worth bearing that in mind.

Growing up we had all sorts of neighbors and never had a problem with it. I find people mostly stick to their own type anyway and I can almost guarantee you that the non-religious family down the road have other friends and aren't exactly looking to play with your kids.

Hope you find somewhere to live soon.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 5:06 pm
gold21 wrote:
Listen, I hear ya.

It just really BUGS me, like big time, that its not, chas veshoelaces, okay for me to say "when chassidish families move into chestnut ridge, it will be cutting off one of the only still-thriving young litvish communities in the monsey area" but its okay for you to say "I would prefer not to have my kids associate with families that I consider to be less frum than mine". Hmmm....

Sorry to go off-topic (though maybe with the temperature rising on this thread it's not such a bad idea), but just had to say that auto-correct brought a smile to my face - chas veshoelaces!

And anyone who doesn't want to be my neighbor because I found that funny is welcome to live somewhere else! Smile
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 5:08 pm
doctorima wrote:
Sorry to go off-topic (though maybe with the temperature rising on this thread it's not such a bad idea), but just had to say that auto-correct brought a smile to my face - chas veshoelaces!

And anyone who doesn't want to be my neighbor because I found that funny is welcome to live somewhere else! Smile

Am I the only one that thinks it was intentional and not auto-correct at all?
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joyful mom


Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 5:11 pm
sandwitched wrote:
Maya why dont you go live in hutzenplutz wisconsin? You'll have a beautiful home, affordable, wonderful neighbors of all kinds, christian, catholic protestand, muslim, hindu... let them be exposed, ask so that you can answer...

Personally, I'd feel better living next to a non-jew than a jew thats sets a bad example.

Sandwitched: I think you should take that suggestion for yourself and move your own family to hutzenplutz.... as you yourself said you rather living next to non-Jews than Jews not the same as yourself.... or just stay in Williamsburg where you don't have to "worry" about this.

I'm beyond disgusted of your attitude. I hope this is not the attitude that will be prevalent in Chestnut Ridge.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 5:27 pm
myself wrote:
Am I the only one that thinks it was intentional and not auto-correct at all?

Lol. Me too.
Chas Veshoelaces is a common phrase in my house!!
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