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How does anyone afford seminary?
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2019, 7:18 pm
Librarian wrote:
This! I am always amazed at these seminary discussions. My sons' high school tuition (including transportation, dinner) were same as seminary! No airfare, true, but they were 4 years, not one! And it was hard!

High school cost me more per year than Sem. Additionally, it will give her a year of college which costs more than a year of Sem as well. We are actually saving money this year as crazy as that sounds.
That is not the reason we sent her, but she is having a fabulous year and I couldn't be happier that we did.
(Even with needing to evacuate school last week because of the rockets.)
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2019, 8:26 pm
DD wanted to go to sem but chose college instead. Also expensive, but she lives at home so we don’t have any of the expenses of her going to Israel.
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2019, 9:13 pm
we got fafsa and masa and the seminary gave us some scholarship
so that helped and my daughter paid for her flight and spening money
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Post Thu, Nov 21 2019, 5:53 am
amother [ Ruby ] wrote:
Hope you don't mind me asking but where do you live?

I live in Europe. My friend from the UK got a similar amount the same year. I don't know if americans got the same.
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Post Thu, Nov 21 2019, 6:11 am
North America. Masa for the current year was:
Not income eligible $200
Higher income $1500
Mid income $2160
Low income $2800

I understand that it changes every year.

Some other countries go up to $8000 (I can check a specific country if needed too much to type up)
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Post Thu, Nov 21 2019, 7:00 am
amother [ Saddlebrown ] wrote:
I got about $6-7000 masa. This may be dependant on location, or even the year. And we didn't know if we got it until june or july when we had already commited to the seminary and paid money up front.

I was not able to get fafsa although I applied. I think I can appeal - still working on that. (for this year)

A lot of seminaries give college credits so they are good value for money if your dd wants a BA.

What year was this? My daughter went 2 years ago and go the max MASA amount which was under $3,000 that year.
We did get FAFSA which covered another approx $9,000. (She went through Touro Israel options program.)
The "top seminary" she was plotzing to go to and that everyone thought was best for her refused to give any discount, so I paid about $12,000 out of pocket. It was an ok year, not amazing.
This was my oldest, and I only later found out that so many, many ppl were getting tuition breaks. Without giving identifying details, suffice it to say that I have a very obvious circumstance that should have been enough to warrant a very significant discount, especially since they were guaranteed $12,000 between Masa and FAFSA.
I truly believe that some genius marketers have convinced us that this is a need & have very successfully made some Israeli "mechanchim" very rich. (I am not refering to the teachers, but rather the seminary administrators.)
All that said, while I hope I will be a smarter consumer with my next child, I probably will end up sending her to seminary when the time comes.
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Post Thu, Nov 21 2019, 7:27 am
Many seminaries give deep discounts if they “want” you. I feel like it’s a game though. Perhaps the high schools can help.
My daughter’s friend who is in a similar financial bracket minus a special circumstances that’s draining us got a bigger discount much more easily because her mother’s a good talker and got her acceptance letter a day before mine (They give breaks easier early on and then they “used up” the scholarships).
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Post Thu, Nov 21 2019, 8:18 am
Parents need t pushback against the price if not the concepts of "sem".
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Post Thu, Nov 21 2019, 2:58 pm
My personal opinion is, especially in communities where a girl will be supporting a kollel dh in a few short years and working hard while having a large family, ideally those girls should get the chance to have the seminary experience in Israel. Let them have one year just to learn if at all possible; the boys get so many. Just my 2 cents.
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 1:55 pm
Fox wrote:
The OOT pressure to go to seminary is ridiculous, reckless, and not consistent with a Torah outlook.

If a girl specifically needs to go for some reason or wants to go (and has therefore the saved money for it), then fine. But seminaries are money-making institutions for their owners and families. The idea that a girl should go just so she can participate in all the hoopla is the worst possible lesson imaginable.

When my DH and I seriously researched seminary options, we discovered that about 40 percent of the girls had a good experience; 50 percent had a bad experience; and 10 percent had a life-changing experience for the good. The girls who had bad experiences were typically those who were least motivated to attend seminary for its own merits.

We chose not to send our daughters, and I am thankful we had the backbone. The financial pressure put on families is enormous. Rabbi Shloimie Simon, who works with Agudath Israel of the Midwest offering credit counseling, estimates that seminary or seminary plus subsequent weddings are the biggest causes of financial problems among frum families.

It never came up at all in shidduchim.

If someone whom you trust feels your daughter needs the hashkafic influence of seminary or your daughter has saved money to go, then by all means, extend yourself. If your daughter is going to because "everybody" goes, then it's time to learn that not everybody really has a pony.

Eloquently said and 100% correct on so many levels.
Yasher Koach for following through on how you feel about something.
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 2:18 pm
FAFSA and Masa paid my seminary tuition.
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 2:21 pm
amother [ Ecru ] wrote:
What year was this? My daughter went 2 years ago and go the max MASA amount which was under $3,000 that year.
We did get FAFSA which covered another approx $9,000. (She went through Touro Israel options program.)
The "top seminary" she was plotzing to go to and that everyone thought was best for her refused to give any discount, so I paid about $12,000 out of pocket. It was an ok year, not amazing.
This was my oldest, and I only later found out that so many, many ppl were getting tuition breaks. Without giving identifying details, suffice it to say that I have a very obvious circumstance that should have been enough to warrant a very significant discount, especially since they were guaranteed $12,000 between Masa and FAFSA.
I truly believe that some genius marketers have convinced us that this is a need & have very successfully made some Israeli "mechanchim" very rich. (I am not refering to the teachers, but rather the seminary administrators.)

All that said, while I hope I will be a smarter consumer with my next child, I probably will end up sending her to seminary when the time comes.

I beg to differ. I know that quite a few seminary administrators are in debt and most live rather normally, not rich at all. The costs of running the seminary are exorbitant, you have no idea. If the seminary is not handled very very well it goes under within a few years. Those running for a long time have good financial management - but no one is getting rich. Especially now, after the Israeli government cut some of the funding it was giving.
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 2:23 pm
amother [ Amethyst ] wrote:
we got fafsa and masa and the seminary gave us some scholarship
so that helped and my daughter paid for her flight and spening money

What year did your daughter go? Please tell me you're not my mom...
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 5:51 pm
Maybe the seminary administrators aren't getting rich, but the owners sure are.
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 6:26 pm
We put aside money for college when we had our kids. It sat there until it was needed. DD is in seminary now and will come out with a BA degree at the end of year 2. Since we planned for 4 years of college, there's money for a master's degree.

I would have paid for seminary alone because of all the pressure put on us. 100% of DD's class are going to seminary. Shidduchim never entered into our decision.
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 7:26 pm
amother [ Pearl ] wrote:
FAFSA and Masa paid my seminary tuition.

I'm curious which school that was.

I looked at Masa website and there were only 2 BY Frum sems on the list (ateres and meor). What about the rest??
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 7:57 pm
What year did your daughter go? Please tell me you're not my mom...

my daughter is there now so no I am not your mom
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 9:11 pm
amother [ Pearl ] wrote:
What year did your daughter go? Please tell me you're not my mom...

I'm sorry you feel like the only one who had to do it. Trust me, a lot of girls contributed to seminary in some way.
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 10:42 pm
Librarian wrote:
This! I am always amazed at these seminary discussions. My sons' high school tuition (including transportation, dinner) were same as seminary! No airfare, true, but they were 4 years, not one! And it was hard!

The difference is that high school is mandatory; seminary is not. At least it shouldn’t be.

Are by high schools really charging 20-25K tuition each year?? I find that hard to believe.
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Post Sat, Nov 23 2019, 10:48 pm
Don't know about BY but my 30 year old son's tuition was $14000 a year. By the time my 20 year old was in HS it was just about $20000 a year including transportation and dinner. My oldest son lived by his local grandparents during the school year so no transportation or dorm costs for him.
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