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Would love to hear others opinions, especially teachers
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 12:37 pm
AlwaysGrateful wrote:

You need to pick your battles. Why go to the principal over something that doesn't matter to your daughter? Is this your oldest? You'll have bigger issues to discuss down the line. Not worth being "that mom" over something that isn't that big of a deal.

Honestly, I wouldn't even have brought this up to the teacher. I would tell my daughter that grades only matter in that they help you know what to focus on. If she got off for hill, bill, and will (or whatever), then the low grade is just a tap on the shoulder telling you to review the double-L at the end of words. If she got off for misspelling a word in a sentence that she got right in the original list, the grade is just letting her know to read over the sentences when she's done to make sure that the words are spelled correctly.

It's not your job to fix the world. Just to raise your daughter with a healthy attitude towards work, grades, teachers, and learning new skills.

I think its bit different when the low grade is not deserved. Even if the kids seem to shrug it off, it sets the standards in the kids mind. As in 'I'm bad in spelling' or 'I am not too smart in this subject'. That subconsciously sets off their approach how they tackle such subjects from here on. Good grades build academic confidence, bad grades do the opposite.

I would have a conversation with my daughter and would let her know that her teacher's grading system is not the usual one. Her real grade is 16/20 and not a 13/20. I would also stress all the rest as you mentioned, but I do think its equally important for the kid to know her true capabilities.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 12:38 pm
BrisketBoss wrote:
Much like parents lol

I don't know. OP seems to have handled ot beautifully. The teacher - not so much.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 12:43 pm
amother Sienna wrote:
I think its bit different when the low grade is not deserved. Even if the kids seem to shrug it off, it sets the standards in the kids mind. As in 'I'm bad in spelling' or 'I am not too smart in this subject'. That subconsciously sets off their approach how they tackle such subjects from here on. Good grades build academic confidence, bad grades do the opposite.

I would have a conversation with my daughter and would let her know that her teacher's grading system is not the usual one. Her real grade is 16/20 and not a 13/20. I would also stress all the rest as you mentioned, but I do think its equally important for the kid to know her true capabilities.

That's really a problem with grading in general. Either don't give grades at all (preferred option) or give bad grades freely without worrying about the kid's self esteem. Otherwise what are you doing? Make it make sense.

A constant and meaningless stream of 'good jobs' is NOT helpful. We have lots of research now on the negative effects of that.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 12:49 pm
amother Royalblue wrote:
This post makes no sense. I'm a speech therapist, and I have a strong understanding of vocabulary, semantics, grammar and syntax etc.

The teacher has to determine what exactly the test is focusing on. Is it spelling or vocabulary/word usage? If it is spelling, then students will lose points for spelling a word incorrectly, but they should NOT lose points twice for he same word.
If it is vocabulary, then the student needs to USE the word correctly in a sentence. We don't "SPELL words correctly in context," we USE words correctly in context. If she spelled it wrong in isolation, then she is going to spell it wrong in context also, and it is not fair to take off twice. The student may actually understand the word usage but not know how to spell it. So she should get the sentence correct.
The question is, if the teacher is indeed teaching word USAGE. Is dhe going over the definitions of the words? Explaining what part of speech it is and how to use it correctly in a sentence? Many teachers don't do this as part of their spelling lessons. It's only about the spelling. In which case, it isn't fair to take off for incorrect word usage.

And regardless of all this, the way this teacher treated the mom is unacceptable. She sounds immature and full of herself. I hope she treats the girls nicer than she treats the moms.

The teacher did determine that it's a spelling test. Therefore, points should be taken off wherever words are misspelled (whether in a sentence, fill-ins, etc.). I didn't realize that the teacher took off points twice for the same word. That's unacceptable.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 12:50 pm
BrisketBoss wrote:
That's really a problem with grading in general. Either don't give grades at all (preferred option) or give bad grades freely without worrying about the kid's self esteem. Otherwise what are you doing? Make it make sense.

A constant and meaningless stream of 'good jobs' is NOT helpful. We have lots of research now on the negative effects of that.

My point wasn't about not giving bad grades at all. I was talking about giving out undeserved bad grades. Grades should reflect the kids knowledge. If the knowledge is poor, then a bad grade is deserved. If one is being penalized twice for the same mistakes, the bad grade is not deserved.

These situations need to be handled differently.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 12:51 pm
It's not worth fighting with inexperienced teachers. They will usually disagree with you, be defensive and it will backfire on your daughter.
Also, if your daughter doesn't care, don't reinforce that she didn't get a good mark. It'll just make her feel bad.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 1:02 pm
You sound like my sister who tries to micromanage her kids teachers.
Phone calls, notes and questioning their every step.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 1:09 pm
amother Feverfew wrote:
You sound like my sister who tries to micromanage her kids teachers.
Phone calls, notes and questioning their every step.

What OP is doing is NOT micromanaging teachers. Us parents are allowed to ask questions and teachers should have the decency to answer questions with respect. Teachers don't get to do as they please.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 2:40 pm
amother Peachpuff wrote:
What OP is doing is NOT micromanaging teachers. Us parents are allowed to ask questions and teachers should have the decency to answer questions with respect. Teachers don't get to do as they please.

Unfortunately, teachers are often disrespectful to mothers, across the board.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 5:08 pm
amother OP wrote:
I have a second grader dd who has a scheduled spelling test every week. The test consists of 10 spelling words 2 frequently misspelled words 5 fill-ins and 3 sentences. The teacher marks it as a quiz form/ 20.
The first test she brought home she had a 19/20. When I checked what she had wrong , I saw the teacher made an x by one of the fill-ins, not because she had the ex wrong but she spelled the word incorrectly. I let it slide.
The next test she brought home she had a 18/ 20. Again I checked what her mistakes were and saw that by the sentences she misspelled the word yet the sentence was a complete sentence where the word was used the right way ,but the teacher just made an x and counted it as wrong.
The second sentence she marked her wrong was a complete correct sentence where the word and usage were correct yet she gave it wrong cause she used a word from the frequently misspelled words and not from the spelling unit.
I was getting more and more confused by the way the teacher marks the tests, so I wrote her a very respectful note how I appreciate her work yet I’m having trouble understanding how she marks the tests. She sent a note back saying that this is the way she marks, that if a student misspells a word by any of the work, even if the answer is correct then she counts it as wrong.
I was not impressed with this answer but I let it slide. My daughter brought home another few tests and all were 100 so I didn’t care.
This week my dd brought home a spelling test which was marked 13/20. Understandably I checked what her mistakes were and saw she got 4 spelling words wrong. All 4 were basically same concept wrong ex. Hill, pill,bill she spelled them all with 1 l only. Then she had 3 Perfectly correct sentences yet she used these same words in her sentence so instead of just correcting the spelling for her the teacher marked her all 3 sentences wrong.
Am I missing something or is something not fair with the way the teacher marks the tests.

I am an elementary school teacher and everything made sense except for using a word from the wrong category and spelling it correctly.

I'm sorry, that's how spelling tests work
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 5:24 pm
Many things will upset you about the way your children's teachers teach

Save your complaints to the principal for things that are really important and detrimental. They will come up.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 5:28 pm
Let if go, it's a second grade spelling test and the teacher is not wrong even though you would handle it differently if you were a teacher
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 5:41 pm
I knew you were a teacher Smile
This is the kind of thing I would bring up at PTA. Questioning her grading on a second graders spelling test who doesn't care either way is not worth your energy.
Teacher sounded very immature and threatened. I'm sorry.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 10:18 pm
If it’s a spelling test she should get spelling mistakes marked as wrong.

Each word should only show up once on the test so she’s not marked twice for the same word.

The teacher sounds like an insecure one, she should not be communicating this way with anyone.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 10:25 pm
amother Chestnut wrote:
this is why my daughter said "girls dont want to be teacher because by the time they leave school they are פארעקלט from them."

A girl has to have good middos. If your daughter doesn't have nurturing personality. A personality that wants to help others, teaching isn't for her. She can't be burnt out with that before she started.

Op I have a daughter that age and it's not fair of teachersbto mark 7-8year Olds test like that. A quiz could be up to 5. Or maybe 10 the most, after that their math skills are not strong enough to figure out their marks in fractions.

A young child still learning the point is not the mark but to learn from their mistakes. The spelling should have the word spelled right next to the misspelled word and the minus with how many points off. For sentences the teacher should correct the sentence to make it correct. I love when the teachers Write a nice comment next to the word. Commenting on their sentence. Like if word is help child's sentence is I love to help. Teacher writes I'm so proud you love to help.
Teacher corrects misspelled word and sentence structure in red ink. In second grade teachers remind the kids at the end of a sentence to put a period and the right punctuation mark is circled if the child left it out. In second grade they reveiw proper punctuation in Grammer points are not taken off.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 10:30 pm
First grade teacher here, I agree that the teacher could've handled being questioned in a nicer manner but I would mark the test similarly, I'm sorry Sad
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 10:53 pm
Thanks everyone for your response! As I mentioned in my earlier post I’m definitely letting it go. The funny part is that this if you knew me in real life , you would totally get why I was caught off guard by yesterday’s conversation. I am someone who’s known as a people’s person and get along great with everyone! I’ve never in my entire life have someone attack me in such a manner. And believe me I really started off the call very enthusiastic ,complimenting and all.
Btw this is not a first year teacher , and this is not my first daughter in elementary. I’ve never had to make such a phone call before. Even now I would’ve totally ignored it if I would’ve known the backlash that’s to come. The only reason I followed with a phone call was I figured maybe the note was not clear enough .
I’m not planning on doing anything else regarding this matter, I’m letting it go for my child’s sake. The reason why I wrote my post was because I put down the phone so shocked, and instead of rehashing with other people irl , I decided to post it here.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 11:10 pm
amother OP wrote:
Thanks everyone for your response! As I mentioned in my earlier post I’m definitely letting it go. The funny part is that this if you knew me in real life , you would totally get why I was caught off guard by yesterday’s conversation. I am someone who’s known as a people’s person and get along great with everyone! I’ve never in my entire life have someone attack me in such a manner. And believe me I really started off the call very enthusiastic ,complimenting and all.
Btw this is not a first year teacher , and this is not my first daughter in elementary. I’ve never had to make such a phone call before. Even now I would’ve totally ignored it if I would’ve known the backlash that’s to come. The only reason I followed with a phone call was I figured maybe the note was not clear enough .
I’m not planning on doing anything else regarding this matter, I’m letting it go for my child’s sake. The reason why I wrote my post was because I put down the phone so shocked, and instead of rehashing with other people irl , I decided to post it here.

I hear ya!
I hope she acts nicer to the kids than she does to you. At this point it's not about the grading anymore, it's the shock of getting attacked like that.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 11:29 pm
[quote="amother Hunter"]First grade teacher here, I agree that the teacher could've handled being questioned in a nicer manner but I would mark the test similarly, I'm sorry

You give tests in first grade? I work in a school, and I have kids in school and I never heard of having tests in first grade.

Either way, can you explain why you would mark it that way? What is the rationale behind it? What would the student gain from it, and how would this improve their skills and performance in the future?

I'm not asking to be mean, I sincerely want to understand.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2022, 11:32 pm
Oh and just to add, my second grade son came home with a spelling test today
He spelled a word wrong in the dictated list section and in the sentence section. His teacher only took off once. It really, really makes no sense to be taking off twice for the same mistake.
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