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Is it possible to transition teenagers to plant based diet?
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 6:39 pm
giftedmom wrote:
Vegetarian isn’t plant based

Yes, I know I just used that as an example since some people here are biased that a vegan diet is extreme. However any legitimate diet could be plugged in if it is proven that it can be nutrionally sound and is considered superior.

And the poster that said vegans often have eating disorders is really an unfair statement. It's not representative of the newer line of thought and research behind whole foods plant based eating.

Thank you to those who are giving respectful advice and opinions.
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 6:44 pm
amother OP wrote:
Yes, I know I just used that as an example since some people here are biased that a vegan diet is extreme. However any legitimate diet could be plugged in if it is proven that it can be nutrionally sound and is considered superior.

And the poster that said vegans often have eating disorders is really an unfair statement. It's not representative of the newer line of thought and research behind whole foods plant based eating.

Thank you to those who are giving respectful advice and opinions.

As a vegetarian, I would say that while I would prefer to have a vege house, I don’t and my kids eat meat and fish at home. I often get DH to handle this as I am literally repulsed by handling meat and fish although I reluctantly still do eg for Shabbos preps.

I do mostly agree with posters who have said it isn’t fair to impose a diet on teens. However, I do know two frum vegetarian families who have always had vegetarian households. Their teens/adult children now do their own thing and some are vege some not. So it is possible to do this at home but still let teens have autonomy.

The prejudice against vegans/veges in our community is very prevalent. I had one Rabbi once say to me “I would be vegetarian too if I wasn’t Jewish” with the clear implication that I was doing something against Halacha by choosing to be vege. 🙄
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 6:47 pm
amother Narcissus wrote:
As a vegetarian, I would say that while I would prefer to have a vege house, I don’t and my kids eat meat and fish at home. I often get DH to handle this as I am literally repulsed by handling meat and fish although I reluctantly still do eg for Shabbos preps.

I do mostly agree with posters who have said it isn’t fair to impose a diet on teens. However, I do know two frum vegetarian families who have always had vegetarian households. Their teens/adult children now do their own thing and some are vege some not. So it is possible to do this at home but still let teens have autonomy.

The prejudice against vegans/veges in our community is very prevalent. I had one Rabbi once say to me “I would be vegetarian too if I wasn’t Jewish” with the clear implication that I was doing something against Halacha by choosing to be vege. 🙄

Yes I am seeing that people have some very strong opinions about this and I used to think it was inconsistent with Torah values but have since realized differently. Wow. Thanks for this
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 6:48 pm
amother Narcissus wrote:
It can be mostly plant based, but the point is that people also tell vegetarians that they “must” have animal protein such as chicken to be healthy when it just isn’t so.

Eating eggs and dairy is light years away from only plant based
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 6:57 pm
giftedmom wrote:
Eating eggs and dairy is light years away from only plant based

Eggs and Dairy are animal based proteins. Not only has it been proven recently in much of the current research to be not necessary. It has only been proven to be the things about the American Diet which are so unhealthy.
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:01 pm
amother OP wrote:
I appreciate those trying to help .
Many responses here are out of line and judgemental, certainly not helpful.
I know many people (not necessarily frum) who are for example vegetarians due to belief it is a healthier diet and/or ethical reasons and who decide to raise their children that way consistent with their beliefs like any other parent makes decisions. It is common. The challenge is when they have been raised one way, you become more educated, and would like to switch.
In terms of nutrition there are people making incorrect claims here and I am not sure what there expertise is to say this nutritionally cannot be sufficient or that there is inadequate protein provided in a plant based diet.

Hashem made animals so you can eat them. Don’t be smarter than hashem. Most vegans or those with other weird diets ( for no reason) are usually athiests and think they can save the world.
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:04 pm
No. Please, just no.
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:05 pm
amother OP wrote:
I appreciate those trying to help .
Many responses here are out of line and judgemental, certainly not helpful.
I know many people (not necessarily frum) who are for example vegetarians due to belief it is a healthier diet and/or ethical reasons and who decide to raise their children that way consistent with their beliefs like any other parent makes decisions. It is common. The challenge is when they have been raised one way, you become more educated, and would like to switch.
In terms of nutrition there are people making incorrect claims here and I am not sure what there expertise is to say this nutritionally cannot be sufficient or that there is inadequate protein provided in a plant based diet.
It’s less about the protein and more about oxalates, phytates, lectins and other anti-nutrients that plants have in excess, and about bioavailable iron and copper, b vitamins, fat soluble vitamins a,e,d,k and other micronutrients that plants can’t provide.
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:12 pm
Have any of the vegetarians asked a sheilah about being vegetarian? I’ve heard that poskim say it’s not allowed to be vegetarian for altruistic purposes. HaShem made animals so people could eat them.
And I will say that I have first hand experience with people who have major disorders (eating and others) who one way they try to control themselves and others around is by being vegetarian. I agree with the ladies who say most vegetarians have massive issues.
Op, why do you want to move to a plant based diet?
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:15 pm
Op, from a nutritional standpoint a vegan diet can be sufficient or even superior, but oftentimes it's not- far from. You as an informed adult can make sure to eat all the right foods to avoid deficiency, but are you confident your kids will too? I'd be very doubtful if it were my kids.

Also the obvious, it's just not a fair imposition to place on a child who is accustomed to eating animal protein.
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:15 pm
amother OP wrote:
Eggs and Dairy are animal based proteins. Not only has it been proven recently in much of the current research to be not necessary. It has only been proven to be the things about the American Diet which are so unhealthy.

B12 is absolutely necessary, and vegans must supplement. Many vegetarians must as well: my sister found that out the hard way. It's a very scary deficiency to experience! Without careful supplementation, these diets can go very wrong.

Personally, I found that if I increase my protein intake, that's the most helpful for weight loss.

Proving anything about diet is very, very hard. Usually, we can find associations, but not necessarily proofs. I have a diabetic relative who has only ever done okay on keto. I have a friend who gets autoimmune flares on anything but whole foods plant based. It's not a simple topic!
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:18 pm
amother OP wrote:
Nobody is telling anyone to fend for themselves. There is adequate food provided. Nobody is telling anyone they can't have anything. Just this is the way we eat at home and this is what is provided. The obsession with protein, particularly animal protein, is cultural and based on false information that it is needed.

Really? So the Torah doesn’t exist? Because hashem hard disagrees with you. How can a Jew say this?
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:22 pm
amother Lightblue wrote:
Really? So the Torah doesn’t exist? Because hashem hard disagrees with you. How can a Jew say this?

Agreed! It makes me sad to see jews follow the paths of empty atheists that are fans of Peta and Greta Thunberg
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:24 pm
Are these your kids? Or step kids? I think this sudden change of diet is strange. Can't imagine you suddenly up and decided to change things unless this guy s a second marriage and you don't agree with how your new family eats. And what's this about "temptation.?" You don't want to cook the protein because you don't want to be tempted? Tough!
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:27 pm
It's one thing if you want to impose this diet on them because you believe it's healthier. Which is wrong, but I guess at least with good intentions.

But in order to take the temptations away? If you don't have the self-control to keep to this diet, you can't force your entire family into it in order that you have an easier time restricting yourself. How on earth is that not incredibly selfish??
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:27 pm
amother OP wrote:
Eggs and Dairy are animal based proteins. Not only has it been proven recently in much of the current research to be not necessary. It has only been proven to be the things about the American Diet which are so unhealthy.

*current research that supports your conclusions and beliefs*
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:33 pm
Extremely unhealthy.

Watch ex vegans and how much their skin and digestion changed after leaving the vegan cult.

Soy is terrible. Soy burgers have about 15 ingredients in them. Real beef burgers have 1 ingredient. If you’re concerned about health. Get grass fed organic meats. If you’re concerned about animals well being - plants such as soy, almonds and avocado and much more destroy and kill more animals and bugs than a cow eating grass in a field.
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:34 pm
amother OP wrote:
Eggs and Dairy are animal based proteins. Not only has it been proven recently in much of the current research to be not necessary. It has only been proven to be the things about the American Diet which are so unhealthy.

Interesting, because there is a lot of current tesearch proving that eggs and dairy can be very healthy, nutritious options.
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:39 pm
Hashem made animals so you can eat them. Don’t be smarter than hashem. Most vegans or those with other weird diets ( for no reason) are usually athiests and think they can save the world.

That’s really offensive. We as Jews are supposed to be good stewards of the world. Animal production isn’t good for the environment.
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Post Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:39 pm
IMHO even if let's say you are right and plant based eating is superior, it's not worth your relationship with your teens. Because forcing it on them will cost you exactly that.
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