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To the anti vaxers, did you vaccinate?
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 10:58 am
#BestBubby wrote:
"anti-vaxxer" is a label the Vaccine-Forcing Government made up. They use it against anyone who doesn't 100% support Every Vaccine at the Exact Age the Infallible CDC

The government invented the term "anti-vaxxer"? when?
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:00 am
#BestBubby wrote:
"anti-vaxxer" is a label the Vaccine-Forcing Government made up. They use it against anyone who doesn't 100% support Every Vaccine at the Exact Age the Infallible CDC

So if a doctor or parent says I will give all vaccines except for Hepatitis B (an STD) or
Chicken Pox - they are labeled by Vaccine-Forcers as "anti-vax".

If a doctor or parents says I will give all vaccines, but space them out, the
Vaccine-Forcers label them "anti-vax".

Dr. Bob Sears made a "vaccine friendly" plan - eliminating some vaccines and delaying other vaccines. In his practice, the about 2,700 children who followed his "vaccine friendly" plan had an autism rate of 1:440 - compared to the the 1:45 autistic children who followed the CDC schedule!

Of course Dr. Sears is attacked as an "anti-vaxxer" and was threatened with having his medical license revoked.

So when CDC claims that virtually all doctors support CDC vaccine schedule, that's a
LIE. Doctors are COERCED and THREATENED to say they support CDC vaccine schedule or they will lose their medical license!

We are living in tyranny. Doctors are not free to practice medicine according to what they really believe is best interest of the patient. Doctors are FORCED to follow all
Orders ("recommendations") of CDC and Medical Associations that are controlled by Pharmaceutical Industry.

There is a designation known as vaccine hesitant which basically means that they don't give it on schedule but they do give it eventually. It's a totally different animal, unless an outbreak hits and they are not protected.
If some new mother reads your posts and takes you seriously and decides that the government wants to give her child autism, then she will be anti-vax.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:00 am
southernbubby wrote:
Prior to the eradication of some of the VPDs, these illnesses often neither killed or went away but caused chronic illness. Not something like IBS that is often treated with Miralax, but chronic illness that prevented any semblance of a normal life.
And can you explain to me how a vaccine makes a kid constipated?

Some doctors have long said that vaccines damage the gut. It is a fact that many
autistic children suffer from gastro-intestinal disorders and experience chronic
constipation, diahrea or both.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:01 am
#BestBubby wrote:

There is no evidence to support doing a Vax vs UnVax study???

When government claims they don't know what is causing autism to skyrocket, or why chronic illness in children is skyrocketing???

(Government actually DOES know what is causing this, but are covering it up by refusing to do a Vax vs UnVax study. Instead Government is destroying the
evidence, the control group - unvaxxed kids).

There is no evidence to support your claim that the removal of the RE is because the government wants to destroy a control group.

Since you are the one who says it over and over again - your job to is support the claim. Repeating it doesn't make it any more valid.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:04 am
southernbubby wrote:
There is a designation known as vaccine hesitant which basically means that they don't give it on schedule but they do give it eventually. It's a totally different animal, unless an outbreak hits and they are not protected.
If some new mother reads your posts and takes you seriously and decides that the government wants to give her child autism, then she will be anti-vax.

"Antivaccine pediatrician Dr. Bob Sears finally faces discipline from the Medical Board of California" https://respectfulinsolence.co.....line/

Even though Dr. Sears supports many vaccines, Dr. Sears is still labeled
"Antivaccine" because he does not agree with the insane CDC schedule.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:07 am
#BestBubby wrote:

There is no evidence to support doing a Vax vs UnVax study???

When government claims they don't know what is causing autism to skyrocket, or why chronic illness in children is skyrocketing???

(Government actually DOES know what is causing this, but are covering it up by refusing to do a Vax vs UnVax study. Instead Government is destroying the
evidence, the control group - unvaxxed kids).

You had REs here until this past June. Just what happened to change that? Was it some nasty pro-vaxers who simply couldn't accept their infants catching measles? Shouldn't they have been more pro-choice?
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:09 am
#BestBubby wrote:
"Antivaccine pediatrician Dr. Bob Sears finally faces discipline from the Medical Board of California" https://respectfulinsolence.co.....line/

Even though Dr. Sears supports many vaccines, Dr. Sears is still labeled
"Antivaccine" because he does not agree with the insane CDC schedule.

He apparently has a large following of people who don't vaccinate and want MEs.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:11 am
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
There is no evidence to support your claim that the removal of the RE is because the government wants to destroy a control group.

Since you are the one who says it over and over again - your job to is support the claim. Repeating it doesn't make it any more valid.

Yes, there is evidence to support my claim that forcing unvaccinated to vax is to
prevent a Vax vs UnVax Study.

The fact that the government refuses to conduct this study even though for YEARS congressmen have been demanding it, the Institute of Medicine has demanded it and government claims doesn't know why autism is skyrocketing and chronic illness in children is skyrocketing - but refuses to do the study that might answer this question!

Also, unvaccinated kids are only 2% of the population and vaccines are 97% effective so the risk of unvaccinated kids on vaccinated is too tiny to justify forcing vaccines. For decades unvaccinated kids attended school and nobody cared.

Then more and more people started waking up to the harm vaccines are causing and more and more people started demanding a Vax vs UnVax Study. So government responded by REFUSING to the study and Forcing all UnVaccinated kids to Vax.
Now there can never be a Vax vs UnVax Study and the tremendous harm that vaccines are causing is covered up. Mission Accomplished.

What I wrote are FACTS.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:15 am
southernbubby wrote:
You had REs here until this past June. Just what happened to change that? Was it some nasty pro-vaxers who simply couldn't accept their infants catching measles? Shouldn't they have been more pro-choice?

And there are thousands of parents with ONE vaccine injured child who don't want
to risk their healthy unvaccinated children's lives.

But government won't allow siblings of vaccine-injured children a Medical Exemption - even though it is a FACT that siblings of vaccine-injured children are at HIGH RISK of vaccine injury! Do you support that, SouthernBubby? How do you explain the government's refusal to allow siblings of vaccine-injured children a medical exemption???
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:22 am
southernbubby wrote:
He apparently has a large following of people who don't vaccinate and want MEs.

THIS is what caused Dr. Sears to be put on probation:

" On April 3, 2014, two-year-old J.G. presented to Respondent for the first time. He was seen by Respondent for what medical records describe as a “two year.” The visit of this date includes a summary of the patient’s history with a brief description of J.G.’s prior vaccination reaction, as described by the patient’s mother. Her description included, “shut down stools and urine” for 24 hours with 2 month vaccines and limp “like a ragdoll” lasting 24 hours and not himself for up to a week after 3 month vaccines.

Respondent wrote a letter dated April 13, 2014 excusing patient J.G. from all future vaccinations. The letter indicates that the patient’s kidneys and intestines shut down after prior vaccinations and that at three months the patient suffered what appears to be a severe encephalitis reaction for 24 hours starting approximately ten minutes after his vaccines, with lethargy.

The letter dated April 13, 2014 was not maintained in patient J.G.’s medical chart in Respondent’s office. "

So a parent informs Dr. Sears of a serious adverse reaction to a previous vaccine,
Dr. Sears exempts child from further vaccines, Dr. Sears is threatened with losing his medical license for giving the medical exemption.

You approve of this, SouthernBubby?
You think a child who had a serious reaction to a previous vaccine should be FORCED to continue vaccinating?
You think doctors who give medical exemptions to children who experienced a serious reaction to a vaccine should lose their medical license?
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:26 am
#BestBubby wrote:
Yes, there is evidence to support my claim that forcing unvaccinated to vax is to
prevent a Vax vs UnVax Study.

The fact that the government refuses to conduct this study even though for YEARS congressmen have been demanding it, the Institute of Medicine has demanded it and government claims doesn't know why autism is skyrocketing and chronic illness in children is skyrocketing - but refuses to do the study that might answer this question!

Also, unvaccinated kids are only 2% of the population and vaccines are 97% effective so the risk of unvaccinated kids on vaccinated is too tiny to justify forcing vaccines. For decades unvaccinated kids attended school and nobody cared.

Then more and more people started waking up to the harm vaccines are causing and more and more people started demanding a Vax vs UnVax Study. So government responded by REFUSING to the study and Forcing all UnVaccinated kids to Vax.
Now there can never be a Vax vs UnVax Study and the tremendous harm that vaccines are causing is covered up. Mission Accomplished.

What I wrote are FACTS.

Tell me more about the Institute of Medicine's demands. How long have they been demanding?

And more on the fact that now there can never be a vax vs unvax study.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:30 am
#BestBubby wrote:
And there are thousands of parents with ONE vaccine injured child who don't want
to risk their healthy unvaccinated children's lives.

But government won't allow siblings of vaccine-injured children a Medical Exemption - even though it is a FACT that siblings of vaccine-injured children are at HIGH RISK of vaccine injury! Do you support that, SouthernBubby? How do you explain the government's refusal to allow siblings of vaccine-injured children a medical exemption???

And in some districts non vaccinated people are 15% of the population. Is all of that because of vaccine injury or due to believing propaganda, or a combination of the two.
Realize that the anti-vaxers may be a minority but they are a powerful and well supported minority who have been known to threaten the lives of vaccine researchers and troll parents who urge flu shots after losing a child to flu. So much to be said for choice.
Had it not been for thugs in the anti-vax camp, doctors would have the right to determine if a child should avoid vaccines.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 11:55 am
southernbubby wrote:
And in some districts non vaccinated people are 15% of the population. Is all of that because of vaccine injury or due to believing propaganda, or a combination of the two.
Realize that the anti-vaxers may be a minority but they are a powerful and well supported minority who have been known to threaten the lives of vaccine researchers and troll parents who urge flu shots after losing a child to flu. So much to be said for choice.
Had it not been for thugs in the anti-vax camp, doctors would have the right to determine if a child should avoid vaccines.

What is the connection between "thugs" in the anti-vax camp, and government taking away the right of doctors to determine if a child should avoid vaccines?
Is government PUNISHING innocent children with vaccine injuries to take revenge on anti-vaccine thugs?

And there is no bigger thug than government - who can take away your children,
take away your medical license - if you don't obey their commands.

And there is no more powerful lobby in the world than the pharmaceutical industry. The Government is ignoring the tiny anti-vax lobby and obeying the pharmaceutical industry that gives millions in campaign "donations" (bribes) and rewards former CDC officials who were their puppets with salaries of millions of dollars! It is a Fact that CDC officials who were Pharmaceutical Puppets are hired by Pharmaceutical Industry and paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER YEAR. The anti-vax lobby doesn't have that kind of power - and the anti-vax lobby is LOSING to Pharmaceutical Industries MILLIONS $$$.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 12:07 pm
southernbubby wrote:
And in some districts non vaccinated people are 15% of the population. Is all of that because of vaccine injury or due to believing propaganda, or a combination of the two.
Realize that the anti-vaxers may be a minority but they are a powerful and well supported minority who have been known to threaten the lives of vaccine researchers and troll parents who urge flu shots after losing a child to flu. So much to be said for choice.
Had it not been for thugs in the anti-vax camp, doctors would have the right to determine if a child should avoid vaccines.

Its an odd thing. The state (NY) was basically saying - we were okay with the RE so long as vaccination rates stayed high. and we were okay with the RE so long as there was no outbreaks of measles. Essentially - as long as our objectives of high levels of vaccination are met - we'll tolerate religious objections. Its not a very nice view of religion.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 12:14 pm
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
Tell me more about the Institute of Medicine's demands. How long have they been demanding?

And more on the fact that now there can never be a vax vs unvax study.

How can anyone make a Vax vs UnVax Study if all kids are forced to be vaxxed in order to attend school or daycare?
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 12:16 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
How can anyone make a Vax vs UnVax Study if all kids are forced to be vaxxed in order to attend school or daycare?

all kids are forced to be vaxxed in order to attend school or daycare?
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 12:25 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
THIS is what caused Dr. Sears to be put on probation:

" On April 3, 2014, two-year-old J.G. presented to Respondent for the first time. He was seen by Respondent for what medical records describe as a “two year.” The visit of this date includes a summary of the patient’s history with a brief description of J.G.’s prior vaccination reaction, as described by the patient’s mother. Her description included, “shut down stools and urine” for 24 hours with 2 month vaccines and limp “like a ragdoll” lasting 24 hours and not himself for up to a week after 3 month vaccines.

Respondent wrote a letter dated April 13, 2014 excusing patient J.G. from all future vaccinations. The letter indicates that the patient’s kidneys and intestines shut down after prior vaccinations and that at three months the patient suffered what appears to be a severe encephalitis reaction for 24 hours starting approximately ten minutes after his vaccines, with lethargy.

The letter dated April 13, 2014 was not maintained in patient J.G.’s medical chart in Respondent’s office. "

So a parent informs Dr. Sears of a serious adverse reaction to a previous vaccine,
Dr. Sears exempts child from further vaccines, Dr. Sears is threatened with losing his medical license for giving the medical exemption.

You approve of this, SouthernBubby?
You think a child who had a serious reaction to a previous vaccine should be FORCED to continue vaccinating?
You think doctors who give medical exemptions to children who experienced a serious reaction to a vaccine should lose their medical license?

It sounds like there was more to the situation than what is reported here and it sounds like there was possible child abuse if read the whole article.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 12:29 pm
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
all kids are forced to be vaxxed in order to attend school or daycare?

YES! unless you have a medical exemption - which government is also taking away, unless kid is on chemotherapy.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 12:31 pm
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
Its an odd thing. The state (NY) was basically saying - we were okay with the RE so long as vaccination rates stayed high. and we were okay with the RE so long as there was no outbreaks of measles. Essentially - as long as our objectives of high levels of vaccination are met - we'll tolerate religious objections. Its not a very nice view of religion.

They feel that religion should not be observed if it is at the expense of public health. There were people who have no religious objections but couldn't get MEs. They were told by clergy that religion has no specific objections to vaccines. It looks like they tried not to trample on the Torah, Bible, or Koran.
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2019, 12:37 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
YES! unless you have a medical exemption - which government is also taking away, unless kid is on chemotherapy.

No. All kids in NYS- not the whole world by any stretch.
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