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Have you started Pesach cleaning yet?
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Have you started Pesach cleaning yet?
Have I started yet? Of course. Don' t you know Chanukah was weeks ago?  
 2%  [ 2 ]
Well, it's almost Tu Bishvat. Does thinking about starting count?  
 13%  [ 11 ]
I've made a start, but nothing too exciting.  
 4%  [ 4 ]
Just about starting now.  
 11%  [ 10 ]
I don't believe in doing anything until after Purim.  
 40%  [ 34 ]
Rosh Chodesh Nissan is fine for me.  
 14%  [ 12 ]
Who does Pesach cleaning? I'm off to my parents/ hotel.  
 13%  [ 11 ]
Total Votes : 84



Post Sat, Mar 17 2007, 9:31 pm
How do you clean a room without decluttering? Do you open a drawer, take evevrything out, wash the drawer and dump the mess right back in? just wondering, I reorganize everything, it's definitely harder but when else would I do It? What Just wondering.
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chocolate moose


Post Sat, Mar 17 2007, 9:36 pm
Why would a room be cluttered?
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Post Sun, Mar 18 2007, 10:06 am
I'm starting to get really nervous!! It's 10:06 and the cleaning lady isn't here. She was supposed to come at 10:00. I was planning on doing the bedrooms today!!
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Post Sun, Mar 18 2007, 8:19 pm
chocolate moose wrote:
Why would a room be cluttered?

hmmm....well I guess you must be super tidy, or not have toddlers.

Why, well for starters, having lots of people living in a house, each person having lots of stuff. Not having enough cupboard space, or bookshelves, or kitchen capinets. (For example I cook a large shabbos meal every week for about 20 ppl. I need extra large pots for that, as well as regular ones, plus extra salad bowls, plates etc. And I also have half (or a third of)the kitchen milchig. Plus guests keep bringing me lovely gifts - salad bowls, dip serving dishes (those alone take up half a shelf) which I don't use but I may need one day in the future when some things break.)

being a hoarder causes lots of clutter.
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dr pepper


Post Sun, Mar 18 2007, 8:22 pm
I started today. I did one closet.

more to come soon...
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Post Sun, Mar 18 2007, 9:14 pm
My bedrooms don't have chometz in them so they don't have to be cleaned specially for Pesach,( someone told me dust is not chometz Wink ) & there's enough to clean w/o dusting.I cleaned my computer area, and my desk (lots of papers)I hope to move the desks and computer table tonight to clean the floor behind them. B"H I have an 11month old that is not feeling well so I have to hold him a lot, that's besides I don't have a cleaning lady, I work from 8-3 Plus I have a night job. I hope I'll get everything done in time.
happy cleaning everyone! I tell plp we all end up starting the seder the same time. you can always sell thing for chometz.
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Post Sun, Mar 18 2007, 9:36 pm
Today I decided to start THINKING about making pesach. Hurray!
Already I have the PPS (pre pesach syndrome)
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chocolate moose


Post Sun, Mar 18 2007, 9:39 pm
Even when I DID have little kids, there was a place for everything. Helps a lot.
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Post Mon, Mar 19 2007, 9:54 am
So cleaning lady never showed, but I finished my 2 bedrooms and bathrooms. I organised the pantry (even though it will sold for pesach) and I cleaned the front closet.
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Post Mon, Mar 19 2007, 12:34 pm
Motek wrote:

My opinion is that there is too much competition among frum women over Pesach cleaning. It's considered a badge of honor among some women to say how early they started, how much they've done, how late they stayed up, how their cleaning ladies are doing, how much they've cooked already, etc.

I never thought I'd say this but I um... agree with you on this 100%!
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Post Mon, Mar 19 2007, 1:34 pm
Motek wrote:

My opinion is that there is too much competition among frum women over Pesach cleaning. It's considered a badge of honor among some women to say how early they started, how much they've done, how late they stayed up, how their cleaning ladies are doing, how much they've cooked already, etc.

I agree.
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Post Thu, Mar 22 2007, 12:22 am
we have to have some sort of competition, right? I ,mean the men have their "see how much moror I can stick in my mouth without spewing it across the room" contest right? We have to have something!

Last edited by bashinda on Thu, Mar 22 2007, 12:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Mar 22 2007, 12:38 am
Do most of us even KNOW what we are required to do? We need to GET RID OF THE CHOMETZ!!

Which does not include:
- polishing silver
- washing window shades
- scrubbing the ceilings
- even washing the windows
- washing the chandelier
- scrubbing and buffing pots till they look brand new
- washing every piece of cutlery in the drawer (most of us only put it in the drawer when it's clean, no?)
- many other things that I can't think of now

Point is: Pesach cleaning is not meant to drive us insane. Be smart ladies.
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Post Thu, Mar 22 2007, 2:08 am
Well, believe it or not.....

I HAVEN'T started cleaning for Pesach yet!!!!!!
I had a couple of sick kids home, and I wasn't feeling great myself....
It takes so much energy out of me to just do the usual daily stuff, like: Floors, dishes, laundry etc....

My plan is to do it all next week, 1 room a day, and then I'll give the kitchen about 3 days.
I'm only Kashering on Sunday.

I hope I'm not alone here......
Is anyone else in the same sit. as me?
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Post Thu, Mar 22 2007, 2:39 am
Here is my 'project report' :
Boruch Hashem, I started on Monday and with cleaner's help we have done all the bedrooms, office, half of the kitchen, I also reorganized, throw away, donated lots of stuff and furniture. I agree with those of you who do some spring cleaning, now is a good time to do it. I bought lots of clear boxes too, sorted things out. I rented the floor machine and we cleaned most of the floors. While cleaning, I got rid of lots of chometz , even though I was working like a slave, the feeling is liberating.
Tomorrow we will be finishing scrubbing kitchen, couple of things in dining room and few things in living room, finish all the chairs on Friday.
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rainbow baby


Post Thu, Mar 22 2007, 10:26 am
jewishmamathebest wrote:
TzenaRena since readingyour response to my last post I have got really panicky that I am going to be leaving it all to the last minute and will not be able to cope. So I have now devise another plan. Next week I'am going to do upstairs and BH I've got a stairgate so when it is the Uphsher I'am going to close it and right a massive sign reading, "PESACH CLEANED DO NOT ENTER UNLESS YOU WANT TO COME BACK AND RECLEAN IT FOR ME," I think that should stop people from going upstairs what do you think? Wink

Well by Tuesday night I had the whole of upstairs Pesach cleaned thanks to what TzeneRena said to me. You know what it made me more relaxed and I could enjoy the Uphshernish because I was not panicky about Pesach cleaning.
Or yes I put the stair gate up and put a bicycle chain around the gate with a combination lock on it, AND BH no chometz went upstairs.
So next week I'am going to Pesach clean downstairs and by Thursday I'am hoping to be in my Pesach kitchen starting to cook. I'am at the moment trying to get all the mess from the Uphshernish tidied up it's going okey. I'amalso trying to get my head around when all the orders are arriving. Tuesday the meat is coming, Wednesday the fish and on Friday the carpet and car cleaner is coming, So I think I'am getting there.
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Post Thu, Mar 22 2007, 11:22 am
Way to go, jmtb! Cheers Mazal Tov on your son's upsherenish, may he grow to be a chossid, y"sh and lamdan. ( I know that's for the bar mitzvah, but it can't hurt to get an early start Wink )

Did you ever hear about the voice coaches who can't sing? embarrassed You're way ahead of me! I did start the refigerator yesterday, and will continue today. Now the bedrooms uh, another story. Not one is completely done. Everything is "in process". My older kids are home now though b"h, and hopefully getting over their jetlag won't take that long Exploding anger So I'm hoping progress will pick up Very Happy
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Post Thu, Mar 22 2007, 11:41 am
TR: How do you clean your fridge/freezer now? Do you thoroughly clean it, then put the regular items back in and then do a quick cleaning when you turn your kitchen over? I still have too much junk in my fridge so I'm thinking of waiting until this motzai Shabbos.
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rainbow baby


Post Thu, Mar 22 2007, 11:45 am
TzenaRena wrote:
Way to go, jmtb! Cheers Mazal Tov on your son's upsherenish, may he grow to be a chossid, y"sh and lamdan. ( I know that's for the bar mitzvah, but it can't hurt to get an early start Wink )

Thanks!!!!!The Brochos the better!!!!!

TzenaRena wrote:
I did start the refigerator yesterday, and will continue today. Now the bedrooms uh, another story. Not one is completely done. Everything is "in process". My older kids are home now though b"h, and hopefully getting over their jetlag won't take that long Exploding anger So I'm hoping progress will pick up Very Happy

Well I've not started the fridge or freezer I've got too much Comatz in them to do anything with. I think that will be next weeks job well it needs to be done before all the Pesach orders come. Help
Well 'in process of being done' is better then not being done. As for your kids that have just come home get them to do the cleaning for you. They can finish off the rooms. Wink Good Luck and enjoy your kids.
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