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Lady has first child at 60
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Carmen Luna


Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 1:21 pm
shoshanim999 wrote:
Your logic seems to be that since you know of an instance that an older person got married and had children and it worked out, that proves that it's ok. Do you not realize how flawed this logic is?

OMG! Major flashback!
Me as a teenager to friend: Malky, Im soooo excited Shaindy got engaged!
Malky: So your implying that you dont care that Im single?!

Me: Malky, I love that black dress on you!
Malky: Are you implying that Im fat?? Everyone knows fat girls look better in black

Dearest "soshanim999", please for the sake of your loved ones, take a fat chill pill. It's comments like yours that make me cynical when I see posts under Shalom Bayis like "Dh doesnt like spending time with me. WAAAAAA" Well maybe, just maybe because you have a stick up your buttocks, and regardless of what your DH will prefer to discuss you will always find a way to suck the enthusiasm out of it. Obviously, Im not referring to you per se....
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Carmen Luna


Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 1:24 pm
shoshanim999 wrote:
Your logic seems to be that since you know of an instance that an older person got married and had children and it worked out, that proves that it's ok. Do you not realize how flawed this logic is?

Oh! And by the by, I never once implied that it worked out. It didn't. My grandfather passed away, leaving my grandmother with a house full of children to raise. It's called an anecdote.. Go with the flow babe
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 2:40 pm
Carmen Luna wrote:
Oh! And by the by, I never once implied that it worked out. It didn't. My grandfather passed away, leaving my grandmother with a house full of children to raise. It's called an anecdote.. Go with the flow babe

So what was your point? Your posts on this thread have been rude and vulgar.

It's interesting that a post-menopausal woman can maintain a pregnancy, I guess with hormonal supplementation? IMHO at her age it would have made more sense to foster or even adopt since the child is not biologically hers either way. But to each their own.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 2:54 pm
Carmen Luna wrote:
Oh! And by the by, I never once implied that it worked out. It didn't. My grandfather passed away, leaving my grandmother with a house full of children to raise. It's called an anecdote.. Go with the flow babe

So what exactly was the point of your comment about the elderly person who got married in his 70's??? We're all discussing whether it's selfish for an older person to start having children. Some say it's selfish because there is a higher likelihood that the parent won't be around as the child is growing up and others are arguing that every person regardless of age has the right to become a parent regardless of age. From your post it appeared you were taking the side of the argument that it's a persons right to have children at an advanced age. Now your saying you actually meant nothing of the sort. What was your the point of your post???
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 5:32 pm
I'm the kid of an older mom. My mother was in her 40s, not 60 when she had me, but she was way older than the other mothers in my class. I think the advantages of being raised by someone with life experience and maturity outweighs the energy. As a kid, I was embarrassed when people assumed my mother was my grandmother. But as an adult, I can look back and see some of the advantages.

Haven't been posting because I just wonder why we all think we're smarter than this lady. Don't you think that by age 60, she would have thought of all of this, the need for support, the fact that her baby might be orphaned at a young age, etc? I'm sure she consulted with people and thought things through. Why do we assume we know better?
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Carmen Luna


Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 6:36 pm
shoshanim999 wrote:
So what exactly was the point of your comment about the elderly person who got married in his 70's??? We're all discussing whether it's selfish for an older person to start having children. Some say it's selfish because there is a higher likelihood that the parent won't be around as the child is growing up and others are arguing that every person regardless of age has the right to become a parent regardless of age. From your post it appeared you were taking the side of the argument that it's a persons right to have children at an advanced age. Now your saying you actually meant nothing of the sort. What was your the point of your post???

Hug Hug Hug
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 7:06 pm
Shuly wrote:
In addition, a malignant tumor was found in the womb of the mother, which the doctors successfully removed.

mirror wrote:
Tumors are highly contagious. It's quite possible that the cancer spread to other parts of the body already.

PinkFridge wrote:
Chas v'shalom! Let's hope not. May I suggest that no one pass by that post and this without saying a perek of tehillim or brief tefilla, in any language.

I can't imagine anybody predicting illness - chas v'shalom נישט ביי קיינעם געדאכט
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 8:32 pm
Carmen Luna wrote:
Hug Hug Hug

At last, we have someone who hugs a post in a passive-aggressive manner - under her own screen name!
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 8:50 pm
tryinghard wrote:
At last, we have someone who hugs a post in a passive-aggressive manner - under her own screen name!

Applause finally. I can at least respect that.....
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