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What sweet/ funny things your child says?
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Coffee Addict


Post Sun, Sep 11 2016, 10:57 pm
I love this thread. I probably have a million cute funny things that the kids said. I can't remember not one now. Rolling Eyes Twisted Evil
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Post Mon, Sep 12 2016, 12:12 am
My 7 year old DD asked me what confident means. I told her when you feel sure about something, as in "I'm confident that..." The next day she tells me "Mommy, I'm feeling confidential that...."
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Post Mon, Sep 12 2016, 12:41 am
I also have that problem where my kids are adorable but I never remember the details long enough to share them. My not-yet-4-year-old comes up with her own explanations for things that are so cute and I just don't remember what they are! But tonight was sweet, lately they've been fighting like cats and dogs most of most days. I've been really worried why they aren't being nice to each other so much of the time. I think a lot of it is that they've lacked structure between camp and school, and at the same time I've been busy, stressed, and distracted, so they're in a tough situation. Earlier today older DD who has been extremely needy said I wasn't spending enough time with her, so I told her we would have some special time at bedtime. I put little DD to bed and whispered to big DD that her special time is hers and will be special regardless, so please let's not say anything to make little DD feel bad about it. We'll just keep it quiet between us. Anyway in middle of our game little DD pops back out and to my very very pleasant surprise big DD did not fuss at all, she welcomed her to join us and even let her be on her team in the game we were playing. They took turns nicely all the way to the end of the game. It was the sweetest moments we've had in about two weeks and reassures me that all may yet be well around here.
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Post Mon, Sep 12 2016, 2:32 am
DD4 was playing with our newborn and cooed to her, "You are not a lima bean, you're a human bean."
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Post Mon, Sep 12 2016, 7:03 am
Omg! there are so many stories- I forget most of them, but here are a few:

My son (2.5) discovered he has 2 first names: David Betzalel. We usually only call him David.

ANyways, we were shopping in a crowded clothing store and I didn't want them to get lost or trampled on, so I sat them on the floor in a corner of the store. A few min. later, I hear my son shouting. I hurry to the scene, and I see both my children crying. I freaked out and asked them what on earth had happened. My dd answered me that 2 kids weren't being nice to them. I asked them what was it that the kids had done to them, to which my son answered:" They said "be careful not to step on that baby"- I'm not a baby- I'm a big boy- and my name is David betzalel!"

When he met his new Morah last week, she asked if we call him by both his names. I answered that we usually just call him David, to which my son quickly corrected me: "Lo nachon (not true)- I'm David Hamelech!". Yep, and he insists that everyone treat him like he's royalty too...

The other day my kids were fighting and my ds bit his sister (something we're working on). He bit her because she called him "David Hachamudi" ( David the sweetie pie) and he insisted that he wasn't a "Chamudi"- he was David Hamelech..

My 3 yr. dd recently overheard a phone conversation in which a relative alled to tell me that another relative had passed away. DD then asked me to call the relative I had been speaking to. I gave her the phone and heard her asking my relative:" Esti, mi nifterah?" ( who died?). I think my relative almost had a heart attack, getting such a question unexpectadely from a 3 yr. old...

my Dd thinks she's a second Mommy in my house. I always tell my kids on Shabbois morning that they have to take another nap, otherwise they won't have any energy to go to savta. Anyways, last shabbos they woke up at 6 a.m. I heard dd telling ds that he has to go straight back to bed, otherwise he won't have any energy to go to Savta's house ( no mention of HER going back to sleep though lol). My ds answers her: " Aval lo choshech bachutz" (it's not dark outside...

I was once taking a catnap one shabbos morning, when I remember vaguely being woken up by dd (3 yr. ) telling me that ds made in his diaper. I promptly fell back asllep. I was woken up awhile later to the sight of ds standing naked besides my bed, while my dd is complaining: "mommy, he won't let me wipe him!" I sure jumped out of bed quickly then...

DD and I were sitting on a bus packed with kollel men returning home for lunch. DD says loudly:" why Mommy, you have such a fat stomach!". Oh great!

DD proudly declares at the shabbos table that Mommy said her Tushie is only hers and that it's very special. She then went on telling each one of the people there that there Tushie was only theirs and not for anyone else to see... It went like this:" Savta, right your Tushie is only your Tushie and nobody can touch it except for you?"
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Post Mon, Sep 12 2016, 9:21 am
amother wrote:

I was once taking a catnap one shabbos morning, when I remember vaguely being woken up by dd (3 yr. ) telling me that ds made in his diaper. I promptly fell back asllep. I was woken up awhile later to the sight of ds standing naked besides my bed, while my dd is complaining: "mommy, he won't let me wipe him!" I sure jumped out of bed quickly then...

Rolling Laughter
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Post Mon, Sep 12 2016, 9:43 am
rachel6543 wrote:
When my son was little he saw a giant Santa Clause display outside a store and yelled, "That looks like Rabbi X from school".

Surprised This just reminded me--my husband went to the wedding of a close friend, who is a BT and became Chassidish. So the chasunah was very mixed with chassidish people and non-chassidish frum people and non-religious Jews as well. The chosson's rebbe was the mesader kedushin and the chuppah was outside in the middle of December, so he was wearing a beautiful coat with fur trim and a fur hat, and he had a very big white beard. As the rebbe walked by, a little girl pointed and cried out "It's SANTA!!"
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Post Tue, Sep 13 2016, 7:32 am
My 3yr old ds asked me one day "when is moshiach coming?"
My 5 yr old dd answered "mommy can check on the calendar!"
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