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S/o cancelled concert..
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 9:40 am
DVOM wrote:
Yes, good point. Lets say 7:45- 6?

And now you are pretty much describing any older, regular yeshivish yeshivah (is that phrase possible?) in New York or other large frum city. Including the very intense very yeshivish yeshivah that my brother graduated from just a few years ago.

What happened that things have changed so much?

Last edited by Mommyg8 on Wed, Apr 17 2019, 9:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 9:43 am
DVOM wrote:
Fascinating, Mommyg8. I thought I was the only one who thinks like this! My husband really dislikes avosubonim... We do not have the type of kids who sit quietly, waiting thier turn for thier dad to learn with them. We have the type of kids who review thier chumash or gemara while jumping on the trampoline or rollerblading circles around you. We went to Avos Ubonim just enough times to be included in the big party/raffel at the end.

Great minds think alike!

You should have heard my husband's rants on this topic. Why shouldn't motzei Shabbos be family time, time to chill? Does everyone else in Lakewood really have so much extra time?
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 9:47 am
DVOM wrote:
And yet, in past generations where all the boys were educated in a less intense "future gadol" manner, gedolim were produced. If your son and his whole community were given a 9-5 sort of education, and your son showed great apptitude and stamina for learning, at some point he would have been singled out and coached in that direction.

I agree with this. Why does Lakewood education have to be one size fits all? When it's obviously not fitting a lot of kids.

Why can't they have two or three yeshivos for the metzuyanim, and the rest on normal schedules?

Ok, I'm answering my own question, lol. Because the two top yeshivos will have three thousand applicants each and the other yeshivos will have to beg boys to come. Exactly the way it is right now. I guess everyone thinks they are that top 10%....
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 9:48 am
Mommyg8 wrote:
Great minds think alike!

You should have heard my husband's rants on this topic. Why shouldn't motzei Shabbos be family time, time to chill? Does everyone else in Lakewood really have so much extra time?

I don’t get it. Why does it bother you? If you don’t like it, don’t go.... I think it’s such a nice idea. My husband is hardly ever home and this was such a nice way for him to spend time learning with my son.
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 10:15 am
Chayalle wrote:
I always think that when I read about Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel Z"L, Rosh Yeshiva of Mir Yerushalayim (My DH's R"Y). He had such a normal, balanced childhood. I think it's likely he was able to accomplish so much because of that.[/

Dear Chayalle,

Do you have a good book about R. Finkel that you could recommend?

I sadly stopped reading frum biographies a while ago, one of the reasons being that I could not handle the extremism promoted, sometimes inaccurately.

After he passed away, I read alot about him in all the frum publications. So I'm not specifically thinking about a book....though there probably are (and I have no idea what slant they take.)

But I read so much about his normal, all American childhood in Chicago. He played sports, he did normal things. I saw how they stressed that he became a Gadol even though his childhood was regular. And I think it's because he was raised regular, without pressure, he was allowed to be a kid - greatness can come from that.

I have a cousin in Lakewood who grew up in Europe. He's brilliant, he's a Rosh Chaburah in BMG and is starting to Pasken sheilos. He grew up so normal - none of the pressure going on in the US - he played sports, he hiked, he built things, etc....he went to the (gasp) more modern yeshiva in the place he grew up....I knew him as a kid, he was always super bright but his parents most definitely did not push any of what he is today on him.

I see this over and over.
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 10:16 am
Mommyg8 wrote:
Great minds think alike!

You should have heard my husband's rants on this topic. Why shouldn't motzei Shabbos be family time, time to chill? Does everyone else in Lakewood really have so much extra time?

Rabbi Reisman "markets" his motzei Shabbos shiur as "Turn Saturday night into motzei Shabbos."
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 10:26 am
Mommyg8 wrote:
Great minds think alike!

You should have heard my husband's rants on this topic. Why shouldn't motzei Shabbos be family time, time to chill? Does everyone else in Lakewood really have so much extra time?

I think it's a great idea for those who would otherwise not be spending family time. It gives something constructive, some structure, to those who need it.

But there shouldn't be pressure attached to those who don't.

As to all the recent rantings about renaming it to something else, it always has me thinking of DH. Not all fathers have sons, and there's so much in the frum world glorifying that relationship that hurts so many people who don't have it - yesomim, those who have IF, children of single parents, and those whose don't have that relationship, etc...
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 12:15 pm
Chayalle wrote:
I think it's a great idea for those who would otherwise not be spending family time. It gives something constructive, some structure, to those who need it.

But there shouldn't be pressure attached to those who don't.

As to all the recent rantings about renaming it to something else, it always has me thinking of DH. Not all fathers have sons, and there's so much in the frum world glorifying that relationship that hurts so many people who don't have it - yesomim, those who have IF, children of single parents, and those whose don't have that relationship, etc...

I believe some started calling it dor ldor or something else for this reason.
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 2:13 pm
Chayalle wrote:
After he passed away, I read alot about him in all the frum publications. So I'm not specifically thinking about a book....though there probably are (and I have no idea what slant they take.)

But I read so much about his normal, all American childhood in Chicago. He played sports, he did normal things. I saw how they stressed that he became a Gadol even though his childhood was regular. And I think it's because he was raised regular, without pressure, he was allowed to be a kid - greatness can come from that.

I have a cousin in Lakewood who grew up in Europe. He's brilliant, he's a Rosh Chaburah in BMG and is starting to Pasken sheilos. He grew up so normal - none of the pressure going on in the US - he played sports, he hiked, he built things, etc....he went to the (gasp) more modern yeshiva in the place he grew up....I knew him as a kid, he was always super bright but his parents most definitely did not push any of what he is today on him.

I see this over and over.

Thank you so much for your reply!
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