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Anyone else pushing off mikvah indefinitely?
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 10:04 am
In yesterday's Jerusalem Post, an article stated 1%, or 16 out of the 1656 people who contracted coronavirus in Israel, were infected in a mikva.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 10:17 am
amother [ Cerulean ] wrote:
Wonderful. Can you answer the other questions too? Do you disinfect the bottle of juice? You never know who breathed or sneezed or coughed in the vicinity. Do you quarantine the cardboard boxes for a few hours before moving them?

Yes. All of this has been recommended. In fact, Cardboard boxes are immediately thrown away, as they may have viral particles for up to 2 days. Everything is wiped down.Oranges are washed, then peeled and hands washed after peeling, etc.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 10:26 am
I did not read through this entire thread, but OP, please remember that every infected "droplet" has a address. If you are meant to become infected, Hashem will find a way to infect you. If you aren't meant to be infected, you will literally walk past a droplet that skims right by your nose and hits another G-d ordained target. If mikvaos are still open now, that means mikvah is a pretty big mitzvah, and you might consider working on your emunah to the point that you can go. Repeat "ain of milvado" constantly to yourself, say "yivarechicha Hashem v'yishmirecha" 500× while there, and visualize yourself in a protective magenta dovid surrounded by ananei hakavod.

Some tips: do all your preparation at home, wear gloves and bring lysol wipes to wipe down the surface where you put your clothes (put them on a fabric surface as opposed to hard surfaces if possible), only remove your gloves at the last minute and have a fresh pair to put on before you get dressed. Remove and dispose of gloves and use hand sanitizer when you get to your car.

This advice is coming from someone who only left the house for mikvah and one grocery trip in surgical gloves and mask, and took her kids out of school earlier than community. I am very careful, but trying to work on fear of Hashem over fear of Coronavirus. Best of luck and health, my friend!
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 10:34 am
amother [ Scarlet ] wrote:
In yesterday's Jerusalem Post, an article stated 1%, or 16 out of the 1656 people who contracted coronavirus in Israel, were infected in a mikva.

Men's mikvah or women's?
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 10:38 am
amother [ Scarlet ] wrote:
In yesterday's Jerusalem Post, an article stated 1%, or 16 out of the 1656 people who contracted coronavirus in Israel, were infected in a mikva.

So does 1% make it insignificant?
What if you are one of them.
What about how those 16 now run the risk of exposing more people exponentially?
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 10:55 am
amother [ Coffee ] wrote:
Men's mikvah or women's?

Not sure, but possibly women's. I know two mikvaot were closed in Israel because infected women dipped there. All the women who had gone to the mikva in that time period needed to quarantine. I don't know how they reached them all, since no one gives a name at the mikva. Maybe through cellphone tracing, as the government now has the authority to trace people during this period.

I don't know how many of those women actually got sick afterwards though.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 10:57 am
amother [ Yellow ] wrote:
Yes. All of this has been recommended. In fact, Cardboard boxes are immediately thrown away, as they may have viral particles for up to 2 days. Everything is wiped down.Oranges are washed, then peeled and hands washed after peeling, etc.

Yes. If we get a delivery in a box, we move it in with gloves, and leave it for 2 days before opening. If it has perishable or urgent things in it, we dispose of the box while wearing gloves, and disinfect every item, then hand wash like crazy
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 11:02 am
amother [ Cerulean ] wrote:
I do have to say I am surprised, especially after the comments made to an amother on another thread (a while back) who said she doesn't do prenatal care or ultrasounds.

BH I’m not pregnant now...
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 11:06 am
amother [ Crimson ] wrote:
Not sure, but possibly women's. I know two mikvaot were closed in Israel because infected women dipped there. All the women who had gone to the mikva in that time period needed to quarantine. I don't know how they reached them all, since no one gives a name at the mikva. Maybe through cellphone tracing, as the government now has the authority to trace people during this period.

I don't know how many of those women actually got sick afterwards though.

Where we live, we all got a notice that whoever went on certain dates to the Mikva on the right (out of 2+ in the building) has to go into quarantine. (It was said in a hunted way so kids wouldn’t understand easily.)

I’m curious too whether anyone actually got infected.

Don’t forget that people get infected before they show symptoms - so it really is hard to know if the Mikva is infected.

And I know people in our area that asked a Shaila about postponing the Mikva, and were told that they could.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 11:09 am
amother [ Babyblue ] wrote:
So does 1% make it insignificant?
What if you are one of them.
What about how those 16 now run the risk of exposing more people exponentially?

Hey, back down. I purposely did not comment one way or the other. You have no idea where I stand on this subject.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 11:10 am
amother [ Coffee ] wrote:
Men's mikvah or women's?

The article did not say.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 11:16 am
amother [ Amber ] wrote:
Where we live, we all got a notice that whoever went on certain dates to the Mikva on the right (out of 2+ in the building) has to go into quarantine. (It was said in a hunted way so kids wouldn’t understand easily.)


It's kind of embarrassing for the quarantined women. I guess they have to make up an excuse to tell everyone, including their own children, why they are quarantined.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 11:20 am
amother [ Ginger ] wrote:
I did not read through this entire thread, but OP, please remember that every infected "droplet" has a address. If you are meant to become infected, Hashem will find a way to infect you. If you aren't meant to be infected, you will literally walk past a droplet that skims right by your nose and hits another G-d ordained target. If mikvaos are still open now, that means mikvah is a pretty big mitzvah, and you might consider working on your emunah to the point that you can go. Repeat "ain of milvado" constantly to yourself, say "yivarechicha Hashem v'yishmirecha" 500× while there, and visualize yourself in a protective magenta dovid surrounded by ananei hakavod.

Some tips: do all your preparation at home, wear gloves and bring lysol wipes to wipe down the surface where you put your clothes (put them on a fabric surface as opposed to hard surfaces if possible), only remove your gloves at the last minute and have a fresh pair to put on before you get dressed. Remove and dispose of gloves and use hand sanitizer when you get to your car.

This advice is coming from someone who only left the house for mikvah and one grocery trip in surgical gloves and mark , and took her kids out of school earlier than community. I am very careful, but trying to work on fear of Hashem over fear of Coronavirus. Best of luck and health, my friend!
This and we all are anyway going to get. We just don't want us all to get it together. Not to overwhelm the healthcare system.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 11:30 am
amother [ Coffee ] wrote:
Men's mikvah or women's?

I would have to assume men's.

Sixteen is a lot. Men's mikvas are much less hygienic than women's. I don't think they disinfect between people. There often is no attendant at all.

Women's mikvas, most of the balaniot take cleanliness seriously (in my experience). I cannot imagine my balanit NOT taking the guidelines and disinfection instructions seriously. There are much less women in a given mikva on a given day than there are men in a men's mikva.

And, the number of women who went to mikva while carriers of coronavirus is practically nil (think one or two) and most of those who came in contact with them are still in quarantine.

So if you put two and two together, it makes sense to say that those 16 were infected in a men's mikva. Of course, if we knew their genders, we would know for certain. Smile

(All this said, I am incredibly glad not to have to go to mikva right now, and hope that I don't need to, before I expect to. It would be a difficult leap of faith for me, to say the least. Not because I don't trust the balanit, but because I don't trust the other women. I have OCD, so this is something I would worry about, if I had to go.)
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 11:30 am
amother [ Crimson ] wrote:
It's kind of embarrassing for the quarantined women. I guess they have to make up an excuse to tell everyone, including their own children, why they are quarantined.

They can just say "I found out that I came in contact with someone who had coronavirus."
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 11:40 am
One of the many reasons I am grateful to be in a (surprise) pregnancy now, iyh all should be well. My first child took a long time + IF intervention. Shocked to be pregnant so soon pp but this is such a help.

I probably wouldn’t go or be very stressed if I did. Op do what you need to do and reassses as things progress.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 11:43 am
I went last week but my community has been taking this very seriously since the beginning of march. The mikvah was immaculate, I could smell the disinfectant when I walked into the prep room it was really strong. Everyone wore gloves. They had a system so that no bare feet ever touched the floor. You wore disposable shoes and took your own bathmat with you for when you had to take the shoes off. I was really impressed with how much thought they put into making it as clean as possible.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 1:14 pm
amother [ Floralwhite ] wrote:
Then you have Emunah in Daas Torah.
I dont live that way. I dont ask rabbis questions like this. I learned that if a husband and wife both agree that pushing off is what they want to do, then its fine. I learned that with my kallah teacher.
I am not going to go to the mikvah if a rabbi tells me to even if medically I feel that I cant.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 1:16 pm
amother [ Coffee ] wrote:
Men's mikvah or women's?
definitely women's mikvahs. Men's mikvaot have been closed for a while now.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 1:50 pm
amother [ Scarlet ] wrote:
In yesterday's Jerusalem Post, an article stated 1%, or 16 out of the 1656 people who contracted coronavirus in Israel, were infected in a mikva.

How can they conclude with certainty where a person contracted the virus? Even if he/she went to a mikvah, there are still many other possible exposures that could have been responsible for the transmission.
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