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Private Schools Not Allowed to Open In Person!!!
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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 10:57 am
Hashem_Yaazor wrote:
What can the Maryland governor do? He gave them that authority but spoke about how he believes school should open. He's on your side. What more would the petition to him do?

The governor will not get involved. As I said before, he's trying to play both sides. He wants to appear on the side of conservatives who want to reopen the economy, that's why he criticized this. However, the reality is that MD is a heavily Democratic leaning state, so he doesn't want to be seen as pushing a conservative agenda too badly. The one time he went up against the school systems was to change the school calendar (to keep conservatives in Ocean City happy about improving their economy) and he took a lot of heat about that.
It's all politics, he wants to run for president in 4 years, and needs the cachet of having high approval ratings from a Democratic voting state. He's a decent governor but at the end of the day he is a politician and is out for himself. He set this situation up carefully so he doesn't look like the bad guy to either side. He will be limiting himself to issuing statements that are critical (but not too strong) and that's it. And the state education superintendent will back him up, even though she is normally a tough cookie.
ETA this is why he left things up to locsl governments, so they end up being the bad guys, not him. He didn't want to end up like Cuomo or DiBlasio, who have both probably finished their political higher aspirations. He's absolutely not getting involved here. He's walking a delicate tightrope.
[Mod note - no more politics in this thread. Please start a spin off in the politics forum if you would like. Thanks]
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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 11:23 am
I was just discussing this with my boss. My entire office sends their kids to private schools (me to the Jewish ones, them to St. Pauls/Gilman). We work with Balt. City public schools, United Way, etc. Part of the issue is also the very real concern for inequitable education. The distance between those who can pay for any kind of extra education, tutoring, private school... and those in Balt. City who still are working on getting their subsidized internet ($10/month) hook up and running is vast as it is and this will only make it worse. Those parents are working all day and the kids are home alone. THEY are the ones who really need to be back in school for SO MANY REASONS. I am more worried about them than I am about us.
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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 11:46 am
amother [ Khaki ] wrote:
I was just discussing this with my boss. My entire office sends their kids to private schools (me to the Jewish ones, them to St. Pauls/Gilman). We work with Balt. City public schools, United Way, etc. Part of the issue is also the very real concern for inequitable education. The distance between those who can pay for any kind of extra education, tutoring, private school... and those in Balt. City who still are working on getting their subsidized internet ($10/month) hook up and running is vast as it is and this will only make it worse. Those parents are working all day and the kids are home alone. THEY are the ones who really need to be back in school for SO MANY REASONS. I am more worried about them than I am about us.

I live across the street from a public school where 85% of the families are low income and 44% of them are considered weak in english language. I am in Chicago where the public schools want a hybrid and the teachers union want all remote. I really feel that these children will suffer the most. Many of these parents will go to work and leave their 8 year olds home alone because they feel they have no choice or maybe in their country of origin that was considered a normal thing to do even if in our area its not really safe. This is going to be a massive societal disaster for everyone.
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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 12:13 pm
mha3484 wrote:
I live across the street from a public school where 85% of the families are low income and 44% of them are considered weak in english language. I am in Chicago where the public schools want a hybrid and the teachers union want all remote. I really feel that these children will suffer the most. Many of these parents will go to work and leave their 8 year olds home alone because they feel they have no choice or maybe in their country of origin that was considered a normal thing to do even if in our area its not really safe. This is going to be a massive societal disaster for everyone.

Funny, I am actually from Chicago originally and my first "real" job was a teachers assistant in a school. I was forced to join the Chicago teachers union and pay part of my salary to the union. The teachers union in Chicago is no joke. They have LONG been known to strike, hold off the start of the school year for months, etc. They hold the students hostage. Chicago has a long history with unions and teamsters in all areas of employment... its horrible. And they do not have the students best interest at heart. I agree with you, this is going to be horrible for the kids who will be left alone.
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Mama Bear


Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 12:59 pm
I have a funny unrelated question. The kids of the 2 parent working households, what were they doing for childcare all summer? or were the mothers waiting to go back to work in september?
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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 1:12 pm
Mama Bear wrote:
I have a funny unrelated question. The kids of the 2 parent working households, what were they doing for childcare all summer? or were the mothers waiting to go back to work in september?

That would be me. I am working remotely from home. My office set us up back in March for this. It is not at all ideal. Productivity is way down. I tend to the kids as needed and yes, they have way more screen time than I would ever normally allow. They are 7 and 11 and really need camp. They cant go to camp this summer because we cant afford to send them; my husband works at their camp and we send them there because its free for them as an employee perk. They had an hour a day of free virtual camp for a month which was better than nothing. Now he is back at his regular job. Its hard but this too shall pass. We just have to make it through.
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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 1:38 pm
Mama Bear wrote:
I have a funny unrelated question. The kids of the 2 parent working households, what were they doing for childcare all summer? or were the mothers waiting to go back to work in september?

They are at best unproductive, and having their lack of productivity noted in their permanent records. Many are losing their jobs.

Two income families with children cannot afford this. And those who rely on public assistance to finance a SAHM are going to see those programs collapse soon, due to overwhelming demand for dwindling funds. No community is immune.
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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 1:46 pm
Looks like the Governor reversed it: https://governor.maryland.gov/.....ures/
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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 1:49 pm
BH!!!! Amazing news!!!

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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 3:58 pm
Mama Bear wrote:
I have a funny unrelated question. The kids of the 2 parent working households, what were they doing for childcare all summer? or were the mothers waiting to go back to work in september?

I don't live in MD. I'm a single mom.

I have no family to watch my kids. I'm using a licensed daycare center following NYS DOH rules.

If the private school that she would have started at is not opening or cannot stay open, she will likely return there if they have space. The daycare is a major Jewish-run but not Orthodox early childcare center. I am the only orthodox parent there right now. Also, quite frankly, the parents who send the kids are all essential workers like myself, so we are all very strict on social distancing in our personal lives. We don't frequent stores not enforcing social distancing, we aren't going to gatherings, etc.

Why? Because we want and need the early childcare center to stay open so we can go to work, and so our children have some semblance of normal, and we're willing to make those sacrifices to do so. We want schools and everything else to return to as much normal as soon as it can, so we are making sacrifices now.

If I didn't have to go to work, I would not be sending my children out at all. I need my community to stay healthy more than I need a break from the children that I wanted and I created.
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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 4:32 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
BH!!!! Amazing news!!!


I am glad for you that your tefillos were answered. My tefillos are that everyone maintains social distancing and wearing masks and that no students or teachers get sick. I hope my tefillos are answered too.
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Mama Bear


Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 7:58 pm
yay Bh!
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Post Mon, Aug 03 2020, 11:03 pm
amother [ Rose ] wrote:
I don't live in MD. I'm a single mom.

I have no family to watch my kids. I'm using a licensed daycare center following NYS DOH rules.

If the private school that she would have started at is not opening or cannot stay open, she will likely return there if they have space. The daycare is a major Jewish-run but not Orthodox early childcare center. I am the only orthodox parent there right now. Also, quite frankly, the parents who send the kids are all essential workers like myself, so we are all very strict on social distancing in our personal lives. We don't frequent stores not enforcing social distancing, we aren't going to gatherings, etc.

Why? Because we want and need the early childcare center to stay open so we can go to work, and so our children have some semblance of normal, and we're willing to make those sacrifices to do so. We want schools and everything else to return to as much normal as soon as it can, so we are making sacrifices now.

If I didn't have to go to work, I would not be sending my children out at all. I need my community to stay healthy more than I need a break from the children that I wanted and I created.

I'm not sure if this is some weird dig at people who have "non-essential" jobs who want to send their kids to school regardless, but it sure reads like one. My job may not be "essential" but it feels pretty essential to me when I rely on it to pay my mortgage and buy food. I hate this distinction between essential and non-essential and its pretty demeaning to those of us who work hard to support ourselves. So you get to send your kid to school and excuse yourself because you're essential but the rest of us should just do what? Keep our kids home until 6 months from now when there's maybe a vaccine but maybe not and we're all impoverished? No thanks. I'd rather take the chance with a virus that has a smaller chance of killing my kids than the flu then end up on the breadline. I wanted and created my kids too, but I also wanted and created my career. I wanted and created my kids to have a good life with stable housing and food and an education. My job provides that for them. So I won't be shamed for sending them to school even though I'm not an "essential" worker.
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Post Tue, Aug 04 2020, 1:23 am
amother [ Rose ] wrote:
I don't live in MD. I'm a single mom.

I have no family to watch my kids. I'm using a licensed daycare center following NYS DOH rules.

If the private school that she would have started at is not opening or cannot stay open, she will likely return there if they have space. The daycare is a major Jewish-run but not Orthodox early childcare center. I am the only orthodox parent there right now. Also, quite frankly, the parents who send the kids are all essential workers like myself, so we are all very strict on social distancing in our personal lives. We don't frequent stores not enforcing social distancing, we aren't going to gatherings, etc.

Why? Because we want and need the early childcare center to stay open so we can go to work, and so our children have some semblance of normal, and we're willing to make those sacrifices to do so. We want schools and everything else to return to as much normal as soon as it can, so we are making sacrifices now.

If I didn't have to go to work, I would not be sending my children out at all. I need my community to stay healthy more than I need a break from the children that I wanted and I created.

What an entitled post!

I'm also a single mom. My job is only
"essential" to the extent that I want to keep everyone clothed and fed. I don't send my kids to school for "a break." I send my kids to school so that I can earn the money that keeps them alive.
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Post Tue, Aug 04 2020, 4:36 am
amother [ Dodgerblue ] wrote:
The governor will not get involved. As I said before, he's trying to play both sides. He wants to appear on the side of conservatives who want to reopen the economy, that's why he criticized this. However, the reality is that MD is a heavily Democratic leaning state, so he doesn't want to be seen as pushing a conservative agenda too badly. The one time he went up against the school systems was to change the school calendar (to keep conservatives in Ocean City happy about improving their economy) and he took a lot of heat about that.
It's all politics, he wants to run for president in 4 years, and needs the cachet of having high approval ratings from a Democratic voting state. He's a decent governor but at the end of the day he is a politician and is out for himself. He set this situation up carefully so he doesn't look like the bad guy to either side. He will be limiting himself to issuing statements that are critical (but not too strong) and that's it. And the state education superintendent will back him up, even though she is normally a tough cookie.
ETA this is why he left things up to locsl governments, so they end up being the bad guys, not him. He didn't want to end up like Cuomo or DiBlasio, who have both probably finished their political higher aspirations. He's absolutely not getting involved here. He's walking a delicate tightrope.
[Mod note - no more politics in this thread. Please start a spin off in the politics forum if you would like. Thanks]

Actually he did! Yay Hogan!
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Post Tue, Aug 04 2020, 11:10 am
tante_feige wrote:
What an entitled post!

I'm also a single mom. My job is only
"essential" to the extent that I want to keep everyone clothed and fed. I don't send my kids to school for "a break." I send my kids to school so that I can earn the money that keeps them alive.

Please explain why you find this entitled.

I agree with you on all your points. I thought my post made that clear.

My job is actually both personally "essential" ie. having clothing, food, and shelter, and it is also legally defined as "essential" by the government and cannot be performed remotely. So, in that aspect, we do differ, since my job and my company is part of essential services full stop.
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Post Tue, Aug 04 2020, 5:45 pm
amother [ Rose ] wrote:
Please explain why you find this entitled.

I agree with you on all your points. I thought my post made that clear.

My job is actually both personally "essential" ie. having clothing, food, and shelter, and it is also legally defined as "essential" by the government and cannot be performed remotely. So, in that aspect, we do differ, since my job and my company is part of essential services full stop.

You wrote: "If I didn't have to go to work, I would not be sending my children out at all. I need my community to stay healthy more than I need a break from the children that I wanted and I created."

You only described your job as "essential" from a legal standpoint. You mentioned nothing about actually needing your salary to survive. The additional information that you chose to share in your second post paints a different picture.
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Post Tue, Aug 04 2020, 6:47 pm
tante_feige wrote:
You wrote: "If I didn't have to go to work, I would not be sending my children out at all. I need my community to stay healthy more than I need a break from the children that I wanted and I created."

You only described your job as "essential" from a legal standpoint. You mentioned nothing about actually needing your salary to survive. The additional information that you chose to share in your second post paints a different picture.

I didn't explicitly say I needed my income to survive, true. I thought that was apparent when I made it clear that I'm a single mom.
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