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Do you eat Lubavitch shechita
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 2:56 pm
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
I'm not familiar with any OK scandal in Jersey or outside.

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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 2:57 pm
Thisisnotmyreal wrote:
Thank you, the same shochtim are used for lots of different hechsharim. Shor Habor is not exclusively Lubavitcher shochtim and vice versa. It's about who's giving the Hechsharim, and different labels.

There are lubavitchers ( not all) who are makpid about the actual shochet, not just who's giving the hechsher, that it should be a lubavitcher,or a chassid.

If it's about who's giving the hechsher , then you eat lubavitch if you drink coke in Israel. Or myriad other things which are landa hechsher , and if you don't its almost definitely not coz it's less mehudar.

Differences with the knife was an issue 200 years ago during the times of the Vilma Goan, and as far as I know those differences were resolved as the chassidic innovation was accepted by all. But maybe you are talking about another issue with the knives that I haven't heard of
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:01 pm
amother Aquamarine wrote:
Will reply quickly. The sinas Chinam in this thread is awful. Accusing whole groups of people of Avodah zara...wowie...
The politics of kashrus between groups existed way way way before the meshichist issue but good excuse to make more hate among yidden.
Chabad has a unique way in checking when an issue comes up with their rabbinim.
I'm sure your rabbanim pasken differently abd that is and should be the main reason for someone to eat only their communities or ravs hashgacha.
(My brother is a shochet for a very very popular shlachthoiz. He shechts for lubavitch but is the mashguach for everyone else the rest of the time and the difference of hashgachas is which rav they ask when a problem comes up with a knife or after shechita etc)

Whatever Stringencies and preferences people have when it comes to kashrus that’s fine, but no one can or should minimize the tremendous and incomparable work Chabad does in the area of kiruv and no other chassidus or group has shluchim and help available to every Jew in every corner of the earth which we all owe a debt of gratitude for to the Rebbe ztl and Lubavitch loyal shluchim.
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:01 pm
Rappel wrote:
Thank you.

So if someone doesn't daven at kevarim in general, then would you say they shouldn't daven at the Rebbe's kever either?

I recently heard from a kindergarten teacher in my town that she faxed a letter to the Rebbe not too long ago, and received a reply. So there must be someone still answering all these letters. Is that mainstream 770, or a meshichist scam?

Outside of studying his teachings: Do you think the Rebbe is currently guiding and watching over you? Like a spirit whom is touching your life and actively protecting you from harm?

Doesn't daven at kevarim?
The yidden davened by rochel imeinu on their way to golus and Hashem will save us on her behalf.
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:02 pm
Just FYI, OK hashgacha is run by lubavitchers but isn't a chabad run hashgacha. Chabad hashgacha is called CHK.
(Meaning, the rabbinic they hold by and ask their shailos to aren't necessarily chabad)
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:04 pm
amother Ecru wrote:
Eliyahu Hanavi also brought the dead back to life. I really don't think you can compare that kind of level and say so therefore it's possible any big Rav never died.

Also there's two parts: the never dying, and also the believing he's moshiach part.

There's also the davening and sending letters to him, and talking about him and reffering to him on a godlike level. None of which anyone does about Eliyahu Hanavi or even our avos.

If you have a problem with the hashkafa, I'm interested in explaining. But I don't think you have the authority to decide who is a big gadol or who can do miracles, especially since you don't seem to know much about these ruchniusdike concepts.
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:06 pm
werty wrote:
There are lubavitchers ( not all) who are makpid about the actual shochet, not just who's giving the hechsher, that it should be a lubavitcher,or a chassid.

If it's about who's giving the hechsher , then you eat lubavitch if you drink coke in Israel. Or myriad other things which are landa hechsher , and if you don't its almost definitely not coz it's less mehudar.

Differences with the knife was an issue 200 years ago during the times of the Vilma Goan, and as far as I know those differences were resolved as the chassidic innovation was accepted by all. But maybe you are talking about another issue with the knives that I haven't heard of

Landua is not run by chabad, Rav Landua was chabad but he is no longer alive according to dh.
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:07 pm
And like I said before. Every sect of yiddishkeit has different standards regarding kashrus. Nor necessarily better or worse, rather just different.
The ONLY reason someone should be eating from their hashgacha only is because they know that any questions that come up are asked to their own rabbinic and their own "type" of kashrus halacha is upheld.
This is regarding shechitah, dairy, Kashering the plants from treif to kosher etc...
Leave the rebbe, meshicjist etc out of this discussion. It literally doesn't belong here.
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:12 pm
Rappel wrote:
Thank you.

So if someone doesn't daven at kevarim in general, then would you say they shouldn't daven at the Rebbe's kever either?

I recently heard from a kindergarten teacher in my town that she faxed a letter to the Rebbe not too long ago, and received a reply. So there must be someone still answering all these letters. Is that mainstream 770, or a meshichist scam?

Outside of studying his teachings: Do you think the Rebbe is currently guiding and watching over you? Like a spirit whom is touching your life and actively protecting you from harm?

I don't understand your first question, what do you mean should they? I guess if you don't daven at kvarim , don't daven there either.

As far as those answers you are referring to, that would be a meshichist , getting their "answer"

As far as the Rebbe's current involvement, a neshama isn't limited and therefore clearly sees what's happening on earth. So it makes sense to continue to communicate, and for sure he hears, or rather sees the pidyon he is sent to his kever. Does he have the power to help by giving brachas , like before he passed away? I think so, yes. That's why we continue to connect and daven at his kever.
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:13 pm
amother Aquamarine wrote:
And like I said before. Every sect of yiddishkeit has different standards regarding kashrus. Nor necessarily better or worse, rather just different.
The ONLY reason someone should be eating from their hashgacha only is because they know that any questions that come up are asked to their own rabbinic and their own "type" of kashrus halacha is upheld.
This is regarding shechitah, dairy, Kashering the plants from treif to kosher etc...
Leave the rebbe, meshicjist etc out of this discussion. It literally doesn't belong here.

But it does matter. It's about relying on someone's yiras hashem and following the same beliefs and in this case it's a problem for many communities.
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:13 pm
amother Ecru wrote:
Landua is not run by chabad, Rav Landua was chabad but he is no longer alive according to dh.

What on earth are you talking about. The current Rav landa is totally Chabad and bH totally alive
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:14 pm
amother Milk wrote:
I think the difference is outside the Lubavitch world we don’t claim to understand what happens to people after they die. We might discuss what meforshim say but we don’t believe a specific person is alive.

Yes, discussing meforshim is mainstream Judaism.
Some of chabad teachings are based on zohar in adddition to medrash and meforshim so there is more of a familiarity with neshomos and upper worlds.
Chabad chassidus likes to pull out a practical lesson from everything though so it should change how we live. It's ok to take your learning practically.
Regular chabad does not learn plain zohar though, just through the lense that is taught from the Rabbeim who have the knowledge and experience to properly understand it.
Here is an excerpt from zohar which is said in the maneeh loshon at kivrei tzaddikim in chabad (supporting the concept of davening at kivrei tzaddikim).
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:14 pm
When I go to the kever of a tzaddik, I daven to Hashem in the zechus of the tzaddik, not to the tzaddik himself.

When a Lubavitcher goes to the kever of the Rebbe, do they daven to Hashem or to the Rebbe?
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:16 pm
amother Blonde wrote:

Could you please clarify what this has to do with me?
I've never been to NJ or America for that matter nor have I dined in this restaurant.
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:17 pm
werty wrote:
I don't understand your first question, what do you mean should they? I guess if you don't daven at kvarim , don't daven there either.

As far as those answers you are referring to, that would be a meshichist , getting their "answer"

As far as the Rebbe's current involvement, a neshama isn't limited and therefore clearly sees what's happening on earth. So it makes sense to continue to communicate, and for sure he hears, or rather sees the pidyon he is sent to his kever. Does he have the power to help by giving brachas , like before he passed away? I think so, yes. That's why we continue to connect and daven at his kever.

Thank you
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:20 pm
amother Ecru wrote:
I don't think anyone can decide someone is still alive. Eliyahu Hanavi we know is because there's many gedolim who said so, mefarshim etc in the tanach and Torah who said so.

Name one mainstream gadol who said the lubavitch rebbe is still alive. Rav chaim? Rav Edelstein? Cmon give me one name.

We don't just make up claims without mesorah.

First of all, I don't think the Rebbe is alive, as I have explained above. But just saying, the fact that the Rabbanim you mentioned do or don't say something isn't what forms my opinion, because I have different Rabanim, and a different hashkafa.

Also wondering,why do people say it's avoda Zara etc to say someone is still alive? Ma hakesher ?
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:20 pm
amother Gardenia wrote:
When I go to the kever of a tzaddik, I daven to Hashem in the zechus of the tzaddik, not to the tzaddik himself.

When a Lubavitcher goes to the kever of the Rebbe, do they daven to Hashem or to the Rebbe?

Like how you daven at kever Rochel.
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:21 pm
werty wrote:
Like how you daven at kever Rochel.

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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:22 pm
amother Gardenia wrote:
When I go to the kever of a tzaddik, I daven to Hashem in the zechus of the tzaddik, not to the tzaddik himself.

When a Lubavitcher goes to the kever of the Rebbe, do they daven to Hashem or to the Rebbe?

There are paragraphs of the maaneh lashon addressed to the Rebbe. It begins Shalom Aleichem my Rebbe. Then after that paragraph, you look up to the sky and continue אנא אדון עולמים רחמן מלא רחמים

https://www.kehot.org/Content/......html page nine of this link
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Post Wed, Mar 08 2023, 3:22 pm
amother Gardenia wrote:
When I go to the kever of a tzaddik, I daven to Hashem in the zechus of the tzaddik, not to the tzaddik himself.

When a Lubavitcher goes to the kever of the Rebbe, do they daven to Hashem or to the Rebbe?

They say maaneh loshon.
It's a compilation of mostly tehilim, an adress to the tzaddik and some zohar.
Here it is in English.
They also write a kvitel and tear it up and leave it at the Tziyon.
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