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Pesach is my favorite YT AMA
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 2:50 pm
amother Floralwhite wrote:
just a tip for those who want to involve kids.. my mom used to do this and honestly I have the best memories of pesach cleaning.

she would hide little 'coupons' around the house and then we'd find them as we cleaned and get to keep them.
the prizes were 'extra snack for school' '5 minutes extra bedtime' small things but was so much fun!

as high schoolers who were off from nissan we would get treated to lunch once or twice when we spent the day cleaning and also we all got manicures before yt as a thank you.

obviously the ideas can be whatever would work for your family. but keeping the atmosphere fun with music and small rewards can make a 'stressful' boring job into a lovely family memory.

I LOVE this idea!! My kids are still quite young and I think it will go over really well so thanks for sharing!

I used to dread pesach when we would go to parents/inlaws. I know it's a yom tov about family but it's an exhausting yom tov and doing it in less than ideal accommodations was really really tough for me. We started staying home since covid and it's now such a relaxing time I love it. We run the seder for our kids and it's a real bonding experience.
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 2:51 pm
Rappel wrote:
Actually, yes. There's something very therapeutic about it. I'm not crazy about cleaning in general, but pesach is special

Cleaning therapeutic that I get. But shopping, especially groceries? Very stressful.
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 8:37 pm
leaf wrote:
I also love pesach. Just curous how many fellow pesach lovers were born in nissan?

כ"ו 😂
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 8:46 pm
leaf wrote:
I also love pesach. Just curous how many fellow pesach lovers were born in nissan?

Not me!
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Post Sat, Feb 03 2024, 9:12 pm
I grew up hating pesach. My mother had extremely strict standards for cleaning and because she worked, expected me as only girl to take over from when I went into high school. The house was never cleaned regularly but suddenly by pesach we were scrubbing the grout on our hands and knees. This 2 weeks off before yt were spent completely working hard. No cleaning help or maybe one day. No pesach kitchen and we "turned over" like a night before so erev yt and on yt we cooked all day. I get so stressed when I think back to those days.

Now I love pesach. My house is clean and maintained through weekly cleaning so things dont accumulate. So pesach is more organizing and then some extra corners. My kids are 12 and down and help with the toys but it's seriously just a fun activity. I try to be ready pretty early and will buy supper if needed for a couple nights when I'm changing over my kitchen. Also anything being sold can get done if I have time, if not, it won't. I begged dh to please not be strict with buying stuff like his mother is because I couldn't deal with crazy cooking. I want to enjoy yt! And he was very understanding and thankfully I love yt! We don't buy everything just cuz it's available but we buy certain things that make my prep so much easier. I'm so grateful to have reached such a place and I feel so bad for mother that she's still stuck in her rut. But it's self imposed and I've spoken to her extensively and don't think it'll change. She's already stressed about pesach. I feel total cheirus bh!!!
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Post Sun, Feb 04 2024, 2:31 am
amother NeonPink wrote:
Do you all have tons of cleaning and household help and normal family to spend it with?

I love pesach once I get to it and my company leaves after first days But I work don’t have cleaning help and host difficult people. Pesach is so so hard on me. Tons of cleaning cooking and baking while working. Then needing to entertain kids

My secret is that I legit don’t clean anything non Pesach related. I live in a one floor apt so not a ton of space. I do have some cleaning help especially for the big stuff and also I divide jobs. I work long hours so I need to start cooking early.
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Post Sun, Feb 04 2024, 2:35 am
Persevere wrote:
Are you a very organized person?
What is your timeline for preparations?
Are there are any aspects that you find challenging about pesach?

In terms of cleaning: I start Shushan Purim and aim to be done by Gimmel or Daled Nissan depending on the year.

I work with lists and lists and lists.

I work many long hours but I’m a morning person so as long as I’m Kashered 8-10 days before YT, I do a little each day. (I cook for about 15 adult relatives and 10 kids)

I’m not a Type A and that’s why I need my lists!

What I find challenging: Chol Hamoed meals Smile
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Post Sun, Feb 04 2024, 2:37 am
amother Lightgreen wrote:
Since this is an AMA; what childhood trauma can be the culprit behind your love of pesach?

(I actually don’t mind pesach. Don’t love it but we’re good, pesach and I)

You nailed it!
One of my parents struggled with OCD and Pesach was a nightmare. I vowed to make it awesome and it is so liberating to live that dream for 20+ years.

My husband, OTOH grew up in a home where Pesach prep was happy and he is BH amazing at Halacha and when we got married he really helped me know what I needed to do and we both have one goal: happy!
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Post Sun, Feb 04 2024, 2:38 am
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
And you also love the cleaning and shopping?

I love the shopping.
I love the cooking

Cleaning is ehhhhh

I do it MINIMALLY. I do have some cleaning help and I do give some jobs to my husband or my teens. But this house does not have spring cleaning in it
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Post Sun, Feb 04 2024, 2:43 am
amother Salmon wrote:
Please teach me?
I truly want to enjoy it
I feel like a slave.

I’m an empty nester, so usually it’s just DH and I during the yr.

BUT - the kids want to come over. The problem is they want a vacation so they treat my home as a resort.

I’m organized
I start cleaning early
I start freezing what I can early.

By the time Chol Hamoed comes I feel like a slave about to explode.
The house is super messy (which I’m not use to)
Everyone wants something to eat at all hours.
When they prepare something they leave a huge mess behind.

I didn’t raise them like this. I raised them to help and be grateful. They became like this after marriage

Please teach me to enjoy Pesach instead of dreading it

BTW- next week I’m starting Spring cleaning

And I have cleaning help, but for Pesach it’s not enough

Sending hugs.

I was a young mother who wanted a vacation so I relate and let everyone get that by me but I also am no martyr. This is what works for me:

1) Erev Pesach or any other “grazing” days, I set up a buffet with Sternos. Eat at all hours and I don’t serve Smile

2) I am a morning person. I tell all the parents I’m happy to get up with the little ones and feed breakfast. But I need an afternoon nap on YT and they keep their kids quiet.

3) I love going to Shul on YT and I do. I cook as much as I can b4 YT to make it easier. I need to get out a bit to have the fuel I need for the chaos.

4) I get tons of reading material and lose myself in a book

5) I give everyone diaper bags and all diapers need to go in there. Ditto for bottles — I show them where to put dirty ones and where to clean them.

Here is the thing though: I beg everyone to come. I love to cook and I love their company. Like I said, I set it up in a way that works for me.
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Post Sun, Feb 04 2024, 2:50 am
amother Crimson wrote:
I really, really want to love Pesach. I hate that I don't enjoy it.

Firstly, it feels like the most expensive YT and money just flies out the window. I don't buy expensive meats - that's well out of our budget. But, during the year, I rarely buy Jewish brand groceries as they are way more expensive (before you comment, you don't know where I live. If this isn't the case for you, count yourself lucky!) On pesach though we only buy the Jewish brands, which are approximately 4 times the price. So just on groceries alone, not counting meat and round matzah, which are huge expenses, the grocery bill is in the hundreds of dollars, for one week. It's a tremendous financial strain, and I try hard to avoid extras (but at the same time want to make YT special for my kids, so I do splurge on one or two sorts of candy etc)

Secondly, I'm the type who likes to be prepared. With other Yomim Tovim, I start weeks in advance, and slowly fill up my freezer. Then, I get to YT relaxed, with loads of great food in my freezer and minimal stress. Being last-minute makes me extremely nervous. With Pesach, doing things in advance is not an option. We only turn over a few days before as we live in an apartment and it's just not possible to turn over earlier - unless we buy takeout for 3 weeks before, which we absolutely can't afford. I don't do well with these overnight cooking marathons, and I don't have a lot of help.

Thirdly, I hate cleaning. I only do what's absolutely necessary acording to halacha, but even that is a lot for me.

And fourthly, once I get to YT, and my kitchen is finally pesachdig, I spend basically all chol hamoed in the kitchen because there are no quick and easy meals/snacks on pesach. Pesach cake is not filling the way chametz cake is. So, it's real food, and all the time. Plus don't have my regular appliances, so everything just takes so much longer, and was told its problematic to kasher a dishwasher, so left with all the dishes to wash (another thing I hate).

Any tips would be very, very, very much appreciated!

I don’t know where you live but many communities and Rabbis have funds to help with groceries— it’s tough!

I find it easier to cook ahead but don’t want to do takeout. I use a Betty Crocker or George Forman or I make sandwiches on the porch. Sometimes I serve from whatever I’ve cooked that day (soup etc) I need 7-10 days for cooking.

Yes, I do freeze much of it.

We use minimal ingredients and I am in love with the creative ideas I find.

I freeze:

I make pretty fresh
Condiments (mayo/Ketchup)

For Chol Hamoed I’ll sometimes do an all in one soup in a crockpot so everyone can eat as soon as they come home.

Or I’ll make a “sheet pan style” chicken, potatoes, sweet potatoes meal
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Post Sun, Feb 04 2024, 2:58 am
Breakfast Chol Hamoed (lots of early risers!)
I make a KLP Pancake batter before Pesach and freeze. The night before I take out and I make a batch. They’re also great for kids

I freeze homemade granola and serve with yogurt and fruit

And usually I make a big batch of scrambled eggs


We tend to go on all day trips so I take Matzah, hard boiled eggs, salad (we use only peeled veggies), I buy sealed cups and cut veggies or put yogurt with fruits for snacking

Avocado and KLP homemade crackers is another fave

One pot meals in crockpot
Sheet pan dinner
Shepard’s Pie or something like that which I freeze and defrost all day while we are out
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