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The Cleaning Motivation Thread for the House Work Challenged
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Post Fri, Aug 27 2010, 11:16 am
I love this thread! It is so motivational! Makes me want to get off this computer and become SuperMOM/WIFE cooking and cleaning away. Smile
Todays list:
Cook Shabbos, (and clean kitchen after, no dishes leftover in sink going into Shabbos..)
Tidy House,
Clean bathroom,
Iron outfits for Shabbos,
Minor grocery shopping,
Take DD to the park,
Have a great Shabbos Y'all! Smile
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Post Fri, Aug 27 2010, 2:10 pm
well yesterday I didnt get to do my sink counter... I was cooking for shabbos and then helping dh stain and polish the shtenders he made...(I do a much better job) but imyh today my sink will be clear and ill contnue on sunday woth the stove
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Post Sat, Aug 28 2010, 6:31 pm
I am considering doing the interiors of my kitchen cabinets this week and next, before R"H. I clean the kitchen exteriors pretty thoroughly every Friday, but I almost never do the insides (not even before Pesach embarrassed because I go away.) I think if I do a couple of drawers or cabinets each day (not dishes or pots, just the cabinet itself) I could finish by R"H.
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Post Sat, Aug 28 2010, 7:52 pm
Sarah D- sounds like a good plan!!!

Sunday is a busy day normally do not get much housework done. The good news is that I do not have to make supper,serve or clean up from supper sunday night as we are going out!

Cleaned kitchen thoroughly from shabbos! Including washing the floor and finally getting to scrub all the corners and edges.
B"h the house did not get to bad over shabbos like it normally does as we were out the whole day!

Friday I did not get to do my whole list but I did the most important stuff. I find Fridays hard as I did not get home till 12:00 and then it is hard to get stuff done with all the kids home in the afternoon.
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Post Sun, Aug 29 2010, 1:55 am
Ok, so it's 9 a.m. and I just finished cleaning the salon, sweeping the floors and mopping.

Baby is still sick.

One load of laundry is waiting to get hung up and once the floors dry I can get started on the dishes.
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Post Sun, Aug 29 2010, 3:19 am
C.c.cookie, busydev & curlyhead, thanks so much for your encouragement! It really made me feel better about the whole thing! (Now, if someone can just get me to feel better about the whole "cleaning thing"--but I suppose that will be a lifelong process Confused )
Anyway, b"H my house is basically cleaned up from Shabbos! We got the kids to do a clean up before bed, the dishes are washed, and DH helped put things away. Whew! Exciting!! Smile
Tomorrow, be"H I plan to sort, pretreat & do the laundry, get in a good few solid hours of work, and maybe, maybe put away the laundry that's still sitting around from last week embarrassed .
I was also hoping to take the kids out tomorrow morning for some last licks of summer. Big dreams, I know. Let's see what I'll manage to fit in.
The only question remaining is WHAT ON EARTH am I doing on imamother at this unearthly hour? c.c.cookie, I'm seconding that lawsuit. But not if this site proves to redeem itself through this meritorious and motivational thread. Ah well, we shall see...
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Post Sun, Aug 29 2010, 8:38 pm
My house is a mess from Sunday. I did minimal housework yesterday! I am now planning to spend 60-90 minutes cleaning it up!!!!! Will report back!
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Post Sun, Aug 29 2010, 8:40 pm
Good luck! Me still stuck. No can say bye-bye to imamother. No clean. No work. [zombie-like stare]
Imamothers Anonymous, anyone?
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Post Sun, Aug 29 2010, 10:01 pm
Just spent 1h cleaning and there is still so much more to do. for some reason by Monday my house is always in the worst mess from everyone being home for 2 days.

Living room - cleared table, floor.
Bathroom- cleaned
My Bedroom - put everything away
laundry washed 3 loads - hung up towels outside
Hallway- cleared
milk kitchen - washed sink full of dishes, wiped down sink, cleared and wiped counters, swept floor
meat kitchen - swept,, cleared and wiped table

Still need to vacuum living room, wash meat dishes, have a ton of laundry to fold from today and from before shabbos. Will fold laundry when kids are home as I could give them attention while doing the boring job of folding.. The housework never ends!!!!!!!!!!

Now I want to get down to all my paperwork

Cleaning Goals to get done this week are:
clean out car
defrost freezer
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Post Sun, Aug 29 2010, 10:09 pm
I wasn't home most of the day so here is how I was productive:

1) Cleaned the sink, counters and washed dishes
2)Vaccumed kitchen and dining room

But we left early AM and just got back.
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 1:20 am
Today I'm going to Jerusalem to start shopping for Chag.

I'm hoping my daughter will get the rest of the dishes done.
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 1:22 am
enneamom wrote:
Good luck! Me still stuck. No can say bye-bye to imamother. No clean. No work. [zombie-like stare]
Imamothers Anonymous, anyone?

I think I found another Me!
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 6:17 am
Folded approx 3-4 loads of Laundry folded - needs to be put away! And there is a load in washer and dryer - meaning tomorrow there will be more to fold. The is always laundry baskets of clean laundry sitting around! I probably end up doing about 6-8 loads a week.

Sorted through some of the pile of papers on the desk and threw away a shopping bag away worth of rubbish from the desk.
Kids made a huge mess in kitchen! When they are quiet means they are getting into trouble!!

Dishes need to washed and kitchen cleaned and kids put to bed! It never ends!!!!
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 6:56 am
Finally back from a marathon shopping for the Chag.

As soon as I cool down I'm going to get the last of the dishes done.

Later I'm going to sit down with my holiday menu and then plan a cooking schedule... I plan on starting tomorrow.... cook and freeze.
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 8:41 am
Ds's birthday today. All I have done so far is bake, frost and decorate the cake. I still have to prepare for the birthday supper (my ILs are coming to help celebrate), wash the breakfast dishes, clean the icing off the floor and so on. My laundry from yesterday is still on the rack. I feel great. Not.
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 12:35 pm
well... here is what I did...

fri- regular clean up didnt get to do more then a quicky on the kitchen sink
m'shabbos- organized the desk in the living room- was really gonna do it later on but dh wanted it done cause he was looking for something
sun- cleaned the kitchen sink and attached counter- spotless
mon- cleaned the stove top. my fingers are still mega sore. (and black)it looks brand new tho.

today I hope to clean the sides and fronts and then run a self clean on the inside before yom tov.

wed- plan on cleaning the floor very well- including the little alcove we have under a part of the counter where we keep our garbage can- as well as the window, shade and sill

thurs- finish the kitchen and redo the sink/counter- it got a little dirty from the stove

fri- do the dining room extra well. clean window and sills, organize book cases and good sweep and mop

next week- living room (also a one or tops two day job) and bedroom. hope to finish everything before yom tov
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 12:54 pm
Last night I dusted the furniture in our room.

That shouldn't be a big deal but it was LOL.
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 2:08 pm
After coming home from work yesterday, I

-cooked dinner
-cooked, wrapped and froze these YT dishes: lokshen, cholent beans, orzo salami, sauteed onions & parsley, vegetable muffins, vegetable turnovers (took hours)...
-washed a load of towels

Before work this morning, I

-washed, dried and put away some dishes
-washed two loads of linen

I am exhausted now. My goals for today are to

-make supper while keeping the kitchen clean
-put away folded laundry
-wash and hang 2 loads of clothes
-use papergoods for supper, and clear up from meal right away (too tired to wash dishes)
-try very hard to get into the shower EARLY tonight... so tired....
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 10:05 pm
Wasted time today through my best cleaning time.
Need to vacume now
prepare supper
go to dry cleaner & seamstress

When kids come home I have a ton of laundry to fold and hang up.
Should also wash another load

Why am I in such a lazy mood today?????? And I have ton to do! There is no time for lazyness!!!!!!!!!
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 10:18 pm
c.c.cookie wrote:
enneamom wrote:
Good luck! Me still stuck. No can say bye-bye to imamother. No clean. No work. [zombie-like stare]
Imamothers Anonymous, anyone?

I think I found another Me!

GASP! It's you, it's you!!! At long last!! Where have you been all these years?! LOL
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