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WIll I be humiliated after my death?
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 11:00 am
Anonymous because I am chicken...

I am not at all a very spiritual person, however I am honestly trying to improve on that. However,
I remember once learning, and I have absolutely no clue where- maybe by a shiur, in in a sefer or maybe even in highschool, that after moshiach comes or after our death our sins are publicly announced. I don't remember if it was necessarily public or just told to the person it involves. Is there any basis to this?

I don't know why, but this seriously freaks me out. There are many things I did, mostly as a younger child, that I am really not proud of. (Ex. I was in a pizza shop when I was about 12 years old to pick up a pie for my mom, and after being ignored by the cashier for a loong time, I simply walked out without paying. Don't even ask what I did with the money after, But I would not be confident in saying I returned all of it to my mom...) Even as an adult, and say I was not totally honest during finals or spoke loshon Hora against someone... I am really not proud of those actions, and really have improved on most of these glitches. That being said, is there a legitimate source of my fear? That our sins are shared with others?

I know this is a little out there, but it's an odd fear in the back of my mind, and I am really uneasy about it.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 11:04 am
I remember learning that also. I kind of pictured it more like "Defending Your Life" (which was a great movie!).

Realistically, we all did things we aren't proud of. You aren't alone.

I don't believe that actually happens though. I think its more that our soul is embarrassed that we committed the sins.
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chocolate moose


Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 11:25 am
You could apologize and pay back people. I'm sure that will work towards you.

The goal of a Jew isn't to be spiritual. Don't forget that Budda was spiritual. The goal of a Jew is to be G-dly.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 11:41 am
we learned it in seminary. it was a mesilas yesharim class. the rabbi got up and scared the lving day lights out of us. he said that after we die. their will be a video of our lives shown. and all of our family and friends, even enemies will be there to watch everything we ever did in our lives. good or bad. I remember thinking how there are way too many things that I didnt want my parents seeing.

after getting to know this rabbi, I brought up this question and asked why instill this fear? so we discussed it for a while and he said that we dont really know what happend in our after life. but we want to live our lives knowing that there is something coming next. and that their are consequences to our actions and decisions. and while most of the time, we assume that when we do a small act, it affects no one else but ourselves. it can have a ripple affect. and can cause damage if its a bad action or future benefit if its a good action. we never know what our actions can cause in the future. just look at moshe rabeinu. he even looked into the mitzri's future (with ruach hakodesh) to see if any good came form him in future generations. When he saw that there was nothing, only then did he kill him.

what's my point? yeah, it's possible that there will be a huge screen playing the story of our lives. and we'll wish we could fast forward through a lot of it. But instead of focusing on that, we could try to focus on how to make the right decisions and good actions. so that they are the focus of our video.

and im talking to myself more than to anyone else.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 11:53 am
robynm wrote:
we learned it in seminary. it was a mesilas yesharim class. the rabbi got up and scared the lving day lights out of us. he said that after we die. their will be a video of our lives shown. and all of our family and friends, even enemies will be there to watch everything we ever did in our lives. good or bad. I remember thinking how there are way too many things that I didnt want my parents seeing.

I learned similarly in class, and it really did scare me. A lot. It is good to have that fear in the back of our minds, yet it would be against the nature of Hashem and Klal Yisroel to publicly humiliate. I hope this is not true. I really hope. It would create such strife against friends, loved ones, enemies, or anyone else you may have hurt, spoke against, disrespected etc...

Oysh. Please let this just be a tactic to make me think before I do anything that I don't want to be public knowledge...
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 12:08 pm
It doesn't mean there will actually BE a screen! But it definitely says that a person will have to pay for all his sins (meaning, it'll be "replayed") which is embarrassing enough. No sin will just be "pushed under the rug". There's one way, though. TESHUVAH!! With true teshuvah your sins will hopefully be erased.
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blue eyes


Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 12:10 pm
Oh gosh! doesnt sound too good! I better start editing my movie!
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 12:41 pm
Since none of us are perfect, I imagine everyone else will be too busy blushing about their own misdeeds to point fingers at you.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 1:06 pm
This cartoon is very apropos of this topic. I don't know how to copy and paste so I"ll post the link.

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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 1:11 pm
I remember learning this at some point also. And I remember one of my teachers let all us young, innocent girls know that no matter how good someone is, they will end up going to gehenom for at least some period of time. Wasn't my favorite day in the world to hear that.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 1:52 pm
Nu you really believe this? Did anyone come back to tell us? Any serious seforim talk about this from the point of knowledge? Seriously now, no one knows anything, no one knows what olam habo is, no one knows what happens there. No one understands what a neshomo is, no one can fathom what it all means.

Just be good from now on. As much as you can. And try not to sweat what you did in the past. Do teshuva. Do you really think that you will be embarrased if you have done teshuva? If so, why bother doing teshuva if you are still going to be punished and embarrassed?

Doesn't make sense. People talk in the language of people. And they love to scare other people. Be good because Hashem told you to not because you are afraid of being embarrassed. No one knows. Don't count on it.

I can promise you one thing. When you are dead, you are dead. Other than that nothing is certain, Actually not even that is certain. Take it from there.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 1:56 pm
freidasima wrote:
Nu you really believe this? Did anyone come back to tell us? Any serious seforim talk about this from the point of knowledge? Seriously now, no one knows anything, no one knows what olam habo is, no one knows what happens there. No one understands what a neshomo is, no one can fathom what it all means.

Just be good from now on. As much as you can. And try not to sweat what you did in the past. Do teshuva. Do you really think that you will be embarrased if you have done teshuva? If so, why bother doing teshuva if you are still going to be punished and embarrassed?

Doesn't make sense. People talk in the language of people. And they love to scare other people. Be good because Hashem told you to not because you are afraid of being embarrassed. No one knows. Don't count on it.

I can promise you one thing. When you are dead, you are dead. Other than that nothing is certain, Actually not even that is certain. Take it from there.

thanks freidasima, I feel much better Wink . but seriously... u never learned any of this. or read any seforim. are you saying that you don't believe in what chachomim have said? (not preaching, just asking...) im also skeptical.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 2:00 pm
I have a hunch that the kind of busha we'll feel we'll feel even if not announced to everyone else (who also had their share of busha when they got up there). So I don't think that angle is necessary. It just comes from being in the olam ha'emes...
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 2:01 pm
I take it all with a grain of salt. What chachamim? I hold from their psak halochos, that's a different story. But when they start with stories of what will be in the world to come? C'mon, let's get real. Who gave them nevuah? We know there was no nevuah after a certain period and before that period they NEVER spoke about olam habo. If it were such a central concept in Judaism then why is it not mentioned bmforosh in the tanach? Only with "hints"??? For such a central concept? Strange no?

If a total emunas chachomim makes you happy, to believe every single thing that every single one of them said, go for it. Be happy. But if you start asking how they could ALL be right if they say different things and then whom to listen to...well then as I wrote, take it all with a grain of salt. Halocho is one thing, but hashkofo? Vey is mir.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 2:16 pm
Oh, come on, once you think about it, the whole thing makes perfect sense.

At first upon reading this thread, I was confused, because the sources I have seen talk more of the inner anguish at seeing the enormity of one's aveiros before H". But then, I figured it out.

What better way to get teenage girls to think seriously about z'man hadin than to tell them that they will be embarrassed to death (as it were)?
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 2:39 pm
imasinger wrote:
Oh, come on, once you think about it, the whole thing makes perfect sense.

At first upon reading this thread, I was confused, because the sources I have seen talk more of the inner anguish at seeing the enormity of one's aveiros before H". But then, I figured it out.

What better way to get teenage girls to think seriously about z'man hadin than to tell them that they will be embarrassed to death (as it were)?

and I dont know about ur school

but they wanted to scare us away from the boys

(worked for very few Rolling Eyes )
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 2:46 pm
Embarrassment, like all emotions, is a chemical reaction in the brain. It requires a physical body to feel embarrassment. Maybe there's some kind of "spiritual embarrassment" that we'll feel in the World to Come when we understand the truth behind the veil of the physical world. But it's not something we as human beings can comprehend. I wouldn't worry too much about it now.

I mean, of course we should all work on ourselves, follow the Torah as closely as we can, but not out of the fear that when we die we'll be humiliated in front of everyone whose opinions we care about.

(As a depressed, teenage BY drop-out my great idea was to die before my parents, so they won't be there to see all the things I did that I never wanted them to know about. Rolling Eyes Good times.)
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 3:20 pm
oh, you all for sure are going to be entertained by my sins. In fact, I will try to make them as juicy as possible for your enjoyment. You are welcome!
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 4:45 pm
marina wrote:
oh, you all for sure are going to be entertained by my sins. In fact, I will try to make them as juicy as possible for your enjoyment. You are welcome!

Hell just might be having certain people in the celestial courtroom, takeh. The ones who would enjoy it.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 10:04 pm
When you do teshuva that part of the movie is erased. Don't worry!!!

Also I found this on another website (so I can't credit it properly, but if anyone knows who wrote it, let me know):

120 years in the making... Your Life! the dvd

This video, sold only in shamayim, includes:
- The full film Your Life, specially cut to remove anything you've done teshuvah for
- deleted scenes, showing the other side of the story
- Hashgocha Pratis: the making of Your Life, a behind the scenes presentation
- alternate ending, what you could have been
- blooper reel, with aveiros
- best scenes, with mitzvos
Also included: Awards (your judgment), Film Connections (how Your Life affected Other's Lives even after the film), and Eternal Reward
Plus more!
Film it today!
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