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My housekeeper's faces
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 5:34 am
I am going crazy.
We have this housekepper for the past 7 years!
Everytime she want more $$$ she doesnt know how to ask for it so she developed her own "unique "silly way:
She starts making faces.
Everything I ask her to do-a face
I tell her something-a face
I cant take it and I know whats next...
She does not speak English-she is not legal here but she wants to take home a salary of a lawyer.
Once she did it to us already in a nasty way and we told her good bye!she came back after a while because WE asked her too! Crying
The ONLY reason we are so despereate is becuase of our disabled son that she is SO GOOD WITH!
I can't see anyone else being so good with him!
Right now she goes home every Friday with $600 CASH!!!!
she works from 12-7 every day.no weekends.
she does not have all these ideas about money..its her daughter that is becoming "American" ...and teaching her how to sqeeze money out of people!
what do I do?????????????
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 5:50 am
nu, can I be your cleaning lady?
I don't make $600 a week in cash!!! (then again I live in E.Y)
And I won't make any faces...well bli neder Very Happy
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 5:51 am
mimivan wrote:
nu, can I be your cleaning lady?
I don't make $600 a week in cash!!! (then again I live in E.Y)
And I won't make any faces...well bli neder Very Happy

Nu,boi lepo!
Ha'avoda shelach!
Rotza? Wink
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 5:54 am
Husband won't agree to it...but it is funny the wage difference between U.S. and E.Y.

Reminds me of a comment my husband's Rav's brother said one Shabbos in NJ. We were talking about making aliyah, and the guy wearing a huge streimel waved his hand and said "Bah!!! ain't nothin' there but ruchnius!" LOL
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 6:04 am
Wow! and I thought I was shelling out a lot of money for my housekeeper. How does yours have the audacity to charge so much money for so few hours? What is her rate? Can you please find an interpreter who speaks her language and give her a piece of your mind? (and tell her in HER OWN language that if she doesn't stop making those faces you will arrange for a face transplant for her!!!)

BTW, teneleven, from all your posts so far, prior to this thread, I never knew you have a child with a disability. Wanna talk about it?
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 6:09 am
Isn’t there a good reshab/respite girl you could train to work with him, and have a different lady for general cleaning, housekeeping?

It's absurd that you are paying such a price for so few hours. You might be better off with a live in for that price. There are live ins that have experience with special needs
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 6:18 am
downsyndrome wrote:
Wow! and I thought I was shelling out a lot of money for my housekeeper. How does yours have the audacity to charge so much money for so few hours? What is her rate? Can you please find an interpreter who speaks her language and give her a piece of your mind? (and tell her in HER OWN language that if she doesn't stop making those faces you will arrange for a face transplant for her!!!)

BTW, teneleven, from all your posts so far, prior to this thread, I never knew you have a child with a disability. Wanna talk about it?

Oh well baby,PLEASE read my posts all the time... LOL
I wrote about it more than once!
I said we have an adorable gorgeous son( 7 years old) with Autism.
We love him!
our life is harder with him but have SO MUCH more spiritual moments and he really brings a lot of happiness to our life!
We thank Hashem for having him!
By taking care of him,We feel we do true Chesed with a Jewish child besides the fact that he is OUR child!
Not everybody is Zoche to raise a child with autism!
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 6:22 am
happyone wrote:
Isn’t there a good reshab/respite girl you could train to work with him, and have a different lady for general cleaning, housekeeping?

It's absurd that you are paying such a price for so few hours. You might be better off with a live in for that price. There are live ins that have experience with special needs

We can't have a live in cause we dont have an extra bedroom.
About reshab workers-let me tell you I am VERY disappointed
Our service coordinator from Hasc sends us teen agers every once in a while as soon as I see them I say good bye to them.
they have no idea what autism is ,they cant even spell the word-even if they try hard-thaey can not help us!
I feel I have to watch them -watching him!
Hasc pays only $10 an hour and advertize in the Jewish press.
No one experienced wants to do it1
I am willing to pay a lot from my own pocket for someone good!
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 6:30 am
My dear, it’s time to let her take her faces and keep doing it until it stays permanent on her face forever! Seriously, for this money, you can have TWO people, one for the house, and one for your son!

I know it’s a very long path until everything ticks again like it used to, but you know what? I think it’s not easy for one housekeeper to do all that anyway!

I have a cleaning lady who has been playing games with me for a while but at the end of the day, when her ‘mother died’ or ‘son is hospitaaaaal’ my laundry didn’t get done and when I got a temp to take over, the laundry was a disaster!

You get comfortable with the routine of the same help and it’s hard to even want to change, but it’s time.

So I got a new lady 6 weeks before Pesach and didn’t open the door when ‘old’ one came. I felt so powerful and cool, because the first few times, NEW one did great. Yesterday, I HAD it with new one. She took 9-5 to wash my pesach stuff and ONLY that! Then I yelled so loud RAPIDO RAPIDO that she did finish eventually and I asked he rjust to fold the Yom Tov loaundry, so after 40 minutes, I see she’s gone. I find her coming out of the bathroom 4:59 and she is dressed to go, she tells me Manyana she’ll finish. I told her fine.

She leaves. 18 minutes later my bell rings, OLD one is there, she asks if “me you Yob, manyana” I’m like, uno momento. I go in, and think about it. I think about the laundry that was always so nice, the new idiot who demands a gourmet lunch etc.

And I give in. I tell her, fine. And I call NEW one and cancel for Thursday. That’s what we are about.

But (((hugs))) to you. I think what you should do is not quit cold turkey. I think you should wean yourself off the housekeeper, and one day a week, tell her to take off. If she asks for a raise, tell her fine, but one day a week less. So basically, it’s still the same money. And on that day off, try to find someone to come, and start training them in. you will be pleasantly surprised, the market is huge!
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 7:48 am
My maid makes more money than I do
after paying taxes in my pay check.
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 11:51 am
She does not speak English

Ha! That's what you think, honey.I am totally convinced that they understand what they WANT TO understand. I also have the same lady coming every other week for the last 8 years. In the beginning she was great, now I have to spell everything out to her otherwise it does not get done. Like "Hello?! " why do I have to tell her to dust ALL the shelves???
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 3:34 pm
while we r cleaning lady venting, can I please add my story of the day?
I just had my second baby and was away 4 pesach so my live in had a full paid vacation!
5 minutes after she walks in now from pesach vacation, she asked me 4 a raise since there is a new baby in thehouse and there is more work!!! my 3 yr old daughter is in playgroup 1/2 day, and I go to school once a week!!!! I think that I will look 4 someone new....
now I saw she turned on the fire and cooked and when I confronted her she straight out lied!!!
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 4:03 pm
tell her u appreciate her work but u cant afford more and that if she has something to tell u she should, without the faces. there is a site u can translate from any language, to any languase. If I can remember the name of the site, ill bn post it.
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 4:22 pm
if she only cleans, she should make cleaning wages. if she is so good with your son that no one else can be the same, maybe you should consider those wages respite care payments- and then you can give her a little more time to work with him
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 5:00 pm
Shame on you and anyone else who hires illegal aliens Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil .
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 5:01 pm
if she's working 12-7 five days a week... that's $17 an hour.
You should be able to find GOOD help for that money.
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 8:16 pm
that is alot! I agree dont pay her more and maybe start looking for someone else.
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 8:18 pm
Piper..We already heard countless times that you dont hire illegal allians.
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Post Thu, Apr 12 2007, 8:35 pm
Hey teneleven! Maybe you get her to be your son's legal reshab worker and have HASC pay part of her weekly wage?

I don't read ALL your posts, so no, I didn't know you have a son with autism. HUGS. Shema Koleinu for him??
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Post Fri, Apr 13 2007, 6:15 am
Piper wrote:
Shame on you and anyone else who hires illegal aliens Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil .

sweetiepie-Bill Orielly from fox news will love you...
When you eat in a restaurant-go shopping or anything you do in America-you get served by non legal ones that YOU are supporting!
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