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What are the brightest from your high school class doing?
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 7:45 pm
This is strictly out of personal curiosity. What are The girls that were the brightest in your class doing today? Also, if they were naturally bright or if they were the ones who studied non stop to get that hundred. There's a big difference there.
The older I get, the more I realize that many who were not students back then are quite successful professionally now, and the converse as well.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 7:49 pm
I was one of the top in my class. I did not study hard at all. I graduated my masters program with a 3.9 GPA. And now I am a proud sahm and loving it. I'm not sure about anyone else but as far as I know, a lot of them are also sahm. Two of my close friends who were also top in the class are now accountants in top law firms.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 7:51 pm
My sister was the brightest in her class hands down. She's brilliant but also took school seriously.

Marriage and some kids later she is working towards her BA. The plan is to become a LCSW eventually.

Oh. And last month she was diagnosed with ADHD.

Edited to remove identifying details.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 7:52 pm
I was one of the brightest in my class, went to a great college and did well but have not had the most success career-wise (but am doing ok). Some of the brightest in my class are: SAHM, office manager, Physicist (phD), physical therapist and engineer. I have a lot of classmates that became nurses and accountants. I don't think anyone in my class is a lawyer or doctor, which is really surprising now that I think of it.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 7:54 pm
I was the effortlessly brilliant type. Sahm and happy.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 7:58 pm
Funny some of the brightest are kollel wives with Secretary/teaching jobs. It's the less bright ones who went on to become the accountants/psychologists/music or art therapists/social workers/graphic designers/fashion designers!!
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 8:01 pm
ectomorph wrote:
I was the effortlessly brilliant type. Sahm and happy.

Same here. I am still known as the "tenured" genius of my former high school. I do use my abilities to advocate for my community as a spokesperson and activist. I am also heavily involved in my children's schools. I derive tremendous satisfaction from creating a stimulating and enriching home environment for my ka''h brilliant children.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 8:05 pm
computer programmer, lawyer, OT
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 8:09 pm
Define bright or smarts please
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 8:09 pm
I went to a co-ed high school.

The smartest kids in my class are now attorneys, doctors, journalists, and writers. Several have political ambitions.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 8:13 pm
I was valedictorian and I barely studied at all. Went to an Ivy League college and also have a masters. I'm a SAHM now and hate it. I'd like to go back to work, but even with an Ivy League degree, people are reluctant to hire SAHMs (and I started my family young, so I don't have a lot of work experience). From my class- lots of doctors, lawyers, and investment bankers. One of my classmates clerked for SCOTUS. A few have started companies or non-profits. One is a Knesset correspondent for a major newspaper, another is a TV correspondent for a major network.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 8:14 pm
Hmmm. Engineer. Librarian. Attorney. Montessori teacher and peer educator. Computer programmer. Not sure about anyone else.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 8:41 pm
This is an interesting thread. I was one of those students who loved learning and I guess also, naturally bright. I never had to study or put in effort.

9 years later with 4 kids close in age, my brain is a piece of mush from talking to toddlers and a dh who do not speak English as their first language. I can hardly for a proper sentence. I have a hard time focusing on a complicated task without a proper framework. I believe I developed adhd over the years.

I am currently sahm and do some online selling for fun, although I did hold down a demanding office job for some years. I wish to reenter the workforce soon, but I cannot think of a job that would be stimulating enough with p/t hours. I feel like I wasted my brain away.

I went to a chassidish school so no one with massive careers. One classmate became a principal and she was not smart bUT a hard worker and great people skills.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 8:59 pm
I was a bright kid, but because of my ADD (which I didnt know about back then) I didnt do very well in school. Today, business wise, I'm more successful than most of my classmates that were top students.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 9:05 pm
speech therapist and high school techer. interestingly enough, one of the least bright girls who always borrowed notes & got modified tests has a degree in special ed
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 9:06 pm
I deleted my comment since it offended someone. I never meant to offend anyone and am sorry that I did. I'm relieved to see that there were others who were not offended. I am going to sleep now. Everyone should have an easy and meaningful fast.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 9:15 pm
The one that got a Fullbright after college is a baker, the fellow who got perfect SAT scores is one of the top illustrators for Industrial Light and Magic, one is a famous author, a few are retired sports professionals, quite a number are lawyers (2 judges) and a couple of Drs. and dentists. One fellow is the director of a major cancer research program, two ministers (I went to public school), one runs a anti human trafficking non profit. Oh and the one whose father owned a sweat shop just retired as a labor organizer. My graduating class of 60 in small town NJ was filled with some ironic career choices.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 9:44 pm
Of the top five in class rank out of a class of around ninety, three are physicians and one is a lawyer. Who woulda thought?
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 10:10 pm
amother wrote:
I am curious how the intelligent SAHM's prevent their brain from turning to mush- I look back at the stuff I understood once upon a time and I can't believe it was me Sad

This post is rather offensive.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2016, 10:13 pm
mommy3b2c- I'm not sure why you found the post offensive? I'm a SAHM who was looking for some ideas. A different poster also mentioned that she felt her brain turning to mush so I figured some of the other posters who are SAHM's and did well in school would have some ideas? The only thing I can think of is that I wrote intelligent which might insinuate that some are not which is not what I meant. I switched it to intellectual. I am happy to edit my previous post more if that wasn't it.
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