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WAHM-- work at home moms
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Post Tue, Nov 20 2007, 2:12 pm
spin off from the SAHM thread--- post here if you're a WAHM and tell us what you do! How many hours a week do you work?
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Post Tue, Nov 20 2007, 3:04 pm
I am training to be a webmaster, and then I can work from home. Right now, I am still a SAHM doing nothing. But not for long...
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Post Tue, Nov 20 2007, 4:41 pm
I'm a wahm, but sometimes it is as if I am working in an office, because I still need childcare (when I began Wahming, I thought I wouldn't need childcare, but because of the nature of my work, it is a must...especially since the baby cries every time I pull out my laptop!)

I do some typing for people, and editing. I have a full-time job with one client (took me years to find this situation, so if interested, best advice is to apply for EVERYTHING that remotely interests you) and do some extra work at night.

I work from about 8 am to 1:30 pick the kids up from gan, and work again from 8 till midnight. I do my cooking and chores in between. I am not happy with the condition of my home and wish I had more time for cleaning. Our meals are rather simple. Thank G-d dh is okay with this, but I wish I had more time for housework.

B'h I 'm happy with this set up and find it preferable to working in an office with a commute. Dh is in collel, so the majority of the parnassa is my responsibility right now.

Anyone interested in being a WAHM should visit WAHM.com. I got my job leads through here. Don't pay so much attention to the banner ads...join the chats and forums for the kind of work that interest you...
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Mama Bear


Post Tue, Nov 20 2007, 4:49 pm
I only work about an hour a day, I do ebay for a store.
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Post Tue, Nov 20 2007, 8:39 pm
I telecommute for a nat'l organization. I worked for the in office for years -- they watched me date, get married and start a family. Then dh got a work transfer to the west coast and they let me telecommute for 11 months. We came back to ny in june and I returned to the office but went on mat leave in sept. during mat leave, dh switched jobs and we moved, permanantky (until moshiach or we can afford israel) to montreal. they are, bh, allowing me to telecommute
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Post Tue, Nov 20 2007, 8:59 pm
My husband and I both work from our office at home, along with two other employees. We also have an additional two employees who telecommute. I work about 40-50 hours per week, and my husband works about 60 hours a week.

Although my kids are a little older now, working from home requires the same kind of child care arrangements you would need if you were working elsewhere. We are very firm that our telecommuting employees have child care that will allow them to concentrate on their jobs. The idea of sneaking in an hour or two of work during naps just doesn't work.

On the flip side, we all really enjoy the fact that we're available to pick up a sick child from school or give tea and sympathy to an older child who's home sick. There's also a lot more flexibility to take off a few hours for a school presentation or fair.
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Post Tue, Nov 20 2007, 9:01 pm
always interesting to hear what people are doing--- I think we WAHMS have the best and worst of both worlds. We see our children all the time but there's the guilt factor--- if we're playing with our kids in the middle of the day, are we neglecting our work? If we're on the phone or the computer or with a client and it's not naptime (But our kids are right by us busy with toys) are we a bad mommy? Do we use childcare help or don't we? It's HARD!

I'm a sales director for a cosmetics company. I train new team members and help them set up their businesses while keeping my unit selling and recruiting. I also sell product to my existing clients and do consultations (skin care and color classes) with new clients.

I also change about 12 diapers a day, feed about 12 bottles a day and 4 solid meals.......... *lol*.

I joke that I have 3 jobs--- my son, my daughter, and my job.

The good news is that I make a full time income for part time effort because I had my kids much later than I would have liked to and had time to work my way up in the business first.
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Post Tue, Nov 20 2007, 9:38 pm
I feel like I am somewhere in between. Until DD was 9 months old she came to work with me (part time). We had most of the summer together, so in Sept. when she turned a year. I got a 'full time' babysitter for the 4 hours a day I am out of the house (only 4 days a week). However, when I get home I usually have more work to do. I feel very torn that I have to take time away from her to do the work. I try to sneak it in while she is napping or eating. If not I try to sing with her and interact while she plays. I tried to do all the work after she went to bed but that took away the very very limited time I had with DH...and I was too tired. For the moment and most days this works. Plus I can work from home on the days I need to -- babysitter can't come or DD is sick.
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Post Wed, Nov 21 2007, 4:20 am
I work part time min 10 hr. to 20 hr max. Telecomute - "Quality Ad Rater"
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Post Wed, Nov 21 2007, 9:56 am
I work part time, teaching where I take most of my kids and leave the youngest with my DH. so I consider that practically both?! you tell me!

oh and the commute is litterally 4 mins. away from home not even a full songs worth!!
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Post Wed, Nov 21 2007, 12:06 pm
Let me add another thought, particularly since many mothers feel guilty about their employment taking any time at all away from their children:

I feel strongly that it's a good thing for children to see and understand how their parents earn a living. Although we obviously don't share *everything*, they hear us talk about various issues that come up in the workday and how we plan to handle them, and they spend time with us in our office.

The payoff has been that our kids really understand how difficult it can be to run a business. They behave exceptionally well in stores, for example, not because I've told them to, but because they are very sympathetic to shopkeepers. When tisch-talk one recent Shabbos turned to a particularly wealthy individual in our community who made his money in a medical-related field, DS commented, "Oy, that's a lot of responsibility."

Sometimes it seems like many people have barely advanced in their economic thinking beyond a child's perception of, "If you don't have any money, write a check." They don't connect a paycheck with the profit (or fundraising) that must precede it. True, it all comes from Hashem, but many kids never really see what "hishtadlus" looks like!
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Post Wed, Nov 21 2007, 1:07 pm
I was a SAHM with zero income for the past 17.5 years until last Tuesday. I got an idea to market and sell Hiduriyot glass candles for Shabbat and Chag, and the Farmlight lamp oil which fuels them. I have been using them for 2 years and love the look, very special in my candelabra. I do my paperwork late at night, and pick up merchandise and do deliveries with 3 yo in the car. I did a presentation for Emuna women one night, (DH was home) to donate the proceeds and get FREE exposure. I don't know how well I will do or how long it will last or if I will earn enough to make it worth my while, but since I am discounting the items, I have had good response so far.
Anyone in the greater Petach Tikva/Raanana/Kfar Saba and Shomron communities who want to find out more (I deliver) is welcome to contact me. Or, if you just want to know what it's all about, PM me and I will send you my "ad"
This WAS a solicitation LOL
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Post Wed, Nov 21 2007, 1:42 pm
Good luck with your new venture Tamiri.

I worked out of the house from when my oldest was 8 months old. I had a wonderful child-minder for him and the best bit was that it was in her home - no mess in mine!

I didn't work between the birth of my 2nd and 3rd and went back to work when my 3rd was 5 months old. They were then with different child-minders and it worked great for all of us.

I finally became a WAHM when my children were 14, 10 and 9 and until this last year was really able to juggle both the children and my work. This last year I have moved on from doing telecommuting to running my own business and I'm now working between 12 and 15 hours a day. I have very little time for the kids, home or DH and it's not a good situation. My children are always accusing me of having no time for them and that they invariably have to make their own supper. I feel so guilty. I'm pleased that my business has taken off but I never expected it to take over my life. My DH is extremely supportive and helps both the business and in the house as much as possible. The business is doing well but unfortunately I'm not yet making enough money to have any staff.

My office is still in my spare room but someday soon will have to be moved to bigger premises. For anyone considering WAH be careful how much you take on. It's wonderful to be your own boss and know that you're slogging your guts out for your own bank balance but at what price.
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Post Wed, Nov 21 2007, 2:17 pm
I work from home 40 hours a week doing web development/programming.
My hours are somewhat flexible, but I have to work a few hours each day at the same time as my co-workers who work in the office, which is during the afternoon or night for me.

no commuting time
less time for children at babysitter because they can nap at home
can stick in laundry or food into the oven while working

hard to work by myself. I really miss the social life of my office
sometimes it's harder to detach from work after hours.

I recently rearranged my hours so that I only work when my son is away at playgroup or sleeping at night. The hard part of that is that the only time I'd be able to get anything done in the house, I'm working.
Soon I'm going back to work after maternity leave, and I'm going to try to work with my newborn at home, but it probably won't work for too long. Either way, I don't plan on sending her to a babysitter for more than 4 hours a day, which is good considering that I work 8 hours a day.
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Post Wed, Nov 21 2007, 2:30 pm
I work at home as a web developer/programmer.
I am self employed but in the process have many bosses.
all my clients expect me to get things done right away (when they need it - and then they can leave for a month when they don't need but the minute they need something else - I should be sitting and waiting.)

I find it hard to juggle both home and work. I send everyone out in the mornings but also end up working evenings and housework def suffers..
I have to find the right balance.. (any ideas on juggling would be helpful)
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Post Wed, Nov 21 2007, 2:45 pm
Housework? what's that?

Before I go back to work, I'm stocking the freezer with about 8 weeks worth of supper because I won't have time to cook. I have cleaning help Tuesdays and probably the dishes will accumulate from the beginning of the week until then. (I plan on using disposables as much as possible). I'm thinking of getting someone for an hour on Thursday to the dishes that accumulate after Tuesday, and to fold all the week's laundry, which I hope I'll have time to throw into the machine.
Hopefully shabbos will get done... somehow.
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Post Wed, Nov 21 2007, 10:27 pm
thanks soumynona with your comment about the housework.

My situation is very similar to yours and I was beating myself up for the way the house looks. I am able to barely accomplish routine things like dishes, laundry etc...but the house really needs a deep cleaning. B'h you can afford a cleaning lady and child care..maybe I'll just have to break the bank and get someone to clean.

how much do you pay your cleaning lady, if you don't mind my asking.

I also work on the computer...my work is very deadline-oriented, and I need to make a real transition between work time and family time, because my work is sometimes stressful and I don't want to bring that stress into my family dealings.

I find I have to sit a moment and read a bit of tehillim or drink verbena tea after work and before "mommy" time.
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Post Thu, Nov 22 2007, 2:04 am
I also work on the computer...my work is very deadline-oriented, and I need to make a real transition between work time and family time, because my work is sometimes stressful and I don't want to bring that stress into my family dealings.

wow.. glad to hear I'm not the only one. I have a really hard time with this.
I'm really trying but it's so hard when you know the work is just in the other room... I can't separate work and home. Ideally I would just work at set times I make up but it doesn't work that way and I end up a workaholic..
I guess I really need to hire cleaning help but I feel it's an endless battle..
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Post Thu, Nov 22 2007, 3:28 am
maybe try working at set times another try....I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have a schedule. At 2 or 3 I tell myself I'M DONE until 8 when the kids go to bed, and do some kind of transition activity, drinking herbal tea, learning something for 5-10 minutes...washing dishes...something to help me act like a mommy again..These little rituals help..

About the housework...I'm mamash on the verge of getting some help, but we don't have the budget yet. As it is, I have to stay up until the wee hours to get cooking, cleaning and laundry done even to the minimal standard..I think I will need help soon...
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Post Thu, Nov 22 2007, 4:36 am
suomynona wrote:
Housework? what's that?

Before I go back to work, I'm stocking the freezer with about 8 weeks worth of supper because I won't have time to cook. I have cleaning help Tuesdays and probably the dishes will accumulate from the beginning of the week until then. (I plan on using disposables as much as possible). I'm thinking of getting someone for an hour on Thursday to the dishes that accumulate after Tuesday, and to fold all the week's laundry, which I hope I'll have time to throw into the machine.
Hopefully shabbos will get done... somehow.

Wow! what do you make? I would love to do that.
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