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Anyone else stayed home entire summer?
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:08 pm
Seems like I'm the only one that stayed home entire summer. No vacation. No change of scenery. Not even for a shabbos. Whoever I talk to did/doing something.

If your in same situation- how are u managing?

Im actually very resentful about it. I feel like I need change of scenery/routine desperately. And hearing everyones plans isnt making me feel better. Wish I can also do something. Unfortunately dh isnt as desperate as I am. Cant take off from work and wants to be home for shabbos.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:09 pm
I was basically home. I had guests one Shabbos this summer and went to parents/in laws for a Shabbos.
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soap suds


Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:11 pm
#Metoo Hi
I’m a homebody. I enjoy staying home, especially when the streets are quiet and empty. There were times during previous years when I resented it, but this year I was quite happy to stay put.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:15 pm
Me - stayed home all summer. Smile

I try to treat myself here and there - an iced coffee, new library books every week, sitting outside and playing an easy game of catch with my kids, listening to shiurim I love.

I am trying to do what I enjoy without going anywhere so that I can save the money but I am trying to do this with a positive attitude not a "poor me" one.

I believe there is a quote to the effect that "The real voyage of discovery is not in seeing new sights, but in looking with new eyes." See what you have right now in your life that can bring you joy, take pleasure in the small moments.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:17 pm
I stayed home all summer too. Without sending my kids to camp (4 kids age 7 and under) and I still worked a full time job.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:19 pm
eagle wrote:
I stayed home all summer too. Without sending my kids to camp (4 kids age 7 and under) and I still worked a full time job.

Well then I guess Superman (er superwoman) is on imamother Smile
WOW! That is amazing and tough!!!
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:21 pm
I was home all summer. I worked all summer. I do not feel refreshed.

But my summer job made me appreciate me year round job. Looking forward to going back to school!!
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:23 pm
Same. I'm ok. But could use a break.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:28 pm
Stayed home all summer, worked all summer. I work a year round job, there is no difference in seasons for me. I always laugh when reading about the summer being relaxing. Literally nothing is different for me besides the weather.
I could use a vacation, but not necessarily because it's summer. I can't afford one though... so it's not happening anytime soon.
I'm looking forward to Succos for a change of pace. I love Yom Tov.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:28 pm
lk1234 wrote:
Me - stayed home all summer. Smile

I try to treat myself here and there - an iced coffee, new library books every week, sitting outside and playing an easy game of catch with my kids, listening to shiurim I love.

I am trying to do what I enjoy without going anywhere so that I can save the money but I am trying to do this with a positive attitude not a "poor me" one.

I believe there is a quote to the effect that "The real voyage of discovery is not in seeing new sights, but in looking with new eyes." See what you have right now in your life that can bring you joy, take pleasure in the small moments.

Same. Stayed home but at some point realized I have to make it a priority to make things happen for me. Lunch with a friend. A pretty trail not far from home. An activity class I had an opportunity to join. A massage. A new book. A movie night. I tried to do little things here and there to give myself the feel of a mini break, whether alone or with a friend. Funny how when I made up my mind to do this, I suddenly found the right activities or opportunities.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:33 pm
Me. Home with kids all summer. No break. No change of scenery.
Fortunately I live in a normal neighborhood where practically everyone else was home too.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:34 pm
Stayed home all summer. I have to admit that when I see everyone coming home refreshed and eager to start the year, I do feel resentful. Especially, when these same people are kvetching and krechtzing about having to wear masks in supermarkets....
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:36 pm
We've been home since Purim except for our son's chasuna BH in a different state. And now my husband drove out of state to take my son to mesivta and to see his parents (with very careful distancing) since they are on the way, in another state, and we haven't seen them in almost a year Sad

I'm kind of a homebody myself so BH for that, but can you take a day trip or hike in a quiet park, beach, lakefront area in your state, not too far from home? my older kids have taken my younger kids on various (approved by our dr.) adventures like watching the sunrise on a beautiful empty beach, hiking/mountain climbing in beautiful not-crowded state parks, etc.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:40 pm
I stayed home all summer my husband and daughter had carona we went one day to Scranton to see the house I have to sell because my parents both passed away
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 9:52 pm
eagle wrote:
I stayed home all summer too. Without sending my kids to camp (4 kids age 7 and under) and I still worked a full time job.

Care to share how you did that?
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 10:03 pm
We've been home all summer except for our oldest who went to sleepaway camp in Pennsylvania. We can't even really do day trips because our 5 year old can't go for so long without access to a bathroom. We usually do a road trip at the end of the summer before school starts but decided against it this year.

We're managing.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 10:20 pm

As I've done all summers but two (when I went to camp for one half each time) since I was born.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 10:23 pm
amother [ Forestgreen ] wrote:
Care to share how you did that?

I have been doing it since mid March. It isn't easy at all, I am surprised that I have managed this long. Not sure how much longer I can keep this up. I work as a software developer so as long as I get the work done my job doesn't care when I do it. I have some Zoom meetings during the day but I usually hand each kid (7, 4 and 2 year olds) a device before my meetings. I have a 12 month old that I just pray will keep quiet throughout the meetings, I keep my Zoom video off so they have no idea what's really going on Smile Every night at about 8pm I start working and I usually work until after midnight. I work on the weekends well, Saturday and Sunday nights.

This isn't sustainable but I have somehow managed until now. I have to force myself to start working at night when I have already had a long day with the kids. On the bright side we have saved a lot of money over the past 5+ months!
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 10:24 pm
Same, kids were in day camp or I don’t think I would have survived. We had planned to go away this week but it didn’t work out so we have been home every single Shabbos and no options until maybe Succos. It’s really hard watching so many neighbors go away every other Shabbos and ‘everyone’ seems to be on vacation this week.
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Post Tue, Aug 25 2020, 10:25 pm
Worked all summer at my hospital job. Have been there straight through. Took off 1 afternoon, left early to go to a wedding. Did not go anywhere this summer at all. Have no plans to go anywhere. We are SDing, no company-not for Shabbos lunch either. DH got to go on a 6 hour drive, to and from dropping DC at school.
Super fun summer. Feeling energized and refreshed. /s
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