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AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Another earinfection!
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 5:32 pm
My daughter has had a few earinfections this winter. Has anyone heard that sussy's may cause earinfections? Also check out this link, this vaccine is now govenrment funded (in canada)http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9911.....cine/
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 5:53 pm
No I have never heard of ear infections being caused by sussy's. You should check out with your pediatrician what causes it.
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 6:22 pm
I heard it too, but I dont believe it because my daughter doesnt suck on a pacifire and she already had at least 5 ear infections and she is 9 months old Twisted Evil Sad
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 6:25 pm
I gave my daughter the shot and so far it hasnt helped.
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 6:33 pm
formaldehide - a known cancirogen - contained in many shampoos can cause ear infections.
Look for Quaternium 15 on the bottle. It's formaldefide.
(there are over 20 other names, under which it can be hidden)

Switch to a natural brand.
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 6:38 pm
thanks foreveryoung but I use a baby body wash either jonhns or dove!
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 6:39 pm
Johnson& Johnson baby shampoo HAS formaldehide in it.
don't know about Dove
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 6:45 pm
thanks won't buy that anymore!!!!!!
I checked the dove and their isn't any ingredients listed. What is it that the formandihide causes?

What would be a natural brand?
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 6:54 pm
Check your local natural/ healthfood store.

Formaldehide is a known cancirogen - causes cancer, lo aleinu.
It also weakens the immune system, which causes those who exposed to get sick more often.
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 7:05 pm
take them to a chiropracter at first sign of illness.
we were also told the sussy caused the ear infections, so she stopped.
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 7:20 pm
You know the wierd thing is Micki, she doesn't even complain untill its really bad! Why would a chiropracter help?

This time the whole week she was fine then thurs night up screaming the whole night, I went to the doctor friday morning & he said that one ear was very red/infected & prescribed her antibioitics. I know my doctor is not one to over prescribe antibiotics, he's into waiting and then giving meds, so I know it's pretty bad, but BH there's no fluid in the ears.
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Post Sun, Feb 13 2005, 9:35 pm
You should really take your daughter back to the doctor when her meds are finished to get her ears rechecked. My doctor told me and I have read this before that there may be some genetic component to ear infections. In other words, if you had them as a kid (or your husband) it may be possible that your kids will get them too.

I don't know how a vacination would really help because there are several types on ear infections and you would have to vacinate against all of the viruses. Not even the flu vacine that is so highly recommended vacinates against all flus. Just the most common ones.
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Post Mon, Feb 14 2005, 6:44 am
a chirop. releasses the fluid that builds up in the ears so it drains and then it does not get infected. my rosie would feel it trickling down the back of her throat. it gets infected if the fluid builds up.

but if she shows so symptoms then I guess its guess work. take her to one anyway cause maybe they can help you see signs of it or soemthing.
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Post Mon, Feb 14 2005, 7:02 am
here are a few things about ear infection that you might not have known

90% of most ear infection are VIRAL so the anitbiotics the dr, gives us does nothing, the reason we always get anitbiotic is becasue of the chance that it is bacterial. The reason why dr's dont test the ears for the to see if its bacterial or not, is because taking a swab of an fussy child;s ear is impossible.

some childern are more pron to ear infections b/c the make up of the ears and nasel dranage passages.

there is no way sussy can cause ear infections sucking is good for unblocking the ear drum. which helps the flow of fluids.

here are some things to help ur child with the uncofmorts of a ear infections

use a warm NOT HOT tempature setting on ur blow drier and blow dry the childs ear, the heat feels good and the dry air dries up the fluids.

warm garlic oil (I make my own, I fry garlic in olive oil, and put iinto an old (finished tylenal bottle, with the dropper) warm it up (test it first to see that it si not too hot) and drop a few drops into the ear, use cotton swab.

I was also told that the minute my pron child got congested, I was to give him degongestion (I hate meds, so I rarely did that)

the thing with ear infection is, if u don't treat them it can cause problems,

so what ever you do, becafeful

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Post Mon, Feb 14 2005, 8:57 am
my son had an ear infection once, his first one, and I waited it out and it got better on its own. after I knew it had gotten better, I took him to the dr for a diff. reason and he said the ear looked great so it really did heal on its own. B"H he didnt need antibiotics.
I dont think the pacifier has anything to do with it, b/c my kids suck on one alot and B"H we've had one infection b/w the 2 of them. and I know plenty of people that dont use a pacifier and get a ton of infections. its a genetic thing and each child is diff. some are just more prone to it than others.
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Post Mon, Feb 14 2005, 10:48 am
Ear infections occur when the eustachian tube, which drains the normal middle ear secretions to the back of the throat, gets blocked and fluid builds up in the middle ear. This fluid can then get infected.

Most ear infections are indeed viral, and doctors are trying very hard to cut back on dispensing antibiotics for them. Oftentimes, however, the mother is so insistant that she is given a prescription when the doctor wouldn't otherwise have given.

Drying the ear with a blowdryer would not help because the fluid is behind a membrane--there is no connection between the fluid and the outside air.

You can help drain the ear the same way as a chiropracter by making your fingers into a "V" with one in front and one behind the ear, pressing gently and jiggling the ear several times a day. This will help prevent infection as well.

A pacifier can increase the risk of infection as can a bottle in bed bec. sucking while lying down increases the negative pressure in the back of the throat which can cause the eustachian tube to collapse and fluid to build up.

Decongestants make the child temporarily feel better, but also cause the fluid to be thicker and more difficult to drain thereby increasing the risk of it becoming infected. The best therapy is to just increase fluid intake, keeping the child well hydrated and the fluid flowing.
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Post Mon, Feb 14 2005, 12:26 pm
rydys, My nine month old daughter doesnt suck on a pacifire neither a bottle and she has had at least 5 ear infections. why is that?
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Post Mon, Feb 14 2005, 2:27 pm
RYDYS: A pacifier can increase the risk of infection as can a bottle in bed bec. sucking while lying down increases the negative pressure in the back of the throat which can cause the eustachian tube to collapse and fluid to build up.

That is the exact reason that my doctor gave me!

Daughterofg-d: I tried giving my daughter ear drops which has a combo of garlic oil,mullen etc. I found it didn't help at all.

I noticed all of you are talking about when there is fluid in the ear what about when the ear is just very red? would that mean that it is viral and not bacterial?

Now that I know there is a way to test to see I will insist on testing bc if their is no need for meds why give them!

Queenie: I always take my daughter back to recheck, actually my doctor likes to see the child back after being 5 days on antibiotics. But it's a good thing to be reminded.

Yael: lucky you that your son was obviously not that bad that u felt u could hold him off, mine was screaming the whole night & morning!

Wow this was way too long of a thread!!! Wink
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Post Mon, Feb 14 2005, 2:32 pm
I tried giving my daughter ear drops which has a combo of garlic oil,mullen etc. I found it didn't help at all.

I asked my doctor about ear drops and he said it is a waste of time because the ear infection is inside the air not on the surface. When you put ear drops it doesnt go to the source of the problem.
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Post Mon, Feb 14 2005, 2:49 pm
oh well,

the oil might not help the infection, but I do know that it has relived me of some pain when I had pain in my ears.
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