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WIll I be humiliated after my death?
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 7:13 pm
The concept has been brought down, but waaay before a video machine was ever invented. My father told me he learned that after 120, he would hear a record (as in vinyl records) of his life!
A video is the mashal that is used to describe the 'din v'cheshbon' that we will have to give, but nobody really knows.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 7:51 pm
sequoia wrote:
When you do teshuva that part of the movie is erased. Don't worry!!!

Also I found this on another website (so I can't credit it properly, but if anyone knows who wrote it, let me know):

120 years in the making... Your Life! the dvd

This video, sold only in shamayim, includes:
- The full film Your Life, specially cut to remove anything you've done teshuvah for
- deleted scenes, showing the other side of the story
- Hashgocha Pratis: the making of Your Life, a behind the scenes presentation
- alternate ending, what you could have been
- blooper reel, with aveiros
- best scenes, with mitzvos
Also included: Awards (your judgment), Film Connections (how Your Life affected Other's Lives even after the film), and Eternal Reward
Plus more!
Film it today!

I like.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 10:34 pm
sequoia wrote:
When you do teshuva that part of the movie is erased. Don't worry!!!

Also I found this on another website (so I can't credit it properly, but if anyone knows who wrote it, let me know):

120 years in the making... Your Life! the dvd

This video, sold only in shamayim, includes:
- The full film Your Life, specially cut to remove anything you've done teshuvah for
- deleted scenes, showing the other side of the story
- Hashgocha Pratis: the making of Your Life, a behind the scenes presentation
- alternate ending, what you could have been
- blooper reel, with aveiros
- best scenes, with mitzvos
Also included: Awards (your judgment), Film Connections (how Your Life affected Other's Lives even after the film), and Eternal Reward
Plus more!
Film it today!
that sounds livable

BTW, it can't be that there is halbanas panim in the afterworld since HKBH obligates to keep all taryag that He has obligated us to.
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 11:23 pm
freidasima wrote:
Nu you really believe this? Did anyone come back to tell us? Any serious seforim talk about this from the point of knowledge? Seriously now, no one knows anything, no one knows what olam habo is, no one knows what happens there. No one understands what a neshomo is, no one can fathom what it all means.

Rabbi Yosef Albo considers the idea of reward and punishment in the next world to be one of three basic tenets of our faith. In addition,
Maimonides, the great codifier, in 13 Principles of Faith wrote:
The resurrection of the dead is a basic principle of the Torah of Moses. Anyone who does not believe it has no connection with the Jewish Nation. But [resurrection] is only for the righteous, as it states in Bereishis Rabbah: "Rain is for both the righteous and the wicked but resurrection is for the righteous alone."

Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Teshuvah 3:5-6 wrote:
Hell is a place of fire where sinners are punished after they die. Certain classes of people who deny religion receive eternal punishment there
Mishnah Eduyos 2:9; Talmud Shabbos 33a wrote:
but most sinners are punished there for only (up to) a year
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2011, 11:27 pm
Again I repeat. If all this stuff were so central to yiddishkeit, like keeping kashrus, shabbos, believing in Hashem, keeping hashem's mitzvos why is it not mentioned in the torah, neviim, kesuvim? Like "word of G-d" kind of stuff? Right now you are giving me "word of man" most of which starts in the middle ages...kind of late for the first mention of this in detail I would say...and not everyone agrees with Rav. Elbo, Rambam etc.
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Post Wed, Apr 06 2011, 2:10 am
I think its a great analogy to teach accountability. nobody learns about accountability these days, there are relatively few consequences for poor behavior - look at the news any day of the week.
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Post Wed, Apr 06 2011, 2:15 am
Why do you think that the only way to teach accountability is to scare someone?
If you teach it to them, without connection to "this is what G-d says and otherwise you will get zapped in foreverland" but rather with "we want to be good people, therefore this is what we keep, this is what Hashem wants and it is a very important mitzva" you won't have situations where people who give up yiddishkeit or who stop believing in some things decide "ok so let's chuck it all up because its so much narishkeit or trying scare tactics"
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Post Wed, Apr 06 2011, 8:07 am
grin wrote:
sequoia wrote:
When you do teshuva that part of the movie is erased. Don't worry!!!

Also I found this on another website (so I can't credit it properly, but if anyone knows who wrote it, let me know):

120 years in the making... Your Life! the dvd

This video, sold only in shamayim, includes:
- The full film Your Life, specially cut to remove anything you've done teshuvah for
- deleted scenes, showing the other side of the story
- Hashgocha Pratis: the making of Your Life, a behind the scenes presentation
- alternate ending, what you could have been
- blooper reel, with aveiros
- best scenes, with mitzvos
Also included: Awards (your judgment), Film Connections (how Your Life affected Other's Lives even after the film), and Eternal Reward
Plus more!
Film it today!
that sounds livable

BTW, it can't be that there is halbanas panim in the afterworld since HKBH obligates to keep all taryag that He has obligated us to.

I like too, and ITA with your BTW. All the neshamos that would witness the busha would lose their olam habah.
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Post Wed, Apr 06 2011, 8:12 am
freidasima wrote:
Again I repeat. If all this stuff were so central to yiddishkeit, like keeping kashrus, shabbos, believing in Hashem, keeping hashem's mitzvos why is it not mentioned in the torah, neviim, kesuvim? Like "word of G-d" kind of stuff? Right now you are giving me "word of man" most of which starts in the middle ages...kind of late for the first mention of this in detail I would say...and not everyone agrees with Rav. Elbo, Rambam etc.
so tell me, how much about keeping kashrus, specifically not mixing meat products with milk products, do we know from tanach? three statements about not mixing meat with its mother's milk? the 39 melachos of shabbos? how much of yiddishkeit do we really know from tanach and how much from the poskim throughout the generations?

I'm not sure what "brand" of yiddishkeit you practice; mine includes Hashem obligating us to follow the prominent Torah authorities of each and every generation. Shmuel in his generation is equal to Moshe Rabeinu in his; and so on though the years.

The Tzedukim and Kara'im believe/d only in Tanach. I don't know that their religion is regarded as authentic yiddishkeit? do you maybe think so?
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Post Wed, Apr 06 2011, 8:17 am
grin wrote:
freidasima wrote:
Again I repeat. If all this stuff were so central to yiddishkeit, like keeping kashrus, shabbos, believing in Hashem, keeping hashem's mitzvos why is it not mentioned in the torah, neviim, kesuvim? Like "word of G-d" kind of stuff? Right now you are giving me "word of man" most of which starts in the middle ages...kind of late for the first mention of this in detail I would say...and not everyone agrees with Rav. Elbo, Rambam etc.
so tell me, how much about keeping kashrus, specifically not mixing meat products with milk products, do we know from tanach? three statements about not mixing meat with its mother's milk? the 39 melachos of shabbos? how much of yiddishkeit do we really know from tanach and how much from the poskim throughout the generations?

I'm not sure what "brand" of yiddishkeit you practice; mine includes Hashem obligating us to follow the prominent Torah authorities of each and every generation. Shmuel in his generation is equal to Moshe Rabeinu in his; and so on though the years.

The Tzedukim and Kara'im believe/d only in Tanach. I don't know that their religion is regarded as authentic yiddishkeit? do you maybe think so?

Deja vu all over again time, ladies!
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Post Wed, Apr 06 2011, 8:22 am
PinkFridge wrote:
grin wrote:
freidasima wrote:
Again I repeat. If all this stuff were so central to yiddishkeit, like keeping kashrus, shabbos, believing in Hashem, keeping hashem's mitzvos why is it not mentioned in the torah, neviim, kesuvim? Like "word of G-d" kind of stuff? Right now you are giving me "word of man" most of which starts in the middle ages...kind of late for the first mention of this in detail I would say...and not everyone agrees with Rav. Elbo, Rambam etc.
so tell me, how much about keeping kashrus, specifically not mixing meat products with milk products, do we know from tanach? three statements about not mixing meat with its mother's milk? the 39 melachos of shabbos? how much of yiddishkeit do we really know from tanach and how much from the poskim throughout the generations?

I'm not sure what "brand" of yiddishkeit you practice; mine includes Hashem obligating us to follow the prominent Torah authorities of each and every generation. Shmuel in his generation is equal to Moshe Rabeinu in his; and so on though the years.

The Tzedukim and Kara'im believe/d only in Tanach. I don't know that their religion is regarded as authentic yiddishkeit? do you maybe think so?

Deja vu all over again time, ladies!
excsue me, I really didn't mean to reinvent the wheel. I don't quite know how I've managed to avoid all this until now, but there you go.

just point us in the direction of any previous threads and we'll consider this discussion now over.
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Post Wed, Apr 06 2011, 8:24 am
grin wrote:
PinkFridge wrote:
grin wrote:
freidasima wrote:
Again I repeat. If all this stuff were so central to yiddishkeit, like keeping kashrus, shabbos, believing in Hashem, keeping hashem's mitzvos why is it not mentioned in the torah, neviim, kesuvim? Like "word of G-d" kind of stuff? Right now you are giving me "word of man" most of which starts in the middle ages...kind of late for the first mention of this in detail I would say...and not everyone agrees with Rav. Elbo, Rambam etc.
so tell me, how much about keeping kashrus, specifically not mixing meat products with milk products, do we know from tanach? three statements about not mixing meat with its mother's milk? the 39 melachos of shabbos? how much of yiddishkeit do we really know from tanach and how much from the poskim throughout the generations?

I'm not sure what "brand" of yiddishkeit you practice; mine includes Hashem obligating us to follow the prominent Torah authorities of each and every generation. Shmuel in his generation is equal to Moshe Rabeinu in his; and so on though the years.

The Tzedukim and Kara'im believe/d only in Tanach. I don't know that their religion is regarded as authentic yiddishkeit? do you maybe think so?

Deja vu all over again time, ladies!
excsue me, I really didn't mean to reinvent the wheel. I don't quite know how I've managed to avoid all this until now, but there you go.

just point us in the direction of any previous threads and we'll consider this discussion now over.

I don't know if it's necessary, not just because I don't think I could find them easily, but this direction is pretty germane to the discussion. I think it could be quite healthy for it to continue right here.
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