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Is triangle K all right?
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 4:38 pm
I've seen it on juices and frozen stuff, and was wondering.
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 4:42 pm
my dh was told we can use certain products with the triangle K but not others. We do use Motts produts, and hawaiin punch.

I dont recall offhand what other ones were ok.
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chocolate moose


Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 4:47 pm
For what, water? Applesauce?
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 4:49 pm
JRK, you're going to get lots of different responses. Some people hold that it's a good, reliable hechsher. Most don't (and will only use it on frozen veggies and a few other products that they've checked out and found that they're ok to use).
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 4:50 pm
From what I understand, it is not an orthodox hesher, but a conservative one. In my area, Chabad does not use it, and my Rabbi doesn't either.
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 5:29 pm
From a cRc rabbi, some products are ok and some are not. But he didn't say which. He did say there is a big problem with the Del Monte tomato products. I think that Minute Maid juices are ok. You would have to ask about each individual product.
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 5:30 pm
According to Star-K, I believe, on anything that does not need a hechsher, such as 100% orange juice or some frozen veggies, if a product has a triangle K one can use it. If it has that symbol it is as though it does not have a hechsher at all.
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chocolate moose


Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 5:31 pm
right........I've heard that too...
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 6:05 pm
We don't use any Triangle K products. It has more to do with the fact that it is a private hashgacha under a Rabbi Ralbag and his sons, than a specific complaint. We have an issue with private hashgachas that have many industrial clients, because it is impossible for 1, 2 or 3 people to spot check them all in a regular fashion. Therefore, lots of things that shouldn't be going on can slip by their supervision. In the past there was some kind of kashrut problem (something to do with oil) that was apparently resolved. Today, the poskem in our area that accept Triangle K usually say if the Triangle K product doesn't contain oil, you can use it. However, our rabbi said it is best not to use it, especially as there are other options.

Ask your LOR (local orthodox rabbi).

ETA - When we visit our relatives in New York, who are much more "shtark/black hat" than we are, they all use Mott's or Minute Maid juices while we don't. Go figure!

Last edited by ShiraMiri on Wed, Nov 08 2006, 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 6:07 pm
I use trinagle k
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 6:23 pm
funny that this came up today! My 4 year old threw a pack of raisins with a triangle K into the grocery cart today and I didn't notice it until I got home. Right before I came online I was just on the phone with our rav who said that for SunMaid raisins it would be okay to keep them.
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 6:25 pm
IF you are strictly kosher then it is not a reliable HECHSHER!
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Post Wed, Nov 08 2006, 6:40 pm
I don't think there's much debate that it's not a good hechsher, but there are some items that really don't need a hechsher at all. (BTW, the rav I referred to who said we didn't need to throw away the raisins is chassidish)...I didn't ask what he was basing it on, but I suspect that raisins may be one of those things. Frankly I always look for a hechsher on everything except fresh produce b/c I can never remember what is okay to buy without it (seem to remember frozen OJ concentrate and certain non-buggy frozen vegetables), and with the complexity of food processing increasing all the time, I imagine that list is shrinking as the years go by.
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Post Thu, Nov 09 2006, 12:16 am
Marney wrote:
Today, the poskem in our area that accept Triangle K usually say if the Triangle K product doesn't contain oil, you can use it. However, our rabbi said it is best not to use it, especially as there are other options.

My husband was a mashgiach under a shliach in CT who is very strict b'kashrus. He also said something to this effect. In general I don't buy it bc what I want just happens to not have that hechsher. We do eat SunMaid raisins and some other things which we were told by our rav are fine. Any triangle-K dairy products or pas products we wouldn't eat anyways bc we keep cholov/pas yisroel.

To the OP, it's not necessarily so poshut! Ask your rav about both the hechsher b'klal and specific foods with that hechsher.
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Post Thu, Nov 09 2006, 1:03 am
Our va'ad used to say something about if it contained no cheese, oil or something else (have forgotten what!) it was OK with a triangle K. The reason I don't remember is now they want people to ask on a case by case basis.
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Post Fri, Nov 10 2006, 10:02 am
Thanks for the replies so far!

The specific products were SunMaid Raisins, Minute Maid 100% apple juice boxes, and frozen spinach.

That leads to my next question: what stuff (other than fresh fruits and veggies, and plain milk since I don't keep chalav yisroel) does NOT need a hechsher? While we used a Lubavitch rabbi when we kashered the kitchen, we intend to keep what I'd call a basic Orthodox (MO?) level. Are there any online lists with this information?
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Post Sun, Nov 12 2006, 8:56 pm
The Blumenkrantz Pesach Book discusses when many common items need certification during the year or pesach, etc. His rav was R. Moshe Feinstein.

For example, both from him and my personal rav, I was told sugar doesn't need a certification during the year (but it does during pesach).
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Post Mon, Feb 12 2007, 2:55 pm
sthillmom wrote:
my dh was told we can use certain products with the triangle K but not others. We do use Motts produts, and hawaiin punch.

I dont recall offhand what other ones were ok.

Who is behind the Hechsher- Triangle K on Hawaiian Punch? Is it as responsible as the OU?
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Post Mon, Feb 12 2007, 3:02 pm
letsbehonest wrote:
sthillmom wrote:
my dh was told we can use certain products with the triangle K but not others. We do use Motts produts, and hawaiin punch.

I dont recall offhand what other ones were ok.

Who is behind the Hechsher- Triangle K on Hawaiian Punch? Is it as responsible as the OU?

no it's not. as previous posters have said-only certain items from the triangle k are acceptible- a lot depends on what is in the product.

as the rov said to me when I asked him about ocean spray cranberry juice w/ the triangle k "ignore the triangle k- you can use it!!"
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Post Mon, Feb 12 2007, 4:52 pm
What about SunSweet Dried Apricots with Triangle-K? Anyone know?
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