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Forum -> Children's Health
Will her foot ever be normal?

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Post Sat, Jan 19 2013, 10:06 pm
I recently noticed that my daughters foot (15 month old) turns in about 45 degrees when she walks. She's been walking for 3 months and always walked funny but I attributed it to the fact that she walked very wide. The past week or so she started walking with her legs closer together and she still was walking funny. As I looked closer I realized that her left foot is very very turned in. She loves running around but she falls a lot, it seems she is tripping over her own feet Sad
Anyone know what can be done about this? I imagine she would need a brace of some sort but then I read that nowadays they just wait to see if they grow out of it.
Anyone have experience with this?
She really walks funny, for now it's cute because she's a toddler but it's not going to be cute long term. Any advice or chizuk is welcome, I'm very upset over this.
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Ema of 5


Post Sat, Jan 19 2013, 10:10 pm
Talk to your pediatrician about it. It might correct on its own, or she might need special shoes, or maybe a brace. Hatzlacha raba :-)
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Post Sat, Jan 19 2013, 10:11 pm
My son has the same exact issue! his dr wouldnt look at his feet until he's about two years old. he told me as time goes on it'll improve a ton, and guess what, it did. now he will be 2 next month, he's been walking since 10 months and you can barely tell. he's not perfect but definitely improved a ton. he was falling over his feet too but now he doesnt fall so much anymore. you can speak to your dr, but I would say, wait it out a bit and see what happens as time goes on.
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Chana Miriam S


Post Sat, Jan 19 2013, 10:12 pm
My son had that. Turned out it was no big deal. See her doc who can refer you to ortho to allay your fears or tell you what needs to be done
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Post Sat, Jan 19 2013, 10:38 pm
you mean she's pigeon-toed? if you're concerned, see a podiatrist. they do make orthotics for this, but I don't know that they would give them to such a young child.
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Post Sat, Jan 19 2013, 10:49 pm
I had that until the age of four. Corrected itself without intervention. you might find you need to buy new shoes every few months cause the shoe turns the way the foot turns
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the world's best mom


Post Sat, Jan 19 2013, 11:16 pm
Based on my experience with this type of issue, I think it depends on the source of the problem. If her foot is shaped normally, but she just positions it incorrectly on the floor, that generally resolves itself. They used to put these kids in a bar for sleep time, but they realized it is totally not necessary.

However, if the foot is kind of banana shaped, so that it curves inward, that is called metatarsus adductus, and would generally need bracing and/or casting.

I'm guessing your daughter's problem is just how she postitions her foot, but a doctor can tell you if it's a cause for concern or not.
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Post Sat, Jan 19 2013, 11:17 pm
I recently asked a PT about something similar and she said they typically don't do anything until the child is at least two. She also mentioned that its very common for one or both feet to turn in when a child is a relatively new walker. Speak to your ped to make sure it isn't anything that should be addressed now.
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2013, 12:44 am
Insist on a pediatric orthopedist to advise you. My Pediatrican said not to do anything with my dc's foot which also turned in. I took him to a pediatric orthopedist who had unkind words for the Pediatrician. Dc' sfoot was treated early with a brace and BH dc is fine today.

Please don't listed to anonymous ladies spouting medical advice who have not seen your daughter.
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2013, 12:44 am
Insist on a pediatric orthopedist to advise you. My Pediatrican said not to do anything with my dc's foot which also turned in. I took him to a pediatric orthopedist who had unkind words for the Pediatrician. Dc' sfoot was treated early with a brace and BH dc is fine today.

Please don't listed to anonymous ladies spouting medical advice who have not seen your daughter.
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2013, 1:20 am
Take her to an orthopedist asap!
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2013, 8:05 am
This is very common in early walkers. Leave her barefoot (no shoes or socks) as much as possible and it will gradually straighten out in most cases. If you don't see improvement in 3-4 months, then have her evaluated by orthopedics.

When children start to walk, they use the sensory input from their foot on the floor to learn how to position the feet, balance themselves, etc. Today, most children are put in socks and/or shoes almost as soon as they start walking and this blocks the sensory input. Leaving them barefoot will usually correct the problem.
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2013, 9:04 am
I would take her to a pediatric orthopedist. If you wait until she is too..it might be tolate to properly correct her foot. Although she does not have a clubfoot, which my daughter has, they casted her at birth, when the foot is more malleable.Bh she is doing great. Take her to an orthopedist not a podiotrist.
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2013, 9:15 am
DD had/has this. It was much worse when she was younger but now at age 4 although not completely corrected is barely noticeable and definitely doesn't affect her mobility at all.

DD's rotation comes from her hips so her whole leg actually turns in (her feet the most though). She has very loose joints which runs in my family. Make sure she wears good shoes and is fitted for them properly.
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the world's best mom


Post Sun, Jan 20 2013, 10:30 am
bbmom wrote:
DD had/has this. It was much worse when she was younger but now at age 4 although not completely corrected is barely noticeable and definitely doesn't affect her mobility at all.

DD's rotation comes from her hips so her whole leg actually turns in (her feet the most though). She has very loose joints which runs in my family. Make sure she wears good shoes and is fitted for them properly.

When feet turn in, it generally comes from the hip, unless the foot itself is deformed.

And as amother said, you would need to see a pediatric orthopedist, not a podiatrist. And if it does need to be corrected, you would want to do it ASAP. However, it is unlikely that it will need treament if noone has mentioned a malformation of the foot to you yet. Still check it out though.
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