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A powerful speech by Rebbetzin Twersky
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:03 pm
I think everyone just needs to get an education about why they cover their hair.

It seems like no one has a clue.
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:05 pm
Someone named Rav Ovadia?
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:06 pm
There's a new phone line- Rosh Pina. It's all about head coverings.

There are some great shiurim and personal stories on it (not for the faint of heart though!)

The number for those that are interested is 845-533-9191
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:08 pm
Not Rav Ovadia Yosef-

a different Rav Ovadia, he used to be a big producer/actor in Israel and then he became religous.

He had a showing in Lakewood and lots of women came.

It was some video. It definitely affected some women that I know

I think that you can find the video on You tube!
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:09 pm
amother wrote:
There's a new phone line- Rosh Pina. It's all about head coverings.

There are some great shiurim and personal stories on it (not for the faint of heart though!)

The number for those that are interested is 845-533-9191

What demographic is this geared towards?
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:10 pm
Maya wrote:
What demographic is this geared towards?

The 'not for the faint of heart' type who like to be terrified into conforming, apparently.
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:15 pm
debsey wrote:

If my daughter's teacher ever said something like that, I would absolutely protest and go down to the school and make her retract. You are NOT a Navi........You are a chumash or halacha teacher. You can suggest "girls, look into your hearts and make a takanah" but you cannot TELL them, THIS is why Hashem did this.

PinkFridge wrote:
I am with you on this, I would totally protest. I will comment "just a chumash or halacha teacher": these teachers aren't teaching purely dry, academic studies and should have a relationship with their students. Hashkafa should come up. However, this was just tragically awful.

Oh, for sure. I have no problem with a teacher leaving the topic at hand to discuss Hashkafah, I'm all for it. What bothered me about my friend's story was that the teacher stated it as absolute truth - Like, I'm 100% sure that this girl died because of this tznius transgression (I think it was slits in skirts) that I noticed girls in this class don't follow perfectly. The teacher probably didn't mean to single out my friend, but my friend felt very, very shamed.
I was a grade older than my friend, so I wasn't there when her classmate died. I was still very traumatized. My friend talks about that day as though it's one of the worst memories of her life. First her classmate died. Then the teacher came in the next day and said "You girls are at fault." She was impressionable and young and it just had a major negative impact on her.
By "only" a Chumash teacher, I mean that this woman is NOT the Gadol HaDor. She doesn't have ruach HaKodesh, and she can't say something like that with such certainty. I had the same teacher, and I have no doubt that the incident happened the way my friend remembers it - this teacher was very strong in her opinions.
So I think we agree, Pink Fridge. Talk about hashkafa all you want, and you can even open the girl's eyes up to things that they wouldn't think of, but don't play the "I know what Hashem is thinking game." It's just wrong.
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:16 pm
chani8 wrote:
The 'not for the faint of heart' type who like to be terrified into conforming, apparently.

Exactly...... There are no reputable rabbanim associated with this group.
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:18 pm
The 845 area code and the option to hear it in Yiddish gave it away.
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:32 pm
Actually Rav Ovadia Yosef really slammed wigs!

He stated that men who want their wives to wear wigs are Rashaim and their Torah learning is worthless! You could hear the speech on You tube- there's even English subtitles!
Please don't say anything about Rav Ovadia Yosef- he was a tremendous tzaddik and was brilliant in Halacha. I read in his biography that he tried very hard to find a heter for a wig because he knew how difficult it was for women but he couldn't find any. That's why he didn't allow wigs.
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:41 pm
Every tznius line has yiddish options.

I called the phone line too, but I did like some of it. Some of the shiurim were strong, but lots of it made sense to me.
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 5:47 pm
amother wrote:
I think everyone just needs to get an education about why they cover their hair.

It seems like no one has a clue.

If there was a shiur that only focused on the source for the halacha with no preaching at all, I would definitely go. My hashkafa is that if people are taught about Hashem and why Hashem loves them, they will automatically want to do what Hashem says. It is only when other people decide for others where others should be holding that people are turned off from doing what Hashem says. If the shiur told me why we are supposed to cover to begin with, without saying "you should cover with xyz" or without any agenda, then I would actually be interested and probably would even be inspired by it.
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 6:16 pm
I think part of the problem is that with tznius/headcovering shiurim if the speaker says one thing that a person doesn't like that person will feel like the speaker has an agenda.

A person has to come with an open heart.
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 6:20 pm
I just have to recommend The Unique Princess by Rebbetzin Tehilla Abramov.

It is the only book out there that really explains the mitzvah of kisui rosh and Rebbetzin Abramov is very intelligent and main stream.

It completely changed how I view the mitzvah of head covering. It is not an extreme book at all and is actually quite positive.

She made a CD also called The Unique Princess, you could buy everything off the website www.jewishfamily.org
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 6:31 pm
They shaved the men's hair too. What's your point?
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 6:35 pm
Why is everyone amother here?
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 6:43 pm
This is not the first time something like this has happened. If I recall correctly, a short while ago there was a thing going on in lakewood about cutting sheitals and that it will "help there not be hatzolah calls" and promote health and safety....

And there was a hotline, that when you called, said that after the asifa encouraging women to cut their sheitals, there were no hatzolah calls for a few days, which was, (according to Rabbi Eluyahu Fink) an absolute lie - because there were definitely hatzolah calls.



I feel terrible for what happened to Reb Twesky...BUT.....!!!!????
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 6:45 pm
sourstix wrote:
I think the reason so many here dont want to hear about cutting the sheitel is because they know the truth. they know if their wigs are too long and attractive. all of us know when we are doing something wrong or we wouldnt protest. protesting and being upset shows you are the one with the problem. enough said now you can bash me. everyone knows where they need to improve and someone was nice to tell us where to fix ourselves and if you feel you are okay you dont need to say anything. just my observation

Really? Because I don't even wear sheitels (only tichels) and the way op presented it, (or the way it was given over) upset me. What's my problem then?
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Lady Bug


Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 6:47 pm
Disclaimer: I agree with the premise of Reb Twersky's speech, in that the sheitels of today can have a very s-xy vibe to them. Also, if I were to cut my sheitel by an inch, my hairline would show.

I agree with the posters who say that she is in pain, I don't agree that her pain is a reason for me to accept everything she says. It says that כשיסורים באים לאדם יפשפש במעשיו - When a person experiences pain he should examine his deeds. Painful times call for action - for the people experiencing the pain. The action that is called for is a חשבון הנפש, a thorough inventory of where you as an individual can improve. The level of pain that Reb Twerdky is experiencing due to this tragedy is way greater than the level of pain experienced by other Jews. How can she pinpoint what every individual needs to improve on due to their pain? How can she take responsibility for something that each individual needs to do on their own?

Otherwise, go ahead and cut your sheitel if you are doing it to help alieve her pain. Helping out another Jew is a mitzvah too.
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Post Thu, Jan 01 2015, 6:49 pm
bruriyah wrote:
This is not the first time something like this has happened. If I recall correctly, a short while ago there was a thing going on in lakewood about cutting sheitals and that it will "help there not be hatzolah calls" and promote health and safety....

And there was a hotline, that when you called, said that after the asifa encouraging women to cut their sheitals, there were no hatzolah calls for a few days, which was, (according to Rabbi Eluyahu Fink) an absolute lie - because there were definitely hatzolah calls.



I feel terrible for what happened to Reb Twesky...BUT.....!!!!????

Who is this rabbi Eliyahu fink?
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