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Chestnut Ridge-I'm Chassidish
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 5:33 pm
sandwitched wrote:
I meant that as a joke.
Look I dint wanna get personal on you, but from what I understand, you left the satmar community. I don't want that to happen to my kids, therefore I don't want them living next to you. Will I be able to prevent it? Of course not! But at least I can say that I tried!
I dont mean anything personal, but no, my hashkafos are not the same as yours! What's so ridiculous if I dont want my kids to have daily interactions with yours?? And why is it different from daily interaction with non jewish neighbors?
We need to be beachdus, fine, but we can be so from a distance, it doesnt havta be in my backyard!

And again, im not deluding myself into thinking ill be able to protect them, but the minimum hishtadlus??yes Id rather have them in a vacuum than being exposed to junk. And NO I DONT MEAN THE LITVISH/YESHIVISH FOR HEAVENS SAKE!

Too riled up to focus on sp/gr. Pls excuse.

I hope you can reread what you wrote here and still live with yourself. I'm the type of person that will allow my kids to play with anyone and everyone - besides for kids with an attitude such as yours. Disgusting.

I've been saying this for years. People like you feel threatened by us junk because you are not secure in your own lifestyle. Depe down, you know your lofestyle holds no water, and you do not have the answers to questions your children will eventually ask you. People who feel secure and settled with their lifestyle choices are not terrified that their children will look for something else the minute they realize there's a big, wide world out there.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 5:38 pm
joyful mom wrote:
Sandwitched: I think you should take that suggestion for yourself and move your own family to hutzenplutz.... as you yourself said you rather living next to non-Jews than Jews not the same as yourself.... or just stay in Williamsburg where you don't have to "worry" about this.

I'm beyond disgusted of your attitude. I hope this is not the attitude that will be prevalent in Chestnut Ridge.

I said who set a bad example
Youre distorting my words.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 5:40 pm
sandwitched wrote:
I said who set a bad example
Youre distorting my words.

You don't even know me or my family. You're assuming we're terrible bad influences just because we rejected your lifestyle.

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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 5:48 pm
Maya wrote:
You don't even know me or my family. You're assuming we're terrible bad influences just because we rejected your lifestyle.


Everyone hears what they wanna hear.
Dont forget you were the one calling yourself a bum, not me.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 6:05 pm
sandwitched wrote:
Everyone hears what they wanna hear.
Dont forget you were the one calling yourself a bum, not me.

Really? Show me where.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 6:09 pm
Maya wrote:
Oh, you don't have a problem with Yeshivish, you have a problem with MY kind. I see.

Well, thankfully it goes both ways. You don't want your kids playing with my innocent little tzaddikim, and I don't want mine playing with your stuck-up intolerant kids who call my kids bums and make them cry. We have enough of YOUR kind of neighbors, and they haven't been great influences on my kids, either.

So yes, let's be b'achdus from the distances of our back yards, whatever the h*ll that means.

Anyway, with your attitude, I'd be surprised if your kids don't run away from your kind of people as fast as they could.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 6:12 pm
please stop fighting! common ladies. this is so sad. please I beg you to stop. the thread was opened for a purpose. at this point your totally going in a____________. stop! nothing nice is being said.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 6:14 pm
sourstix wrote:
please stop fighting! common ladies. this is so sad. please I beg you to stop. the thread was opened for a purpose. at this point your totally going in a____________. stop! nothing nice is being said.

Right. Sorry.
if I offended anyone, pls accept my apologies. Lets get this thread back on track.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 6:14 pm
I said chas veshoelaces on purpose Wink

That was a "thing" we used to say growing up. LOL
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 6:20 pm
I said that kids like yours call kids like mine bums. Not that we ARE bums. Maybe try to work on your reading comprehension in between writing your venom filled posts.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 6:22 pm
So to get the thread back on track, the only places where you are guaranteed neighbors of only your own kind are Williamsburg and Kiryas Joel. Please consider those neighborhoods as I'm sure all the nice people of Monsey would rather you don't come join them here.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 6:36 pm
As the wife of a massive kiruv "expert", I will say, there are an insane amount of chassidish kids off the derech. chassidish more than yeshivish/orthodox/MO.
DO NOT SHELTER YOUR CHILDREN. obviously be smart and don't show them rated-x videos and the like, but expose them to all types of yidden, and then show them the beauty in your home and shower them with love and affection. the kids who are off the derech are mostly the ones who were sheltered and went out looking for more, because their parents would not expose them, and lived in insular communities. live amongst other types of jews, teach you kids to love all yidden, and they will gravitate towards your love and affection and see the beauty in your chassidus.
just my two cents. I have years of experience, and have spent years listening to chassidish boys at my shabbos table speak about their experiences.
hatzlacha to you all.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 6:53 pm
No offense op but from your posts, I don't think you'll be happy living in Monsey. Best of luck.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 7:07 pm
Amother burlywood. You expressed my thoughts exactly.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 7:13 pm
amother wrote:
As the wife of a massive kiruv "expert", I will say, there are an insane amount of chassidish kids off the derech. chassidish more than yeshivish/orthodox/MO.
DO NOT SHELTER YOUR CHILDREN. obviously be smart and don't show them rated-x videos and the like, but expose them to all types of yidden, and then show them the beauty in your home and shower them with love and affection. the kids who are off the derech are mostly the ones who were sheltered and went out looking for more, because their parents would not expose them, and lived in insular communities. live amongst other types of jews, teach you kids to love all yidden, and they will gravitate towards your love and affection and see the beauty in your chassidus.
just my two cents. I have years of experience, and have spent years listening to chassidish boys at my shabbos table speak about their experiences.
hatzlacha to you all.

Perhaps thats true in your particular community but it is untrue overall. The amount of otd yeshivish in certain places is staggering.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 7:19 pm
this thread was opened for a purpose and I think it went off track. please try to put it back on track.
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 7:28 pm
A few years ago Pesach Krohn spoke and said a kuruv org ( I foirgst the name now) researched many Jewish communities around the world and found the highest percentage of OTD in the ultra chasidish ones

Someone in my husband's shul was a speaker at the last kerevtooni . The same message was expressed
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Post Mon, Jan 11 2016, 7:29 pm
I've also heard that from a professional in the chinuch field.
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