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Rechnitz speech brought something ignored to the surface
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 10:15 pm
solo wrote:
But blush amother, he wasn't addressing his speech to school administrators or one subset of parents. He was addressing a cross section of yidden. At a community dinner.

It was an attentive audience and a platform
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 10:25 pm
solo wrote:
But blush amother, he wasn't addressing his speech to school administrators or one subset of parents. He was addressing a cross section of yidden. At a community dinner.

Exactly. He was addressing a cross section of yidden. Begging them to have rachmanus, to share each others plight, because first and foremost, they are all Jews. Even if they have differences. Even if they don't all fit the exact same mold. His speech was beautiful and brought me to tears. If you think there was something wrong with his speech, I suggest you do some deep soul searching. As the saying goes... "Me thinks the lady doth protest to much."
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 10:27 pm
[quote="solo"]Naturalmom5, ur right, everyone makes mistakes, and mr rechnitz displayed many admirable qualities. I do appreciate that he spoke for the people who have no voice, and took the initiative in an area where he felt "be makom shein ish..."
But my issue was specifically with the fact that he did not do it in a bakovodic manner. He publicly called out people with out stating that he attempted to address this quietly. He called out an entire community on their lack of middos and new Ani maamins. You say he didn't scream at anyone. So is being better than abusive good? Does it make it ok to be mevazaeh someone berabim because u sprinkled in maamarei chazal? Also does that help make ur speech constructive? Was this an excercise in beat up on Lakewood, or was he trying to make a change? Because his speech included no ideas for change. And invited no one to present any.[/quote]

I want to yell helloooo. but I am not. you dont get the whole speach. the stuff that lakewooders do is despicable. you know it well. calling a school and telling them I will take my

child out if you accept so and so is disgusting. not what rechnitz said. please focus on what is at hand.

and nothing more needs to be told. he doesnt need to give them ideas. they need to stop what they are doing.

its emergency at this point there is no more tollerance for this. yes lakewood neads to be beat up. they are doing despicable stuff that even non jews arent.

I dont understand why its so hard to understand this.

and yes he probably tried earlier and he was met with deaf ears so he had no choice. but to call them out. I find it comforting that someone finally has the galls to speak up. thank you rabbi rechnitz
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 10:41 pm
Every one could yell and scream about what was said or not said if it makes them feel good but at the end of the day would any one out there with out the right credentials ever apply to yale or hardvard ect. Even if they would they would never be excepted. So why in this town when a school with a specific hashkafic outlook wants a certain parent body do others fight to get in. Do your self a favor and go were you belong.
I know a heimish/american family now trying to get into litvish yeshivish school. School said child wont be happy here. Its not a good fit. Family very insulted....with all the money in the world that rechnitz can give why will that make a difference. Its just not the right place.go were you belong in the first place
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 10:47 pm
sourstix wrote:
I want to yell helloooo. but I am not. you dont get the whole speach. the stuff that lakewooders do is despicable. you know it well. calling a school and telling them I will take my

child out if you accept so and so is disgusting. not what rechnitz said. please focus on what is at hand.

and nothing more needs to be told. he doesnt need to give them ideas. they need to stop what they are doing.

its emergency at this point there is no more tollerance for this. yes lakewood neads to be beat up. they are doing despicable stuff that even non jews arent.

I dont understand why its so hard to understand this.

and yes he probably tried earlier and he was met with deaf ears so he had no choice. but to call them out. I find it comforting that someone finally has the galls to speak up. thank you rabbi rechnitz

I think you meant that what some Lakewooders do is despicable. Not all, and not even most. Don't forget, you're a Lakewooder now too.
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 10:47 pm
bec no school is accepting this child. I am assuming.

noone wants their child in the wrong school. realize he isnt talking about kids that are accepted. he is talking about kids that noone wants.

. jews dont do this type of thing. we know better. we are not coming to school bec we want some profession its torah.

and he is also talking about the terrible feeling they give to the parents that apply. they give them the run around. he explained it great.

every word he said is true. ( btw I dont have out of the box kids and I still had a hard time) the whole lakewood is this way.
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 10:51 pm
so and I did nothing wrong. I am a lakewooder but this is too upsetting to me. and I didnt have the issues that he mentioned.

lets face it all parents in lakewood go through a hard time except the "names we wont mention" so its all of lakewood. no I wont sugar coat it. those that are menchlich are few and far apart.

I am not trying to besmirch them. lakewood isnt the onely one with this problem. so does brooklyn and monsey and even in eretz yisroel. so its not unique. its a widespread problem.
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 10:54 pm
sourstix wrote:
so and I did nothing wrong. I am a lakewooder but this is too upsetting to me. and I didnt have the issues that he mentioned.

lets face it all parents in lakewood go through a hard time except the "names we wont mention" so its all of lakewood. no I wont sugar coat it. those that are menchlich are few and far apart.

I am not trying to besmirch them. lakewood isnt the onely one with this problem. so does brooklyn and monsey and even in eretz yisroel. so its not unique. its a widespread problem.

I don't know where in Lakewood you live, or where you hang out, or who you hang out with, but most people in Lakewood are mentschlich. The ones that are not are usually the ones who stand out.
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 10:57 pm
I will add another thing here that is part of the problem.

I read in a yiddish newpaper a big ad about a year ago that came from monsey rabbonim.(chasidish) that people shouldnt move there till they have a school. and the schools have no place so they should not move to monsey!

is this what I read in a jewish newspaper? is this coming from a jewish person? I still cant believe this! and this is what rechnitz is saying.

how does anyone have the galls to say such things. and its coming from rabbonim? my brain is plotzing. I dont have the place in my brain to understand this.

now anyone that has any idea of how bad the housing crisis is in brooklyn understands why pp are moving away from there. and to say this is -------- you fill in the blank.

this is basically what hes saying. hes saying wake up and start being menchlich.
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 11:16 pm
amother wrote:
Every one could yell and scream about what was said or not said if it makes them feel good but at the end of the day would any one out there with out the right credentials ever apply to yale or hardvard ect. Even if they would they would never be excepted. So why in this town when a school with a specific hashkafic outlook wants a certain parent body do others fight to get in.

Amother Emerald 10:41:

If you and everyone else would be 100% sure that level of Frumkeit/Hashkafa is the only criteria used when deciding if a child should be allowed to get into a school, then your comment would make sense. Im sure FRUMKEIT/Hashkafa and other related criteria (where the parents daven, where the parents went to school, etc) is NOT the only criteria used to decide.

Could it be that the Gvirim and Askonim who make big donations and send to the school are consulted and asked who theyd like as their kids classmates to fill the few empty slots???????
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 11:38 pm
amother wrote:
Amother Emerald 10:41:

If you and everyone else would be 100% sure that level of Frumkeit/Hashkafa is the only criteria used when deciding if a child should be allowed to get into a school, then your comment would make sense. Im sure FRUMKEIT/Hashkafa and other related criteria (where the parents daven, where the parents went to school, etc) is NOT the only criteria used to decide.

Could it be that the Gvirim and Askonim who make big donations and send to the school are consulted and asked who theyd like as their kids classmates to fill the few empty slots???????

Rechnitz did day that the schools would not accept his own children... so unless he is completely out of the loop which is obviously not the case, it is NOT coming from the gevirim
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 11:40 pm
Ok I can take a hint. Seems u mostly think rechnitz speech was very effective. So now I'm curious. What did mr rechnitz accomplish by making his speech?
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 11:47 pm
glutenless wrote:
I don't know where in Lakewood you live, or where you hang out, or who you hang out with, but most people in Lakewood are mentschlich. The ones that are not are usually the ones who stand out.

^^^ This. There are, sadly, many people who are not mentschlich here, but they are not the majority. I have never met someone who would do something like call a school to tell them not to accept a child.

And not "all parents" in Lakewood go through a hard time with schools. B"H I didn't (so far!). And I most certainly do not have any kind of "name" here - as a matter of fact there are many factors that stereotypically prevent people from getting into school.

You have to find the right neighborhood and the right school where you're surrounded primarily by mentschen. I'm glad to say that I did.
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 11:49 pm
Has anybody reviewed the laws of loshon hora lately? No kidding, you are all well meaning, and surely don't realize it, but please realize that things are being said which are ossur. Yes, right now, I'm the goody-goody bad guy, but YOU CANT SPEAK about a holy town like Lakewood in such derogatory terms. Again, I know there was no realization that some of what is being said is ossur, but please know that it is.
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 11:52 pm
Is Lakewood holier than any other town?
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Post Wed, Jan 27 2016, 11:59 pm
Maya wrote:
Is Lakewood holier than any other town?

Definitely, didn't you get the memo? Wink
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Post Thu, Jan 28 2016, 12:02 am
mommyla wrote:
^^^ This. There are, sadly, many people who are not mentschlich here, but they are not the majority. I have never met someone who would do something like call a school to tell them not to accept a child.

And not "all parents" in Lakewood go through a hard time with schools. B"H I didn't (so far!). And I most certainly do not have any kind of "name" here - as a matter of fact there are many factors that stereotypically prevent people from getting into school.

You have to find the right neighborhood and the right school where you're surrounded primarily by mentschen. I'm glad to say that I did.

I know one person who has called schools and said bad things about people who applied. In general she is a nasty, unpleasant person who has a lot of issues with other people. I don't know anybody else who would ever do such a thing.
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Post Thu, Jan 28 2016, 12:04 am
glutenless wrote:
I know one person who has called schools and said bad things about people who applied. In general she is a nasty, unpleasant person who has a lot of issues with other people. I don't know anybody else who would ever do such a thing.

That is just so awful.
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Post Thu, Jan 28 2016, 12:09 am
amother wrote:
Rechnitz did day that the schools would not accept his own children... so unless he is completely out of the loop which is obviously not the case, it is NOT coming from the gevirim

That might have been meant as a joke. We all know that the right amount of digits on a check influences EVEN the most upstanding school administrators, unless Rechnitz meant if he had no money, they wouldn't be interested in his kids.
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