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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 3:47 pm
Amarante wrote:
The issue of lack of Medicaid coverage especially in the Red States is well documented


20 states that have not expanded Medicaid, the median eligibility limit for parents is 42% FPL; other adults remain ineligible in all of these state except Wisconsin (Figure 3). In 13 of these states, parent eligibility is at less than half of the poverty level, and only three of these states (ME, TN, and WI) cover parents at or above poverty. Wisconsin is the only non-expansion state that provides full Medicaid coverage to childless adults, although eligibility at 100% FPL remains below the expansion level.2 In the other non-expansion states, parents and other adults with incomes above Medicaid eligibility limits but below poverty fall into a coverage gap; they are ineligible for Medicaid and do not qualify for subsidies for Marketplace coverage, which are only available to those with incomes at or above 100%

The disparity in income exacerbated by Republican tax breaks for the wealthiest and corporations is also well documented. I would urge you to read any non biased analysis of who benefits and who is hurt by various Republican tax plans especially the flat rate. Not sure why anyone who isn't in the 1% thinks the Republican tax measures and economic policies helpful to the middle class. Of course some people still believe in the trickle down theory which has been proven to be a fraud. I do applaud the Republicans fr managing to disguise their actual intentions and policies and snooker people into believing they have the interests of the middle class.

Im interested in reading up on what u posted.

On the flip side, u feel that republicans all snooker ppl into believing they have the interests of the middle class. Its hard to discuss with you if youre not flexible in your thought process on these issues.

Personally, I feel that many working middle class people are paying an incredible amount of taxes and are barely getting by. I dont see how the democratic party will benefit them.
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 3:48 pm
wondergirl wrote:
So my taxes won't be raised. Great. But what about the dr, lawyer, etc. who may have a higher salary but also has higher student loans to pay back? Will they have to pay more taxes to enable kids to go to college for free? And do you think they will be able to afford to pay more taxes on top of student loans and interest plus all the other expenses they may have?

The types of people who will have their taxes raised don't take out student loans.
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 3:50 pm
I don't understand why free college is viewed as radical thing. At one time, free college or very inexpensive college was available in many states and cities.

Think of all the poor people who graduated from City College when it was free. What minds might have been wasted if they hadn't had this opportunity. The contrubutions if City College graduates it's mind boggling. Jonas Salk for one. Innumerable others. Who is to say what woul have happened without this option.


Most of the states had very cheap universities. SUNY and arp the UC system were almost free. It was well within the ability of poor and working class people.

Now there is tuition at all of these places which is cheaper than private but still would be difficult for many to afford.

Does someone really have a problem with raising taxes on people who make $300,000 or taxing compensation of hedge fund managers instead if their currently favorable tax rate of 15%?

Last edited by Amarante on Sun, Mar 06 2016, 3:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 3:51 pm
Sadie wrote:
The types of people who will have their taxes raised don't take out student loans.

Then who will they be? The corporations who will take their businesses to other countries?
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 3:53 pm
Sadie wrote:
What you should do is make sure to take one oppressed and disenfranchised group of people, and then convince them that that source of their problems is a different oppressed and disenfranchised group of people. It has amazing historical precedent: before the Mexicans, Nativists used the same tactic against the Chinese, the Japanese, the Irish, the Italians, and the Jews. It works beautifully. Keep the dogs snarling at each other over the bone and they won't notice who's eating the steak. You must actually be quite brilliant if you thought of this strategy on your own instead of reading about it in a Howard Zinn book.

Im not understanding your point.
Sharing a concern about imbalanced concern for one group of people over others does not infer that one would like our society to be like 2 dogs snarling over a steak. It simply infers that one is concerned about imbalanced concern for one group over another.
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 3:57 pm
Amarante wrote:
I don't understand why free college is viewed as radical thing. At one time, free college or very inexpensive college was available in many states and cities.

Think of all the poor people who graduated from City College when it was free. What minds might have been wasted if they hadn't had this opportunity. The contrubutions if City College graduates it's mind boggling. Jonas Salk for one. Innumerable others. Who is to say what woul have happened without this option.


Most of the states had very cheap universities. SUNY and arp the UC system were almost free. It was well within the ability of poor and working class people.

Now there is tuition at all of these places which is cheaper than private but still would be difficult for many to afford.

Does someone really have a problem with raising taxes on people who make $300,000 or taxing compensation of hedge fund managers instead if their currently favorable tax rate of 15%?

I am getting a little lost in the discussion here (cant keep up with the speed of posts lol) but I personally benefitted from financial aid for college. Are u saying this is not available everywhere?

Ok so yes, I personally do believe that schooling (for a bachelors) should be available to all, and nobody should be forced to take out a student loan for a bachelors degree. Yes, I would support a program that offered free undergraduate schooling to all.

For a masters program, things start getting expensive. I do think the student needs to take financial responsibility for a masters degree.

Last edited by gold21 on Sun, Mar 06 2016, 4:01 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 3:59 pm
Sadie wrote:
The types of people who will have their taxes raised don't take out student loans.

Huh? What makes you say that?
The world is not divided between the very rich and the very poor. I'm 'rich' enough not to be eligible for any programs, but I'm by no means living in luxury. If I were to go back to school now (which is a possibility), there is no way I can afford to pay grad school tuition out of pocket. And I am paying loads of taxes already, thank you very much.
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 4:00 pm
wondergirl wrote:
Then who will they be? The corporations who will take their businesses to other countries?

Here's a list of corporations that pay zero or negative taxes: http://moneymorning.com/2015/0.....axes/

Are you saying that corporations should be able to hold American jobs hostage in order to get away with not paying their fair share of taxes? So that the tax burden falls on people like you?

I can see why someone who thinks this way would be a Trump supporter, but that hypothetical someone is going to be a heck of a lot wealthier than a social worker.
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 4:03 pm
Amarante, I think one factor we aren't talking about here is state population. How big are the populations those states that don't have health care and decent public schooling? Looks like NY is the place to live. Besides for FAFSA, they offer TAP to those who can't get the first. Public schools abound and on top of that there are numerous state-funded special education programs. There is Medicaid, Food Stamps, even programs that subsidize your cell phone for you. Definitely the place for the poor to live- since there are hundreds of thousands of citizens there that pay taxes to cover it.
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 4:06 pm
tigerwife wrote:
Huh? What makes you say that?
The world is not divided between the very rich and the very poor. I'm 'rich' enough not to be eligible for any programs, but I'm by no means living in luxury. If I were to go back to school now (which is a possibility), there is no way I can afford to pay grad school tuition out of pocket. And I am paying loads of taxes already, thank you very much.

I'm not sure where you think you're refuting what I said. Where did I say the world is divided between the very rich and the very poor? Comfortably middle class people who can't pay cash for college tuition are not going have their taxes increases. There is a class of extremely wealthy people and corporations who have income streams that are not taxed or barely taxed. Those are the people who need to start paying their fair share.
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 4:20 pm
Sadie wrote:
I'm not sure where you think you're refuting what I said. Where did I say the world is divided between the very rich and the very poor? Comfortably middle class people who can't pay cash for college tuition are not going have their taxes increases. There is a class of extremely wealthy people and corporations who have income streams that are not taxed or barely taxed. Those are the people who need to start paying their fair share.

I'm not refuting, I'm questioning your statement. Why do you think that only the people who can afford higher education ("don't have student loans") will have their taxes raised?
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 4:27 pm
I just wanna say that before offering free college education they should change our college education to be more similar to the uk college system. This way if the government is going to be funding it (on my tax dollars) at least he should try to limit the amount of years that is being funded. And thats besides that if you can learn the information in 3-4 years, why in the world is the American college system set up that it takes 6-8?
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 4:37 pm
tigerwife wrote:
I'm not refuting, I'm questioning your statement. Why do you think that only the people who can afford higher education ("don't have student loans") will have their taxes raised?

I watch Bernie Sanders' speeches and I know who he's going after, and I agree with him. There is a class of people in this country getting away with highway robbery.

The only reason a middle class person's taxes would be slightly raised would be in conjunction with a nationalized health plan, so the slight increase would be offset with a huge savings.

Call it naive, say it won't work, but where would anyone get the impression that Sanders is gunning for the middle class' dollar? I've heard many people who don't agree with Sanders' ideas, or think that they won't work, say that they nevertheless think he's the the most sincere candidate and the only one who really cares about the working class.
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 4:44 pm
Which is this class of people getting away with highway robbery?
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 4:54 pm
Heyaaa wrote:
Which is this class of people getting away with highway robbery?

Here's an article about it: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12......html

Here's another one: http://www.bankrate.com/financ......aspx
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 5:02 pm
Sadie wrote:
I watch Bernie Sanders' speeches and I know who he's going after, and I agree with him. There is a class of people in this country getting away with highway robbery.

The only reason a middle class person's taxes would be slightly raised would be in conjunction with a nationalized health plan, so the slight increase would be offset with a huge savings.

Call it naive, say it won't work, but where would anyone get the impression that Sanders is gunning for the middle class' dollar? I've heard many people who don't agree with Sanders' ideas, or think that they won't work, say that they nevertheless think he's the the most sincere candidate and the only one who really cares about the working class.

He may be a nice guy and a very sincere guy but that doesn't mean that his ideas are appropriate for America. He is planning to tax everyone, not just high income corporations. And he has to find a way to tax the corporations that don't currently pay taxes but do you realize that these corporations have enough money to lobby against it in congress? So the big corporations will get away with not paying the taxes yet again, which means that everyone else will have to pick up the bill (and people who are not considered low income and don't qualify for govt benefits but have huge student loans to repay will have to pay more taxes as well and are basically screwed). Where do you think that will lead us to?

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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 5:03 pm
Sadie wrote:
Here's an article about it: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12......html

Here's another one: http://www.bankrate.com/financ......aspx

So seriously sanders entire complaint (and yours) is about 400 people? He wants to raise the taxes of all the millions of one percenters because of 400 people who pay a really low percent of taxes?
The average one percenters pays between 39-46% of their income on taxes every year. It's only these 400 or so people who get away with less. Raising the taxes on the remaining millions of people in that category won't get those 400 people to pay more.
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 5:07 pm
wondergirl wrote:
Sorry but your guilt trip is not going to work on me. Mostly because my parents are immigrants but they did it legally, learned English, took and passed the citizenship test, etc. And they didn't break American law but did it despite the fact that it took a long time so others can do it as well. But it is not fair to them that people are now breaking American law to come here and are being rewarded for it while they are at it.

Hey, I'm an immigrant. I came with my parents when I was young. My parents came legally and worked hard and passed the citizenship test and learned English and moved up in society.

And every time - every single time- that I read about illegal aliens who come here risking their very freedom and lives, I think: There but for the grace of God go I.

Because, see wondergirl, there's literally nothing I did to be born into my family which was lucky enough to have a well-off American relative who helped us leave and supported us when we came. I did nothing to attain this. I could have easily been born into a family where even the cost of the initial INS application is beyond our reach, forever. I easily could have been born into a situation where emigrating legally is impossible. And so could you.

I think people on this website and in many other places have no idea of the basic realities of immigration.

    Do you know that there are places where people would have to save all their money for decades - and spend literally nothing - to even hope to be able to pay the INS application fee?

    Do you know that if you cannot prove persecution and don't have a relative or employer in America,the chances of you being allowed legal entry in many cases is... zero?

    Do you know how many people the USA admits from particular countries?

    Do you know that the US has quotas, so even if you have the means to immigrate legally, you still can't? Do you know how many millions of people are waiting to be allowed entry even though they literally have a family member willing to sponsor them, so they are 100% legal?

    Do you know that many people, even those who do not live in danger of persecution, live in abject poverty and illness with no hope for a better life for their children unless those children are smuggled here illegally and even then you have to hope and pray that they are not being s-xually trafficked?

    Do you know how beneficial illegal immigrants are for America? How many billions of dollars we would lose per state (!) if they all disappeared tomorrow?

Last edited by marina on Sun, Mar 06 2016, 5:17 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 5:08 pm
wondergirl wrote:
He may be a nice guy and a very sincere guy but that doesn't mean that his ideas are appropriate for America. He is planning to tax everyone, not just high income corporations. And he has to find a way to tax the corporations that don't currently pay taxes but do you realize that these corporations have enough money to lobby against it in congress? So the big corporations will get away with not paying the taxes yet again, which means that everyone else will have to pick up the bill (and people who are not considered low income and don't qualify for govt benefits but have huge student loans to repay will have to pay more taxes as well and are basically screwed). Where do you think that will lead us to?


Shorter version: it would be good if big corporations would pay their fair share, but it's too hard to implement. So don't try. But not just don't try, vote for the guy who's going to bend America over for the corporations.
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Post Sun, Mar 06 2016, 5:10 pm
Heyaaa wrote:
So seriously sanders entire complaint (and yours) is about 400 people? He wants to raise the taxes of all the millions of one percenters because of 400 people who pay a really low percent of taxes?
The average one percenters pays between 39-46% of their income on taxes every year. It's only these 400 or so people who get away with less. Raising the taxes on the remaining millions of people in that category won't get those 400 people to pay more.

highest income tax bracket is 39%, so I don't know why people would be paying 46%.
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