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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:34 pm
silly wrote:
How do u know for a fact that hes guilty??
The father threw out the girl from his home
Mr daskal and his wife arranged to find a warm loving home for this girl...
I cant wait for the truth to come out

I read that she told a therapist about these supposed crimes and therapist reported it.... if so she’ll have to testify and we will see if her story holds up,
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:34 pm
simba wrote:
I am not amother papaya but I do understand her writing and will offer free translation if you need!

thanks for ur translation offer , feel free... im not saying a/th radical
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:37 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
Even if the truth is that he repeatedly raped this girl?

Is it any wonder that people refuse to report child abuse and rape in these communities?

All we've seen in this thread is how there must not be any evidence, he's a wonderful guy, its all engineered because of a divorce situation, "I heard he's innocent."

Not a person reserving judgment.

Not a single person expressing sympathy for this child, who was reportedly raped and z3xually abused over a period of months. NOT A WORD.

Tonight, when you tuck your daughters into bed, look at them. And realize that if, chas v'shalom, this ever happens to them, THIS will be the reaction of the community. That all of these women here will say that she's lying. Then be the change that we need.

I have reserved judgment and I’m well aware that at this point there’s no way to know whether it’s true or not. But, according to the laws of shmirat halashon, it’s forbidden to believe it at this point, as he hasn’t been found guilty of anything. I have to wonder though, since it’s been reported that the events supposedly took place over a number of months, why’d the girl wait so long to tell anyone? It’s not like she’s a very young child, she’s 16...,
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:38 pm
imasoftov wrote:
Anyone else have a feeling that the "she was thrown out of her house" claim is code for something?

What I think she’s trying to stress is that he was doing a chessed thing to help her because of her situation...
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:40 pm
amother wrote:
Your victim blaming is staggering

How are you assuming with certainty she’s a “victim?” How are you so ready to believe the worst based only on what the secular press is reporting? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Are you really clueless about people making false allegations?
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:42 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
So I can take it that Imamother "Papaya" and Silly -- to whom I responded -- are the same person. Not to mention all those others who have piggybacked on your assertion that he could have been arrested with no evidence whatsoever.

But if you're reserving judgment, I'm waiting for your words of empathy for this poor child.))))

Or is that something that only men accused of rape are entitled to?

What poor child? How do you know she’s a poor child, and that it’s not going to turn out to be, that poor innocent man? How can you or anyone else know at this point? Fact is, none of us know now with certainty who’s lying!
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:45 pm
amother wrote:
I dont think this story is true. I know the family. very nice and settled people.

That’s not proof of anything...my husband, a well known public figure who everyone thinks is the greatest guy, is abusive, and no one believes it. Because people are sometimes so naive and they really believe that if someone’s nice on the outside, he must be the same way at home...what a crock!!! Wake up! People don’t air their dirty Laundry in public and many monsters are good at covering up their true selves in public!
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:48 pm
amother wrote:
Organizations often have cultures. Would this make you think twice before you let someone from there help your daughter?

Absolutely not.
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Ema of 5


Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:48 pm
amother wrote:
thanks for ur translation offer , feel free... im not saying a/th radical

But again, you are writing in shorthand, and not everyone understand that. You may not be saying anything radical, but becasue you are not writing in typical English, I don’t understand what you are trying to say.
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:49 pm
chestnut wrote:
OR it's a code for "her abusive father threw her out of his house and this family was helping finding a nice family for her to live at, and the father became angry and made it up".

I don't know what happened. All I know is that "code" could mean either thing, so it's not intellectually honest to talk only about one.

If it happened, I really hope this guy gets punished to the full extent and gets what child rapists deserve in jails, and that the girl can heal.
If it didn't happen, I really hope those behind it get what they deserve for it.

Everyone gets what they deserve in the end; there’s a G-d in the world Who sees all.
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:51 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
Yeah, well, are you going to feel that way if someone rapes your daughter? Not 2 witnesses, no worries, you go on doing it, sir. In fact, please, hang out with her. Have at it some more.

What of YOUR lashon hara of this child, doubting her?

And are you going to feel that way if someone accuses you son/husband???
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:53 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
BTW, the charge appears to be rape in the 3rd degree. Intercourse with someone who cannot consent — statutory rape.

The part that doesn’t sound right to me is, she was 16, not a 5 year old, and supposedly it went on for a number of months, which sounds like it could’ve been consensual...why’d she wait so long to report?
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:54 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
Yeah, well, are you going to feel that way if someone rapes your daughter? Not 2 witnesses, no worries, you go on doing it, sir. In fact, please, hang out with her. Have at it some more.

What of YOUR lashon hara of this child, doubting her?

How is it lashon hara of the child if no one knows who she is??? Duh.
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 6:55 pm
amother wrote:
wat do u call incriminate? cuz he said s/th that was vague enuff that they thouht there cud be more or that they cud be used against him? u dont know he said in the convo , we only know he was arrressted based on wat he said. u have no idea if he didt 'confess" as they were hoping so they arresst him to force him 2 talk. or if he apologizesd but he didnt udnerstand what the allegesd victim was talking abt ( she cud have said s/th like 'hurting me' and he thouht it means 1 thing and meantime victim and police udnersttod it to mean rape, ) and they call this 'evidence'. so many things cud have happend , wait for trial to hear facts , if there will evn be a trial cuz after arresst they cud decide to look a little more closer and realize "evidence' they have isnt really evidence and drop charges. all u know is arressted and basiclly deciding if theres smoke thers fire and im saying resrve judgment cuz arresst means zero and there can be smoke w.o fire...

I have a feeling she’s going to refuse to testify....
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 7:09 pm
amother wrote:
The part that doesn’t sound right to me is, she was 16, not a 5 year old, and supposedly it went on for a number of months, which sounds like it could’ve been consensual...why’d she wait so long to report?

According to New York state law a 16 year old is below the age of consent. In other words they cannot legally consent which is why he was charged with the statutory rape.
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 7:32 pm
amother wrote:
The part that doesn’t sound right to me is, she was 16, not a 5 year old, and supposedly it went on for a number of months, which sounds like it could’ve been consensual...why’d she wait so long to report?

Are you serious? Do you know what courage it takes for a victim report? How much suffering in silence there is until they find the courage, and even then, people like you don't believe them.
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Ema of 5


Post Sun, May 13 2018, 7:33 pm
amother wrote:
The part that doesn’t sound right to me is, she was 16, not a 5 year old, and supposedly it went on for a number of months, which sounds like it could’ve been consensual...why’d she wait so long to report?

Only little kids can be repeatedly abused?
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 7:36 pm
shiaeisen wrote:
Since there’s the concept of innocent until proven guilty, and he hasn’t been convicted of anything, as of now, we have to assume innocence. As frum Jews, we actually have an obligation not to believe the charges at this point.

As I said earlier, I also then have to presume her innocence that she’s not lying as well.
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 7:54 pm
amother wrote:
The part that doesn’t sound right to me is, she was 16, not a 5 year old, and supposedly it went on for a number of months, which sounds like it could’ve been consensual...why’d she wait so long to report?

Even if she absolutely loved every minute of it and wants more she was too young to consent to relations with a 59 year old man. It is rape, period.
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Post Sun, May 13 2018, 7:55 pm
...Not that I have any opinion on the case. Innocent until proven guilty.
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