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Zoo visit in pregnancy. What is your opinion?
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 1:31 am
amother wrote:
I've gone in my 3rd trimester, and my child neither looks nor acts like an animal.
I think it's based on minhag, specifically chabad.

I'm a lubavitcher and have never heard of this minhag. Not allowing a baby/child see non kosher animals I've heard of, but nothing about pregnancy.
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 1:47 am
I asked my rebitzin, a very chasidishe, respected rebitzin about the aquarium vs. zoo.
She said fish are fine to look at, because they are inherently different from earth-based mammals and they actually have a bracha to reproduce, as we desire to, to be like the fish of the sea.
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 3:44 am
Fish would be OK, but dolphins are mammals. Figure that one out.

I always wondered, for those who go to the zoo but "don't look", how do you handle it when your kids are pulling on your skirt and yelling "Look ima, look, look at the monkeys!" Kids want to share with you everything they see, and want you to comment on it.

Do you tell your kids that "ima can't look at the animals, because it will hurt the baby"?

I don't hold by any of that because it's not my minhag, but if you don't go that's fine too. Minhagim are not to be mocked, even when they're not understood or accepted by your hashkafa.

Looking at animals make me happy, and getting exercise is always good. In my case, being happy and walking around would be good for the baby.

If going to the zoo makes you stressed or worried about the baby, then don't force yourself to go.
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 3:50 am
amother wrote:
We asked our Rav when I was expecting and he said it’s no problem just don’t look at animal’s private parts. So you could ask and see what they tell you

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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 4:10 am
Wow I’ve never heard of that. I’ve also had a baby who really reminded me of a (very cute) mouse, and I definitely hadn’t seen any of those during that pregnancy B”H.
But if you have that minhag based on Kabbalah then my anecdote doesn’t affect what you should do. Go find out what your family holds.
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 4:13 am
Israeli_C wrote:
I'm a lubavitcher and have never heard of this minhag. Not allowing a baby/child see non kosher animals I've heard of, but nothing about pregnancy.

It’s defintely a Chabad minhag not to go to the zoo when pregnant.
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 8:10 am
trixx wrote:
Kabbalistically as mentioned, but the Torah source is practically too. Similarly, that woman in gemara who would bring her newborn to sleep in the bais Midrash and he grew up to become... Sorry I forget lol someone in pirkei avos.

The fetus is affected from before birth so the pregnant woman should surround herself in as holy an environment as possible. BTW I find this fascinating that modern science corroborates this more and more, from a pregnant woman's emotions influencing fetus health to the modern understanding that the most crucial years of a child's life is actually 0-3 and the most development happens in the first 12m (exactly the opposite of "they're too young to understand").

For this reason chabad is careful that baby's nursery and clothing only has kosher animals btw. For a holy environment

I believe you are thinking of Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Chananya. Though his mother didn't go to the beis medrash when she was pregnant.

I find the animal avoidance hard to understand. Plenty of nonkosher animals are mentioned in tehillim. Chazal seem to have been familiar with the behavior of many nonkosher animals, too. And of course, until a hundred years ago, most people rode nonkosher horses and donkeys and camels as their main mode of transportation. One has to assume that pregnant women saw these animals all the time.
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 8:59 am
amother wrote:
Wow I’ve never heard of that. I’ve also had a baby who really reminded me of a (very cute) mouse, and I definitely hadn’t seen any of those during that pregnancy B”H.
But if you have that minhag based on Kabbalah then my anecdote doesn’t affect what you should do. Go find out what your family holds.

This reminds me that when one of my children was born one of my very close friends came over and said "he looks just like a little frog".

I was terribly offended!!
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 9:09 am
I'm lubavitch and we don't go to the zoo during pregnancy and generally avoid seeing not kosher animals. The reasoning is that the animals that are kosher were chosen as kosher because of their middos, they aren't birds of prey etc. Hashem assigned split hooves and chewing cud to those animals not the other way around as is commonly thought. They aren't kosher because of those signs, they are kosher so therefore they have those signs.

Pregnancy is a very delicate time. Physically, as we know, we're careful about things we would normally be fine with. And spiritually as well, we make an effort to surround ourselves with holy things and impact the fetus with as much kedusha as we can. If we can avoid seeing or being near something tameh, we make that effort.
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 9:21 am
How can it be a minhag, if they couldn't avoid looking at animals in the olden days?

They lived among animals!
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 10:00 am
Israeli_C wrote:
I'm a lubavitcher and have never heard of this minhag. Not allowing a baby/child see non kosher animals I've heard of, but nothing about pregnancy.

It"s the same idea. See kovetz minhogim
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Post Tue, Mar 05 2019, 11:06 am
living and being around animals cannot be compared to a trip especially for the purpose of looking at and watching the animals.
I would imagine that being next to an animal and glancing at one without interest would be fine, while watching animals would be more problematic.
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