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To the anti vaxers, did you vaccinate?
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 4:00 pm
amother [ Fuchsia ] wrote:
This is what pharma wants people to believer - blind belief! Not only that but watch, in a few years theyll start saying that now they know how to diagnose vaccine injury better and ME shouldnt have been there in the first place yada yada.. just like Autism is 'diagnosed better' these days. So because I learned that in college as a statement with NOTHING to back it up, Im supposed to believe that myth?

I see that anti-vaxers have some blind following too.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 4:04 pm
amother [ Fuchsia ] wrote:
Do you believe vaccines have no risk? The rebbe doesnt say to check manufacturer reliability for absolutely no reason. There used to be liability. Even with liability the manufacturers have their own interests. Now that for years there is no liability, why would it be in their interests to take every precaution and improve where needed?
Just for example, MMR is a combo vaccine. Some ppl are immune to one and not the other and only want a separated form, but they stopped making it and then people are shamed for not wanting another MMR just for one of the three that need to be cover. What more? More and more are pushing MMRV because maybe if they wont offer Varicella alone, ppl will ger the MMRV and there you go, you gave another person a MMR. There is ALOT of money involved in vaccines, unimaginable.

I also wonder why there are no monovalent formulas.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 5:29 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
The families are STILL against vaccinations. They were COERCED against their
will to vax.

Government Propaganda whipped up Hysterical Fear of Unvaxxed kids - even
though cars are a million times more dangerous than unvaxxed kids. Winning
public opinion through Propaganda allowed government to take away religious rights and parental rights.

Pro-Vaxxers will rue this day, when Government Tyrants take away our religious
rights and Parental Rights to educate our children in Yeshivas, give our children Bris Milah, do Shechitah, etc.

Either you support Freedom or you support Government Tyranny. You can't have both.

Stop with this garbage. No one was coerced? With a gun to their head? With beatings? With a knife? People have to choose. Is my community coercing me to send my children to schools where they may never learn to write their names in English? It's a choice. Please don't use hyperbole here because there are people, all over the world, that really do not have choice.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 7:12 pm
southernbubby wrote:
The reason that I don't provide sources, as I have explained several times, is that I don't have a computer, or WiFi, only this phone which I have never been able to cut and paste the link on because I can't figure out how to do it.

How many people read Peach and view it as scientific when they use people with questionable credentials as sources? I have seen anti-vaxers put things on here that were disproven in nanoseconds.

Basically a number of the anti-vaxers on this site seemed to have major entitlement attitudes which indicated that several of them felt that if they transmitted measles, that Hashem and big pharma were at fault but don't play that "blame game" with them. I got turned off by some blatant ignorance, and some arrogance, displayed in thread after thread and discredited by knowledgeable posters.

I saw an almost cult-like allegiance to the anti-vax movement and this was a major turn off. The few anti-vaxers that I know throw the little money they have at homeopaths and other natural healers who, in my opinion, are laughing all the way to the bank and are as corrupt as big pharma. Many have questionable credentials.

Now I also see on here that some anti-vaxers were really harmed by vaccines or other big pharma products which if we are going to expect anti-vaxers to understand the legitimate fears of people who could be harmed by measles we have to understand those anti-vaxers with legitimate fears (as opposed to those who were fine with vaccinating until Peach, Aishes Chayal or Del Bigtree which they call "research").

Look, I dont know what peach gives out honestly but there is a lot of information said to be debunked and never yet have I seen a study proving it, just statements from the people with big degrees. The Rebbe specifically was aware that Drs dont have time to thoroughly research and that the ccompanies themselves have intnerests/$$ and its not in their interest to research/prove, so I go according to facts and studies found which many actually diisprove these big ppl saying "safe and effective''./ I hhave yet to see one of these people properly address the points non vaxxers want addressed. Del BigTree provides sources for everything by the way and I only recently heard of him., No clue who Chayal is. But what makes you not believe what Del says? Did you look up his information with CREDIBLE sources? I did. Its factual info.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 8:03 pm
polka dots wrote:
I wish we can leave the arguing to all the other vaccine threads and keep this about “what are parents doing for the school year”. I’m honestly curious.

My friend ended up giving the first round of shots and her kids are staying in their school. She felt that even though shots aren’t so good for her kids bodies, it was better than being home. Her oldest son gave her a hard time with that because she had told him in the past how harmful shots are.

Another antivax friend is not giving shots now. I don’t know what she’ll be doing because I don’t talk to her about this anymore!

Thank you.
Can we please get back to the topic at hand.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 9:30 pm
amother [ Fuchsia ] wrote:
Look, I dont know what peach gives out honestly but there is a lot of information said to be debunked and never yet have I seen a study proving it, just statements from the people with big degrees. The Rebbe specifically was aware that Drs dont have time to thoroughly research and that the ccompanies themselves have intnerests/$$ and its not in their interest to research/prove, so I go according to facts and studies found which many actually diisprove these big ppl saying "safe and effective''./ I hhave yet to see one of these people properly address the points non vaxxers want addressed. Del BigTree provides sources for everything by the way and I only recently heard of him., No clue who Chayal is. But what makes you not believe what Del says? Did you look up his information with CREDIBLE sources? I did. Its factual info.

OP, wants it on a different thread so start a new one and we can discuss it.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 9:33 pm
southernbubby wrote:
OP, wants it on a different thread so start a new one and we can discuss it.

between this and Collive new article, im exhausted. ill end the convo here for now Smile
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 9:46 pm
southernbubby wrote:
I also wonder why there are no monovalent formulas.

What's the possible answers you can come up with?
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 9:52 pm
amother [ Blush ] wrote:
What's the possible answers you can come up with?

1. To force people to take the mumps and rubella vaccines. If there was a measles outbreak and the government mandated measles vaccine, everyone is forced to take
the mumps and rubella as well because there is no separate measles vaccine.

2. To cover up how many vaccines your kids are getting. Kids are getting 7-8 vaccines at one time but it is in 2-3 shots. If doctors would give your kids 7-8 shots, more parents would stop being sheeple and refuse. By combining vaccines, people are less aware.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 9:58 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
The Jewish Religious Exemption was legitimate.
There is a mitzvah to "Very much, Guard your Life/Health"

If you are certain that vaccines are dangerous, you cannot vax.

If you are certain that vaccines protect health, you must vax.

The Mitzvah depends on what one believes.

Except that as Jews we follow Rabonim for interpretations and not our our beliefs and feelings.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 10:03 pm
amother [ Blush ] wrote:
What's the possible answers you can come up with?

Not marketable because not enough demand.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 10:33 pm
For all those who don't want the extra ingredients in vaccines, combination vaccines like MMR are a boon. If you would have separate vaccines, you'd have more of what you call "toxins" to get the same protection.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 10:38 pm
JoyInTheMorning wrote:
For all those who don't want the extra ingredients in vaccines, combination vaccines like MMR are a boon. If you would have separate vaccines, you'd have more of what you call "toxins" to get the same protection.

Can you provide sources to this?
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 10:47 pm
amother [ Cobalt ] wrote:
Except that as Jews we follow Rabonim for interpretations and not our our beliefs and feelings.

The rabbanim in my kehilla have't interpreted anything related to vaccines. They've blessed ppl on both sides of the aisle.

To answer OP, I did not, and am not planning to, vaccinate. Looking into alternative schooling solutions.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 10:58 pm
amother [ Wine ] wrote:
The rabbanim in my kehilla have't interpreted anything related to vaccines. They've blessed ppl on both sides of the aisle.

To answer OP, I did not, and am not planning to, vaccinate. Looking into alternative schooling solutions.

The Rabbanim in your Kehilla said ' with respect to the Mitvzah "וְנִשְׁמַרְתֶּ֥ם מְאֹ֖ד לְנַפְשֹֽׁתֵיכֶ֑ם" the approach is 'whatever works for you'?
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 11:04 pm
With most families in Rockland, Brooklyn and Orange that have bli ayin hora, very large families, there is VERY little options for homeschooling. Vaccines are mandatory, and MOST parents that are Anti vaxers (for personal reasons) are nicely complying and giving vaccines. Boys and Girls of all ages, cannot be kept home, and cannot be homeschooled either. Nothing bad is happening to their vaccinated children now, Boruch Hashem!!! Lets hope it stays that way.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 11:10 pm
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
The Rabbanim in your Kehilla said ' with respect to the Mitvzah "וְנִשְׁמַרְתֶּ֥ם מְאֹ֖ד לְנַפְשֹֽׁתֵיכֶ֑ם" the approach is 'whatever works for you'?

Who exactly are you quoting?

In response to a poster who wrote about rabbanim interpreting vaccines, I wrote that they did not interpret anything about vaccines. They are smart enough to know that before they study a topic in depth they will not blindlessly and foolishly interpret it just because the media or big pharma or politicians, or who-knows-who did.

Instead, they were big enough and honest enough to refrain from commenting, and open-minded enough to respect and subsequently bless their 'constituents' who claimed to have done their research and claimed to have valid religious concerns.

I can't remember the exact wording, but our rav publicly announced that he doesn't condone or condemn either side, and he holds all of his talmidim accountable for shalom in the community.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 11:15 pm
amother [ Wine ] wrote:
Who exactly are you quoting?

In response to a poster who wrote about rabbanim interpreting vaccines, I wrote that they did not interpret anything about vaccines. They are smart enough to know that before they study a topic in depth they will not blindlessly and foolishly interpret it just because the media or big pharma or politicians, or who-knows-who did.

Instead, they were big enough and honest enough to refrain from commenting, and open-minded enough to respect and subsequently bless their 'constituents' who claimed to have done their research and claimed to have valid religious concerns.

I can't remember the exact wording, but our rav publicly announced that he doesn't condone or condemn either side, and he holds all of his talmidim accountable for shalom in the community.

The chain of dialogue was questioning how fulling the Mitzvah of "וְנִשְׁמַרְתֶּ֥ם מְאֹ֖ד לְנַפְשֹֽׁתֵיכֶ֑ם" was open to personal interpretation/feelings/beliefs.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 11:23 pm
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
The chain of dialogue was questioning how fulling the Mitzvah of "וְנִשְׁמַרְתֶּ֥ם מְאֹ֖ד לְנַפְשֹֽׁתֵיכֶ֑ם" was open to personal interpretation/feelings/beliefs.

My apologies. I didn't spend time reading this whole thread. But the answer is pretty simple to me. Just like 18th century interpretation for the mitzvah is different than it is today, the interpretation for those who do and don't vax is based on the knowledge they have and research they've done.

As stated earlier, my rav isn't interpreting this bec. he knows that he hasn't done the research the way we have.
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Post Mon, Sep 02 2019, 11:37 pm
amother [ Wine ] wrote:
My apologies. I didn't spend time reading this whole thread. But the answer is pretty simple to me. Just like 18th century interpretation for the mitzvah is different than it is today, the interpretation for those who do and don't vax is based on the knowledge they have and research they've done.

As stated earlier, my rav isn't interpreting this bec. he knows that he hasn't done the research the way we have.

This I really don't understand. If 20 Rebbeim are asked, forget vaccines, 'how does a person fulfill the Mitzvah of "וְנִשְׁמַרְתֶּ֥ם מְאֹ֖ד לְנַפְשֹֽׁתֵיכֶ֑ם" - what is the answer?
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