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Dr Zelenko - are his meds really working?
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 9:49 am
nelliesmellie wrote:
Thats good to know I was not aware of that. I’m sure there’s much that individuals don’t know about this- the doctors are having a hard time sorting though all the (sometimes contradictory) info. But they also have practical information that we don’t have- do again to address OPs original post, let’s not pretend to be statisticians

I'm by no means trying to make a statistic here.

I just felt that if an opinion is posted to debunk the meds it's as much of an achrayus to back it up with the other side of the reality.

Its sekanas nefashas.

The way people die from this virus is because their lungs die.

The only thing this medicine does is that it SAVES the lungs.

Some people claim its nothing worth because they didn't feel better.

This is not intended to make you feel better! It's only made to protect your lungs.

So, if someone says they still felt sick after taking it it's because it's not intended to heal. It saves the lungs from going.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 9:58 am
I am not comfortable with the title of this thread.

OP, can you edit please?

We don't need eiyin hora ch"v.

Ask "DoesDr. Zelenko's med work?"

Thank you
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 10:02 am
There are many KJ residents in the ICU critically ill, including the rebbetzin sosha bas leah esther.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 10:03 am
There are other methods of protecting the lungs, that don't have these side effects. At the first sign of sickness: zinc, vitamin c (iv vitamin c is even better), hot lemon water, garlic and ginger water, castor oil on the chest, warm air vaporizer or make your own and breathe in the steam along with appropriate essential oils. Many people are doing these and bh seeing the virus pass without consequences.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 10:11 am
amother [ Smokey ] wrote:
My husband has some underlining medical issues. He is sick with the virus. I am having friends calling me pushing me to call Zelenko for his treatment but all my husbands doctors are saying to not give Hydroxychloroquine because it would be dangerous for him.
Now he is in the hospital on Oxygen because he is having a hard time breathing.
I will never forgive myself if something happens to him and I will blame myself for not being more aggressive in preventing him getting worse and possibly trying Zelenko idea.

First of I just want to offer you mega, mega Hug Hug

Think rationally, honey. Whom should you listen to now, the doctors or your friends who are calling you to push something because they think they know better than the doctors?

What if your husband took the hydroxychlorquine and ch'v got a heart attack, would you never forgive yourself then?

You are doing your best hishtadlus possible, and beyond that, you are in Hashem's hands. Never forget that. Blaming yourself really makes no sense here.

Ending with more hugs.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 10:13 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I know there were a couple of threads open re dr zelenko. Looking at the unfortunate list of daily korbonos to the virus from all communities- I DO see that KJ does NOT have many deaths! Is his regimen actually working? Anyone from KJ that could weigh in?

We see deaths DAILY from Flatbush, Williamsburg, Boro Park and crown height but BH barely any from KJ!

Wondering if he is actually on to something

Where can I see a list of niftarim?
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 10:15 am
BTW Dr Roberts does recommend taking a reasonable dose of zinc daily. He says he is personally taking 30 mc.

He says taking more zinc makes no sense, because the nature of zinc is such that it binds to proteins and more than that won't circulate in the cells anyway, so it won't help. And taking too much zinc can actually be dangerous. But there's enough evidence that some zinc can help, so he does advocate taking it. If you can't get it by itself, a regular multi-vitamin should have zinc in it too.

I gave zinc (I had some in the house) to both my father and his wife...B"H they are both recovered now from the virus, with zinc, tylenol, and lots of water being their form of treatment.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 10:20 am
amother [ Smokey ] wrote:
My husband has some underlining medical issues. He is sick with the virus. I am having friends calling me pushing me to call Zelenko for his treatment but all my husbands doctors are saying to not give Hydroxychloroquine because it would be dangerous for him.
Now he is in the hospital on Oxygen because he is having a hard time breathing.
I will never forgive myself if something happens to him and I will blame myself for not being more aggressive in preventing him getting worse and possibly trying Zelenko idea.

If he has underlying issues you would probably not get the meds anyway so you have nothing to beat yourself up about.

What can happen if you ASK Zelenko for his opinion? You dont have to heed his advice.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 10:26 am
amother [ Smokey ] wrote:
My husband has some underlining medical issues. He is sick with the virus. I am having friends calling me pushing me to call Zelenko for his treatment but all my husbands doctors are saying to not give Hydroxychloroquine because it would be dangerous for him.
Now he is in the hospital on Oxygen because he is having a hard time breathing.
I will never forgive myself if something happens to him and I will blame myself for not being more aggressive in preventing him getting worse and possibly trying Zelenko idea.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 10:29 am
amother [ Brown ] wrote:
There are many KJ residents in the ICU critically ill, including the rebbetzin sosha bas leah esther.

First of all I heard first hand info that she's bh getting better slowly. #2 the rebbitzen is a very sick woman as is, so if she's gonna pull through it will be a great big miracle.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 10:31 am
crust wrote:
The problem is that this medicine does not help as a last resort.

It doesn't heal the virus. It only protects the lungs. Once the lungs are hit hard ch"v its irreversible.

I heard this as well, based on a study done in China--that the drug has to be given right away before symptoms progress. That might be why so many doctors have been reporting mixed results with severely ill patients. Because it was prescribed too late. And could explain Dr. Zelenko's success.

A new trial was just announced yesterday in Michigan. Health care workers and first responders are being given the drug preventively, while a control group of first responders are being given placebos. The study has 3,000 participants.

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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 10:53 am
I don’t know how to quote but another brown- are there many patients in the ICU critically ill? Critically ill would be on a ventilator induced coma...

As far as saying KJ is not in New York City- their exposure is equal to that of New York! If the satmar rebbe of KJ does indeed have it- then every person at his Purim tish and their families have been exposed

As far as the official evidence being inconclusive- at this point the only hope we have is anecdotal evidence and if anecdotal evidence is showing that it is effective - if my parent would chas veshalom need it - anecdotal evidence is enough for me to at least try.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 11:16 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I don’t know how to quote but another brown- are there many patients in the ICU critically ill? Critically ill would be on a ventilator induced coma...

As far as saying KJ is not in New York City- their exposure is equal to that of New York! If the satmar rebbe of KJ does indeed have it- then every person at his Purim tish and their families have been exposed

As far as the official evidence being inconclusive- at this point the only hope we have is anecdotal evidence and if anecdotal evidence is showing that it is effective - if my parent would chas veshalom need it - anecdotal evidence is enough for me to at least try.

Yes there are critically ill people in KJ but thankfully the local hospitals aren't overloaded yet so they still have access to decent healthcare bezras Hashem.

The man that passed away had a preexisting condition and I'm not sure he was Zelenko's patient.

I hope you understand that KJ is huge (6000 families) and not everyone uses Zelenko as their physician.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 11:20 am
tweety1 wrote:
First of all I heard first hand info that she's bh getting better slowly. #2 the rebbitzen is a very sick woman as is, so if she's gonna pull through it will be a great big miracle.

I'm glad you hear so. As per the family, her breathing improved a tad but her body is getting weaker but she's not responding to drugs. And Hshem knows if ch"v she'll endure permanent damage.

Daven for her.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 11:23 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I don’t know how to quote but another brown- are there many patients in the ICU critically ill? Critically ill would be on a ventilator induced coma...

As far as saying KJ is not in New York City- their exposure is equal to that of New York! If the satmar rebbe of KJ does indeed have it- then every person at his Purim tish and their families have been exposed

As far as the official evidence being inconclusive- at this point the only hope we have is anecdotal evidence and if anecdotal evidence is showing that it is effective - if my parent would chas veshalom need it - anecdotal evidence is enough for me to at least try.

First off OP, yasher koach for the title change. May HAshem continue to protect us and all of klal yisroel and the entire world!

No one here knows definitely if the rebbe indeed had corona, but FTR, he did NOT shake hands Purim as corona fear had reached our shores already by then. So, no, not EVERY single person at the tish was infected.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 11:25 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I don’t know how to quote but another brown- are there many patients in the ICU critically ill? Critically ill would be on a ventilator induced coma...

Critically ill, my close relative included.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 12:05 pm
Does anyone have dr. Zelenkos number or email?
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 12:26 pm
amother [ Babyblue ] wrote:
Does anyone have dr. Zelenkos number or email?

845 782 0000
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 4:03 pm
Smokey, please call Dr. Zelenko & tell him about your husband's conditions. He can't make a decision for you without seeing your husband but he can tell you if you should be pushing his doctors or not.

My DH was in HUP where they where they gave hydroxychloroquine but no Zithromax or zinc. Chasdei Hashem he was discharged though not all the way there. I asked his own doc if we should give Zithromax & he said no, if he's doing better let's not give any unnecessary meds. Though he also said, we don't know for sure that any of this works, but it's all we have so we're trying it.

I have a lot of respect for DH's doctor, yet I can't understand why the doctors are being so stubborn about this possible life-sving treatment. Yes, I know there may be side effects.

But as someone said recently, it's like the Chofetz Chaim's story with the muddy well water, that the Poritz told them they had to filter to drink. Then when there was a fire the foolish peasants were busy looking for filtered water. When a fire is burning you use whatever water you have.
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Post Fri, Apr 03 2020, 4:58 pm
amother [ Brown ] wrote:
I'm glad you hear so. As per the family, her breathing improved a tad but her body is getting weaker but she's not responding to drugs. And Hshem knows if ch"v she'll endure permanent damage.

Daven for her.

Yes I heard that she's incredibly week. But her breathing and her oxygen levels improved. As I said she's a very sick woman as is even before she came down with Corona so if she'll pull through it'll be a great big miracle.
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