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Share something kind you did
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 12:52 pm
tweek wrote:
I don't know if this counts, but I figured it is beneficial to bring awareness so that others can follow suit.

I tipped the worker of a store that was doing curbside service. It was a food store and since there is no drive through window, the workers were running back and forth to the cars in the rain, tryingto remember orders, taking payment, organizingthe cars etc.

He was so surprised and appreciative, he looked like he would burst into tears. I realized that others might not have thought of doing so.

So I'm posting here just to bring awareness. If you are using stores where workers are working under different and difficult circumstances, please consider tipping them.

I can’t imagine people not tipping them. Don’t we tip delivery people?
I took on different large amounts of Tehillim to say for sick people.
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Ima Piano


Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 12:54 pm
I offered to make supper for my mil
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 12:56 pm
I’m being extra kind to myself and cutting myself some slack. Often, and especially since lockdown , I tend to focus on everyone else and I forget about myself and my own needs. Today I chose to be kind to myself.
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 1:03 pm
amother [ Hotpink ] wrote:
I can’t imagine people not tipping them. Don’t we tip delivery people?
I took on different large amounts of Tehillim to say for sick people.

I think because people see it as if they went shopping in a store, not as a delivery.
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 1:04 pm
I reread and deleted lines from a post that I posted (as amother) that would maybe be interpreted as too sharp. Everyone is vulnerable now so I think it's an extra kindness to be extra careful now.
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Ora in town


Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 1:14 pm
There is a lady who visits me regularly for Friday evening and Seuda shlishit. She lives in a nursing home. To protect old people, she has not been allowed out for visits since shabbat ha gadol, and visits to the home were forbidden from around Purim...

So I go there, right outside the entrance on Shabbes afternoon, and we learn pirkei avot together, through the window pane, and we sing zmirot for seuda shlishit... Planning to do it also for Friday evening, if she wants...
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 2:10 pm
I donated a vintage mink coat to a gemach. When they had a fundraiser and silent auction, they got a lot of money for it. I've also donated pearl and ruby jewelry that I've handmade, and raised a lot of money for charity that way.

I always do it through a shaliach, because I don't want my name associated with it. I don't want kavod, I just want to help.
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 2:20 pm
I was sorting through some old boxes out on my porch, and the landlord's 3yo daughter watched me the whole time. I came across a rhinestone tiara that DD had worn once for Purim, and it was in perfect condition. I gave it to the little girl, and her smile lit up the world. (She immediately said "thank you", such good manners!)

She's been wearing it ever since, and I love seeing her run around the yard being a princess. Queen
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 2:37 pm
Toilet paper is still nearly impossible to find in our area but BH we were able to find. When I saw our neighbor I asked how they were and if they needed anything, he said they were about to go search for tp and I told him to save himself the trip, we have plenty to share and gave him a package along with some homemade food (they're a bunch of young single brothers, who knows what they're eating!)
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 2:54 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Can we start a pay it forward, mitzvah thread? I’m tired of reading about COVID and all the negative things going on in the world.

Please share something kind you did today.

I’ll start. I’m part of several mommy groups on Facebook in my area. Well, a mother posted looking to trade a bunch of different items (because she didn’t have $) looking for a specific brand of diapers for her baby who has bad allergies. I saw that a certain store in my area has this exact brand/size in stock. So I ordered her a box that she can pickup in store (I added her as the alternative pickup). So, there’s my small mitzvah I did today to help another mommy in need.

I hope to read a lot more positive posts on this thread.

I was actually thinking the other day how we have gone overboard in oversharing every good deed people do, to the point that I'm wondering if it's going to turn people into only doing things when it's recorded, posted and shared with the world.
Just yesterday I was sitting in the car while my dh went to pay for gas and I noticed him going back in and handing a few dollars to a stranger. When I asked him about it he said the man was putting items (a loaf of bread etc) back after the cashier told him the amount to pay. I told him if he was on social media, he would have recorded that interaction and made it go viral "Man goes to pay for gas, what he does next will bring tears to your eyes!"

Are we turning every kind but normal human gesture into headline news? Are we going to start needing applause and a ticker parade every time we act like human beings?

ps: I know that's not what this thread is about since we're all anonymous here and the op sincerely just wants to read about good news, but it just reminded me about my social media good deed annoyance.
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 3:02 pm
I love this thread, thank you OP.
I send baked goods, snacks and sometimes hot breakfast to an elderly neighbor that lives alone and doesn't really cook. she is so grateful. I'd send more often than twice a week but I don't want her to feel like a nebach.
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 3:03 pm
I didn't respond to nastiness with nastiness. I'm really proud of myself.
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 4:46 pm
Not recently... But when I would be in my Starbucks drive thru. And a police would be behind. I'd pay for them.
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 4:50 pm
I made dinner for a relative with health issues
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 6:02 pm
I have a neighbor who lost his wife this past year. Every two weeks I slip a sheet of stickers under the door for his youngest daughter. This week I traded up for a Hello Kitty coloring book instead.
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 6:07 pm
I wentto the grocery store today and there was a woman standing outside asking for tzedaka. After giving her a dollar, she went on to aks me if I could buy her a case of water. Poor lady Sad
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 6:08 pm
amother [ Slategray ] wrote:
I didn't respond to nastiness with nastiness. I'm really proud of myself.

Oh, that is so hard. Lol hakavod!
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 6:26 pm
Whenever one relative complains and criticizes another one, I generally stick up for her. She obviously doesn't know it and it's not because we are close at all and I wouldn't want to be but I understand where she's coming from.
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Post Tue, Apr 28 2020, 6:56 pm
I'm working very hard to be a patient, loving mommy and to give my kids good memories of this time together.

I made supper for a family that had a baby.

I occupied my 3 young kids most of the day so my husband could learn his regular morning and afternoon seder, more or less. May the zchus of Torah protect us all!
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Post Thu, Apr 30 2020, 9:05 pm
I went to the makolet today, and I had a really big basket of groceries. At the checkout, I noticed that there were 4 people behind me who only had one or two things in their hands. I waved them all ahead of me, so they could pay and get out.

Not only did it make them happy, but it created more space in the store for social distancing, and more people could come in. I think all in all, it cost me about 2 or 3 minutes, so it was a pretty good trade. Very Happy
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