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Anyone else stayed home entire summer?
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 7:15 am
Same sitch!!! Very resentful and frustrated about it. Especially cuz I begged dh and he refused to even do a overnight trip just us 2! Oh well
The burnout is REAL
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 7:39 am
I'd go even to a camping thing. My kids stayed home 4 months. I said ENOUGH
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 7:42 am
I went to in laws for shabbos not even to the country. Just a different city where I live. I think that counts. It wasn't extended weekend even. It was just shabbos.
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 7:46 am
It counts this summer eevrything counts
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 7:46 am
I stay home every summer. My work schedule doesn't change because it's summer. For the first time pretty much ever, we are taking a short vacation to an airbnb for a week--which I mainly did because daycare is closed and school hasn't started. So, since I have to take off from work anyways, I'm making the most of it. But this is the first year in probably 15 (pre-marriage, pre-kids) that I've done that.
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 9:43 am
My husband and I "got away" for a night--but we didn't even leave the city limits, just went to a local hotel
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 11:14 am
I live alone, and I've been home all summer. I don't like vacationing by myself, and nobody I knew was going out. Even then, I feel weird if I'm tagging along with a family. I'd rather go with my single friends.

My big excitement for the Summer has been getting groceries, and babysitting two adorable little girls. Those kids saved my sanity! There's nothing like holding a baby to make you feel better. I'd rather do that than travel, any day.
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rainbow dash


Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 11:17 am
July my kids had daycamp. August my dd14 had jaw realignment surgery so I was busy with her after care plus it was 36 degrees that week. Then my DH and DS got tested positive so we all had to quarantine. Bh me and my girls got tested negative. Only yesterday we got out of quarantine and finally went shopping for uniforms.
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rainbow dash


Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 11:17 am
FranticFrummie wrote:
I live alone, and I've been home all summer. I don't like vacationing by myself, and nobody I knew was going out. Even then, I feel weird if I'm tagging along with a family. I'd rather go with my single friends.

My big excitement for the Summer has been getting groceries, and babysitting two adorable little girls. Those kids saved my sanity! There's nothing like holding a baby to make you feel better. I'd rather do that than travel, any day.

Me too, I love babies
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 11:21 am
What do you mean by stayed home? Stayed in my city without going on vacation or trips out of the city. Stayed in the house -- no. As soon as lockdown was over we spent a ton of time outside, at parks with playgrounds (I have little kids), at the sea (I live nearby).

I HAVE to get out of the house in order to not feel terrible, but I don't feel the need to travel.
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 11:29 am

Gone nowhere. Seen no one. Working from home. I can go weeks without talking to anyone who doesn't live with me, save for work calls.
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 11:39 am
amother [ Jetblack ] wrote:
Same sitch!!! Very resentful and frustrated about it. Especially cuz I begged dh and he refused to even do a overnight trip just us 2! Oh well
The burnout is REAL

go yourself or with a friend. do a staycation either during the day or at night.
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 12:29 pm
I work fulltime in a year-round job and a good slice of my vacation accruals goes to YT. Going away "for the summer" or even for part of the summer is not an option and has never been. It's also not one of humankind's inalienable rights. It's a privilege for those who have the money, leisure and desire to do so. I think I'd enjoy it for about two weeks, and then would be itching to get back home.
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 12:36 pm
We dont go anywhere either. My job is year round no summer off but I find summer way less stressful. I dont stress about serving dinner on time, bed time, camp starts later. I have one kid that is his best self when he can get a lot of outside time so he is a lot more relaxed in the summer. I feel great! I am looking forward to them to start school because its so good for them but the pressure I feel is rough to be a lot more scheduled and organized and on time not looking forward.
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 12:39 pm
SixOfWands wrote:

Gone nowhere. Seen no one. Working from home. I can go weeks without talking to anyone who doesn't live with me, save for work calls.

Me, too. Corona is feeding off my homebody tendencies. I can literally not walk outside my apartment door --not even to take down the trash if dh does it-- for a week straight and it doesn't bother me. That might not be the case if I lived in a basement. B"H at the moment I live next to a vacant lot that is gradually going back to nature. It's fun trying to identify the different kinds of trees and grasses that have sprung up there and seeing what new species have come up this week. I'm probably wrong most of the time since the lot is walled off and I can only look down at the plants from my window, but it makes me feel like a heap big naturalist and is probably saving my sanity.
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 12:40 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Seems like I'm the only one that stayed home entire summer. No vacation. No change of scenery. Not even for a shabbos. Whoever I talk to did/doing something.

If your in same situation- how are u managing?

Im actually very resentful about it. I feel like I need change of scenery/routine desperately. And hearing everyones plans isnt making me feel better. Wish I can also do something. Unfortunately dh isnt as desperate as I am. Cant take off from work and wants to be home for shabbos.

A little perspective..
I wake up at 6. I work 10 hours a day 5 days a week and 8 on Friday
Tbav I had to come in at 2
Im almost 60
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 2:10 pm
We are on shlichus in a remote community and usually travel quite a bit to see our family (who live a short plane ride/long drive away) and for simchos. We have not left the country since a few weeks before lockdown. We did take a wonderful vacation a short drive away which was really nice. Really miss seeing our parents and siblings (and other frum people and chalav yisrael ice cream) but no way am I risking my parent's lives. Sad Plus I would need to quarantine for 2 weeks when I return home.
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 2:22 pm
Is this for New Yorkers/city dwellers only?
How do you define “stay home”? Do day trips count as “going away”, or just overnight trips?

I live in the ‘burbs and never “go away” during the summer; the idea that staying put is nebach or in the minority is not my experience.

BH I live within a short walk of trees and parks, and within 2 hours of large state parks with beaches, lakes or waterfalls, so maybe it’s less of a need for me to “get away”?

My kids did “Camp Mommy” this year instead of day camp, which is unique to the current COVID-19 situation, but otherwise, my summer was pretty much the same as any other. We have slept in our own beds every night since March.
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Post Wed, Aug 26 2020, 8:59 pm
I pretty much went NO WHERE besides a few dentist appointments!

Some years we go away for a few days. Not every year. This year in fact I went away with a couple of my kids in the winter.

I had so many projects and things to entertain myself. Did pretty much nothing besides work from home.

I even thought about going to a restaurant with outdoor seating. But it was not so enticing to me. I did order in a few times.

But I am generally happier at home although a break once in a while is nice.
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Post Thu, Aug 27 2020, 3:20 am
I have an OB appointment on Monday, but otherwise haven’t gone anywhere or done anything. Honestly never been more excited for a check up considering it means human interaction 😂

I’ve been working full time at home since March with toddler twins. I got half day help during the summer but that’s it.

My vacation has been driving to nowhere on Friday afternoons just to get out of my house. I read on the beach sometimes, listening to music and pretending that having not seen another physical adult in months is normal.

It’s really hard. I get frustration sometimes. The cheap hotels are teases but my husband is nervous about going which I totally understand. I’m taking Labor Day to maybe have a family day and do an outdoor activity with my kids but otherwise...what summer? What’s that?
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