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If you allow tv shows/ movies for children
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Post Wed, Jun 29 2022, 9:19 pm
I've been concerned about Disney for awhile. My dd, in order to try to convince me to let her watch Frozen, told me that it teaches you not to marry someone you just met, which is a common Disney theme (particularly the older stuff.) And while Let it Go is catchy, the message is rotten.

My kids are older. They used to watch Arthur, and came home telling me about the Mr Ratburn episode. I was glad then and especially now that they're not watching these things anymore. I screen movies and books for the younger ones- I look them up, and talk to people who know. And for the older ones, I am teaching them or have taught them to do the same. It's very hard, particularly with well-written and interesting books for middle school and high school. Dd is reading a book series and eagerly awaiting the next book, and I'm worried.
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Post Wed, Jun 29 2022, 11:09 pm
amother [ Grape ] wrote:
. My dd, in order to try to convince me to let her watch Frozen, told me that it teaches you not to marry someone you just met, which is a common Disney theme (particularly the older stuff.) .

I actually loved this lesson. She decided in 2 seconds that she was in love with someone she had literally just met, and knew absolutely nothing about. It was a good clear message about how you should get to know the person you agree to marry. Not sure who would disagree with that.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 12:10 am
I worry about this too.

Off topic:
My favorite Disney movie theme is beauty and the beast - she falls in love with him for him, not for his looks.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 1:48 am
amother [ Raspberry ] wrote:
I worry about this too.

Off topic:
My favorite Disney movie theme is beauty and the beast - she falls in love with him for him, not for his looks.

I mean, he kidnapped her and treated her horribly- not the best messages to be instilling on a young child.
I'm going to show them shows I know are okay with my standards. Just like I'm not watching some new shows that have characters I don't agree with.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 2:47 am
Toveedo only. If any toveedo people are out there please please keep adding more content!!
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 3:45 am
I work in educational publishing. They're making stories with these kinds of characters in the books. This world is nuts!!!
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 4:03 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
If you allow your children to watch, how do you plan to handle the insertion of propoganda/ aka politics into these young childrens programs?

Are you going to allow them to still watch pbs? Disney movies? Etc

I always allowed anything in pbs programming and many movies that are now questionable.

I feel like this will make me decide no tv pretty much except if a new source of programming is reliable.

I know a lot will go over their heads but it still seeps in imo.
Not sure what propaganda you are referring to but when my daughter was little, she watched things like peppa pig, the berenstain bears, sofia the first. It was all pretty pareve.
As she got older, I would look at the parental guide on IMDB to make sure there was nothing that would scared her or that was not appropriate for her age. She is 14 now, and we dont really stop her watching much, unless I know that it is completely inappropriate.
If she does happen to see something that she doesnt know about, I use it as a good opportunity to discuss things with her.
For example, there was a mini series on Netflix "The babysitters club". I read those books growing up and knew them to be the most pareve books in the world. I did watch the series with her, not because I was nervous but because I thought it would be cute to watch it as I read all of the books. The series ended up being a bit more up to date than the books (they take place in the 80s and the series was present day) and there was a scene where there was mention of something about a trans kid. It went over my daughter's head but then later she asked me about that. And so we talked about what that meant. I have no issue explaining things to my child. That way I am sure she knows things correctly and not just from the grape vine.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 7:48 am
amother [ Foxglove ] wrote:
Lightyear was a big flop, so I'm betting Disney tones it down for their next big animated feature film. Evidently it came as a surprise that it performed so below box office expectation.

I wouldn't count on it. They're making a lot of excuses as to why it flopped but keep dancing around the obvious elephant in the room.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 8:19 am
It's something I struggle with and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I used to let my kids watch clips on youtube. They knew what they were and weren't allowed to watch (Peppa Pig, Fireman Sam...). But they are getting bigger and aren't interested in these anymore... So last year we added Disney+ and they watched classic disney movies. I do not let them watch movies I haven't seen yet.

My oldest still watches Youtube clips. From time to time I check what she watched and I very recently saw she watched some youtuber who makes clips about life hacks but also happens to be gay and is very open about it. I was shocked. I'm not sure it went over her head or not. I have to talk to her about it, but I'm not sure how to broach the topic.

I'm starting to feel like there is less and less appropriate material to watch for tweens and teens... it used to be so different. But now that they got used to watching, it won't be so easy to just say they can't watch anything anymore.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 8:24 am
Right Oak and this is a big part of the problem.
Disney has been open about inserting its lgbt+ agenda and more into its content as well as ad inserts...open and sneaky at the same time.
Once seen pretty hard to "unsee" something.
And I would rather initiate and answer questions that are organic and on mine and my children's own timeline not an outsiders with an agenda differing from ours.
ugh the assault on kids today is horrid and disturbing and quite calculated
like they figured out how to get around the filters which can be considered "old school" at this point
so I am not opening up a sewer into my home which is the hole that these previously pretty parve entertainment was back in the day perhaps
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 8:29 am
It depends how sheltered your life is. We live in the center of Manhattan. She sees men holding hands all the time. She doesn’t bat an eye. Some people try to keep their kids sheltered for longer than others and I get that. But for us conversations start organically.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 8:46 am
Can I ask everyone who doesn’t want their kids to see any LGBTQ content what your approach would be if one of your kids turn out to be gay or trans?
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 8:47 am
amother [ Grape ] wrote:
I've been concerned about Disney for awhile. My dd, in order to try to convince me to let her watch Frozen, told me that it teaches you not to marry someone you just met, which is a common Disney theme (particularly the older stuff.) And while Let it Go is catchy, the message is rotten.

My kids are older. They used to watch Arthur, and came home telling me about the Mr Ratburn episode. I was glad then and especially now that they're not watching these things anymore. I screen movies and books for the younger ones- I look them up, and talk to people who know. And for the older ones, I am teaching them or have taught them to do the same. It's very hard, particularly with well-written and interesting books for middle school and high school. Dd is reading a book series and eagerly awaiting the next book, and I'm worried.

What’s wrong with Frozen?
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 8:51 am
amother [ Linen ] wrote:
Can I ask everyone who doesn’t want their kids to see any LGBTQ content what your approach would be if one of your kids turn out to be gay or trans?

Yes thank you, I was wondering what's big deal if they learn that the world is different and not everyone is the same.... Besides unless you're gonna keep them in a bubble for their entire life won't they encounter it eventually....
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 8:55 am
amother [ Linen ] wrote:
Can I ask everyone who doesn’t want their kids to see any LGBTQ content what your approach would be if one of your kids turn out to be gay or trans?
daven it doesn’t happen, no need to plan for every worst case scenario. (That actually can be a type of anxiety)
There’s also a huge social/ cultural component, so us keeping it out to the extent possible, keeps the odds better that it won’t happen.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 10:15 am
For example there was a shopping for tampons scene, I usually think kids find out about that stuff much older than 3yo. Elmo and the covid vax, don't need this brainwashing. It was specific to covid vax, not just shots in general. The whole rainbow stuff, its nuanced, one is kids usually find out this stuff older than toddlerhood, two is its with inserted values and opinions like you can be anything you want to be. Telling this to such young children is not the same as an 8 yo asking why so and so has two mommies or why those two daddies hold hands....and normalizing this so young is on par with normalizing other sins so young, like I dont sit a toddler down to watch daytime soaps made in cartoon. Infidelity, murder, stealing portrayed as a valid option, not stuff I want in toddler programming. That they were created different and such is fair game preferably a little older, when kids will ask irl. After they know if they put on wings they still can't fly.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 10:22 am
Thanks Op
Wanting to preserve as healthy an environment for as long as possible for our innocent children in line with our values and priorities does not mean "anti" anything or that we would not love our children no matter what.
To insinuate otherwise is really just beyond. Im being DLKZ here and assume someone really simply needs an answer and explanation in order to understand.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 10:24 am
We have seen a lot over the past few years during and post pandemic. Had my eyes opened.
Regarding agendas in public education, media, entertainment, and beyond.
To stick my head in the sand and pretend its all fair game and parve would be doing a tremendous disservice to my children.
Like not playing on a level playing field.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 10:52 am
singleagain wrote:
Yes thank you, I was wondering what's big deal if they learn that the world is different and not everyone is the same.... Besides unless you're gonna keep them in a bubble for their entire life won't they encounter it eventually....

My children are definitely not in a bubble. We pride ourselves on being very open with our kids. We talked to my daughter openly about sx when she was 10, and our children as young as 5 or 6 know about gay and lsbian relationships etc.

My concern is not at all about not letting my children "encounter" these things. My concern is them being exposed to it in a constant, subliminal way where it is projected as a positive thing. Like I posted earlier, I explained to my young ones that gay relationships is one of the reasons Hashem brought the mabul. We will not be watching movies that show that gay relationships are ok. It would be just like watching a movie where it shows that it is ok for the main character to steal from people, or murder people. So my children are quite informed and educated-im not trying to prevent them from exposure. I am trying to prevent the normalization of what we consider to be an aveirah.

To see a gay couple holding hands in a park is one thing. They see all sorts of things in the park. They see people running and laughing and also yelling and cursing, fighting and shoving, smoking and cat calling. Thats life. You see things, and you categorize it as "those people behave that way, but we dont". And you politely concentrate on your own things.

But when you are watching a movie or reading a book, and the likeable main characters whom you are connecting with are normalizing gay/lsbian/transgender ideology, that is a problem. That affects the way you view things and its wrong. Its no different than reading a book or watching a movie that portrays commiting adultery in a positive light.
Its one thing to know the concept exists, its another to embrace the behavior as normal.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2022, 10:55 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
For example there was a shopping for tampons scene, I usually think kids find out about that stuff much older than 3yo. Elmo and the covid vax, don't need this brainwashing. It was specific to covid vax, not just shots in general. The whole rainbow stuff, its nuanced, one is kids usually find out this stuff older than toddlerhood, two is its with inserted values and opinions like you can be anything you want to be. Telling this to such young children is not the same as an 8 yo asking why so and so has two mommies or why those two daddies hold hands....and normalizing this so young is on par with normalizing other sins so young, like I dont sit a toddler down to watch daytime soaps made in cartoon. Infidelity, murder, stealing portrayed as a valid option, not stuff I want in toddler programming. That they were created different and such is fair game preferably a little older, when kids will ask irl. After they know if they put on wings they still can't fly.

We see things very differently

When I hear you can be anything you want to be that speaks to aspiration. You can be an Artist or a doctor. You can be an astronaut or a teacher

I’m pro covid vaccine and my young kids have been vaccinated so that’s no issue for me. Anything that makes a kid less scared to get a shot is good for me

My 7 year old has seen tampons. She knows it’s something her mom uses. She doesn’t know for what. No big deal

Sounds like you shouldn’t be letting you kids wants secular media if this stuff bothers you.
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