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OMG - AMI story making fun of Imamother!!
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 11:09 am
amother DarkPurple wrote:
Imamother is not the only online forum.
Its like writing an article that makes satire of what goes on in a family whatsapp group.
This is nothing like a researcher posing on imamother and using sensitive information collected under false pretense.

agree! theres nothing wrong with what reva did. and it should be a good reminder for all of us to take all posts with a grain of salt!
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 11:17 am
I thought the ami story was great! She did not write any personal info that anyone posted. She created a fictional thread with a great moral... that this is the internet and you should proceed with caoution!
1. OPs should be very careful when posting about real personal issues.
2. Readers should know that what OP is posting is not necesarily an acurate or true full picture
3. OP should not listen to all advice given by random anonymous posters on the internet.
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 11:41 am
dena613 wrote:
Search freidasima on this site.
She pretended she was a therapist or something and women confided in her via PM. She was really a researcher or professor (?) in an Israeli college (?) and used info from ima to write articles and papers.
She interacted here a lot.

If you have more time, search magentayenta on this site.
She didn't write abt imamother as far as is known, but she was eventually outed as not frum and interacted a lot on her.

It's a lot of reading... that can be your chol hamoed activity. Lol.

After these two, people here realized that while most are, not everyone is as they present.

They were similar but not the same if that makes sense.

Friedasimon was actually a frum woman who lived in Israel but she didn't present herself as simply as that. I do think she presented herself as a psychologist and some women evidently contacted her privately and so disclosed further private information - but I am a little hazy on those details. I don't think she presented herself as a college professor with academic papers who was researching frum women.

She evidently used imamother as a source for writing articles - I.e as research but I don't think she actually revealed names or violated privacy in that manner.

ETA: Friedasimon's posts on most subjects were often quite helpful and it was obvious she was a smart woman who had thought about things. She actually could be viewed as a valuable contributor and resource in terms of what she posted. It has been awhile but I don't think anything she wrote would be discounted because she hadn't been upfront about her actual profession and how she might be also using posts on this site in terms of her research - she didn't reveal names or publish any information that would be linked to an individual. Since I never had any private dialogue or interaction with her, I don't know that it might be different for people who had viewed her as a "personal friend" and then found out she wasn't exactly who she said she was.

Magentayenta was a whole other category as she posted as a frum women when she was completely not religious. She made up a back story that was fantastically impossible. As I recall she said she lived in the wilderness but was able to remain frum even though she was almost completely isolated from even the most basic aspects of frum living. As I recall she had posted about mikvah and she claimed her children went to public school.

The issue with MY was that she would offer opinions on living as a frum woman when she wasn't at all. I don't know if anyone actually relied on her advice.

So both of them were imposters but imposters in very different ways.

On a scale of things I guess using imamother as a source of insight into people is a bit less heinous than inventing a completely false identity and posting as if one was frum in terms of offering advice.

But I assume any information on the internet is not private so if someone for some reason wants to use my internet identity to form some kind of scholarly thesis, I really don't care much since it doesn't impact me. But of course I never interacted privately with FS (or Magentayenta) so I don't have any personal stake in being violated.

Last edited by Amarante on Fri, Sep 29 2023, 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 11:53 am
amother Snowdrop wrote:
I thought the ami story was great! She did not write any personal info that anyone posted. She created a fictional thread with a great moral... that this is the internet and you should proceed with caoution!
1. OPs should be very careful when posting about real personal issues.
2. Readers should know that what OP is posting is not necesarily an acurate or true full picture
3. OP should not listen to all advice given by random anonymous posters on the internet

Not to derail this thread (and I have not read the article) but THIS. Here is one example:

Someone recently started a post accusing someone I know of child abuse. So many Imas agreed and said this person is abusive, dangerous, etc. So, here she is, thinking, “Wow, everyone agrees with me. Maybe I should call CPS. This person is so abusive.”

Yet the facts were wrong. She missed one crucial fact (because of an assumption she made) which would have made everyone have a different opinion.
How do I know? The person she wrote about is an active Ima and saw the post, realized it was about her, found it hilarious and shared it with everyone she knows. She also knows who the OP was because she saw the OP witness the “abusive behavior”. The OP has no idea because this Ima chose not to embarrass her in real life.
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 11:54 am

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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 12:02 pm
Here it is. This is definitely making fun of Imamother.

I removed the copies since it was already posted above me.
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 12:05 pm
amother Chicory wrote:
Here it is. This is definitely making fun of Imamother.

Agreed. The anonymous colors give it away
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 12:09 pm
This is so good! And a good lesson for us all
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 12:13 pm
I don’t like that it makes fun of abuse.
That’s so wrong.
What if the woman wrote exactly how things are and got good advice and the husband is the one gaslighting and acting like he has no idea what happened. Who says his point of view is automatically the right one and the woman is automatically wrong and hysterical about nothing.
Its such a put down of frum women. Its disgusting.
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 12:21 pm
The yogurt thing was a hot topic for a little bit so it doesn't seem right to refence specific topics that were posted here. Isn't that against site rules? I know its the Internet and nothing is private but, there still are rules about sharing stuff from this site elsewhere, aren't there? I think this was a little too closely copied for my comfort, even if the story was cute and had a good point.
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 1:16 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
I don’t like that it makes fun of abuse.
That’s so wrong.
What if the woman wrote exactly how things are and got good advice and the husband is the one gaslighting and acting like he has no idea what happened. Who says his point of view is automatically the right one and the woman is automatically wrong and hysterical about nothing.
Its such a put down of frum women. Its disgusting.

I agree

I don't mind making fun of imamother as I like satire and there should be no "sacred cows"

I get that the intent was to explore the specific dynamic in which minor stuff sometimes results in threads exploding and people inserting their own blinkered vision.

I just think that the same point could have been made and not ended with the husband being portrayed as completely in the right and that imamother somehow was responsible for a divorce because of all the women who castrosphized minor things.

I think that discussion of s-xual abuse and s-xual abuse of children are already taboo in many homes and communities so the last thing that is needed is to make people look at warning signs as somehow being the thoughts of hysterical women and discouraging people from examining disturbing behavior patterns.

Last edited by Amarante on Fri, Sep 29 2023, 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 1:28 pm
Einikel wrote:

Ok. Not cool at all.
It's just silly and pointless and just not nice.
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 1:33 pm
"I just heard a lot of sirens, I'm in BP I'm worried".

amazing satire.
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 1:59 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
I don’t like that it makes fun of abuse.
That’s so wrong.
What if the woman wrote exactly how things are and got good advice and the husband is the one gaslighting and acting like he has no idea what happened. Who says his point of view is automatically the right one and the woman is automatically wrong and hysterical about nothing.
Its such a put down of frum women. Its disgusting.

I KNEW someone would quickly make this comment.

No one said his point of view is automatically the right one and the woman is automatically wrong and hysterical about nothing.

The issue was the hysterical assumption of abuse when there wasn't any justified reason for it. And even when a woman IS claiming to be abused both sides of the story need to be heard before judgment is passed. Who says her point of view is automatically the right one and the husband is automatically wrong and guilty?
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 2:03 pm
We literally had a convo that went exactly like this and yes it was about yogurt.
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 2:07 pm
amother Peach wrote:
I KNEW someone would quickly make this comment.

No one said his point of view is automatically the right one and the woman is automatically wrong and hysterical about nothing.

The issue was the hysterical assumption of abuse when there wasn't any justified reason for it. And even when a woman IS claiming to be abused both sides of the story need to be heard before judgment is passed. Who says her point of view is automatically the right one and the husband is automatically wrong and guilty?

Theoretically I agree except in this specific instance - the way it was written, the take away was that the husband was fine and it was a misinterpretation by hysterical imamothers.

There was nothing in the way the husband presented his story to indicate that he wasn't telling the truth since he provided factual statements - and again nothing in the husband's "view" would lead the reader to think that he wasn't being completely truthful.

If the story had then added a THIRD PARTY omniscient portrayal of the actual "facts" then it would be different.

However I think most people would interpret this as the husband being in the right and making reasonable requests to buy less expensive yogurts - for example.
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 2:11 pm
amother Peach wrote:
I KNEW someone would quickly make this comment.

No one said his point of view is automatically the right one and the woman is automatically wrong and hysterical about nothing.

The issue was the hysterical assumption of abuse when there wasn't any justified reason for it. And even when a woman IS claiming to be abused both sides of the story need to be heard before judgment is passed. Who says her point of view is automatically the right one and the husband is automatically wrong and guilty?

other than a woman who is straight out lying about it - physical abuse doesn't have another point of view. many things are objectively abuse.
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 2:14 pm
Einikel wrote:

The wording of these posts as well as how the conversation is going is clearly copied from Ima.
It's cute to read it on paper
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 2:30 pm
amother Peach wrote:
I KNEW someone would quickly make this comment.

No one said his point of view is automatically the right one and the woman is automatically wrong and hysterical about nothing.

The issue was the hysterical assumption of abuse when there wasn't any justified reason for it. And even when a woman IS claiming to be abused both sides of the story need to be heard before judgment is passed. Who says her point of view is automatically the right one and the husband is automatically wrong and guilty?

Are you the author?
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Post Fri, Sep 29 2023, 2:47 pm
amother Oatmeal wrote:
Are you the author?

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