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Remsen Village and Canarsie s/o
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Post Fri, Dec 15 2023, 7:23 am
Pollak must have moved to Flatbush, they definitely started out there. They were neighbors with my grandparents & had a family connection
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Post Fri, Dec 15 2023, 7:42 am
amother Feverfew wrote:
Pollak must have moved to Flatbush, they definitely started out there. They were neighbors with my grandparents & had a family connection

I don’t remember that at all! Their daughter was in my class and never remember her living there. By the way, the father/husband was recently niftar, Baruch Dayan Emes.

Who remembers Brookdale hospital? I was born in Maimonidies, but some of my siblings in Brookdale. One of my sisters gave birth there within the past 10 years. I remember people walking there on shabbos for bikur cholim.

Who went to Dr Smith, the dentist? When he first opened, he was on our corner and years later, moved to Canarsie. My sister said she thinks he’s part of a group now and semi retired, but also in Canarsie, on Ralph.
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Post Sat, Dec 16 2023, 5:24 pm
amother OP wrote:
I don’t remember that at all! Their daughter was in my class and never remember her living there. By the way, the father/husband was recently niftar, Baruch Dayan Emes.

Who remembers Brookdale hospital? I was born in Maimonidies, but some of my siblings in Brookdale. One of my sisters gave birth there within the past 10 years. I remember people walking there on shabbos for bikur cholim.

Who went to Dr Smith, the dentist? When he first opened, he was on our corner and years later, moved to Canarsie. My sister said she thinks he’s part of a group now and semi retired, but also in Canarsie, on Ralph.

I was born in Brookdale in 1979 . We lived near the Young Israel of Canarsie since my grandparents lived there. We then moved to the other side and davened at the Young Israel of Redwood.. I remember Kosher City, Irvings Pizza , Woolworths. I was in Bnos Yisroel for Pre 1A when I was 5. The last place I lived in Canarsie was on E.81st between Farragut and Glenwood.
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Post Sat, Dec 16 2023, 5:27 pm
amother OP wrote:
I asked my sister who Marmaduke was and she doesn’t remember. She said to ask our older sister, but didn’t yet. Who was Marmaduke?

That playground! I loved it and the see saws. So much fun!

My sister and I came up with a list of names that we remember. See if you can add some more and is your name there? Very Happy

Most are ones who lived on our block. Some from Canarsie I remember because I knew them, Greenberg, Gindoff, Statfeld, and Huff. Still friends with some.

My last name then was Plumer.
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Post Sat, Dec 16 2023, 6:24 pm
I’m not from the area at all…. But in our circles, when wanting to describe something endlessly long, we would say ‘fin doo biz Canarsie’….. LOL I have no idea why
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Post Sat, Dec 16 2023, 11:45 pm
amother OP wrote:
Pollak lived in Flatbush. Forgot Weiss, right.

We had a fire in ‘76-‘77, not sure of the exact date. Apricot wasn’t our dog, but we weren’t the only ones with a dog.

Who went to Bnos and remembers Morah Avivia Langsam?

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Post Sat, Dec 16 2023, 11:46 pm
amother Cadetblue wrote:
I was friendly with a few of you. I lived in Flatbush and my grandparents lived in Remsen Village. I became friendly with Canarsie girls when Bnos Yisroel closed down I think and the girls started coming to Flatbush schools.

Bnos Yisroel moved to flatbush-but way after my time there.
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Post Sat, Dec 16 2023, 11:47 pm
amother OP wrote:
I don’t remember that at all! Their daughter was in my class and never remember her living there. By the way, the father/husband was recently niftar, Baruch Dayan Emes.

Who remembers Brookdale hospital? I was born in Maimonidies, but some of my siblings in Brookdale. One of my sisters gave birth there within the past 10 years. I remember people walking there on shabbos for bikur cholim.

Who went to Dr Smith, the dentist? When he first opened, he was on our corner and years later, moved to Canarsie. My sister said she thinks he’s part of a group now and semi retired, but also in Canarsie, on Ralph.

I was born in Brookdale hospital.
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Post Sat, Dec 16 2023, 11:50 pm
pearlprincess wrote:
I was born in Brookdale in 1979 . We lived near the Young Israel of Canarsie since my grandparents lived there. We then moved to the other side and davened at the Young Israel of Redwood.. I remember Kosher City, Irvings Pizza , Woolworths. I was in Bnos Yisroel for Pre 1A when I was 5. The last place I lived in Canarsie was on E.81st between Farragut and Glenwood.

I grew up on East 80th btw Glenwood and Farragut. But moved on '77 to the Paerdegats.
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 12:22 am
amother OP wrote:
I asked my sister who Marmaduke was and she doesn’t remember. She said to ask our older sister, but didn’t yet. Who was Marmaduke?

That playground! I loved it and the see saws. So much fun!

My sister and I came up with a list of names that we remember. See if you can add some more and is your name there? Very Happy

Most are ones who lived on our block. Some from Canarsie I remember because I knew them, Greenberg, Gindoff, Statfeld, and Huff. Still friends with some.

I’m on this list! ❤️
The only other names I can think of to add are Rubel, Perils, Buckress ( I think that was their name) next to Marciano , Zissman ( Mrs zissman just past away last week) and Kaminsky, Insel and rottenstreich. All on Remsen.
I think I remember Statfeld. Twins, right?
I remember Irving’s and the black and silver stools that we would spin and ofc kosher city.
I remember getting my snacks at the bodegas on the way to school. I feel like the owner was sn Arab guy with a gold tooth?
We went to rabbi Zimmerman . I remember the shul so well
I remember roller skating and bike riding around the block for hours!
And my best Remsen village story … I was “mugged” with a water gun with another girl from your list.
We called the cops and got to ride around in their car!
I think it ended up being the gold tooth’s guy son.
I’m so so happy that I grew up there!

Was Marmaduke that huge talk dog? Was that on 92nd street?
What about the turtle backs , the zelocovs, the Zucker?
Who remembers Joe on 92nd street?! With the pipe
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 12:35 am
amother Hyacinth wrote:
I’m on this list! ❤️
The only other names I can think of to add are Rubel, Perils, Buckress ( I think that was their name) next to Marciano , Zissman ( Mrs zissman just past away last week) and Kaminsky, Insel and rottenstreich. All on Remsen.
I think I remember Statfeld. Twins, right?
I remember Irving’s and the black and silver stools that we would spin and ofc kosher city.
I remember getting my snacks at the bodegas on the way to school. I feel like the owner was sn Arab guy with a gold tooth?
We went to rabbi Zimmerman . I remember the shul so well
I remember roller skating and bike riding around the block for hours!
And my best Remsen village story … I was “mugged” with a water gun with another girl from your list.
We called the cops and got to ride around in their car!
I think it ended up being the gold tooth’s guy son.
I’m so so happy that I grew up there!

Was Marmaduke that huge talk dog? Was that on 92nd street?
What about the turtle backs , the zelocovs, the Zucker?
Who remembers Joe on 92nd street?! With the pipe

Buckress is right-though not sure of the spelling. The oldest girl was my counselor in camp one year, the youngest girl was part of my age group friends, and the middle girl lived across the street from me for many years.

And the Statfeld twins are still friends with my sister.
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 12:38 am
amother Yarrow wrote:

I had Morah Aviva in pre 1a. She was the best!!
We also had Morah Bayla with her.
I remember all of my teachers from Bnos so fondly!! ( the girl who napped nicely got the flower mat)
Morah Ruth ( kindergartn) lived her!
Morah Blima and Ms Fink in 1st grade
Morah bomzerin 2nd grade and mis Tzivia Weinberg
Third grade Ms Weinberg and miss pillar who got married that year ( terrace on the park I remember- we went to her wedding ) and was then mrs besser
4th grade:, mrs brickman and the epic !! Ms. Schick!!
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 12:47 am
And yes, I temu the crossing hairs . Blonde hair.
An yes, went to dr smith, just awesome stuff
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 1:18 am
Farkas, Stein, Steinberg, Mykoff, Sorscher, Hirsch, Aron, Rubinfeld, Rosenbaum
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 5:08 am
amother Yarrow wrote:

ME too!!
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 6:31 am
amother OP wrote:
Those were the days! I’m the amother from the other thread who lived on 89th and Remsen. I figured I’ll make a spinoff.

I mostly remember the people who lived on our block and there were a lot. And the Feins especially since we’re still friends.

I added Canarsie because it was so close and we had friends from there.

We davened in Yodei Binah, which my understanding, chabad owns the building now.

Don’t know how old anyone is, but remember:
    Irvings pizza in Canarsie and they had separate prices for chalav yisroel and stam
    When Moishe’s used to have his small grocery store
    Kosher City
    The fire that killed a mother and two of her kids (I don’t remember it, but because of it, my parents discussed and figured out routes to leave the house, just in case. Well, we did have a fire and bh we were all saved)
    Walking to Canarsie for tashlich

That was Morah Chana Strenger - the kindergarten teacher in Bnos - and her two sons, a"h. After that, my father also discussed with us how to get out of the house during a fire and how to jump if we need to. B"H never needed to, but till today I'm traumatized by what happened. I refuse to sleep in a room with barred windows, because that's how the Strengers died - they couldn't escape because the windows of their room were barred.
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 6:36 am
I think a few Chaim Berliners were left off the list - Plotsker, Koenigsberg. How about the Fonteks, the Bomzers and the Blaivases? Who was the family who lived upstairs from the school? As a kid I always wondered why they didn't send their kids to Bnos - what could be more practical?

I think Farkas lived in Crown Heights; at any rate the Farkas I knew from Bnos did.

Bnos was great.

Of course I remember Morah Avivia. Her assistant in my time was Morah Gruna Bomzer.

And Rabbi Lichtenstein, the principal before Rebbetzin Groner.
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 8:59 am
And adding Tober to the list… Sam and family.
We keep up with the Feins as well.and the Marciano’s.
We should have a reunion!
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 5:47 pm
amother Crystal wrote:
That was Morah Chana Strenger - the kindergarten teacher in Bnos - and her two sons, a"h. After that, my father also discussed with us how to get out of the house during a fire and how to jump if we need to. B"H never needed to, but till today I'm traumatized by what happened. I refuse to sleep in a room with barred windows, because that's how the Strengers died - they couldn't escape because the windows of their room were barred.

I'm the same way with barred windows for the same reason. IIRC, the parents escaped, but ran back in for the children. The dad saved his daughter, but the mom got stuck in the room with the boys because of the barred windows. The father actually bent the bars from the outside in his desperation to save them.
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Post Sun, Dec 17 2023, 5:50 pm
amother Crystal wrote:
I think a few Chaim Berliners were left off the list - Plotsker, Koenigsberg. How about the Fonteks, the Bomzers and the Blaivases? Who was the family who lived upstairs from the school? As a kid I always wondered why they didn't send their kids to Bnos - what could be more practical?

I think Farkas lived in Crown Heights; at any rate the Farkas I knew from Bnos did.

Bnos was great.

Of course I remember Morah Avivia. Her assistant in my time was Morah Gruna Bomzer.

And Rabbi Lichtenstein, the principal before Rebbetzin Groner.

Yes Farkas (and Frishman) lived in crown heights. And Morah Gruna was the other Morah when I had Morah Avivia. I still remember her Alef bais book that she wrote which we used to learn how to read hebrew.
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