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Things that make you think, wow they are really wealthy!
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 12:17 am
Tao wrote:
I'm fluctuating between "She just made that up" and "You can't make this stuff up!"

Can't Believe It

Yep I’ve seen that Brooklyn neighbor thing. You gotta be rich and weird for that!

I actually know of someone who keeps a whole Brooklyn apartment just for their hobby which I though must be cool!
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B'Syata D'Shmya


Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 12:19 am
amother Bluebonnet wrote:
Ironically, my dh has become actually wealthy and we don't do a single thing anyone has mentioned here, except full time help, no live in. We live in a tiny house, our couch is against a wall, no vacations. We spend that money on charity. And we like it.

Why dh? You're a pauper?
Kol hakavod on your tzedaka. And you're happiness! That's true wealth!!
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 12:21 am
doodlesmom wrote:
Yep I’ve seen that Brooklyn neighbor thing. You gotta be rich and weird for that!

I actually know of someone who keeps a whole Brooklyn apartment just for their hobby which I though must be cool!

I know a non - wealthy ( in the traditional sense)who does that too. His wife thinks it less cool....
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B'Syata D'Shmya


Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 12:22 am
jerusalem90 wrote:
"We have a Butler".

So do I. I pah his tuition and save for his wedding bezras Hashem, bshaah tova. I which case we will lose him....
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B'Syata D'Shmya


Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 12:23 am
amother Sunflower wrote:
Someone I know built a beautiful, huge house. Five years later they decided they prefer to live around the corner, so they bought a piece of property, built another beautiful, huge house and sold the original house.

That's business. I bet they made money from.that.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 2:25 am
amother NeonBlue wrote:
Maybe I am comfortable but not rich. None of this impressed me. Most of it just seems silly.

As I said before, 1/2 million dollars (even 250K) tzedaka donations is when I think wow, I wish I had money I could drop like that.

I would love to buy an apartment in Yerushalayim like many of my friends or let my DD pick a wedding gown without looking at the price tag, but that’s not here or there. Maybe it’s because I believe I could do it if it was really really a priority to me. Furthermore, I think they are not needed and many people buy things that is not money well spent.

None of this impressed you? If it takes min 250k tzedakah for you to wish you had that kind of money...😂 I think just nobody is ready to think of themselves as that wealthy person.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 6:26 am
Someone affording a cleaning lady every day. They are able to afford to update their wardrobe. When thet are able to just fly and take their kids on a plane anywhere. They can go on a cruise.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 7:27 am
Tao wrote:
I'm fluctuating between "She just made that up" and "You can't make this stuff up!"

Can't Believe It

Why? It makes perfect sense. They liked the location and wanted privacy. I wish I had money to buy out all my immediate neighbors.

I have a friend who bought the lot next door to him. On paper he’s middle class, probably making between 500k to a million a year, but he’s always telling dh about his financial problems (poor money management skills I guess. They have 2 kids…)
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 7:40 am
Rich: brand new tights always
Freshly dry cleaned sharp pleats on skirts
New - as opposed to well worn shoes

It’s things that are consistent
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 7:51 am
amother Hawthorn wrote:
When you hear that your SIL just decided last minute to go to Israel for the whole of Pesach to a full on 5* Hotel.

When they had their first barmitzva in the Waldorf Astoria in Yerushalayim (all flew in from NY) with a 5 day event and hired a chassidish chazan with a choir of boys to make the atmosphere. When you felt like a backwards idiot for only having 1 shabbos outfit and no manolo shoes when their 15 year old girls changed every 3 hours and had the 6 inch beige stilettos and the main topic of conversation for the women was how many sheitals they had brought with (5-8 was estimate)...

When your BIL facetimes you so the kids can speak and you realise they took an unplanned vacation to Thailand with a personal chef and their live in nanny (for their 1 kid) for a long weekend. Because why not.

When they say "I only fly first class if someone else pays, otherwise I fly business. Sometimes the chairs don't even fully recline" and you can't remember when you last had to renew your passport because that is how long it is since you went out of state for a vacation. Or had a vacation.

When you still live in a starter apartment 12 years down the line (and look after your in laws - their parents) while they live their best lives........

No I'm not bitter Wink

When the topic of 'how many sheitels you brought with you' that really made me glad I didn't have to be there.
You have nothing to be ashamed for. It's all a shallow show.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 8:05 am
amother Pumpkin wrote:
"Some people are so poor, all they have is money"

People who have loving family- parents, siblings, husband, children and they're healthy and happy and close to each other....I always think "wow they are so wealthy, they have something you can't buy with money it is such a bracha"

You're mixing up brochos and wealth. We all agree that there are brochos that are more valuable than money. Health, children, and happiness are examples. But I think this thread is about signs of FINANCIAL wealth.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 8:09 am
amother Bluebonnet wrote:
Ironically, my dh has become actually wealthy and we don't do a single thing anyone has mentioned here, except full time help, no live in. We live in a tiny house, our couch is against a wall, no vacations. We spend that money on charity. And we like it.

Kol hakovod to you! Im impressed!!
May hashem bless you with more so that you continue doing your good deeds!
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 8:16 am
We are very comfortable but don't flaunt it. We do own multiple homes but don't talk about it. It's a long term investmentment. I do take alot of household help, my couches are against the wall (gasp!)
We don't vacation, wear high end clothes, or have high end cars. We don't make high end simchas. But we do help our married children and other family members.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 8:20 am
amother Papaya wrote:
Or when the Mikva is in your basement Wink
Anyone have 1? That's kosher for women?
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 8:21 am
amother Almond wrote:
Anyone have 1? That's kosher for women?

It’s more complicated to make
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 8:21 am
A friend has a cook who makes supper for her family every day. One day I was with her around suppertime when her DD called her that nobody likes what the cook made so they ordered takeout (from a fancy sit-down restaurant), if the mother wants something to be ordered for her. Turns out the cook had made the steaks sweet and they like it savory. To me that epitomized the wealth she lives with.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 8:22 am
amother Canary wrote:
Rich: brand new tights always
Freshly dry cleaned sharp pleats on skirts
New - as opposed to well worn shoes

It’s things that are consistent

How is that rich? Many average people have the above
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 8:24 am
amother Jade wrote:
A friend has a cook who makes supper for her family every day. One day I was with her around suppertime when her DD called her that nobody likes what the cook made so they ordered takeout (from a fancy sit-down restaurant), if the mother wants something to be ordered for her. Turns out the cook had made the steaks sweet and they like it savory. To me that epitomized the wealth she lives with.

That’s spoiled, not necessarily wealthy (though yes they definitely have money but doesn’t mean they have it in such access that it’s meaningless, just that the are spoiled enough they can’t fathom dealing with anything not to their liking)
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 8:33 am
amother Royalblue wrote:
It’s more complicated to make

Not that complicated actually. There are poskim that specialize in this field and they come down to your house while it’s being created to make sure it’s done right.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 8:38 am
amother Goldenrod wrote:
When someone has a large , beautiful and seemingly easily well raised children!

How does large fit in here?
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