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Have you heard of a situation that looked bad but was good
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 3:06 pm
Was told I had a very rare problem during my pregnancy and needed to terminate. I was devastated. Went to get another opinion and took a wait and see approach which was terrible for 9 months not knowing. BH had a healthy baby the other week. Perfect in every way shape and form. This was the worst year of my life though in regards to me anxiety
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 3:29 pm
Had a hard time conceiving so we started a fertility work up. Discovered that we both carry a rare disease and went straight to IVF for our beautiful healthy children. Thank you HaShem for not making us find out the hard way.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 3:41 pm
Couldn't get DS into a school. Some rejected us, some were ridiculously expensive and we got a bad vibe.
In desperation, Our Rav helped us get into a school. The school that rejected us and other one both ended up closing down. Boruch hashem they didn't accept us.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 3:59 pm
We bought a house that seemed ideal. The next morning the seller woke up and decided that she didn't want to sell us the house. Our agent who had been in the field many years told us the she NEVER had this happen before. She told us that if we fought it we would definitely win, the contract was signed! But she recommended that we don't waste $ or energy doing that. So we walked away. B"H a short time letter we found a house much closer to the shul we wanted to go to, bigger, cheaper, and more suited to our family.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 5:47 pm
A young lady in my community had absolutely everything going for her. When it came to the Shidduchim Parsha she waited quite some time. She then met a man who she was happy with and got engaged then married.

Unfortunately it didn't work out and after a short time she got divorced.

Once the shock wore off she continued with her job, running her household and got on with life.

Fast forward about 5 or 6 years she met a lovely man who himself was divorced and even had children from the first marriage. Things went well and the couple got engaged and married.

I heard just a short while ago that she gave birth to her first child which was a boy and as is well B"H.
I am so so happy for her and this is a fantastic Simcha and it shows that Hashem runs the world.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 6:01 pm
My sister-in-law was laid off from her job right after she gave birth.
She ended up staying home with this baby for almost a year instead of 6 weeks.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 6:05 pm
I went through a very traumatic medical crisis. It was truly horrible, but I grew so much from it, I'm really grateful for it.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 6:17 pm
amother white.

I really admire your strength of spirit and your positive attitude.
Kol Hakavod to you.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 7:15 pm
Married at a young age and had a very nasty divorce. Wasn’t interested in marriage at all and didn’t even go out. Fast forward many years later and a lot of family intervention and I got married again TYH. I can say it was totally best decision of my life. Not sure what I would have done had I remained single into the sunset.

Fun fact: as part of the split deal- the in laws demanded what I would call ransom money. It was hefty.
As a single l, I worked long and hard and helped my parents and siblings financially. People would always tell me that no one in the market will want me without money. Fast forward to me dating- I share with prospective boy that I don’t have anything in savings, since he knows I’m a workaholic he asks where all the money is. I tell him I helped this one buy a house, I paid for that, did this… no investments and no savings. Guess what he responds. Me neither, I also spent the money (some on family some on himself). We get to start the night of the wedding.
I asked my parents for 2k to have some money in the house until the paycheck after wedding comes in. Husband didn’t bring anything. But guess what we had in addition to my 2k through some miracle? The exact amount that the ex family demanded as ransom.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:49 pm
When I asked for a divorce my biggest worry was my children's shidduchim. Some were already married and some were of age. Guess what those of my kids who married afterwards have better spouses and happier marriages then the ones who married before.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 12:32 am
When learning to shoot a rifle, I shot five bullets and made only four holes in the target. Closer inspection showed that one hole wasn't perfectly round. That was because two bullets went through the exact same spot.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 12:50 am
amother Brown wrote:
Dh was laid off. He went on to open his own business & is much happier bh. He would never have taken the initiative to do that while getting a steady paycheck. The beginning was very very very hard. Bh things are getting easier.

We had this too. Bh bh we are in a place I never thought I'll be where I can grocery shop without fear and even help others in the community with buying their groceries! The beginning was really tough but I remember buying clothing for my kids for the first time at the beginning of the season, walking out with full bags. I got into my car and cried to Hashem with gratitude for what he gave me! I didn't grow up with money, have lots of self esteem issues that I'm still working on as a result of a difficult childhood, but am so incredibly grateful for the chassadim Hashem has shown me. And yes, I'll wear designer sometimes (no logos or obvious branding) but spend a lot on tzeddaka and try my best to raise humble, non pretentious kids!
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 1:27 am
In 1963 an overweight young woman was in a plane crash in the Alaskan wilderness. After 15 days, the plane's skimpy emergency rations ran out. She survived another 34 days with no food, losing 40 lbs in the process, before being rescued. Except for a broken arm and frostbite, she was in good health, because she had had enough fat to fuel her body for all that time.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 8:09 am
This thread is amazing. I'm going through a ton amd have lost hope. Thank you op for starting this inspirational thread<3
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 8:34 am
My husband and I were really in disagreement about having another baby. After a long time finally agreed to try.

About two months later he changed his mind. I was so broken. It had been years of convincing , literally. But I found out I was already pregnant!!!

Just a week later I had a miscarriage. While they are always devastating, I felt that baby had been a miracle and I had lost my chance. I had to go back on bc because my husband was very much not on board.

Three weeks later I got pregnant, on birth control, to the most perfect little girl who is now almost 2.

The miscarriage wasn’t good but it was an example of my sadness being turned into happiness.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 8:35 am
My oldest dd was accepted to a school, then she was rejected.

We found another school.

The first school went very far to the right. It was initially a heimish mix school, it's very different than it was when dd was kindergarten age. We would not have felt comfortable with all their new rules.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 8:39 am
amother Periwinkle wrote:
Had a hard time conceiving so we started a fertility work up. Discovered that we both carry a rare disease and went straight to IVF for our beautiful healthy children. Thank you HaShem for not making us find out the hard way.

Wow! Was this genetic disorder not covered by Dor yeshorim?
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 8:45 am
amother Canary wrote:
My son didn't get into the school we initially wanted to send him to and I remember crying from the rejection.

It would've been such a bad fit for him and for our family.

We had similar. The school treated us like garbage which was much worse than if they had just said sorry we are full (which happens to basically everyone).

The school our son is a much better fit for our son and our family and the treat us with dignity. I’m so glad we didn’t go to the other school.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 8:51 am
zaq wrote:
In 1963 an overweight young woman was in a plane crash in the Alaskan wilderness. After 15 days, the plane's skimpy emergency rations ran out. She survived another 34 days with no food, losing 40 lbs in the process, before being rescued. Except for a broken arm and frostbite, she was in good health, because she had had enough fat to fuel her body for all that time.

Is this Helen Klaben? Because she was 140 lbs when the plane crashed. Maybe by 1960s standards that was overweight ? Lol
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 9:06 am
Busybee5 wrote:
Wow! Was this genetic disorder not covered by Dor yeshorim?

No. Many are not. This one wasn’t even part of the “extended Jewish panel” that my RE does.
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