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No standing in the bath
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 2:40 pm
My little uriel is very determined. When he decides he wants to do something, he'll do it all the time. Now its standing practice. He stands all the time, very often without holding on to anything. Now thats great, as long as its not in the slippery bathtub.
How do I stop him from standing in the bath, especially not standing with no hands?
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 2:47 pm
Do you have him in a bath seat? If he is- it's usually pretty easy to control. If he isn't, maybe finish up the bath quickly and end it. My kids know "No standing in the bath" Doesn't mean they don't try it- but they're pretty clear on the rule
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 2:54 pm
My boys would not sit in the bath seat. That meant quickie bath/showers and a vigilant parent. This phase passes, Seraph.
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 3:02 pm
I totally feel for you. DD has been doing this for the past 3-4 months. Its really bad since we don't have a bathtub so I had her in the baby bath on a stand. I finally moved it to the floor of our shower so a least its a little safer. I tell her no no but she just shakes her head and keeps on doing it. When she does stand I end the bath ASAP.
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 3:43 pm
Newsie wrote:
Do you have him in a bath seat? If he is- it's usually pretty easy to control. If he isn't, maybe finish up the bath quickly and end it. My kids know "No standing in the bath" Doesn't mean they don't try it- but they're pretty clear on the rule
He doesnt fit in our bath seat anymore. He stands from the start, so that would mean ending the bath before it even begins...
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 3:49 pm
Seraph wrote:
Newsie wrote:
Do you have him in a bath seat? If he is- it's usually pretty easy to control. If he isn't, maybe finish up the bath quickly and end it. My kids know "No standing in the bath" Doesn't mean they don't try it- but they're pretty clear on the rule
He doesnt fit in our bath seat anymore. He stands from the start, so that would mean ending the bath before it even begins...

Do you have a "telephone" in the shower? Let him stand on a rubber surface or with socks on (I am not kidding). Shower him quickly with one hand, while holding on to him with the other. Turn the water off. Soap his whole body at once, then rinse. Get his hair wet, quickly shampoo him, then rinse. The minute it's over, take him out and it's over. Remember to take off the wet socks Very Happy
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 3:52 pm
Tamiri wrote:
Seraph wrote:
Newsie wrote:
Do you have him in a bath seat? If he is- it's usually pretty easy to control. If he isn't, maybe finish up the bath quickly and end it. My kids know "No standing in the bath" Doesn't mean they don't try it- but they're pretty clear on the rule
He doesnt fit in our bath seat anymore. He stands from the start, so that would mean ending the bath before it even begins...

Do you have a "telephone" in the shower? Let him stand on a rubber surface or with socks on (I am not kidding). Shower him quickly with one hand, while holding on to him with the other. Turn the water off. Soap his whole body at once, then rinse. Get his hair wet, quickly shampoo him, then rinse. The minute it's over, take him out and it's over. Remember to take off the wet socks Very Happy
his feet are the dirtiest part of him, I think I wouldnt put on socks for the shower... I think I'll get a rubber no skid mat for the shower...
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 3:52 pm
I'll have to remember the socks idea. My daughter pulls herself up and holds onto me while I'm trying to give her a bath. If I try to do anything she could fall. So I definitly sympathise.
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 3:55 pm
Aidelmom wrote:
I'll have to remember the socks idea. My daughter pulls herself up and holds onto me while I'm trying to give her a bath. If I try to do anything she could fall. So I definitly sympathise.
wanna hear the worst? while in the bath tonight, uriel slipped and fell into the water and swallowed some and started choking. gave me a fright.
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 3:55 pm
Seraph wrote:
his feet are the dirtiest part of him, I think I wouldnt put on socks for the shower... I think I'll get a rubber no skid mat for the shower...

Um...the mat? I was assuming there was one in there. Sorry. If you don't have one and still want to give a bath, a towel or floor shmatta will do the job as well. And regarding the socks: you can keep them on his dirty feet them quickly wash them right when you take him out. You need to be careful in the bath no matter what. I've had kids try to climb up the slanted part in the back, then slide down again - it's very dangerous. Speed (the mother's) counts here!
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 9:38 pm
Does he have a favorite bath toy? Maybe tell him he can only play with it if he's sitting down.

*Disclaimer: I have no experience bathing children older than 4 months.
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 9:45 pm
Ooh Seraph, glad he's okay b'h

I'm with Tamiri...it just takes vigilance and cutting it short.

I offer him something to play with. If he doesn't sit down and play, I soap him down, rinse him off, bathtime is over...
I've tried telling him if you sit you can play in the bath and have fun and have a longer bath time. If you don't sit, I'll just clean you off and take you out..

(he's two, I don't know if he really understands this condition...but hopefully he'll catch on)

a really neat bath toy might do the trick, as someone else suggested.
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 10:15 pm
I aggree with everyone here, just wait till you you tell him to sit and he stands and then tell him to stand and he sits. lol

Thats where we are now. Whenever I want to wash his bottom he wants to sit and the rest of the time he wants to stand.... Talk about selective listening.

Well, it passes. My dd loves to sit and play in the bath now and never stands unless held onto. She was the same way.
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 11:10 pm
my son never sits in the bath, and he is two. I am always right there in case anything happens. He once slipped and I caught him.
He just never sits...
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 11:21 pm
the minute my son tries to stand up, I reach out to take him out of the tub. he looooves the bath so he learnt very quickly that he better stay seated so he can enjoy himself in there.
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Post Sat, Aug 30 2008, 11:24 pm
I dont see the big deal...
I let my son stand in the bath
Am I bad ???
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Post Sun, Aug 31 2008, 12:13 am
why dont you just get a full bath mat? thats what I have and then it doesnt matter if they stand. that way, there is no issue
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Post Sun, Aug 31 2008, 12:15 am
curlytop wrote:
I dont see the big deal...
I let my son stand in the bath
Am I bad ???

bad?? no.

but I get very nervous when kids stand in the bath because its slippery and all you need is one misstep and....banging one's head on the porcelain tub is not such a pretty sight, not too mention dangerous.

but people DO call me neurotic so take my advice with a sack of salt Smile
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Post Sun, Aug 31 2008, 12:17 am
I dont see the big deal...
I let my son stand in the bath
Am I bad ???

I think its important to choose what is important wisely. we dont want to be saying no to everything, it should only be when it really really needs to be no. so getting a mat, and finding ways to avoid issues, for me works wonders because there are rarely tantrums. for example, I know my kids dont do well in the store, I make sure not to shop with them..... its all about avoiding issues and making sure they dont happen... if you know your child cant listen when cranky, make sure he always always goes to sleep on time and are home for him naps... avoiding the tantrum etc...
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Post Sun, Aug 31 2008, 12:20 am
I hate the bath it's so scary.Too many scary stories.

My kids know there is no standing in the bath otherwise they get taken right out w\ a stern looking face from mommy (scary to a 15 month old) They got the idea after a short while.
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