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Has anyone downloaded the App from Raizy Fried?
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:51 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
You wish.

Belz never made an issue with filtered internet usage.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:53 pm
amother Copper wrote:
Idk when were in school they would always do live video hookups to events in E”Y through the internet.

They were never really anti tech.
Maybe things have changed recently.

I was in a different school with a rebbe in EY and we had live hookups. Internet is still not allowed for hamon am.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:55 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
I was in a different school with a rebbe in EY and we had live hookups. Internet is still not allowed for hamon am.

Belz doesn’t have such rules.
As long as it’s filtered it’s fine.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:55 pm
seltzermom wrote:
Words are very powerful. But if we never speak how do we process and make sense of things together?
This is what goes on in my mind.

I love Raizy. I make her challa’s every week. I think she spread the light of shabbos and elevated it for many many people. I appreciate the power of that.
I think she elevates and spreads the beauty of the Jewish home and being the feminine presence in the Jewish home.
I enjoy her exuberance and zest for life.
She’s very obviously a team with her husband and a growing person.

I’m not anti the internet. Did not go to the asifah. Do not believe in that at all. I think it’s petty approach.
I think internet is a powerful platform. Raizy capitalized it to spread yiddishkeit. I believe in that!

I believe the internet is dangerous too. Ultimate test in bechira. Will I use it for good or for bad.
For me. My test is more the waste of time. Using my time more wisely.
But I’ve learned so so so so so much from the internet. From this forum, from Instagram and from YouTube. It’s the new college. And information is so available. Bh!!

I love that the internet could unite Jewish women from all over the world. I’m sad when that gets taken away.

I think Raizy should collaborate with Comic Cook I think they should promote each other. It would be a wise interpersonal move. Being that comic cook was first at it. And it’s still brand new. And she was just on her show.

Also Raizy is showing less vulnerability lately. Probably because she’s feeling very vulnerable. She put herself out there now big time. And there’s I’m sure some backlash and pressures that come with it. Which I’m sure makes her scared and vulnerable. And to defend oneself a person could become more focused on their strong persona and image.

I’ve made many mistakes in my own personal and work life. And figured it out. And we have to give Raizy room to experiment, botch up and figure it out. It’s never a linear journey. But you can’t know until you try. And once you try. You tweek. And grow and who knows what will be in the end? All we can know is that it will be good. It’s already good. And it takes time to do all this.

I wish Raizy the very best true success! And anyone that is jealous of her. No worries. Just learn from your jealousy and figure out what you need and want in your own life.

Beautiful post! So much clarity, understanding and non judgmental.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:56 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
I'm wondering if you really don't understand OP's issue but you have an agenda. We won't fight chassidish city hall here on imamother. It is what it is though you wish it weren't.

I wish Raizy and you and OP all the best.

No. I really don't understand.

And what would be my agenda? Aderabe. Shoot!
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:57 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
I was in a different school with a rebbe in EY and we had live hookups. Internet is still not allowed for hamon am.

This does not apply to Belz.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:57 pm
amother Foxglove wrote:
I think there is a free 3 day trial

With all this discussion, I wanted to check it out. But it seems like you need to pay I didn’t see an option anywhere for a three day free trial. Where do I get the free trial?
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:58 pm
amother Vanilla wrote:
With all this discussion, I wanted to check it out. But it seems like you need to pay I didn’t see an option anywhere for a three day free trial. Where do I get the free trial?

If you're on the app, click on the "profile" icon and it will give you the option for the free trial.
If you're on the website, click on the option "take me to inspired living".
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 2:04 pm
On the other hand...this thread is a great way to get the word out about the app LOL
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 9:41 pm
BTW, she did NOT copy the Malkie Shows idea. She's been working on this way before the Malkie Show started and she said she's been dreaming about it for a long time.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:01 pm
amother Mayflower wrote:
BTW, she did NOT copy the Malkie Shows idea. She's been working on this way before the Malkie Show started and she said she's been dreaming about it for a long time.

I don’t know if she’s copying her, but the Malky show had been in progress even earlier, and Raizy probably knew about it because she was filmed on Malky’s show.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:13 pm
amother Copper wrote:
I don’t know if she’s copying her, but the Malky show had been in progress even earlier, and Raizy probably knew about it because she was filmed on Malky’s show.

Yes, it feels cheap. If she knew she was working on this competition to Mlaky she shouldn’t have appeared on her show . I feel like she backstabbed her.

Another point… does she have an advisory board? A rav okaying her content? We are so careful with the chol hamoed films that they shoudl pass rabbinical approval and even articles in magazines get censored by a board . I think that she is interviewing ppl of diff backgrounds which is beautiful exposure and yet that can be dangerous because who is making sure all this philosophy and psychology is in line with our values? Putting a covering on your head doesn’t kasher everything..,
Specifically because she is chassidish she does have a responsibility
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:17 pm
amother Mayflower wrote:
BTW, she did NOT copy the Malkie Shows idea. She's been working on this way before the Malkie Show started and she said she's been dreaming about it for a long time.

How do you know that she started this before the Malkie Show (Malky has been thinking of doing the show for a long time it just worked out for her when it did)? Raizy put out two cookbooks which take up so much time I doubt she was working on anything else at that time especially since I believe she self produced the books and self promoted it and distributed and edited, etc. She may have had help from her husband but he also works so it can take time. And Raizy tends to copy things from other sources (I have seen her copy hacks from other places) so I do believe that Raizy copied Malky (even if Raizy says that she has been dreaming about it for a long time which could just mean a year or less). And Malkie is a comedian who did a live show which takes more time and effort than just interviewing someone on camera and then editing the footage which is what Raizy is doing. Perhaps Raizy can come on and explain why she shouldnt believe that she copied Malkie.
Do you really think that Raizy would have been able to pull of something like this if Malky didnt do it before her?
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:18 pm
amother Ivory wrote:
Yes, it feels cheap. If she knew she was working on this competition to Mlaky she shouldn’t have appeared on her show . I feel like she backstabbed her.

Another point… does she have an advisory board? A rav okaying her content? We are so careful with the chol hamoed films that they shoudl pass rabbinical approval and even articles in magazines get censored by a board . I think that she is interviewing ppl of diff backgrounds which is beautiful exposure and yet that can be dangerous because who is making sure all this philosophy and psychology is in line with our values? Putting a covering on your head doesn’t kasher everything..,
Specifically because she is chassidish she does have a responsibility

I am getting hoarse here.

Did you talk to an advisory board before coming on ima?

The double standard here is just perplexing.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:21 pm
crust wrote:
I am getting hoarse here.

Did you talk to an advisory board before coming on ima?

The double standard here is just perplexing.

Yeah that part I don’t understand.

If you need an entire board to approve her content, then just don’t watch it.
Stick to whatever standards you want.
She doesn’t need to run it by a vaad.
People can use their own judgement.

(And knowing Raizy who do you think she will showcase already, she won’t even talk to Flatbushgirl)
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:23 pm
amother Mayflower wrote:
BTW, she did NOT copy the Malkie Shows idea. She's been working on this way before the Malkie Show started and she said she's been dreaming about it for a long time.

I don't listent to the Malky show and didn't download this app either.
In a couple of days my vacation is over and I won't be here either.

But it is naive to think that a woman that knows social media very well had to get the idea from another woman on social media.

She did not have to wait for Malky or anyone to give her this bomb of an idea to create an app in 2022.

Anyway, I think I've said all there's to say on this topic.

Be well everyone and a kesuva vachsuma tova.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:24 pm
crust wrote:
I am getting hoarse here.

Did you talk to an advisory board before coming on ima?

The double standard here is just perplexing.

Uh nope but I’m not producing entertainment for frum chassidish women who trust that everything I produce is in line with their hashkafaos . Seriously save your voice
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:25 pm
crust wrote:
I am getting hoarse here.

Did you talk to an advisory board before coming on ima?

The double standard here is just perplexing.

If someone chooses to go on imamother then they are not exposing anyone else to anything as opposed to Raizy who is exposing her viewers to things they may not have been exposed to previously and is therefore questionable as to whether or not she is doing it with an advisory board or rav. There is no double standard if someone coming on imamother is questioning Raizy
s content and its not comparable. But I'm guessing you are not chasidish so you wouldnt necessarily understand the nuances behind it which is understandable.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:26 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
If someone chooses to go on imamother then they are not exposing anyone else to anything as opposed to Raizy who is exposing her viewers to things they may not have been exposed to previously and is therefore questionable as to whether or not she is doing it with an advisory board or rav. There is no double standard if someone coming on imamother is questioning Raizy
s content and its not comparable. But I'm guessing you are not chasidish so you wouldnt necessarily understand the nuances behind it which is understandable.

If anyone is going onto Instagram to find out about Raizy Fried’s existence, they don’t need no Rabbinical board lol

And saying that Crust isn’t chassidish is just laughable.
I guess you’re new to the internet. (And to Imamother.)
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:30 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
If someone chooses to go on imamother then they are not exposing anyone else to anything as opposed to Raizy who is exposing her viewers to things they may not have been exposed to previously and is therefore questionable as to whether or not she is doing it with an advisory board or rav. There is no double standard if someone coming on imamother is questioning Raizy
s content and its not comparable. But I'm guessing you are not chasidish so you wouldnt necessarily understand the nuances behind it which is understandable.

Come on. If you want to complain about an app then go to הבדלה בליצן.

Complaining about an app on imamother is an oxymoron.

It is surreal to see how no one is getting how comical this is.
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