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Has anyone downloaded the App from Raizy Fried?
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:30 pm
amother Copper wrote:
I don’t know if she’s copying her, but the Malky show had been in progress even earlier, and Raizy probably knew about it because she was filmed on Malky’s show.

Raizy was filmed this winter. She said that she's been working on the app for over a year already and she's been dreaming about it for way longer than that. So she obviously did not get the idea from the Malkie Show.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:32 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
How do you know that she started this before the Malkie Show (Malky has been thinking of doing the show for a long time it just worked out for her when it did)? Raizy put out two cookbooks which take up so much time I doubt she was working on anything else at that time especially since I believe she self produced the books and self promoted it and distributed and edited, etc. She may have had help from her husband but he also works so it can take time. And Raizy tends to copy things from other sources (I have seen her copy hacks from other places) so I do believe that Raizy copied Malky (even if Raizy says that she has been dreaming about it for a long time which could just mean a year or less). And Malkie is a comedian who did a live show which takes more time and effort than just interviewing someone on camera and then editing the footage which is what Raizy is doing. Perhaps Raizy can come on and explain why she shouldnt believe that she copied Malkie.
Do you really think that Raizy would have been able to pull of something like this if Malky didnt do it before her?

Before the App was launched, Raizy posted that she's been working on it for over a year and she's been dreaming about it for a very long time. She started working on it before the cookbooks were published. So there's no way she got the idea from the Malkie Show.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:34 pm
amother Copper wrote:
If anyone is going onto Instagram to find out about a Raizy Fried’s existence, they don’t need no Rabbinical board lol

And saying that Crust isn’t chassidish is just laughable.
I guess you’re new to the internet. (And to Imamother.)

Who said anyone is going to instagram? I responded as to why someone coming on imamother is not the same as someone putting out content to the world. Its not double standard and isnt comparable. If Crust is chasidish then she would understand the differences and this wouldnt be a conversation. But you are free to mock me I guess Rolling Eyes
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:35 pm
amother Ivory wrote:
Yes, it feels cheap. If she knew she was working on this competition to Mlaky she shouldn’t have appeared on her show . I feel like she backstabbed her.

Another point… does she have an advisory board? A rav okaying her content? We are so careful with the chol hamoed films that they shoudl pass rabbinical approval and even articles in magazines get censored by a board . I think that she is interviewing ppl of diff backgrounds which is beautiful exposure and yet that can be dangerous because who is making sure all this philosophy and psychology is in line with our values? Putting a covering on your head doesn’t kasher everything..,
Specifically because she is chassidish she does have a responsibility

Why in the world does she need Rabbinical approval???? It's not her responsibility who decides to watch. The Malkie Show doesn't have Rabbinical approval eithe. We're all responsible for our own actions. And the way she dresses doesn't come in here and it's immature to keep bringing it up. She's not looking to only target chassidish women.
Bh she's not as narrow minded as some of you and has the confidence to do what makes her happy.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:36 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
Who said anyone is going to instagram? I responded as to why someone coming on imamother is not the same as someone putting out content to the world. Its not double standard and isnt comparable. If Crust is chasidish then she would understand the differences and this wouldnt be a conversation. But you are free to mock me I guess Rolling Eyes

How else would people find out about Raizy’s content if they aren’t on Instagram?
That’s where she’s advertising her app.

Ch”v I’m not mocking you.
Anyone on this site long enough knows that she is very Chassidish.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:38 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
If someone chooses to go on imamother then they are not exposing anyone else to anything as opposed to Raizy who is exposing her viewers to things they may not have been exposed to previously and is therefore questionable as to whether or not she is doing it with an advisory board or rav. There is no double standard if someone coming on imamother is questioning Raizy
s content and its not comparable. But I'm guessing you are not chasidish so you wouldnt necessarily understand the nuances behind it which is understandable.

Omg, Raizy isn't exposing anyone to anything.
It's is so laughable that you're on the internet, in imamother no less, and preaching that she needs Rabbinical approval. I'm amazed by the double standards and narrow mindedness.
And Crust is not chassidish? LOL LOL LOL
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:39 pm
I have no skin in the game...stopped instagram because I couldn't stand this type of bickering...influencer says something mean, ppl get offended, instagrammer blabs on about how she is right and puts down everyone else.....in any case it feels like a battalion of Raizy supporters are armed and ready for this thread. Other people can have opinions and feelings, ok? that doesn't make them close minded or not confident or hypocritical. The defenses are so strong it kind of feels like a cover up. Let's a ll take a chill.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:42 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
Who said anyone is going to instagram? I responded as to why someone coming on imamother is not the same as someone putting out content to the world. Its not double standard and isnt comparable. If Crust is chasidish then she would understand the differences and this wouldnt be a conversation. But you are free to mock me I guess Rolling Eyes

FWIW, I agree with you.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:42 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
Who said anyone is going to instagram? I responded as to why someone coming on imamother is not the same as someone putting out content to the world. Its not double standard and isnt comparable. If Crust is chasidish then she would understand the differences and this wouldnt be a conversation. But you are free to mock me I guess Rolling Eyes

I'm chassidish. For a chassidish women, Imamother is 100% worse than Raizy's App. You get exposed to way more on imamother then you even will on Raizy's App. The app won't expose you to anything questionable, I can't say the same for imamother.
If you are chassidish, you should understand.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:44 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
If someone chooses to go on imamother then they are not exposing anyone else to anything as opposed to Raizy who is exposing her viewers to things they may not have been exposed to previously and is therefore questionable as to whether or not she is doing it with an advisory board or rav. There is no double standard if someone coming on imamother is questioning Raizy
s content and its not comparable. But I'm guessing you are not chasidish so you wouldnt necessarily understand the nuances behind it which is understandable.


You don't get exposed to any opposing hashkafas on imamother. Everything you read here is completely in line with your Chassidish Rabbanim, is that right?

Yet, her app, which you need a smartphone to access (unlikely approved by your Rabbanim either), and need to go on instagram to access (certainly not approved by your Rabbanim) needs to have their hecsher? Methinks that people who anyway aren't following their Rabbanim, don't care whether or not she has their approval. And therefore methinks this outcry is just a teeny bit about jealousy or other ugly middos, and nothing to do with frumkeit.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:44 pm
amother Mayflower wrote:
Raizy was filmed this winter. She said that she's been working on the app for over a year already and she's been dreaming about it for way longer than that. So she obviously did not get the idea from the Malkie Show.

Malky already had episodes out in 2021 so Raizy is clearly copying Malky even if Raizy claims to have "dreamed about it for a long time" which translates to 6 months on instagram (since everything is exaggerated I.e. if one person asks a question then the "influencer" will say that a few people asked, etc).
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:46 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
Malky already had episodes out in 2021 so Raizy is clearly copying Malky even if Raizy claims to have "dreamed about it for a long time" which translates to 6 months on instagram (since everything is exaggerated I.e. if one person asks a question then the "influencer" will say that a few people asked, etc).

She is clearly not copying. Malkie Show started last winter. Raizy said that she worked on the App together with her cookbooks and she had the idea about it way before that already. She said she worked on the App for over a year. Malkie show for episode was less then a year ago.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:49 pm
amother Mayflower wrote:
I'm chassidish. For a chassidish women, Imamother is 100% worse than Raizy's App. If you are chassidish, you should understand.

On an individual level, yes. But on a communal level and as far as optics are concerned, then no. As I posted earlier on this thread, you cannot fight chassidish city hall. Putting out content publicly is different than anonymously doing something "wrong" in the confines of your own home.

For your neshama, imamother is worse, agreed. But for the goss and your own reputation as well as bein adam l'chavero, putting out an app is worse. Should it be this way? no. But it is what it is. Such is the reality in the chassidish world.

(And now I should get out of this thread, because if I'm repeating myself 2 pages later, this thread is going in circles.)
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:50 pm
amother Mayflower wrote:
She is clearly not copying. Malkie Show started last winter. Raizy said that she worked on the App together with her cookbooks and she had the idea about it way before that already.

Malky already had the idea for a long time but it didnt work out until last year so I will stick to Malky being the original creator (and it would make sense since she is also a comedian and has experience acting in plays and doing live comedy shows) and Raizy copied her.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:51 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
On an individual level, yes. But on a communal level and as far as optics are concerned, then no. As I posted earlier on this thread, you cannot fight chassidish city hall. Putting out content publicly is different than anonymously doing something "wrong" in the confines of your own home.

For your neshama, imamother is worse, agreed. But for the goss and your own reputation as well as bein adam l'chavero, putting out an app is worse. Should it be this way, no. But it is what it is.

(And now I should get out of this thread, because if I'm repeating myself 2 pages later, this thread is going in circles.)

No, putting out an app is not worse. For a Belz women, for sure not. Belz is not against technology.
Bein Adam lachaveiro doesn't come in here at all. She's responsible only for her own actions.
This is no different than going into a book store and choosing which books to buy. The author is not responsible for who will be reading the book. Same for magazines, you get to decide which magazines to bring in to the house.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:53 pm
amother Ivory wrote:
Uh nope but I’m not producing entertainment for frum chassidish women who trust that everything I produce is in line with their hashkafaos . Seriously save your voice

No one is viewing her content in blind trust. LOL Chassidish women are a lot more cynical than you think.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:53 pm
amother Mayflower wrote:
No, putting out an app is not worse. For a Belz women, for sure not. Belz is not against technology.
Bein Adam lachaveiro doesn't come in here at all. She's responsible only for her own actions.

Yes, this is kleingelt next to the Belze TV channel Hidabroot.
Anyone who knows Raizy would trust her.
Maybe some posters who aren’t on instagram don’t know her very well.

She marches to her own beat, but is a very proud Belze woman.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:54 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
Malky already had the idea for a long time but it didnt work out until last year so I will stick to Malky being the original creator (and it would make sense since she is also a comedian and has experience acting in plays and doing live comedy shows) and Raizy copied her.

Malky had the idea for a long time, true, but she didn't talk about it, no one knew about it. Raizy can't read anyone's thoughts, so she didn't know that Malky had this idea. Why can't you believe that 2 women are creative and 2 women had ideas of their own? It's not so unbelievable.
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:55 pm
amother Hunter wrote:
Malky already had the idea for a long time but it didnt work out until last year so I will stick to Malky being the original creator (and it would make sense since she is also a comedian and has experience acting in plays and doing live comedy shows) and Raizy copied her.

Why are we fighting over whose idea came first? Feels like color war.
Ra Ra Team Raizy
Ma Ma Team Malky

Last edited by Rubies on Sat, Sep 10 2022, 11:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sat, Sep 10 2022, 10:57 pm
amother Mayflower wrote:
No, putting out an app is not worse. For a Belz women, for sure not. Belz is not against technology.
Bein Adam lachaveiro doesn't come in here at all. She's responsible only for her own actions.

Look, I'm not here to judge Raizy. I'm not trying to convince anyone that Raizy did something bad, not at all. It's not my place. I'm here to explain the mentality of the OP and many others like her. You don't agree? No problem. I wouldn't start a thread like OP did either. I think it's in poor taste. But I do understand why she thinks what she thinks since I raised an eyebrow too.
If after my explanations, you still don't understand why anyone in the chassidishe world, even someone who comes on imamother, would have a problem with it, you are probably from a different chassidishe planet or are being purposely obtuse. Either way, I'm done.
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