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Forum -> Children's Health
Do I have to finish entire antibiotic?
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 9:44 am
amother wrote:
Doctors don't usually have an agenda to pump your kids with meds.
It's very simple. They are following what they learned, which is once you start a patient on a course of antibiotics you tell them to continue. They aren't paid to think creatively, and they will usually choose the option that covers their behind. If your child stopped antibiotics and the infection came back, you would come back to them and say "what the heck??"

In general doctors treat what you came in for. You want the ear infection gone? Take antibiotics. They aren't always so concerned about how you feel giving your kid antibiotics.

In other words doctors provide care according to a set of standards. Western medicine standards. They aren’t pushing an agenda.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 9:44 am
amother wrote:
Completely wrong.


How are you so sure? Are you a doctor?
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 9:45 am
amother wrote:
Doctors aren't pro meds, they are pro health. If your child doesn't need medicine, your doctor won't prescribe any. Antibiotics save lives. You're not pumping poison into your child. It sounds like you have an adversarial relationship with the medical profession and are working off emotion rather than facts.

while I can see why you're thinking this it's actually not true. I'm not anti meds or vaccine I just don't like the idea of giving them meds they don't need. so I was asking if it's necessary. thanks to you ladies I just gave my son his dose v'zeh hu. I'll continue the 10 day regimen and I think I'll try just the lavender oil should this come up again.
thank you imamothers for always providing clarity and direction. I appreciate it. Smile Smile
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 9:51 am
If you don't like 'pumping your child with meds' please don't start antibiotic next time (hope there is no next time) but now you started the antibiotic so you have to finish it. It isn't healthy for your child and also unhealthy to other people when you don't finish.
Antibiotic is something that if you start you finish it! Don't like it? Than don't start it!
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 9:55 am
amother wrote:
I wouldn't be so strong but it is not the best advice. Especially we know someone very well that had strep and they were lazy about the medication and they developed pandas which I promise is a real thing.

Strep is known to come back and needs to all 10 days of antibiotics. Ear infection usually doesn't come back if you don't finish all of it.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 10:11 am
Many doctors now hold off on antibiotics if they aren't sure, or give the shortest course which seems responsible in the particular situation. I know my own pediatrician will often leave it up to me whether to start an antibiotic - but not whether to finish one - they are very different issues.

Regarding the hearing: Talk to your pediatrician, but I would recommend that you take your kid to an ENT, make sure there's no fluid or other blockage, and then go to an audiologist. hearing tests are non-invasive, and they do it in the form of fun games for little kids. If nothing else, this will make you less worried.

I have one child with mild-moderate hearing loss (diagnosed at age 4, typically developing child with a ridiculously advanced vocabulary and perfect enunciation), and another with a slight-to-mild hearing loss that we are watching but currently not addressing (19 months). If you have any questions at all, feel free to PM me.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 10:22 am
tryinghard wrote:
Many doctors now hold off on antibiotics if they aren't sure, or give the shortest course which seems responsible in the particular situation. I know my own pediatrician will often leave it up to me whether to start an antibiotic - but not whether to finish one - they are very different issues.

Regarding the hearing: Talk to your pediatrician, but I would recommend that you take your kid to an ENT, make sure there's no fluid or other blockage, and then go to an audiologist. hearing tests are non-invasive, and they do it in the form of fun games for little kids. If nothing else, this will make you less worried.

I have one child with mild-moderate hearing loss (diagnosed at age 4, typically developing child with a ridiculously advanced vocabulary and perfect enunciation), and another with a slight-to-mild hearing loss that we are watching but currently not addressing (19 months). If you have any questions at all, feel free to PM me.

Oh no. Because of ear infections?
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 11:22 am
creditcards wrote:
Strep is known to come back and needs to all 10 days of antibiotics. Ear infection usually doesn't come back if you don't finish all of it.

Probably because most ear infections are viral and the antibiotics don't do anything anyway. However, this is a call for your trusted pediatrician to make. If you don't have a trusted pediatrician you should definitely look for one.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 11:35 am
amother wrote:
Oh no. Because of ear infections?


Long story short - we questioned on and off whether she couldn't hear well or was just spacy. But as I said, DD has had an extensive vocabulary, is very articulate, and speaks like any child with normal hearing. So it really only was obvious when she would have ear infections - I could actually diagnose them myself, based on her not hearing me!

When she was almost 5, she went on a streak of ear infections - on and off antibiotics from sukkos to Chanukah. So the doctor recommended that we have tubes put in, and during the preliminary workups for the tubes, they told us, "you know, there's some hearing loss here". We figured the tubes would take care of it, because fluid in the ears can cause bad results on a hearing test. Only... after the tubes, she still had the hearing loss.

Every situation is different, but for my daughter it is sensori-neural - having to do with the auditory nerve, and nothing physical/structural. The doctors say she was born this way. So Baruch Hashem she had all the ear infections, or we might not have figured it out for a lot longer.

As far as my baby is concerned, after the experience with DD, we were obviously more alert to the possible issues. With his newborn hearing test, he failed in one ear. Further testing has shown he has a slight loss, but so far, it has been hard to nail down an exact level. He actually has had frequent ear infections as well, and has had tubes put in. But at this point, the audiologist is taking a "wait and see" approach, retesting every few months, because anyway at such low levels, hearing aids will do a much hard as help (they block out normal sound, and at such low levels the gains are not necessarily worth it).

But again, he was born this way.

Ironically, my middle child has perfect hearing, and didn't have frequent ear infections or tubes - but as far as the pediatrician, ENT and audiologists can determine, that is completely coincidental, as for my kids the hearing loss is totally unrelated to ear infections.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 12:40 pm
amother wrote:
my son has double ear infection and was screaming in pain. I started antibiotic and rubbed some lavender oil near ears every hour. its not day two and he's feeling much better. do I have to continue giving meds? the bottle says that I must finish it but I would rather not pump his with meds if he's feeling better. which is the better course of action.
also, he complained couple of times that he cant hear in one ear. is that normal result of ear infection or should I be concerned?
please help out a confused mother.

There is no question you should finish the antibiotics.
Garlic oil is supposed to be helpful for ear infections.
When on antibiotics, give acidopholous too. When I started with the acidopholous, dd, who was headed for tubes (which aren't the end of the world, but it was great to avoid it) finally experienced a turnaround: the stubborn fluid started to clear up.

I would do any complementary stuff WITH, not INSTEAD of, antibiotics.
Refuah shleima!
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 2:10 pm
amother wrote:
I wouldn't be so strong but it is not the best advice. Especially we know someone very well that had strep and they were lazy about the medication and they developed pandas which I promise is a real thing.

PANDAS is not a result of taking or not taking abx for strep. PANDAS is a result of a malfunction of the immune system, where the antibodies attack the brain.
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