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If you live in Florida …
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 7:16 pm
I guess if I lived in Florida I would be complaining bitterly about the heat in the summer…. I would not be able to handle that. I’m just so cold now…
Now I understand why people go to Florida for the winter. The weather is really nice that time of year. Maybe one day I’ll do that too?
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 7:23 pm
I just want to point out that its not 6 months of nice weather and 6 months of heat. It is maybe (on a good year) 2-3 months of nice weather and the rest are 80s and higher.
The grass is always greener on the other side (unless you choose to water your side which I do Smile )
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 7:36 pm
amother OP wrote:
Do you love it every day or does living in Florida become regular living after a while?

We go to Florida for a few days in the winter. We’ve been to Hollywood, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando… and it’s just always so nice. The warm weather just puts you in a good mood. The clear skies, palm trees, nice houses, swimming pools, relaxed atmosphere all around.

I know that when we’re there we are on vacation but it just seems like EVERYONE is on vacation mode.
Would I feel different if I was living regular day to day life?

I spoke to a frum couple with young kids and they said the kids get out of school early and spend hours outside each day… she said they used to live in New York and her kids came home and spent the rest of the day in their 6th floor apartment. They have a different life now.

My kids are teens. Wouldn’t they be bogged down with homework like they are now?
Would they also spend hours outside?

It just seems so depressing to come back home. We landed in the middle of the night to freezing cold and snow flurries. 2 hours earlier we were sitting with palm trees in 70 degree weather…
Why doesn’t everyone live in Florida?
It just seems so nice…

Am I looking at it from the eyes of a vacationer?

I keep telling my family that in another 3 months we will have Florida weather by us too. And then it will be summer…

But it seems like a bracha to be able to live in the summer all year round..

I live in Miami, been here for 8.5 years. We did not move for the weather!!! Yes there are some perks, no denying. We don’t need to bundle up or shovel our cars. My kids sat outside while they did homework today. It was gorgeous out today, when most states are deep in winter!

But then…we have insane heat for 8-10 months. With humidity and constant mosquitoes. My kids refuse to play outside for half the year because of the heat, they say it makes them too tired and uncomfortable. We have hurricanes instead of snow storms. During hurricane season it rains a ton, there’s no sitting outside to enjoy our palm trees. Sukkos and Pesach miserably hot, so we have long days of yt with grumpy kids indoors or sweaty kids outdoors. And for me personally, the fall is my favorite season so I miss it!

You are looking at vacation mode, we are not at all in that mindset. We have work and school and homework. We don’t run to the beach every Sunday, it’s not realistic. I would love for my kids to swim after school! But by the time they are home and settled and finished with hw, it’s too late. We are living life, while trying to host lots of family who wants a vacation 😉

BH we love the pace of life here, and the OOT mentality! But as I mentioned above, we didn’t move here for the weather.
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 7:45 pm
amother Blueberry wrote:
I just want to point out that its not 6 months of nice weather and 6 months of heat. It is maybe (on a good year) 2-3 months of nice weather and the rest are 80s and higher.
The grass is always greener on the other side (unless you choose to water your side which I do Smile )

I will work on trying to water my side! I really do have a lot to be thankful for bH.
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 7:49 pm
Interesting, I find myself being jealous of the weather in Israel! The summed are super hot, but rest of the year pretty mild!
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 7:55 pm
Honestly I live in Boca in a development and they spray- we don’t get more mosquitoes than anyone else- just stay away from the lakes-
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 8:02 pm
amother Powderblue wrote:
I live in Miami, been here for 8.5 years. We did not move for the weather!!! Yes there are some perks, no denying. We don’t need to bundle up or shovel our cars. My kids sat outside while they did homework today. It was gorgeous out today, when most states are deep in winter!

But then…we have insane heat for 8-10 months. With humidity and constant mosquitoes. My kids refuse to play outside for half the year because of the heat, they say it makes them too tired and uncomfortable. We have hurricanes instead of snow storms. During hurricane season it rains a ton, there’s no sitting outside to enjoy our palm trees. Sukkos and Pesach miserably hot, so we have long days of yt with grumpy kids indoors or sweaty kids outdoors. And for me personally, the fall is my favorite season so I miss it!

You are looking at vacation mode, we are not at all in that mindset. We have work and school and homework. We don’t run to the beach every Sunday, it’s not realistic. I would love for my kids to swim after school! But by the time they are home and settled and finished with hw, it’s too late. We are living life, while trying to host lots of family who wants a vacation 😉

BH we love the pace of life here, and the OOT mentality! But as I mentioned above, we didn’t move here for the weather.

Thank you and to others for describing every day living very well.
This morning while I was driving my high school daughter to school in the cold, cloudy weather with the heat blowing in the car, I told her that I really like Florida but I slept better last night in my own bed than I did the whole time we were away.
She said that when she gets home she’s gonna look on Zillow for a house for sale in Miami because she thinks that’s where she would go to school…
Anyway, she’s been home for a while and she’s busy with her homework and hasn’t mentioned moving so hopefully she’s realizing that we need to appreciate what we have and no, we are not living in a cramped apartment BH. We really have a lot to be thankful for.
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 8:10 pm
I'm moving to San Diego it'd 79s there all year
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 8:15 pm
I really think Hashem made different climates to match our different preferences. I grew up in Lakewood and I suffered terribly from the cold every winter. Truly suffered. It was totally random how I ended up living in Florida but it's such a chesed from Hashem! Meanwhile, other people would suffer terribly from the heat and humidity here, so hopefully they can live elsewhere.
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 8:22 pm
Omg op, I am thinking exactly the same as you. I came back so depressed. I hate the New York weather. I grew up in israel and miss it so much. Sun sun and more sun. I do remember the summers being miserably hot. Maybe the other poster is right, it’s about the space. My house is small and needs major work done to it (think one kitchen sink and shutting the water in the bathroom vanity because the sink has a hole in it). I also don’t love my girls school which is contributing to my feeling. I guess no place is perfect.
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 8:22 pm
Wow what a thread! I actually love living in New York but am super jealous of people who live in Israel if we are talking about weather (but for so many other reasons too...) Florida?? Not in a million years
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 9:08 pm
Funny, the first time I came to Florida I said- wow… It feels like Israel but without the kedusha. Climate is very similar.
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 10:39 pm
amother Powderblue wrote:
I live in Miami, been here for 8.5 years. We did not move for the weather!!! Yes there are some perks, no denying. We don’t need to bundle up or shovel our cars. My kids sat outside while they did homework today. It was gorgeous out today, when most states are deep in winter!

But then…we have insane heat for 8-10 months. With humidity and constant mosquitoes. My kids refuse to play outside for half the year because of the heat, they say it makes them too tired and uncomfortable. We have hurricanes instead of snow storms. During hurricane season it rains a ton, there’s no sitting outside to enjoy our palm trees. Sukkos and Pesach miserably hot, so we have long days of yt with grumpy kids indoors or sweaty kids outdoors. And for me personally, the fall is my favorite season so I miss it!

You are looking at vacation mode, we are not at all in that mindset. We have work and school and homework. We don’t run to the beach every Sunday, it’s not realistic. I would love for my kids to swim after school! But by the time they are home and settled and finished with hw, it’s too late. We are living life, while trying to host lots of family who wants a vacation 😉

BH we love the pace of life here, and the OOT mentality! But as I mentioned above, we didn’t move here for the weather.

I live in a very cold climate, we spend pesach in Miami every year and the weather is glorious!! There is no way on earth I would call that miserable! Yes the summer months get very hot, but that's 3-4 months and even if you stay indoors there's still sun streaming in from all windows instead of 6 months cooped up in the freezing cold with gray skies! And of course you can always be outside in the water... I much prefer that over bundling up in snow pants and thermal underwear to go out.

It's my dream to move to south florida... maybe one day.
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 10:52 pm
Question for people living in Orlando. Just curious- I noticed a few men who seemed to be from yeshiva chofetz Chaim. Where do the cc families send their older kids to school?
And do kids play with friends outside or do kids tend to stay home with their families? I’m asking because the streets were always empty. One night after 9pm I was driving and noticed that all the houses were dark. I figured people must go to bed early. Then I went to Walmart. I found everyone. It was packed after 10pm! I go to Walmart near me and I never saw it so packed. What’s up with Walmart? Is that where everyone goes at night?
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 10:55 pm
I was there once in the summer and it was very hot. It doesn’t usually get hot in San Diego in the summer?
Good luck with your move!
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 10:58 pm
mizle10 wrote:
I live in a very cold climate, we spend pesach in Miami every year and the weather is glorious!! There is no way on earth I would call that miserable! Yes the summer months get very hot, but that's 3-4 months and even if you stay indoors there's still sun streaming in from all windows instead of 6 months cooped up in the freezing cold with gray skies! And of course you can always be outside in the water... I much prefer that over bundling up in snow pants and thermal underwear to go out.

It's my dream to move to south florida... maybe one day.
Uh, a Florida summer is a lot more than just 3 months. I don't actually live in in Florida (have close relatives that do), but I think a lot of people are over-romanticizing it.
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 10:59 pm
amother Charcoal wrote:
I'm moving to San Diego it'd 79s there all year

Lucky you!
How’d you manage that?? ($$)
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 11:24 pm
amother Yolk wrote:
Uh, a Florida summer is a lot more than just 3 months. I don't actually live in in Florida (have close relatives that do), but I think a lot of people are over-romanticizing it.

I'm there very very often. May I find to still be pleasant. Mid june to mid september is very hot. I guess everyone has different tolerances to heat...
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 11:27 pm
amother OP wrote:
I guess if I lived in Florida I would be complaining bitterly about the heat in the summer…. I would not be able to handle that. I’m just so cold now…
Now I understand why people go to Florida for the winter. The weather is really nice that time of year. Maybe one day I’ll do that too?

Was going to ask if you were ever there in July or August. I was and cured me of the desire.
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Post Wed, Jan 31 2024, 11:31 pm
mizle10 wrote:
I live in a very cold climate, we spend pesach in Miami every year and the weather is glorious!! There is no way on earth I would call that miserable! Yes the summer months get very hot, but that's 3-4 months and even if you stay indoors there's still sun streaming in from all windows instead of 6 months cooped up in the freezing cold with gray skies! And of course you can always be outside in the water... I much prefer that over bundling up in snow pants and thermal underwear to go out.

It's my dream to move to south florida... maybe one day.

Maybe I just hate the heat, but Pesach is not glorious in my books. By April the weather is usually 80-90s and very humid! We go to parks or of desperation, and then we all come home sweaty and exhausted. Nothing like the beautiful NY spring time in my books! I do love sweatshirt weather though, so maybe that’s just my thoughts…

Sukkos, most people I know put multiple air conditioners or fans in their sukkahs to make it manageable. And even still it’s hot and sweaty…

Again, I love living here! But not because of the glorious weather, rather because of the pace of life and wonderful people. I think people who are visiting just love the break from the cool/cold so they are much more excited!
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